Red sand dust

Chapter 645 Fusion and Choice

As for how to use Yin Escape and Yang Escape to speed up changes in the body, make it easier to "imprint" external influences into the body and soul, and generate acquired genetic information, that is a technical issue, not a theoretical issue.

The general direction is clear, and the freedom in details is actually very high. Ninjas at the level of Orochimaru and Daimaru, as long as they are willing to spend time, they will sooner or later find a method that suits them.

Therefore, Daimaru did not waste time thinking about the minutiae, but quickly picked out the key questions and asked for answers.

“How to maintain intergenerational inheritance without deterioration of bloodline due to mixed blood?”

Using inbreeding to maintain the so-called pure bloodline is just drinking poison to quench thirst. Compared with the genetic information that is discarded by temporarily eliminating defective genes, the harm caused by the loss of genetic diversity is far greater than the birth of one or two talented pure-blood descendants. Can make up for it.

The introduction of external bloodlines is the general trend, and it is inevitable that the talents of ancestors will be weakened due to mixed blood.

With so many families in the Five Great Ninja Villages, the key to standing still and maintaining centripetal force is the special bloodline talent that is superior to others. If this advantage is lost, the foundation of their existence will no longer be stable.


Orochimaru laughed disdainfully and said,

"Is it that important?"

"For major ninja villages, necessary inheritance is indispensable, and families formed by blood are a good bond!"

Daimaru is also not interested in the so-called family glory, but it is undeniable that some very outstanding blood inheritance limits can be passed down, and forming a ninja clan is a very effective method.

As powerful as the Senju family was, and after disbanding and integrating into the Leaf Village, they were completely extinct within two or three generations.

"What does it mean for ninjas like you and me to be entangled in the so-called village and inheritance?"

Orochimaru shook his head,

"Only the weak need to form cliques, while the strong can take whatever they want according to their own wishes!"

"We are different. Maybe I am still young and still passionate about the world!"

Daimaru replied noncommittally.

Endless life?

Explore the unknown mysteries of the world?

Daimaru didn't bother to waste time studying such a boring thing.

It is enough to take care of the people and things around you and live your life without regrets.

Orochimaru, who was somewhat dissatisfied with Daimaru's remarks, snorted coldly, but continued to answer:

"The so-called degeneration of bloodline is the change of offspring relative to their parents. Generally speaking, there is no way to stop it. This is the general trend. Even a few individuals who have returned to their ancestors cannot change the laws of nature, but..."

Orochimaru changed the topic and immediately attracted Daimaru's attention.

"It's just the bloodline that has degraded, but it doesn't mean that the strength is not as good as that of the ancestors! Take the Uchiha family you just mentioned as an example. In the past hundred years of records, the proportion of Sharingan eyes opening has been getting lower and lower, and among them, it has naturally grown to Sanmagatama is getting older and older, which is an obvious phenomenon of bloodline degradation! However, the number of Uchiha family members has increased several times in the past few decades, and the Kaiyan clan has also expanded rapidly; not only that, the Uchiha clan members before the annihilation , the average strength is much stronger than before the establishment of Konoha Village. Ninjutsu theory is becoming more and more perfect, more powerful, and tactics are more complex and changeable, enough to cope with more challenges, and at the same time..."

After recalling the past for a moment, Orochimaru continued to explain:

"Originally, the family only focused on the application of fire escape, illusions and sharingan. After integrating into the blood of foreign races, thunder escape has also begun to become the specialty of the Uchiha family..."

Having said this, Orochimaru paused slightly, waiting for Daimaru's reaction.

"You mean that the Uchiha family's Sharingan talent has regressed due to the mixed blood, but the overall strength and average strength have been greatly improved?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Orochimaru spread his hands exaggeratedly,

"Except for the two talented brothers Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, the performance of other Uchiha clan members is still very obvious... "

Counting those amazing geniuses one by one, it seems like a lot, but if they are scattered over several decades, and compared with the huge number of Uchiha people, it is completely worth mentioning.

Daimaru thought for a while and then said:

"The value of genius cannot be compared with that of mediocrity who make up the majority. One Uchiha Itachi is stronger than many tribesmen who only have the three Magatama Sharingan..."

"Geniuses don't appear out of thin air! If the base of the Uchiha tribe is large, even if the bloodline is diluted and the starting point is lower, there will be more geniuses who will mutate or regress! What's more..."

Orochimaru showed a playful smile,

"Any inheritance limit derived from blood cannot be perfect. If you cling to the so-called gifts from your ancestors without making progress, you will be eliminated sooner or later! Worshiping the past rather than the present is a big taboo. Those ancestors who live in history , not necessarily stronger than us..."

"That makes sense!"

After Daimaru thought for a while, he asked slightly relaxedly,

"If the Uzumaki family's physique, the Uchiha family's Sharingan, the Senju family's Wood Release, the Hyuga family's Byakugan, and Kaguya Kimimaro's corpse veins can be integrated into one, and the yin and yang and five elements are complete, and then cultivate into the sage mode, then That’s perfect, isn’t it?”

"Ha ha!"

Orochimaru, who was amused by Daimaru's "joke", couldn't help teasing,

"It seems that you have fully understood my explanation! The temporary degradation of the bloodline makes it more difficult to awaken the bloodline boundary, and the talent of the tribe has become slightly worse, so what does it matter? In the long run, the benefits will be much greater Much! Just like your unrealistic 'bloodline fusion', saying it doesn't work can actually create miracles..."

"Bold assumptions, be careful to verify them! What if it comes true?"

Daimaru responded without feeling embarrassed at all.

Bloodline degeneration is not necessarily a bad thing.

The reincarnation eye of the Otsutsuki family has degenerated into a white eye. If a genius is born in the Hyuga family and the mixed bloodline in the body is discovered, it may not be impossible to develop more advanced eyes such as red eyes, blue eyes, purple eyes, black eyes, silver eyes, golden eyes, etc. The blood inheritance limit of pupil technique.

From the Rinnegan to the Sharingan, it is hard to even call it a degeneration. If we do not count the natural connection between the Rinnegan and the Ten-Tails and the heretic demons, at some point, the Rinnegan may not be as useful as the Sharingan.

Forbidden techniques such as Izanaki, Izanami, Susanoo, and the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique with various magical abilities are not necessarily worse than the Rinnegan.

With the talents of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, even without the gift of the Six Paths Sage, it is not impossible to live longer and develop the Sharingan to an unprecedented level.

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