Red sand dust

Chapter 717 Zhong

As if being confused by Daimaru's words, Gaara thought for a moment and asked with some hesitation:

"Are you dissatisfied with those fussy people next door?"

"No, you misunderstood!"

Daimaru waved his hand, and a small air stagnation field was immediately formed indoors. The commotion outside could not be transmitted in, and the words spoken by the two people inside could not be transmitted.

"Those who spend real money to do good deeds, contribute their own efforts, or even give verbal praise and publicity are worthy of recognition..."

"Even if the original intention is not so noble, is it greedy, contrary to one's will, vanity or even malicious?"

"People's hearts are fickle, complex and unpredictable..."

Daimaru sighed leisurely,

"We can't tell what they are thinking, we can only see what they are doing! But... this is enough!"

Activities such as donating to fund education cannot be judged by heart, only by conduct. It is too harsh to force those who do good deeds to have perfect character.

"The discord has not shown up yet, but we have already seen the merits of the good deeds!"

"I don't really advocate for individuals or small groups to directly target specific people with donations and funding for education. It's not just the 'employers' who have their own agendas. The situations of the children and families who are being helped are also very complicated, and each has its own unique situation. The difficulty. If there is a conflict in the end, it will be as unappetizing as finding a piece of mouse droppings at the end of a delicious meal..."

"So, you are not willing to let those people make a contract directly with the children being assisted, but you want the Kazekage to be the guarantee and the Ninja School to sign a tripartite agreement as a neutral party?"

Gaara finally understood why Daimaru got involved in something that could clearly be ignored and left to the private sector to allocate resources.

"I have read those contracts carefully, and they actually favor the sponsored children..."

"Overcorrecting is not a good comment, but sometimes overcorrecting must be overcorrected. Donors are strong and those children are too vulnerable. As a third party in the middle, if we do not have some bias and maintain absolute fairness, the final result may be very different from the original intention... "

In theory, people should be born equal, but the difference in reincarnation technology still creates a gap in reality. Implicit discrimination is everywhere. In fact, the major ninja villages do not look at civilian ninjas with colored glasses, but the annual enrollment ratio and The graduation pass rate is still far ahead among the family’s children.

The reason for this was that Daimaru was able to write an investigation report of millions of words, allowing Gaara to slowly read the details, but this did not make much sense.

"In addition, as a third party, we actually play the role of intermediary, arbitration and rule-setting, and we can also clarify the responsibilities of all parties..."

" it so troublesome?"

Gaara frowned,

"Is it too serious?"

It was such a joyful thing, and when Daimaru talked about it, he felt like he had to analyze it clearly.

"Why do I say that those people next door are worthy of praise? Because it is not their responsibility and they have no obligation to do anything for those children. As long as it is true charity, whether it is selfless dedication or secretly selfish, it will actually harm the recipients. Before we have children, it is inappropriate to criticize us for any reason; on the contrary, we have a responsibility..."

Daimaru smiled:

"Have you ever thought about it, since those donors have no fallacies that need to be criticized harshly, and children who cannot control their own destiny should not be trampled on, then what is the problem?"

"Wait, you mean..."

Gaara thought for a moment and then understood,

"The entire Sand Hidden Village, and even the Kingdom of Wind, are responsible for supporting these children..."

It would be troublesome to really dig into it, but one thing is certain. The external environment has caused these children to live a difficult life. In fact, the daimyo and Kazekage who control the Kingdom of Wind are absolutely obliged to help the subjects under their rule.

Do children whose parents have done bad things have "original sin"? Children from poor families have to endure poverty just because their ancestors failed to live up to expectations? Is it natural for children from rich families to enjoy the support of their families and embark on a prosperous road?

It doesn't matter whether an individual thinks this way, everyone has the freedom to understand the world.

But Feng Ying cannot do that, he is the leader of all villagers!

Not only Gaara, but also the elders who hold great power, as well as senior officials like Daimaru who influence the village's politics, should all be aware of this.

The existence of private donations for education also means that the senior officials of Sunagakure Village, including Gaara, have failed in their duties.

Gaara, who was silent for a long time and breathed a sigh of relief, finally understood Daimaru's true intention.

Collecting the donations with one hand and then distributing them to those in need, in addition to slightly improving the ninja school's shortage of funds, it actually has the obligation to be supervised and to perform justice. There are not many benefits and a lot of troubles.

But this is good for both donors and recipients. There will be no embarrassing things like grudges being made against each other, grudges hard to repay, favors given generously, and grudges hard to satisfy. The former is not pure goodness, and not everyone in the latter is a good man or woman.

In fact, most of the pressure is borne by the village as an intermediary. Once it does not do a good job, or if things happen such as self-stealing, personal enrichment, unfair distribution, laziness and indolence, it will have to bear the consequences of a great loss of credibility.

Even so, for the village, it should not let go and cannot let go.

"In the past, I always thought that as long as I tried my best, everyone would be understood and disputes would naturally disappear, but..."

Gaara, who was rarely moved, said with understanding,

"The village is growing and growing, and we are encountering more and more problems. I have countless things to learn. You said before that I have the ability to arm the spirit, but good deeds cannot be comforted. The dignity of the weak cannot be shown. There is no harmony between the top and the bottom. Everything is impossible. Talking about..."

In the final analysis, Gaara is a serious nobleman from a wealthy family. He does not fully understand the degree of social fragmentation, the gap between rich and poor, and what each class is thinking.

"Is there any oversight? You still have to remind me more. Good intentions may not always lead to good things. Just like this time, I almost made a mistake..."

If Daimaru hadn't insisted, those people next door would have secretly divided up those children.

"This is also my hometown. I can't let it become beyond recognition and become unsightly..."

Daimaru grinned,

"In your position and in your political affairs, there are some things that you really can't be lazy about! Although the 'Will of Fire' of Konoha Village is too difficult to understand, it is also an amazing spiritual inheritance. We Suna Ninja didn't pay much attention to this before, but now You must start from little things, shape your own spiritual core, integrate it into your genes, and pass it on from generation to generation..."


Gaara nodded and asked,

"The good ones need to be praised, the weak ones do not give up their spirit, each gets his own place, and there is no gap between them..."

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