Red sand dust

Chapter 561 Self-righteous thinking is the most deadly

On the last day of the year, the wind and sand that raged almost all day suddenly fell silent in the evening.

This rare good time has gradually attracted more and more tourists on the long street.

There are many people going out to have fun in their free time, which makes the street vendors smile with joy, especially the children who play and run wild from time to time, playing tricks and making parents pay frequently.

When the lanterns came on, it was a rare lively day in Sand Hidden Village. Grandpa and Chen spent the past two days with great enthusiasm. After dinner, they unconsciously started to take a nap, and finally went to bed early.

"Grandpa is happy when you are at home!"

"I know!"

Daimaru can instinctively feel the superficial emotions of people around him without his mother Wuye reminding him.

In the past, when he was still a genin, Daimaru could still find time to go home and stay for a few days every now and then.

Since the Joint Chuunin Exam that shocked the ninja world, Daimaru has become more and more busy, running around the country of wind. Even when he returns to the village, there are still a lot of trivial matters waiting to be dealt with.

During the period when the training of the air combat troops was at its most intense, and arrangements were made for the foundation laying of Awaji Village, it was extremely busy for a month or two. It was definitely not an empty talk to stay away from home.

Being able to come back and visit occasionally is the limit.

"Daimaru, I'm at home. If you have anything to do, just go and do it!"

Mother Wu Ye settled her grandfather down, lowered the brightness of the indoor lights, closed the door, and said to Daimaru who was looking through several old divine notebooks in the room. They were all from the shrine where her grandmother served. What was handed down was similar to the annotations of the doctrines by priests and witches.

Anyway, idle time is idle. If you can learn more about some ancient myths, you may gain some special insights.

"Mother, I have nothing important to do!"

As the leader, Daimaru only needs to control the general direction, and the people below will do the specific things.

"You are so young, staying at home alone, what are you talking about..."

The calm-tempered mother chuckled and said,

"At this time, it would be a good idea to invite three or five friends to go out for a walk!"


Daimaru showed a bright smile,

"I'm probably spending time with my family. If I showed up, it would make people uncomfortable..."

Although Daimaru didn't have many friends, he still had two or three.

If it were the past, Daimaru would also like to take the opportunity to go out for a walk, meet up with three or two people to walk around the streets, and talk about topics that everyone his age understands.

However, it is different now.

No matter how you avoid it, you can't deny that Daimaru is the most popular young ninja in the village. Not only is he famous, powerful, and high in status, he can decide the future of countless civilians with just a few words.

For a good friend like Tokiri, Daimaru did not look at him differently because of his change in status, and Tokiri could get along with Daimaru calmly, without rejecting anything.

However, the two rarely show excessive intimacy in front of others in public places, and they will not attend activities organized by the other party.

This is like a company's annual meeting. A few ordinary employees organize a dinner, but the big boss comes to the scene. Even if it is because of personal friendship or wanting to appear close to the people, it will still put a lot of pressure on others.

It was originally just a fun gathering of friends, but in the end, some people were disrespectful and flattering, which made everyone look bad.

Privately, Daimaru still gets along very well with some friends in need who are compatible with him, but there is no sense of wanton fun in the past.

If Daimaru shows too closeness to a certain friend in public, he might cause trouble to the other person.

Daimaru has a fearless character, but it would be bad if he brings trouble to his friends for no reason.

"The bad boy who only knew how to wave his fists but was unable to express his feelings has now become a man who thinks about others! But..."

Mother Wu Ye stepped forward and helped Daimaru tidy up his clothes. Yun Danfeng smiled softly and said:

"You must also have confidence in your friends. Compared with those small problems, the friendship between you is more precious..."


Daimaru was stunned for a moment, then smiled honestly and said,

"I'm overthinking it!"

"Don't let the bond of friendship end because of some possible troubles. It's a good thing to think about your friends, but what you need to consider more is what they think..."

"I have no idea……"

"If you don't know, just ask! You don't understand it yourself, but you expect others to understand it. It's really shameless!"

"Then...I'll go out for a walk!"

"go Go!"

I never felt that my mother Wu Ye had such great wisdom before. I just silently acted as a mother and watched Daimaru grow up.

There are some things that Daimaru, who prides himself on being smart, cannot see clearly, but his mother Wu Ye, who is watching on the sidelines, sees things clearly.

Daiwan put his hands in the pockets of his robe to warm them up, bought some food from a roadside stall, picked out a few beautifully packaged gifts, and slowly moved forward along with the crowd. A few minutes later, Daiwan rang the bell. The front door of a house.

The person who opened the door was a slightly wealthy middle-aged woman. When she saw Daimaru, a trace of surprise and panic in her eyes fell into Daimaru's eyes, and she quickly concealed it well and said with a smile:

"this is not……"

"Aunt, it's been a long time since I came to visit! Is Li at home when I get there?"

While the two were chatting, there was a noise in the room.

"Looking for me? Who is it..."

Behind the middle-aged woman, a familiar friend appeared in Daimaru's eyes. Her hair was a little longer and she looked like she had taken care of it carefully.

"It's a good time, it's me..."


Daimaru, who had not been in contact with him for a while, had a delicate appearance and a surprised expression, but without a trace of flattery or perfunctoryness. It was just like the way he had been when they had known each other for many years, which made Daimaru feel lucky and relieved a little.

"I heard from Mr. Sunatetsu that you went to Konoha Village for business, but you came back so soon!"

"I came back yesterday. It's troublesome to spend time with my family. My grandfather's character... you know!"

"Haha, it's very awkward, I understand..."

He casually accepted the small gift from Daimaru and said with a refreshing smile,

"Come here, bring anything else! Why don't you come in and sit..."

"It looked good on the road, so I bought it casually! Do you have guests at home?"

After taking a look at the not spacious living room in sight, Daimaru understood.

"Then I won't bother you..."

"All right!"

Knowing that it would be difficult to change the decision made by the friend in front of him, Shili nodded and said,

"It's really inconvenient to entertain today. Let's get together again when we have time. Teacher Shatie has complained several times and I haven't seen him for so long..."

"Teacher Shatie... put in a nice word for me. I've been too busy recently..."

"I know, I know! Then...see you later!"

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