Red sand dust

Chapter 505 Activation

Kabuto Yakushi took Deidara and Kaoru out, and then fled back in despair with injuries all over his body. Even if Uchiha Sasuke didn't care much about what happened to others, it was hard not to know about such a movement.

It is really curious that the explosive ninja who is stronger than himself, the inscrutable medical ninja, and the mysterious genius with excellent supporting abilities were defeated so easily.

In addition, the Uchiha orphan who is bent on revenge also wants to judge the extent of his own strength through the experiences of several people.

When he learned from Xiang Rin that his opponent was just Suna Ninja Daimaru, his originally cold face suddenly became more gloomy.

"What have I been doing for more than a year?"

One of the important reasons for abandoning Konoha Village and defecting to Orochimaru was that his teammate Naruto Uzumaki was progressing too fast. In contrast, he felt that his improvement in strength was too slow. In addition, there were four sound ninjas. He was so bewitched that he decided to follow Orochimaru.

For more than a year, Uchiha Sasuke felt that he had practiced hard enough and made very good progress. Although he was not Deidara's opponent, which made him a little anxious, he was not in a hurry.

But today, when I learned that the boy who was just about the same level as me more than a year ago had already left me far behind, the negative emotions in my heart were immediately uncontrollable.

"This... although it is a bit regrettable, but it is normal for us to be able to defeat the genius of the Tsuchikage Sandaime Onoki, and we are not opponents..."

Xianglin sneered and persuaded,

"When you get to his age, you will be stronger than him!"

The black-haired boy's thoughts were rolling in his mind. He glanced at the red-haired girl wearing glasses, and he didn't even have the thought to be perfunctory.

Uchiha Itachi is five years older than Uchiha Sasuke, and Daimaru is three years older than Uchiha Sasuke. The murderer of the genocide who is regarded as a sure target is only more than one year older than Daimaru. When he massacred the entire Uchiha family, About the same age as the current Sasuke Uchiha.

With this age gap and taking into account the strength comparison of several people, Uchiha Sasuke had to admit that he was the one who made the slowest progress and was left far behind.

Deidara, who was overwhelmed at the training ground, was easily defeated by the Sand Ninja who had competed with him on the same stage. Uchiha Sasuke, who had gained a little during this period, was convinced that he would follow Orochimaru and work hard. There was a bit of confusion as to whether the practice was useful.

Fortunately, the vengeful boy who had been hit many times had a decent mind and quickly suppressed the rising negative thoughts.

With no way back, Uchiha Sasuke has no other option but to practice harder and drain Orochimaru's secret skills as quickly as possible to improve his strength.

At the same time, in the rest room prepared for Deidara, he took the secret medicine that confused his mind as usual. Under the influence of the illusion, he was refining chakra step by step for simple practice. The curse mark on his body was involuntarily moving. From time to time, crimson cloud patterns appear on the surface of the body, stimulating the Explosion Chakra to become even more violent.

Inside the unknown body, the hidden power originally lurking in the chakras and meridians quietly intercepted traces of chakra. After a long time, it gathered in Deidara's heart, and golden lines were beating. The heart spreads on the surface, and then slowly sinks into it.

The blood cells flowing through the heart and transported to the whole body are also contaminated with subtle golden energy, silently changing the physical condition. At the same time, Deidara absorbs chakra and strengthens himself as he practices.

Thousands of miles away, back in Awaji Village, Daimaru washed away the filth all over his body and changed into clean clothes. Daimaru, who was sitting quietly and meditating, suddenly looked to the southeast. There was an inexplicable aura there, following the nature. The rhythm of energy spans a long distance and resonates with the chakra in your body.

"This it Deidara?" He actually responded so quickly! Are all geniuses so unreasonable? Even if they increase their strength, even if they are ignorant, they can't stop them? 』

Orochimaru's curse seal is always overdrafting Deidara's potential, allowing him to increase his strength as quickly as possible. Daimaru gives him a regeneration core just to "take a ride" before Deidara dies completely. Just get some "trivial" benefits.

In memory, Deidara, who died at the age of nineteen, should not have reached his peak. Even if Uchiha Sasuke defeated him, he actually took advantage of Orochimaru's inheritance.

In contrast, Kabuto Yakushi, who is already over twenty years old, had already been relatively slow to improve his strength before cultivating the sage mode.

However, what happened to Deidara today gave Daimaru another idea about the use of the regeneration core.

"Perhaps, I should adjust my thinking. I should not just focus on those young people with extraordinary talents and promising futures, but should look at the problem from a broader perspective!" 』

Giving regeneration core is actually a long-term investment process.

Discovering undiscovered geniuses can yield hundreds or even thousands of benefits in ten or twenty years, but the time span is too long.

An unlucky guy like Deidara, whose strength has basically taken shape and is very likely to die in battle within just two years, is actually not bad. He can look at the right opportunity and make a "short-term and quick" profit.

In addition, those famous ninjas who are dying are not without merit.

Just like Chiyo, if Daimaru implants a regenerative core in her body, maybe recycling it after two or three years will not bring much benefit, but what if she is unwilling to regenerate and go further?

For example, if you develop a resurrection technique that is more powerful than the forbidden technique: reincarnation, then Daimaru will make a lot of money. Even if you don't, it will be good to gain some experience in the puppet technique.

"I need to calm down and not be impulsive!" 』

Thinking of the big pill here, he pressed his forehead to wake himself up.

It is too greedy to always want to get all the benefits into your own hands.

Just like an urban time-travel novel, after going back in time, investing in an early-stage Internet company at a very low price can make tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times in the future.

But even the most savvy capitalists will not be so greedy. People who think so will most likely end up being beaten.

"The benefits of a few years, ten years, or even decades are not of much significance to me. Instead, the rapid growth in strength in the past two years and the adult ninjas who have the skills I need may be more useful!" 』

Accumulating resources as much as possible in the short term to improve strength is what Daimaru needs to do. It is too long-term. It will not be too late to wait until the Fourth Ninja War is over in three or four years.

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