Red sand dust

Chapter 715 Generating Income

Daimaru, who tried to use plain words to let Gaara understand what was happening in his body, said:

"As you might think, you didn't immediately return your body to its peak state because you were afraid of excessive stimulation of life energy, which would cause your body to undergo alienation..."

"Enough is enough, I understand!"

It's a good thing to leave some room for Gaara's body to recover naturally. External stimulation and help are only emergency, and ultimately you have to rely on yourself.

If you want Gaara not to be seen as abnormal, you have to make some other preparations.

Of course, this is not a big deal. As long as there is not too much loss and there is Shukaku's power to support him, Gaara's combat effectiveness will not be much worse and he will recover after a few days.

To cover up the slight discomfort in appearance, you don't even need ninjutsu, a little superficial makeup is enough.

Next, Daimaru was busy organizing the laboratory, chatting with Kaoru and Gaara. After the effects of the anesthetic completely wore off, Gaara asked his men to take Kaoru down to recuperate.

"Are you done? It's almost time, let's go..."

"What are you going for?"

Daimaru asked doubtfully,

"I don't remember having any schedule..."

"The entrance ceremony for Ninja School supernumerary students..."

Hearing Daimaru's words, Gaara's body was ready to go.

"Are you serious? You won't really forget it! This is your initiative..."

"Huh? Sorry, there are so many things, I really forgot about this..."

Daimaru, who reacted instantly, smiled awkwardly and said,

"Wait for me to prepare..."

He looked deeply at Daimaru who suddenly realized:

"If those children who are full of longing know that the guy who gave them hope is so careless about this matter, I'm afraid they will be disappointed..."

"I'm just too busy! I originally wanted to take time to visit Awaji Village, but Naruto Village can't completely put it down..."

"But I see that you don't seem anxious..."

"They are already a mature team and they have to learn to solve problems on their own. I can help them get on the road, but I can't always be a nanny..."

"It's really hard to be your subordinate, but..."

Gaara praised,

"At least they're doing okay now!"

"If you can do it, do more. Those who can do it should work harder!"

"Let go when it's time to let go. You can develop and expand the two newly built villages with ease. Maybe you are more suitable to be the Kazekage than me..."

"Why...want to stack picks?"

Daimaru said with some surprise,

"How to motivate those lazy guys to work hard, you are not as good as me; how to make subordinates contribute willingly, I am not as good as you..."

"What difference does it make?"

Gaara asked confused.

"The original intention is different! What I do is to obey my own ideas; what you do is to satisfy other people's dreams! Self-interest and altruism, in addition to different consciousness, there are also great differences in the principles of life!"

Seeing that Gaara was still a little confused, Daimaru smiled and explained:

"Let's put it this way, I am a very thoughtful and capable leader who can lead my compatriots to live a better life; you are a great and contagious leader who inspires compatriots to make progress and gives everyone hope! If you personify Sand Hidden Village , I can strengthen his body, and you can arm his spirit, which one do you think is more important?"

To be honest, Daimaru didn't have much opinion about his "second hometown" and he felt very much identified with it, but it felt almost meaningless to have to be self-denying and devoted to the public just like the previous Kazekages, even to the point of death.

The public's eyes may not always be sharp, but over time, they can always appreciate the difference between Daimaru and Gaara.

Maybe some people will be full of awe and gratitude to Daimaru. Gaara will gain the love and admiration of most villagers for his personal efforts.

"perhaps you're right!"

Gaara thought for a while and then said,

"The Kazekage is not only the Optimus Pillar that protects Sand Hidden Village, but also the spiritual leader who carries the hope of all compatriots..."

Why does the fourth generation Rasa have the worst reputation among all the historical figures?

He had done a good enough job in protecting Sunagakure Village, but it was a pity that he failed to convince his compatriots.

A guy like Daimaru may sincerely do a lot of good things for the village, but he has no interest in caring about what other than a very few people close to him think.

Not being philanthropic enough is a reflection of Daimaru.

"Have you thought about it clearly? You have to have confidence in yourself and don't think about dumping the burden on me once you can't bear it anymore..."

"I think you are just too lazy and don't want to take responsibility..."

"You can say whatever you want! I've worked so hard to leave you with a backup plan to save your life, so don't give up halfway..."

Gaara smiled reservedly:

"I am the Godaime Kazekage, no one or anything can shake my determination!"


After packing up Daimaru, he patted Gaara on the shoulder.

"Be smart, don't be discovered by Temari and Kankuro! Let's go, those children and sponsors are still waiting for us, don't neglect the sponsor..."

The so-called supplementary students are actually recruiting some additional new students on the basis of the traditional ninja school entrance examination. They are roughly divided into committee students, cooperative students, co-construction students, etc.

These new students will obviously occupy the teaching resources of Sunagakure Village, so they have some names that are not very formal at first glance, and even add the word "non-staff" in front of them, just to avoid the villagers' resentment or even boycott.

In fact, these students receive the same education as those who pass the entrance examination. In the future, they will try to blur the difference between the two. Once they pass the graduation exam, they can also become official ninjas.

Weipeisheng is a student who was entrusted by a third party to train at the Hidden Suna Village Ninja School at a large cost. If he fails to become a ninja after graduation, he will serve the investor in accordance with the agreement; if he becomes a Suna ninja, Weipeisheng can choose to break out of the agreement. Complete the task and pay back the money.

Cooperative students are apprentices recruited by certain qualified unofficial organizations in Sunagakure Village and recommended for admission after outstanding performance. The agreement between these students is relatively loose. If they strive to succeed, they should form a good relationship; even if they do not become ninjas, they can still learn a skill and continue to work in the original organization, and no one will suffer.

The co-construction of students is completely a cover, because there are no ninja schools in Awaji Village and Naruto Village, and local residents who want to become Suna ninjas can't find a way. In order to give the "new immigrants" who are actively approaching a chance to advance, the recommended local The children of outstanding employees are selected through irregular qualification tests. After graduation, they promise to return to work in Awaji Village and Naruto Village to "build" a beautiful new home together without taking up the original ninja quota in Sunagakure Village. In fact, Daimaru and Gaara, who promoted the introduction of these policies, did not take it seriously. Suna ninja treated everyone equally regardless of east, west, north, south, or overseas.

Such a change would expand the Suna ninja community, and at the same time integrate the three main villages into one as soon as possible, and find a gimmick to recruit a group of high-priced students to make up for the tight education funds.

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