Red sand dust

Chapter 706 Compensation

They ate and chatted calmly, allowing Temari and Kankuro to successfully divert their attention from the inexplicable late return, and Gaara breathed a sigh of relief.

Gaara actually basically understood what Daimaru's surgery had done, and the details of every step had been clearly written in the plan.

When the Kazekage Godaime woke up, except for the discomfort caused by the excessive use of anesthetics, he felt nothing wrong with his whole body, and it didn't look like he had cut off some important organs.

Even the Ichibi Shukaku inside the body can only be confirmed through the perception of chakra due to the power of the seal.

"everything is normal! 』

After eating supper, Gaara read the newspaper for a while, then went back to his room and leaned on the bed to fall asleep.

Countless sleepless nights made Gaara very accustomed to thinking quietly at night without being disturbed.

Outside the window, in the darkness shrouded by the wind and sand, the members of the Shadow Guard braced themselves and watched Ruoyouruowu's eyes staring here.

Those suspicious characters, only a few malicious ones, are worthy of attention.

As this year's Joint Chuunin Exams draw closer, there are more and more unidentified snoops.

The next day, Daimaru, who was yawning and getting ready to go out for early exercise, opened the door and saw Temari.

"What are you..."

After knowing each other for so many years, I can’t remember the last time Temari came to see Daimaru in person.

A fright came early in the morning, and Daimaru quickly reflected on whether he had done something bad again.

"I just arrived and I was about to knock on the door..."

As Temari said that, she looked at the silent door next door.

"Saya still lives next door to you?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard anything for a while..."

Daimaru replied casually.

There are so many houses that can accommodate Miss Saya, so she doesn't have to live in this simple single ninja apartment.


The noncommittal Temari asked casually,

"You have a better place to live, why don't you move?"

"The rent has been paid long ago, and it will be wasted if we don't live here! I have lived here for so many years, and I am quite used to it! The lease will expire next year. The construction site near the village gate not far from Fengying's house, business, The building integrating housing and entertainment will be completed, and it may be moved there by then..."

The entire Sand Hidden Village is just that big. A fully functional building is like a small town, with three floors underground and fifty-eight floors above ground. The top floor has an apron for air combat ninjas and large flying puppets to take off and land.

There is a thick foundation of nearly 40 meters underground, and the height above the ground is more than 300 meters.

Such a behemoth is almost the ultimate level that Daimaru can master the puppet manufacturing, material construction, manpower and material resources.

This land was the reward Gaara had promised, but Daimaru had never been able to develop it.

The building itself is not a big problem for Ninja. How to meet the design requirements, water, electricity, ventilation, etc. is the key, and the layout of certain protective barriers must also be taken into consideration.

If it were not for the experience of building "tube buildings", such high-rise buildings should not appear in Sunagakure Village at all.

There are buildings in the ninja world that are even more exaggerated than this. The towers in the Land of Rain soar into the sky, the Land of Earth is as tall as the waterfall, the stone city is as tall as the mountains, the sky corridor of Kumogakure Village, etc.

But this is the first time that a comprehensive area with a large number of functions crammed into it, integrating a large comprehensive market, entertainment city, and commercial and residential buildings, has appeared.

The land is small and the people are poor, so they have no choice but to move around in this small area.

After Daimaru and his family moved into the specially prepared luxury house, the others were rented out at a high price under the guise of being neighbors with Mr. "Red Dust".

It is a proper elite residential area where idlers are not allowed to enter. It is run by itself, property fees are collected, living area consumption, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and daily necessities are all taken care of.

Thinking about the massive wealth rolling in at that time, Daimaru couldn't help but think about the future.

As for development costs, what Daimaru lacks is official money. The village allocation is not enough, so he can only look for supplements from outside. Personally, he has quite a lot of money. Even if the turnover is not flexible, as long as you ask to borrow money, there will be many people rushing to give money to your door.

"I know you have money now..."

Temari has long heard about Daimaru's "plan to make a fortune", but that's not what she wants to ask today.

"Did you give those melons in the name of your birthday?"

"The experimental garden has a great harvest, but there is really no place to put it..."

Daimaru, who is good at wood escape, has opened up many bases for seed selection and seedlings. He can basically eat all the vegetables and fruits. In addition to giving them to his subordinates as daily benefits, some of them are turned into "juice drinks" for self-drinking, and the rest can be found The opportunity is given away.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember that day being special to you..."

"You came here early in the morning just to apologize?"

Daimaru smiled and waved his hand,

"If my grandfather and mother hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten it! Besides, when I turn eighteen, will there be any coming-of-age ceremony?"

"Coming of Age Ceremony... Suna Ninja has this kind of custom?"

"I just said it casually, don't pay attention!"

Daimaru laughed and passed perfunctorily.

After traveling to the ninja world for so many years, Daimaru has long understood that the customs of the ninja world are very different from those in his previous life.

I don’t celebrate all holidays and anniversaries as Valentine’s Day, nor do I have the bad habit of treating holidays as an online shopping carnival.

In Sunagakure Village, only parents and elders usually celebrate children's birthdays. The celebrations are not grand, but very warm.

Husbands and wives, couples and particularly close friends will also send blessings, and the birthday girl will return gifts.

Most of the gifts exchanged were small handmade items, not too expensive snacks, ingredients, etc. Everyone had a good time together.

Daimaru was generous because he really didn't need anything, and he didn't expect to receive any share of the money.

For example, to coincide with the timing, I used natural obsidian to sharpen a shuriken and gave it to Daimaru as a gift. The gift is light but the affection is heavy.

Compared with gifts, heartfelt blessings are more important.

As Daimaru's rumored girlfriend, there is no problem if she doesn't express anything. The key is that Daimaru mentioned it and everyone else knew about it, but she forgot about it, which is more embarrassing.

"You have no dissatisfaction? By the way, Saya, Kurama Yakumo... and your teammates, what did they give you?"

"Yame brought Ganmeido's signature snacks from Konoha Village, and Qianji gave her blessing casually. Kurama Yakumo didn't even know about it, and Miss Saya didn't care, but her sister Shana gave her a pair of sunglasses..."

They were all simple daily interactions, seemingly nothing special.

Daimaru himself doesn't care, and neither does anyone else.

“The popularity of the so-called ‘Red Sand Dust’ uncle is nothing more than this!”

Temari said as she handed over the packaging box hidden behind her back.

"Here it is, as compensation!"

"What's this?"

"A tea set..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Daimaru took out a beautifully crafted cup from the box.

"This... is really surprising!"

I'm not in good spirits. That's it for tonight. I'll finish it tomorrow!

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