Red sand dust

Chapter 546 Trouble with Allies

After walking a long way, the so-called drama of the protagonist bumping into an old enemy on the road and quarreling and killing them seems to have never happened to Daimaru.

Not being at the center of conflicts and always getting into fights, Daimaru once suspected that he was clearly a time traveler. Even if he was not as destined as the savior like Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, he still had to be treated similarly to the other Konoha Twelve Ninjas. , you can always encounter stories when you go out, but in the end, it’s all because you think too much.

Many people in the Konoha Village knew Daimaru, and Daimaru also knew many Konoha ninjas by name, but there were almost no friends with them.

Kurama Yakumo, the only one who communicates more frequently, doesn't know where he is now. Konoha Village is so big, it is too difficult to meet an acquaintance with whom he can talk.

"My influence is all in Sunagakure Village, this is not my territory!" 』

Daimaru felt a sense of dissatisfaction deeply. It was not that he was wondering whether the ninja who was disguised as a civilian and secretly following him was Danzo's subordinate or Tsunade's subordinate. These had little to do with Daimaru.

Since his strength has become stronger and stronger, this state of not being able to control everything has made him a little uncomfortable.

"Now that things are done, go back as soon as possible!" 』

In addition to some trading supplies that need to be brought back when returning, Daimaru also has some things he wants to buy.

The most difficult thing to buy is some experimental equipment.

After obtaining Orochimaru's biotechnology, Daimaru also wanted to see if it could benefit his own research on puppetry and senjutsu.

Daimaru thought he didn't have the ability to create a technology out of nothing, but it was still possible to use it as a reference and restore it.

In Sand Hidden Village, except for secret research projects, there is basically no need to establish a laboratory. Some key equipment has to be purchased all the way from the Land of Fire.

And this thing is a bit sensitive. No one cares if you buy it sporadically. Once you buy it in bulk, it will attract people's attention and there is no way to hide it.

Daimaru's idea was to move out a ready-made laboratory and buy some second-hand goods. Anyway, his goal was not to be a biologist or a research ninja, he just wanted to try his own ninjutsu ideas.

Just as Daimaru approached the Hokage's house, several stocky ninjas came towards him. After Daimaru saw clearly the forehead protectors they were wearing, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

"Iwa nin?"

The people on the opposite side seemed to be frightened, and they formed a defensive formation and aimed at Daimaru.

"Daimaru, you have indeed arrived!"

"There's nothing strange about this, but you guys arrived just in time!"

"What you have given me from your village will be returned double in the future."

The leader, Iwa Ninja, whose name Daimaru couldn't call, seemed to have some strength, and his level of harsh words was not low.

"There's not much hope!"

The "Akatsuki" organization will take action soon. No matter how big the hatred is, the five major ninja villages will unite to fight against the enemy. After the Fourth Ninja World War is over, it will be another story.

To be honest, the hatred between Sunagakure Village and Iwagakure Village for many years is difficult to resolve, but now the Sunagakure's focus is no longer on competing with the enemies to the north.

Iwa Ninja, who misunderstood Daimaru's meaning, thought that the opponent was looking down on him. His expression changed several times, but in the end he suppressed the idea of ​​taking action on the spot.

After all, this is Konoha Village, and we have to give face to the master, not to mention that now Iwa Ninja still wants to ask for help from the other party, and we can't embarrass Konoha Ninja.

"let's go!"

Looking at the Iwa Ninja leaving from the other direction, Daimaru thought silently.

"The operation to buy back the Four-Tails from the Leaf Village doesn't seem to be going well!" 』

Onoki has a good vision and is very keen in action. He has already started to contact Konoha Village to prepare for the next redemption.

It is a secret place with no windows and only a large iron door connected to the outside world. The indoor floor, walls and ceiling are all painted with dense sealing formations. In the center of the formations, Lao Zi is bound by shining silver chakra chains. , lying unconscious.

If Tsunade hadn't used medical ninjutsu to relieve his injuries last night, Lao Zi might not just be unconscious today.

"Have you not studied the sealing chains on your body clearly yet?"

"Unfortunately, Tsunade-sama, those chains that accurately block the Jinchūriki's chakra meridians are somewhat similar to the Vajra blockade of the Uzumaki family, but the source of their power is different. The former is life force and chakra; the latter is more special. , a bit like a variant of Yin Escape mixed with natural energy..."

"Natural energy?"

Tsunade's eyes narrowed;

"you sure?"

"There should be nothing wrong! If you want Lao Zi's condition to improve, you must break this weird blockade, but there is a risk of it getting out of control..."

"Is there any way to continue sealing it using our methods?"

The leader of the seal class ninja smiled bitterly:

"It's easy to destroy, but it's much more difficult to reseal it. Tsunade-sama, if you want to avoid any accidents, it's best to ask Lao Zi not to resist..."

"It's difficult!"

If he was really that easy to talk to, Lao Zi wouldn't have a falling out with Ohnoki and run away from the village, resulting in being captured by Daimaru.

"Don't act rashly yet, don't hurt Lao Zi, and don't stimulate the tailed beast in his body!"


Without the Sharingan and Wood Release to restrain tailed beasts, and without the sealing technique of the Fourth Hokage, dealing with tailed beasts is a thankless chore. How could one possibly provoke such a dangerous thing?

Half an hour later, Tsunade saw Daimaru who had regained his energy again. Unlike his somewhat wanton attitude last night, Daimaru was relatively calm during the day.

"You have dealt with the Four-Tails. How did you feel?"

"The tailed beasts who hate humans and the stubborn and unhuman Jinchūriki, beating them down is the only way to make them honest..."

"So troublesome?"

Today's Konohagakure actually doesn't have much experience in dealing with tailed beasts other than the Nine-Tails. The strong man who could keep the tailed beasts as pets has been dead for many years.

If there was really a safe and reliable way to tame the tailed beast's power, Tsunade wouldn't mind keeping it to strengthen her confidence against the "Akatsuki" organization.

But now, Tsunade is more inclined to sell the four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi back to Iwagakure Village, which can not only make a lot of money, but also make good friends with Iwagakure Village, and at the same time satisfy the Sand Ninjas.

The Kingdom of Fire is obviously strong in the north and weak in the south. The best areas are concentrated in the middle area between the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth, and the Kingdom of Thunder. The south is densely covered with jungles and is far less prosperous than the north, so they agreed to put some useless things into the country. If the area is transferred to Sunagakure Village, it will be very cost-effective if they can occupy an important piece of land in the north.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to convince the elder advisors, and Ohnoki also needs to be vigilant. Once it is confirmed that the four tails cannot be recovered, some radical actions may be taken.

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