Red sand dust

Chapter 724 Shelved

Daimaru really had no hope of killing Uchiha Obito in advance.

The man behind the scenes who can cause such a big disturbance in the ninja world must have real skills. Regardless of the cost, Daimaru may not be sure of victory, even if Obito Uchiha only has one Mangekyō Sharingan.

The secret art of bloodline and divine power is too powerful. After inheriting Uchiha Madara's legacy, Daimaru is not sure how many trump cards this elusive guy has.

The ideal result, of course, is for Daimaru to show off his power, severely injure Obito Uchiha, and scare him so that he no longer dares to peek and plot unscrupulously.

However, even Daimaru found the power of the Puppet Curse to be a bit scary.

It is not too difficult to make Uchiha Obito suffer a big loss due to calculated calculations without intention, but it is too exaggerated to almost kill him like this.

"Every step of the spell is extremely difficult. In addition to requiring a profound theoretical foundation, you must also have enough strength to perform it..."

Hidan's Death Division relies heavily on the power of the evil god. It is not difficult to cast ritual spells. On the contrary, the requirement of immortality is really difficult to achieve.

Daimaru's spell is just the opposite. There is a puppet instead of the casting medium, and his own immortality is irrelevant. It is relatively difficult to establish a "conceptual" connection with a target based on a small amount of blood, especially for Obito Uchiha, who is anchored in the Kamui space. The amount of chakra consumed in one second made Daimaru almost unable to bear it.

This is a forbidden technique that is similar in difficulty to the sealing of zombies, the reincarnation of immortal corpses, and the Yamata no Jutsu. It can easily fail if you are not careful.

There is also a cursed doll that has established a "concept" connection. It is a strange object created by immortal magic. Normal ninjutsu cannot penetrate its defense at all.

The Cursed Puppet Technique is an alternative method used before the Yamata no Jutsu was mastered. The incarnation of Orochimaru, the Yamata no Orochi, was killed and sealed. Uchiha Itachi used an artifact like the Ten Fist Sword, which could not be affected by ordinary attacks. it.

In any case, it is a fact that Daimaru won and gave Uchiha Obito a severe lesson.

Knowing that he would not be able to achieve his goal today, Uchiha Obito took a deep look at Daimaru bathing in the moonlight, endured the physical discomfort, and took himself and the possessed Zetsu away.

"What a cautious guy!"

Daimaru breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help mumbling.

The outer barrier has not been completely closed, and it cannot prevent Uchiha Obito and Zetsu from leaving.

learn from mistakes!

This time it was just a false alarm. Obito Uchiha had learned from the failure, and the next sneak attack would undoubtedly be more dangerous.

Of course, it is also possible that he is afraid of Daimaru's puppet curse and no longer covets Sand Hidden Village.

Realizing that the enemy had really left, Daimaru put away the puppet, dispersed the senjutsu chakra on his body, and slowly fell to the ground.

The battle didn't last long, but its intensity shocked the surrounding Sunagakure villagers.

There is no one better at changing the landscape than Mu Dun.

Looking at the mess around him, Daimaru sighed helplessly.

The aftermath of a battle between powerful ninjas could severely damage a small village. Fortunately, it was relatively remote here and not many people were accidentally injured.

The vegetables, fruits, seedlings and flowers that we worked so hard to cultivate suffered heavy losses.

"The price of this year's special homemade fruit wine will probably increase!" 』

There are also tea trees that have just been transplanted and survived. After so much effort, all the efforts were wasted in the blink of an eye.

"What bad luck!"

The distressed Daimaru was still cursing, Leman directed several subordinates to deal with the aftermath, and then stepped forward to ask for Daimaru's order.

"Search? No need! The other party is proficient in time and space ninjutsu. He has probably escaped from the Kingdom of Wind. He can't catch up..."

Daimaru suppressed the anger in his heart, shook his head and said,

"Don't let the order in the village be affected, and then send people to cover up the traces of the battle..."

To ordinary people, the ability of a ninja to perform tricks, breathe fire, water, clones, and transformations is nothing; flying over walls, walking on the sea, walking as fast as flying, etc. are also acceptable; but the powerful destruction in front of them is completely beyond cognition. You may feel frightened.

Awaji Village, which was built just a short time ago, cannot withstand too much trouble. Maintaining stability and developing steadily is the top priority.

That night, before the information about the attack on Awaji Village was transmitted, Daimaru, who was sitting in meditation to recover his strength and chakra, felt an inquiry from Miss Saya.

Daimaru temporarily called on the power of three "artificial elves" to blessing the puppet killing technique, and it was impossible to hide it from the other controller of "Cradle Garden".

He sank his consciousness into the depths of the illusion space and saw Miss Saya's Daimaru who had been waiting for a long time. He said with a smile:

"What's the matter with us in the middle of the night? Can't we talk about it tomorrow morning?"

In the middle of the night, a man and a woman alone meet in such a deserted place, which always feels a little uncomfortable.

"The idea of ​​the puppet curse killing technique has been completed?"

Not bothering to pay attention to Daimaru's complaints, Miss Saya asked directly.


"How's the effect?"

"Can't describe it accurately..."

Daimaru thought for a moment and then replied,

"If others knew that I had mastered such a secret technique, not many would dare to approach me..."

The powerful power can make Daimaru win the awe of his compatriots; the mysterious and uncertain threat will make people stay away involuntarily.

If the punishment is unknown, the power is unpredictable; if others cannot understand how Daiwan kills people, they will stay far away and try their best to be foolproof and avoid all risks.

" can take care of yourself!"

Being isolated due to some reasons, Miss Saya is no stranger to this experience.

Daimaru scratched the back of his head in embarrassment:

"Originally, I was thinking that if the experiment was successful, I could open up a branch of spells in the field of puppetry. But now it seems that it is not the time yet..."

The Puppet Curse Killing Technique, as the name suggests, is a secret technique prepared for puppet masters, but most puppet masters are extremely weak. Not to mention the immortal mode, with outstanding physique and endurance, few are good at physical skills, let alone practice. Immortal mode.

As for the curse-killing ritual that manipulates "concepts", it cannot be accomplished without outstanding Yin Escape talent and several prerequisite illusions or forbidden spells.

Then again, who is going to be a puppet master for a ninja who has outstanding Yin Escape talents, can practice forbidden arts, has good physical fitness, and is determined?

There are so many high-end and magnificent ninjutsu schools in the ninja world that you can follow. Who wants to die in the field of puppet masters with weak successors?

If Daimaru had been more talented and had learned a few wind escape ninjutsu two years earlier, how could he have studied such expensive puppetry?

There are not many children from poor families who mess around like Daiwan!

"Puppet Curse School, gave up?"

"Let's put it aside for now and try it out later..."

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