Red sand dust

Chapter 459 A single move affects the whole body

It was late at night, and Daimaru, who was still writing something at his desk, dropped the charcoal in his hand and rubbed his tired eyes.

On the manuscript paper in front of him, circles were drawn, marked with characters such as natural energy, sacred tree, Sharingan, Wood Release, Sage Mode, Psychic Beast Holy Land, etc., and the connections among them were marked with lines and arrows.

In a map full of relationships, Daimaru tries to find his place in it.

In a mature system, it is extremely difficult to insert a "redundant" position abruptly. The best strategy is to imitate others and integrate into them without affecting the overall situation.

Through my foresight and well-informed advantages, I can actually roughly understand the path to take in the future.

Even so, Daimaru is still very cautious.

Just like the previous analogy, natural energy is not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nor is it magic power. It is not the same thing as divine power, origin, or restraint.

You can always find some similarities with the foundations of these worlds in natural energy, but the essence is still very different.

Natural energy is an all-encompassing treasure house. If you want to obtain its treasures, you must at least be qualified to enter it to hunt for treasures.

Immortal mode is the most versatile, reliable, and stable key to enter the treasure house. Of course, there are other methods, such as the fruit of the sacred tree, tailed beasts, blood inheritance limits, forbidden techniques, etc.

Even if you don't rely on natural energy, it doesn't necessarily mean there is no future at all. Eight Gate Dunjia, Seven-day Breathing Technique, etc. can already conquer the world.

The ninja world is so big, with thousands of roads and countless inheritance methods. Different paths lead to the same goal. Orochimaru has taken biological cloning technology and forbidden arts to the extreme, and he can still do anything.

Maybe Daimaru will focus on puppetry in the future and become the highest-ranking puppeteer on par with Aozaki Orange. Even if he abandons the sage mode, he may not achieve anything.

But now, Daimaru still needs to use natural energy to improve himself, just like he used the power of the curse seal not long ago. After achieving his goal, he can just kick it away.

"When I was weak, there was only one path to choose from, so I could concentrate on working hard. But when I reached a high position, there were so many choices, but I felt a little confused!" 』

As for the changes that occur in the body when the sage mode is turned on, whether it is because of having a great ancestor that allows one to trace his ancestors; or because of the influence of Kurama Yakumo's blood inheritance limit; or because of the evil god's characteristics, absorbing Due to too many negative emotions, Daimaru didn't take it to heart.

There is no point dwelling on the past, it is more important to create your own future.

Practice the Immortal Mode a lot. Making it quickly usable in actual combat is the first step, and then you can consider other things.

I intend to teach others the sage mode I practice. Among my friends who have outstanding mental and wind attributes talents, Kurama Yakumo has the strongest mental power, but his physical fitness is not good and his chakra amount is average. It is estimated that it will be difficult to learn it. ;

Qian's qualifications are average. If he wants to practice the immortal mode, there is hope, but he needs to work harder;

Temari's wind attribute specialty barely fits in, so Daimaru can't say whether it would be suitable for her to give up her wind escape specialization and follow the path of a sage.

The most suitable path for Daimaru is Miss Saya, who is also proficient in spiritual mysticism and is also a very qualified puppet master. She has Daimaru's ready-made method of concentrating the power of puppets to force a breakthrough.

With Miss Saya's family background, if the shortcomings are made up with money and resources, Daimaru's success will be restored sooner or later.

In addition, the Uzumaki tribe member Xiang Rin should be able to do it, but it is a pity that he was gathered by Orochimaru, and he was beyond the reach of Orochimaru.

Except for the above-mentioned people, the others either have poor qualifications and cannot learn; or Daimaru dislikes them and does not want to teach them.

But it concerns Daimaru's creditor, Miss Saya, and this is very embarrassing.

Daimaru didn't think he could take this rich and noble girl under his command, who didn't need anything. But she didn't want anything and just gave away the cultivation method in vain. That would be a big loss. You can make money if you don't have it, but you can make money if you have secret skills. Can't buy it.

"Wait, wait, there must be better opportunities and better choices!" 』

Originally, Daimaru went south to open up the sea territory just to fulfill his responsibilities as a Suna ninja and fight for the living space for his compatriots. At the same time, he also had some selfish motives, so that he could get away from the supervision of the village and study some shady forbidden techniques.

Now, Daimaru felt like he needed to get even more excited.

"If you really want to teach the immortal mode practice method and establish a holy place, this may be a good opportunity!" 』

To say it is a holy land, it must first have land, and then talk about other things. It is so poor that it does not even have a base. To call it a saint or a god or to talk about immortals is not to laugh out loud.

Just when Daimaru finished his random thoughts and was about to wash up and rest, there was a slight sound of flapping wings, and then, a night owl came in from the windproof curtain of the window with a small note tied to its leg.

"Is this...a secret message from the village?" 』

Daimaru's heart trembled, could there be some unexpected incident?

Daimaru, who received the information and released the night owl, read the small handwriting carefully.

After a while, Daimaru burned the information he had read, and after eliminating all traces, he thought about Gaara's decision.

Probably as a result of the siege of the Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara, there have been a lot of mysterious people sneaking into the village recently with evil intentions. They have been killed one after another, but they still continue to fight without stopping.

At first, the village thought they were trying to do harm to the new Kazekage, but later they realized that these people were looking for something, and the information obtained from these people also showed this.

Although there are no very powerful masters among them, they all have their own strengths and are difficult to deal with. The village's defense system is under great pressure, and the Shadow Guards are forced to assist in the defense, and even take the initiative to reduce the pressure on patrols.

And at this tense moment, the visor of the Northern Front reported that Onoki, the third generation of the Tsuchikage, had arrived at the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth, and seemed to have other agendas.

The reason is that there has been a breakthrough in the diplomatic relations between Kirigakure Village and Konoha Village, which made Kumogakure Village a little nervous and focused on the southern front to defend Konoha Ninja and Kiri Ninja.

The pressure on the border was greatly reduced, and the Iwa Ninja once again looked in the direction of the Kingdom of Wind.

It is estimated that the possibility of the war restarting is low, but if the response is neglected, the story of the fakes during the "exercise" has happened many times for both the Sand Ninja and the Rock Ninja.

Reciprocal deterrence, arms race, etc. If you follow it, it will be regarded as promoting the development of military technology and training the team; if you don't follow it, the strength of the ninja army will be stretched, the balance will be broken, and war will come.

According to the wishes of the village, Daimaru took the air combat troops to the north for a walk. It was enough to show the Iwa Ninja that the Sand Ninja was determined not to give in. It was best not to start a real fight.

But once both sides can't suppress their anger, let Mask and Daimaru take care of it!

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