Red sand dust

Chapter 576 United Covenant

There must be more than one or two informants who were arranged to enter the Iron Kingdom, but not many of them were valuable. At the cost of a clone, after some testing, they were quickly discovered, which left Jue a little disappointed.

"It's probably a waste of time! Even if you've realized that it might be futile, it's still surprising to be exposed so quickly..."

The strange low and hoarse tone made Zetsu's exclamations seem so weird. Only Uchiha Obito, who had long been accustomed to it, would team up with such a guy. If someone else was his partner, he might not be able to bear it.

"I had no hope..."

The voice under the Uzumaki mask seemed to have no fluctuations, and responded very straightforwardly,

"Our leader is losing his composure. The five major ninja villages can be defeated individually, but if they are united, it will be difficult to deal with..."

It's still early to be ready, and now is not a good time for the "Akatsuki" organization to turn from darkness to light.

Nagato's plan is actually not complicated. He collects the nine tailed beasts, resurrects the ten tails, rules the entire ninja world with absolute power, and serves as the only "god".

Since he wants to dominate the whole world, it is naturally impossible to be a mere commander with nothing but strength. He must have corresponding subordinates to assist him in ruling.

Only Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara are ready to implement the "Eye of the Moon" plan. That is another story.

"Obito, should we do something? We can't let them control the ownership of the tailed beasts. Creating misunderstandings and provoking disputes may be a good choice..."

"I'll go take a look, you can do whatever you want..."

After thinking for a moment, the figure wearing the whirlpool mask said indifferently,

"Also, I am Uchiha Madara now..."

After saying that, the eyes projected from behind the mask made Biou involuntarily awe-inspiring.

Although both of them were subordinates of the dead Uchiha Madara, they were definitely not close comrades-in-arms. Uchiha Obito is the renounced person who was threatened, and is definitely the appointed "overseer". The two will cooperate for a common goal, and apart from that, there is no personal relationship.

After a short break, the Five Shadows Conference was convened again.

This time, everyone's thoughts remained unchanged, but after testing the bottom lines of other villages, the negotiation strategy also changed accordingly.

In fact, everyone has no objection to the core issue. It is not impossible for Iwagakure Village to take back the Four Tails. The biggest trouble is that Ohnoki cannot afford a price that satisfies Konoha Village.

In order to get Lao Zi from Sunagakure Village to Konoha Village, the wealthy overlord of the ninja world paid a large amount of important materials and a large area of ​​land.

Compared to the core area of ​​the Country of Fire, the seaside hills adjacent to the border of the Country of Tea are truly a wild land.

The fertile land that the Sand Ninjas regarded as their treasure was not very valued by the Konoha Ninjas. There were many more good places in the Fire Country that were rich but undeveloped.

Although the Kingdom of Earth is much stronger than the Kingdom of Wind, it really has no advantage compared to the Kingdom of Fire. It also cedes part of the land in exchange for the tailed beasts?

Don't be silly, Konoha Village doesn't care about those jagged gravel canned grasslands.

Apart from land, the Iwa Ninja were actually very poor. Living in the northwest, they were not the mainstream of the Ninja world. The most valuable thing in the entire Earth Kingdom, apart from the inheritance of various blood inheritance limits and blood inheritance eliminations, are the two tailed beasts. It is simply impossible to get other equivalent bargaining chips.

If this difficulty cannot be bypassed, this Five Shadows Conference will probably be in vain.

However, looking at Onoki and Tsunade who were attending the meeting, they didn't seem to show much anxiety. Daimaru estimated that the two villages had a private deal and had generally reached a compromise. As for what it was specifically, there were only a few possibilities. .

With his previous experience, Gaara is much calmer now. He occasionally says a few innocuous words and agrees with Tsunade. Terumi Mei also doesn't point fingers in matters that have nothing to do with him. Only the fourth generation of Raikage Ai is still actively participating, hoping to gain some benefits from Konohagakure and Iwagakure as a mediator.

At the same time, Daimaru paid attention to the order of the venue, guarded Gaara behind him, and was alert to possible attacks by the "Akatsuki" organization.

Zetsu's Wood Release is a ninjutsu that is very suitable for causing trouble. Combined with the elusive Uchiha Obito, you may be hit if you are not careful.

After more than two hours, even the energetic ninja felt a little tired after a long period of sawing.

The sky had already darkened, and tea and snacks had been served twice to the samurai attendants. The room was filled with the charcoal and fire gas produced by heating. The somewhat hypoxic environment made everyone's cheeks feel slightly hot, and their brains were not as responsive as they were. Was sharp before.

Not long after, Tsunade, who seemed to feel that time was almost up, glanced at the audience, cleared her throat, and said loudly:

"Everyone, if we continue to argue like this, we won't be able to come to any conclusion. I have a proposal that can resolve this dispute..."

Finally it came to the topic. Onoki seemed to have expected it and pretended to be curious. Gaara and Terumi Mei waited calmly for Tsunade to continue talking. Only Raikage seemed to really know nothing and frowned slightly. He looked at the meeting that was gradually deviating from expectations.

"Hokage, what do you mean?"

"Be patient and wait for me to speak slowly..."

After suppressing the Raikage's dissatisfaction, Tsunade continued to explain,

"Although the chaos caused by the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Purple this time was an accident, there is no guarantee that similar things will happen in the future. In order to solve the problem once and for all, I think it is necessary for us, the Five Shadows, to reach an agreement. The major ninja villages came to supervise the implementation of the agreement..."

"Is this... the ninja world's version of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or is it to restrain the jinchuriki's destructive behavior? 』

After hearing Tsunade's words, a series of ideas suddenly appeared in Daimaru's mind.

Although the problem of the Four Tails started with Daimaru, the key to solving the problem has nothing to do with Daimaru. In the final analysis, it is still the lack of corresponding binding force in the ninja world.

Although the Five Shadows Conference is useful, except for the tacit rules of balancing the combat power of one village and one country, there are no other written conventions.

Sure enough, next, Tsunade introduced the biggest surprise of the Five Shadows Conference.

"The first generation of Hokage decided to allocate tailed beasts to each ninja village. We have no intention to change this pattern now, but ultimately, the existence of tailed beasts is to balance the combat power of the major powers and prevent the outbreak of war. Now it seems that things are counterproductive. The existence of the jinchuriki has actually caused more brutal killings. Taking this opportunity to solve the troubles of the four-tailed jinchuriki, I propose that from now on, a joint management organization for the tailed beasts and jinchūriki can be established..."

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