Red sand dust

Chapter 531 Top Secret


Daimaru's eyes widened in surprise, this time he was really scared.

Decades ago, this time period was too broad, but it was probably during the period of the Kazekage II, Samana. At that time, when the puppet technique system was first established, was there such a powerful secret technique?

Gaara seemed quite satisfied with surprising Daimaru.

"If I hadn't accidentally dug out relevant information from the old papers, I wouldn't have known that the Puppet Master actually had such good things..."

All right!

Such a powerful weapon has been hidden for so many years. If it becomes popularized sooner, Daimaru's training will not be so difficult.

Before last year's Joint Chuunin Examination, I had accumulated resources for several years before making a satisfactory puppet, but it was still shrunk in size. The other stand-in puppets are limited semi-finished products because they have no money to buy materials.

If there was a powerful "shared puppet", Daimaru would probably be promoted to chunin a year or two earlier.

Of course, that is another future.

"Tell me, what else can shock me? Anyway, I'm already numb today..."

This is no longer the "second hometown" that Daimaru knew, a place where he was bitter, resentful, half-dead, and always liked to save a few coins and play hard for his life.

"I don't know much about the puppet master. You can see for yourself..."

As Gaara spoke, he took out a stack of yellowed papers, the edges of which were very frayed. They were barely stapled together and looked like a project application and experiment record.

Daimaru waved his hand, and the noisy noise around him suddenly faded away, allowing Daimaru to look at the information in front of him with peace of mind.

After a few minutes, Daimaru roughly understood the outline.

In the first ninja world war, due to strategic misjudgment, they were defeated miserably. The overall strength of Sunagakure Village dropped sharply. The second generation of the Kazekage, Shamon, started the research on puppetry.

In the Second Ninja World War, Sunagakure Village once again suffered a big loss from the lack of top-notch combat power.

At that time, the structure of the five major ninja villages had been basically stable, and the possibility of the nine major tailed beasts being reshuffled was extremely small. Cultivating a top master required not only talent, but also massive resources to sustain his growth. Considering the situation in Sunagakure Village, It was really hard to look forward to, so a "replenishment plan" with huge investment was launched.

That's right, it's that "complete". When he saw this word for the first time, Daimaru's hands couldn't help but tremble.

The ultimate goal of the plan is undoubtedly to create one or even several puppets or puppet masters who can compete with the shadows and jinchūriki of each village.

The driving concept of the plan is puppetry and puppetry. As the core puppet master, there are always shortcomings. It is necessary to combine the strengths of everyone to make up for the shortcomings and create a powerful ninja.

This plan is parallel to and complementary to the puppet substitute perception and utilization of natural energy project personally hosted by the Kazekage II, Samana.

Among the main persons in charge of this plan, Daimaru saw Chiyo's name.

At the beginning, the idea of ​​"completing the plan" was to use the numerical advantage of high-quality puppets to practice multi-purpose tactics to form a tactical crushing. After years of research, this path has been paved, and its pinnacle work is "The Chikamatsu Ten People". The person in charge's signature column is signed with the name "Monzaemon".

"Good guy..."

Daimaru closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I think if I keep reading, there may be more top-secret information that subverts my previous understanding..."

Sure enough, the following description in the document is more detailed.

The legendary puppet master Monzaemon laid the foundation for the main school of fighting puppet masters today and became the ancestor of the puppetry technique that is not inferior to the Kazekage Nidaime Shamon. However, it is easy to learn and difficult to master, and has the disadvantage of being too dependent on high-end puppets. the possibility of its popularization.

"Chikamatsu Ten People" is indeed good, but it does not satisfy the appetite of Suna ninjas.

Working hard on puppets and techniques, Monzaemon has almost reached the limit of ordinary puppet masters, and must find another way.

Next, Daimaru saw another path with "Puppet Master" at its core.

Puppet prostheses, which combine medical ninjutsu, poisoning techniques and limb modification techniques, began to enter the research scope of the sand ninja puppet masters.

In this route, Daimaru saw very powerful puppet secret techniques such as the machine light shield seal and the lion's closed roar. These are just by-products of research.

As the proportion of puppet prosthetics continues to increase, a real problem arises. Puppet and puppet master have their limits. No matter how they are combined and transformed, they cannot escape the shackles.

In order to go a step further, based on the ten Chikamatsu people, the plan was to experiment with the secret technique of puppet fusion - Three Treasure Absorption. The result was quite successful, which opened the foundation for puppet fusion, combined attack, and even fusion.

"Psychic Puppet" was a product born at that time. At that time, the puppets and puppet masters were still in a state of unstable explosion, and all kinds of fantastic ideas were emerging one after another. The spiritual magic of Miss Saya's family was just a minor episode. Nowadays, various wars are happening in Sunagakure Village. Machines, giant battlefield puppets, and mobile medical logistics bases are all a joke of the "plan."

Echoing the puppet master, Sunagakure Village has also reached its peak since its founding. The third generation of the Kazekage's magnetic escape has gradually matured, and the Sword Release master Hagura has also begun to stand out. One by one, the rising stars are not to be outdone and have begun to ascend to the ninja world. stage.

The Sand Ninjas, who had been hit many times, became more and more courageous, and gradually regained the dignity lost by their ancestors.

However, behind the blooming flowers, there are also threats.

The "plan" gradually developed, began to touch some taboos, and even reached the edge of ethical permissibility, until a puppet master genius, who had high hopes from all his compatriots, began to slowly establish a role with a series of titles such as spectator, intern, and participant. The pinnacle of puppetry also detonated the thunder that had been laid for many years.

The Scorpion of Red Sand studies human puppetry, and the participants in the "plan" know it, but the idea is not original to the Scorpion of Red Sand.

The prototype of the human puppet is actually the same as Daimaru's ability to gather the power of the puppet to improve the overall strength of the puppet master. Unfortunately, the Sand Ninja did not have a White Zetsu clone, no parasitic ghost evil technique, and no Earthly Resentment, so it failed.

The participation of the Red Sand Scorpion completely distorted its original intention, putting aside the dead puppets and pushing human body transformation to the extreme.

Why could the Kazekage Sandaime discover that the Red Sand Scorpion was secretly studying forbidden arts? Because this was originally an extension of one of the entire village's secret research projects.

What happened next is very clear, the backstabbing, the disappearance, the Third Ninja War, and the "Completion Plan" was sealed.

Until not long ago, the puppet masters took out part of the "psychic puppet" and reversed the idea of ​​using it, turning it into a "shared puppet" that Daimaru accidentally discovered.

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