Red sand dust

Chapter 509 Ventilation

In major ninja villages, if the lower-level ninjas still have unrealistic illusions about themselves, the top group of people actually know how big the threat of the "Akatsuki" organization is.

A very few S-class rebellious ninjas were not taken seriously by the five major ninja villages. Even those like Orochimaru were hunted down and did not dare to show their faces when they defected.

When those powerful rebel ninjas formed a group and could withstand the endless pursuit of assassination troops, the situation changed.

Occupying Sunagakure Village at the right time, place and people, it was so difficult to surround and kill Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion. If Daimaru hadn't had excellent mobility and a strong one-hit decapitation ability, he might not have been able to keep them alive.

Faced with possible retaliation, the Sand Ninjas sent the Ring of the Tama Girl to Konoha Village without hesitation, just because they did not want to have a head-on confrontation with the "Akatsuki" organization.

The Ninja Village is not a righteous partner who punishes evil and promotes good, but mercenaries who work for money. If there is no mission, they will be quite passive about hunting down rebellious Ninjas in other villages. They can only covet the reward of hunting in the underground bounty house. Sometimes, I will pay a little attention.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it does not affect their own mission, most of them will turn a blind eye to those powerful rebellious ninjas from other villages, and the sand ninjas are certainly no exception.

But the rebel ninja group is different. It is a cancer in the entire ninja world. It is too difficult to deal with it with the power of a single ninja village.

"You are right. Both the Konoha Village, which has been deeply affected, and us, who have been in contact with them many times, all understand that the Akatsuki organization will become a huge disaster sooner or later! But..."

There was a mocking smile on Chiyo's face,

"The ignorant Kumo ninja, the Iwa ninja and the Kiri ninja who are so arrogant that they want to use the Akatsuki organization to rebel against the ninja, the Suna ninja who has doubts about his lack of strength, and the Konoha ninja who is not doing well and doesn't want to stand out. How can we unite before we feel a real threat?"

Chiyo's answer immediately left Daimaru speechless.

It would be fine to say that the information was unknown, but as the information about powerful members of the "Akatsuki" organization surfaced one by one, it was already very frightening, coupled with the hidden power and the command of these S-class rebellious ninjas The leader, the top combat power is already much stronger than one of the five great ninja villages.

However, everyone is lucky and thinks of beggar-thy-neighbour.

"Destroy them one by one? What can we do? Tsunade, who is good at dancing, can only win over the Mist ninja. It is impossible to defend against powerful enemies together!"

Even Chiyo has to admit that the fifth generation of Hokage is a rare leader. He can do better than the short-lived fourth generation of Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and the experienced third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But unlike Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who ordered the entire ninja world to appear, the scattered ninja world really had nothing to do with the "Akatsuki" organization.

The reason why Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion were ambushed was because they came to them on their own initiative and were caught off guard. If they were to confront each other openly, the Suna Ninja's losses would be multiplied many times over.

After a moment of silence, Daimaru asked tentatively:

"You need to wait for the right time for the alliance, but for the tailed beasts, you might as well prepare in advance. Even if you have to pay a price, you have to make a choice..."

"Separate the jinchūriki and the tailed beasts?"

Daimaru nodded and replied:

"You can catch the tailed beast again if you lose it, but the Kazekage can't die again!"

The Kazekage Fifth Generation had a "difficult childbirth" for more than a year. Not to mention establishing prestige in the ninja world, even the villagers of this village did not fully recognize it.

Time can help Gaara solve many problems, such as being too young, lack of qualifications, etc., etc., they can all be solved slowly, but if he dies midway, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the entire village.

A leader who was finally promoted died before he was widely recognized. If another leader is promoted, the outside world will doubt him even more.

It's not good for the public, and Daimaru's selfishness doesn't allow his brother-in-law to suffer. It would be bad if he accidentally fails to save him.

"If the tailed beast is lost, can it really be caught back?"


Daimaru assured firmly.

"Okay! If you can do it, and others have no objections, I will not object! You came here specifically to inform me, and I feel your kindness and respect. Is there anything you need my help with?"

Daimaru hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"Except for you, no one in the village understands the psychic seal; also, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, you need the strongest medical ninjutsu, or even the forbidden technique of bringing the dead back to life..."

Living long enough to have time to learn more ninjutsu, Chiyo is not only one of the best puppet masters in Sunagakure Village, but also a master of sealing techniques and a medical ninja who is best at poisoning and detoxifying.

Because of this, many times, if there are any problems that cannot be solved, Chiyo needs to take action.

The psychic seal that sealed Ichibi Shukaku on Gaara was Chiyo's handiwork.

Gaara often lost control in the past, but that was not because Chiyo's sealing technique was incompetent, but because Ichibi Shukaku's Magnetic Release was good at sealing and breaking seals, and it was already very good to be able to bind it in the body of a child of several years old for so many years. Remarkable.

"Medical Ninjutsu, Resurrection Jutsu?"

The smile on Chiyo's face faltered, then relaxed.

"It seems you have guessed something. Immortal mode does have some weird abilities! I don't want to worry about the specifics. Forbidden spells and other things are not that simple. You can go down first. I want to think about it..."

"So, excuse me!"

Daimaru bowed, turned and walked out.

The meeting didn't end well, and Daimaru was prepared.

Such a big matter cannot be decided in a few words.

There is still plenty of time to make various preparations.

The biggest difficulty in extracting the tailed beast is that the life force in the jinchuriki's body will leave the body at the same time. Either the tail beast must be sealed again in a short time, or the life force of the body that is already dying can be activated with forbidden techniques. Otherwise, Daimaru will Consideration must be given to changing Gaara's body.

Of course, changing bodies is a last resort. Even a clone is not as good as the original body.

Gaara is not Orochimaru, he cannot master the reincarnation, and it is hard to say whether he can adapt to another body.

In fact, the best way is for Daimaru to use the regeneration core to possess Chiyo, and after learning the forbidden technique: reincarnation, let others quickly master it and control it to save Gaara.

However, the forbidden art of exchanging life for life is more important than stripping the one-tailed Shukaku from Gaara's body.

If sacrificing oneself and fulfilling others can be called great, no matter what method is used to force others to use their own lives in exchange for the chance of others being resurrected, it is a taboo among taboos.

If Daimaru knew the Forbidden Technique and Reincarnated in His Own Life, and went to capture some vicious traitor-nin villains, gave them regeneration cores, and allowed them to learn this resurrection technique in a short period of time, wouldn't it mean that he could let whoever he wanted live?

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