Red sand dust

Chapter 516 Chase

Half a day later, Temari rushed back to the village as quickly as possible, submitted a mission report for promotion to Jonin, and told the village what she saw and heard on the way.

After a brief discussion at the upper levels of the village, ninjas were sent to strengthen the security in the northern border of the Kingdom of Wind, including some members of the air combat unit.

Daimaru, who was waiting for Chiyo to make up his mind, encountered such an emergency before he could go south.

Soon after, Daimaru took Temari as quickly as possible to the northeast corner of the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Birds.

Sitting side by side with Daimaru inside the puppet ghost, Temari watched with some displeasure as Daimaru continued to accelerate while judging the direction based on the changes below and in the sky.

After many modifications, the Puppet Ghost's original shape, close to that of an ordinary sonic aircraft, has become more slender, its wingspan has become smaller and moved back, and a wide balance wing has been installed in the middle.

As Daimaru's economic situation improved, the overall materials were replaced with higher-quality alloys.

This change comes from the improvement of Daimaru's strength. The amount of chakra is far more than before, and there is no need to consider the efficiency of energy consumption anymore.

Nowadays, for Daimaru, reaching the destination faster and more covertly is the most important thing. The first consideration for flying a manned puppet is to be faster.

Although in terms of appearance, Daimaru can imitate those supersonic aircraft in his previous life, chakra power is still different from fossil energy power. Although it can break through the speed of sound relatively easily, if you want to further improve it, you are no longer in the atmosphere. Something that can be done within.

Because the shape became more complex, the difficulty of manipulation also increased. Daimaru, who was not very skilled yet, focused on controlling external chakra and temporarily ignored the thoughts of the girls around him.

In the depth of winter, Suna ninjas who go out on missions all wear extremely thick clothes, and Temari is no exception. She rushes back to the village at full speed. Before she has time to rest, she has to follow Daimaru's directions, and her inner clothes are already soaked with sweat. , but it was so cold high in the air that I had to wrap myself up in a warm fleece.

The discomfort of hot and cold was nothing more than that. The key was that as the sweat evaporated, Temari's whole body exuded a different smell, which made the blond girl who sniffed it from time to time feel a little ashamed.

In the fully enclosed cockpit, the smell always lingered and accumulated, making Daimaru, who was concentrating on looking down through the observation window, unable to help but become concerned.

"What is the taste?"

Daimaru blurted out involuntarily, looked at Temari aside, and then suddenly realized,

"Why are you sweating so much? It shouldn't be hot..."

"Can you blame me? I traveled hundreds of kilometers to get back, but before I even got home, I was sent here urgently..."

Temari complained angrily, pulled up her sleeves and brought it to her nose to smell it. There was a sour smell of wind and sand mixed with sweat.

"Blame it on me! I don't know where you encountered the accident..."

Daimaru chuckled and said,

"The mission of a ninja is sometimes like this. If you are a moment late, it will be too late..."

Most powerful ninjas are experts at hiding their whereabouts. The four-tailed jinchuriki Lao Zi has not been discovered for so many years, so he must be well versed in this.

"I didn't say anything wrong with you! I'm not the only one, I can call others..."

Although Temari is the leader, there are four other people who follow to complete the task. Small things like guiding the way do not have to be done by Temari.

"What's wrong?"

Daimaru said with a smile,

"You are already a jounin. If there is danger later, you are better than those chuunin and genin! What's more, I don't want to be with people I don't know..."

"Danger? Doesn't it mean that it is only necessary for investigation, but also for fighting?"

Temari looked at Daimaru in surprise and asked in confusion.

For more than half a year, Sunagakure Village has had every advantage in the conflict with Iwagakure Village, but after all, it is not the time for a full-scale war. Whether it is Onoki or the jinchūriki who are Tsuchikage, once they take action and cause a war, it will be troublesome.

"I have my own considerations, let's talk about it then..."

Daimaru spoke vaguely.

When I was negotiating with Chiyo not long ago, I mentioned what to do if the tailed beast was lost.

Daimaru's answer was to catch him when he was gone, so he had to prove first that he had the confidence to talk big, and that he really could not take the tailed beasts and jinchūriki seriously.

Although the village just wanted to confirm the situation and eliminate danger, Daimaru wanted to test how to deal with it if it happened and act according to the situation.

"Don't mess around. Even though you have confidence, it's still too dangerous..."

Temari reminded slightly worriedly.

"I know!"

Daimaru responded,

"The situation is not good, I will run, no one can catch me..."

While speaking, Daimaru paused and then sighed,

"When I was weak in the past, I thought I would practice hard as soon as possible. Once my strength improved, I would have the power and status, I would have time to do the things I wanted to do. However, when I became powerful, I was even busier than before. I wanted to find someone. It’s time to ask you out to play, either I don’t have time or you’re not here…”

There are some things that I can't bear to think about, why many female ninjas choose to take a back seat after getting married. Not to mention that when the village is tense, even in normal times, there are endless tasks. The only difference is whether there is a short vacation to recuperate.

"With great ability comes great responsibility!"

Temari thought for a while and then said,

"Just like Gaara, every move attracts attention; every decision may affect the livelihood of a large number of compatriots, so we have to be cautious..."

The same is true for Daimaru, who controls the lifeblood of Awaji Village. Today, there are thousands of people living directly on the newly developed settlements on the south coast, and countless families are indirectly affected. If the desalination plant goes on strike one day, I don’t know how many people will have food and clothing. No attachment.


Daimaru nodded and said casually,

“也和我想要的更多也不无关系!以前只想着变得更强,完成更多任务,赚更多的钱,让家人过得更好;还有,将所有的情敌揍趴Next, that's probably all. Now I'm much greedier..."

Two years ago, how could Daimaru have thought that he would become a jounin so quickly?

But now I have even mastered the immortal mode, and I am still working tirelessly to seek stronger power. Although I am not as impatient as I was more than a year ago, I have become a little impetuous, aimless, and thinking about all the benefits. Want to get involved.

Daimaru has also reflected on what he has done in recent times. It may be that his goals were set too low and were achieved too early, which made him feel a little unprepared.

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