Red sand dust

Chapter 565 Long-term plan

On the first day of the new year, when Daiwan woke up in the morning, he felt the news coming from afar along with the fluctuation of natural energy.

Although the details have not yet been grasped, it can only be roughly understood that the latent operation has been successful and has achieved preliminary results, but Daimaru is already very satisfied. As long as he finds an opportunity to take back the regeneration core and possess others, his growth can bring a lot of benefits to Daimaru. experience.

Compared with the amount of chakra, secret techniques, or blood inheritance limits, what is most useful to Daimaru now is the various insights he gained when his strength increased again and again.

Looking south from the air, Daimaru opened the door with satisfaction and prepared to go for morning exercise.

"nice weather! 』

Even without using the power of chakra, Daimaru's current physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and his pure physical strength is stronger than most Chuunin's full strength.

The more powerful a ninja is, the farther away from ordinary people it is. Like Uchiha Obito, after becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he will not die even if his heart is pierced. In terms of power level, he is no different from the legendary gods. .

After suppressing his own strength and carrying a lot of weight, he used traditional physical exercise methods to make himself sweat. On the way back, he saw many villagers opening their doors and taking to the streets to start a new day. Lived.

After returning home, Daimaru washed up and changed his clothes. After having breakfast with his family, he went out to accompany Gaara and several elders, paid homage to the heroes who died in the Suna Ninja battle, and then came to his office to deal with the new year's work. Things accumulated in the past.

Jounin Maki, who had met Daimaru several times and had partnered with him several times on missions, came to discuss with Daimaru as agreed.

"Senior, please sit down. I have already read the investigation report, but I still want to hear the opinions of the frontline personnel!"

Daimaru dragged his chin with one hand and clasped the thick document that he had read several times with the other hand, and asked the young female jounin sitting not far away.

As a disciple of the late Hoshikage Yakura, Fu Yi took a lot of care, but her relationship with Ma Ji and others was not bad, even though her master was framed by the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa. , and she had no intention of irritating the children.

I don’t deny the past, but I want to look forward to the future.

Daimaru respects this senior very much, not only because she is an extremely rare master of sealing skills among Sand Ninjas, who will be useful in the future; but also because this person is an open-minded, wise, practical and hardworking person.

Some of the things Daimaru wants to do require a lot of manpower to help. Although Gaara is the Kazekage and can mobilize forces including the Shadow Guards, some things still require the combined efforts of Fuyi and Maki's forces. It can only be done through cooperation.

Just like a year ago, Daimaru wanted to truly and accurately understand the topography of the entire Kingdom of Wind to make preparations for future plans.

The background of this world is a passionate comic, ninjas are the protagonists, and love and peace are the keynotes. Farming behind closed doors is far less important than practicing and improving strength, but when you reach Daimaru's status, you have to take care of some things.

The conditions in the Kingdom of Wind are like this. The sky has been used by Daimaru, and the ground is a vast sea of ​​sand. There is not much that can be done. It is okay to partially improve the environment by pouring the power of the sand to hide the village, but human power cannot match the power of heaven and earth. Can't force it.

But no one knows what good things there are under the vast sea of ​​sand.

The Suna ninja didn't even understand the first step of knowing yourself and the enemy. In the past, there was no opportunity or need, but it is different now. If nothing else, after the development of Awaji Village on the south coast, the demand for coal and iron is increasing day by day. If It would be ideal to discover a few rich ores.

As for the so-called precious metals of gold and silver, they are really not as useful as copper and iron.

Under the leadership of Daimaru, Ma Ji and Fu Yi deployed a lot of people, and it took them nearly three months to sort out the Kingdom of Wind.

As a result, there were still some iron ores, but the coal mines were too few, of average quality, not concentrated, and of limited mining value. Daimaru was really disappointed.

However, in addition, after the investigation results passed to Daimaru by the hand of the scroll, some unusual phenomena were unexpectedly discovered, so Daimaru had to spend more energy to understand them.

"Commander Daimaru..."

Juan felt a little uncomfortable. A year ago, the genin boy who still needed his protection was now one of the most powerful masters in the village. The change was so rapid that many people's mentality did not change in time.

"Just call me Daimaru, senior, there is no need to be restrained..."


Juan thought for a while and replied carefully,

"The professionals under Senior Fuyi feel that it may have been caused by a large-scale meteor shower attack. However, Senior Maji and the seniors from the Sealing Class and the Barrier Class believe that it should be traces of unimaginable ninjutsu..."

"Hey, I really dare to think..."

Daimaru responded with a chuckle.

The report in hand not only contains the topography of the Kingdom of Wind, as well as information on valuable underground mineral deposits, it also records a strange phenomenon that almost no one has noticed.

The entire Kingdom of Wind is like a large rock formation covered by a thick layer of sand. A few cracks and underground rivers converge at the exits, forming oases for the survival of the civilians of the Kingdom of Wind.

But during the investigation, the Sand Ninjas accidentally discovered that throughout the Kingdom of Wind, there were many strange round pits, with crystallized quartz mines at the bottom, and many tunnels below that looked like they were stretched out by huge tree roots. , forming a passage for underground rivers.

These huge circular pits are about the same depth, like large basins filled with sand. The surface is very dry, but the bottom is a sandy water layer with a huge amount of water. They are the main source and gathering place of groundwater in the Kingdom of Wind.

When he read this report for the first time, Daimaru realized that the harsh environment of the Wind Country might not only be due to abnormal climate, but also might be due to the world-destroying war that took place thousands of years ago, which completely destroyed the land. vitality.

This is most likely the main battlefield where Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura sealed their mother Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. All kinds of ninjutsu that destroyed the world were poured out, leaving the ground of the Kingdom of Wind riddled with holes and blood. Following the power of the snare, this place became a dead place with no signs of recovery for thousands of years.

It is no longer important whether the past history was as Daimaru imagined, but such geological conditions also gave Daimaru a basis for the implementation of some important plans in his imagination.

After chatting with Juan for a few words, Daimaru stood in front of a huge map, taking out a marker from time to time and sketching some annotations on it that only he could understand.

"With the powerful power of ninjas, they can still do a lot of things by taking advantage of the situation. Such a large land should not be able to support only a few people!" 』

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