Red sand dust

Chapter 477 Manpower sometimes runs out

In Sunagakure Village, the cylindrical office building, completed less than a month ago, is currently the tallest building in the village. Including the huge water tank at the top, the total height is nearly 70 meters.

There are only a handful of buildings with this height in the entire ninja world, and most of them are concentrated in the Land of Rain.

In a rainy country, the ground floor is so humid that it is uninhabitable. The heavy rains that come from time to time bring serious waterlogging, causing the buildings in Yuyin Village to extend extremely high into the sky. The lower floors are basically occupied by flood prevention functional areas, and are open and easily accessible. drain.

In other countries, there is not much incentive to build high-rise buildings. Except for ninja villages, most ordinary people do not have such technology.

In order to drain out the groundwater and lay a solid foundation that was at risk of subsidence, Daimaru spent a lot of energy on it. As the core of Daimaru in Sunagakure Village, it cannot be overemphasized.

The original plan was not that high. It would be too eye-catching and different, and it might make people jealous.

Later, as Daimaru became more and more famous, the construction plan was changed again and again. At this height, it has almost reached the limit of traditional construction techniques.

Ordinary people use heavy stones to build such a tall building. It would be impossible to complete it without thousands of people working for a year and a half. Only ninjas can do such a thing in a short time.

The original simple warehouse area has long been demolished, and the height and speed of building construction are similar to the pace of Daimaru's rise.

Because no industrial materials are used, it is basically a masonry structure, and the decoration inside is not complicated. There is no need for a vacant period such as removing formaldehyde and odors. After installing the ventilation system, Daimaru Workshop and the stakeholders moved in directly. .

The ground floor is set up as a warehouse and functional area, the middle floor is for offices, and the upper floor is temporarily owned by Daimaru and is not open to the public.

Even so, the building was still mostly empty, which vividly demonstrated that the expansion of Daimaru's forces lagged behind the increase in Daimaru's strength.

Of course, because of the low starting point, there are ready-made "strategies" that can achieve leapfrog growth, which is also one of the important reasons. But at this point, it is already very difficult to significantly improve the strength.

Daimaru, who had returned to the village several times, completed the most expensive building besides the construction of Awaji Village. He had to stop his pace to let his subordinates, who were a little conceited because the stall was too big, take a breather.

The horse racing has come to an end for the time being. Next, we need to make the foundation more solid, recruit more people, and slowly fill in various fields to improve our own ideas.

The building and the land were the property that Daimaru had collected and collected. Most of them were for his own use, and a small part was rented out.

The villagers who came and went watched this featureless and strange stone building come into being from scratch with curiosity, and nicknamed it "Tongzi Tower".

Although Sunagakure Village is not rich, it does have some cultural heritage and characteristics. In addition to the building materials, the external style and internal decoration are incompatible with the habits of Sunagakure, and even the ugly appearance is incompatible with the styles of other countries in the ninja world. For Daimaru's sake, I don't know what kind of ugly name to give him.

On the disc-shaped terrace extending from the top of the building, Daimaru and Temari proudly pointed to a circle of plants displayed on the edge, with their branches dancing lightly against the somewhat unpredictable wind and sand in the afternoon.

"These are all cultivated from rare plants I found at sea and cannot be found elsewhere..."

"It doesn't look like anything special..."

Temari bent down and lowered her head, rubbing her smooth chin, curiously looking at the dwarf trees planted in the huge landscape pot in front of her.

"It looks like a pine tree, but it's different from the one in the north..."

"I call it black pine..."

Daimaru added,

"It is very drought and alkali resistant, not afraid of sea fog, and is easy to shape. By controlling the water and soil, you can make it grow low, with dense needles, windproof and sand-fixing, and very water-saving; you can also make it tall, The root system is prosperous, preventing soil erosion, improving soil quality, and turning sandy land into soil..."

Daimaru doesn't know if this thing is the same thing as the black pine in his previous life, but at least its characteristics are very similar, and its vitality is stronger and easier to survive. It is probably a variety that has been strengthened by the infiltration of natural energy and chakra in the ninja world.

"Sounds good, can it turn the desert of the Kingdom of Wind into fertile soil?"

"This won't work!"

Daimaru shook his head and denied,

"There are not enough freshwater resources. No matter how many trees you plant, they will still wither in the end..."

Drought-tolerant plants do not mean that they do not need water. Nature's self-repair ability is extremely powerful. Most of the country of the wind is covered by barren deserts. It is not without reason. If there was a real possibility of survival, it would have been destroyed by various animals. Plants took over.

Today many places are still restricted areas for life, that is to say, there is no basis for greening there unless fresh water is transported from the outside at all costs.

"Gathering the power of ninjas to green a village, there is still hope!"


Temari's somewhat hopeful expression suddenly turned gloomy.

"This is already very difficult. Even ninjas are not omnipotent! You can achieve temporary victory by trying to defy nature with human power, but in the end you still have to look at God's will..."

Just take advantage of the situation and achieve relatively ideal results. If you go against nature, you will eventually be taught by God to be a human being.

"The desalination plant you built doesn't work either?"

"The scale can be expanded, but there is always a limit..."

Listening to Daimaru's detailed introduction, Temari reached out and touched the tough pine needle. Her white fingertips were immediately pricked, and blood seeped out and condensed into a small red dot.

"It's quite sharp..."

He took out a handkerchief, wiped his fingers, then put it in his mouth and sucked it a few times. The wound stopped bleeding immediately.

"Black's also suitable as a landscape tree! Maybe the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind will like it!"

It's okay, who likes to eat sand? If you have money and leisure, it would be nice to be arty and raise some green plants.

"More than that, turpentine is also a good analgesic. It is needed for ninja training..."

Daimaru added.

This is all money!

A barren land like the Country of Wind has almost no output except for some mineral deposits. If Sunagakure Village had not had a base in the Country of Kawawa to seize some resources, the Sunagakure would not know what kind of embarrassment they would be in.

Do you really think everyone likes to build houses with heavy and unsightly stones?

Heavy and difficult to carve, who would bother using stone when cheap wood is available?

A row upon row of antique wooden towns like Konoha Village are pleasing to the eye. The dusty and unfortunate appearance of Sunagakure Village, if it weren’t for the activities of people inside, one would have thought it was some buried ancient town from a distance. See the light of day again!

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