Red sand dust

Chapter 735 Transit

Elder Chiyo spoke quite openly, but Ebizo, who was familiar with his character, still heard a hint of ominousness in his tone.

" dead!"

"I know!"

Chiyo pretended to laugh a few times and said,

"Even if I want to resurrect him, it's not at this time..."

The Forbidden Technique: Self-reincarnation does have the ability to bring the dead back to life. Although the Human Puppet Scorpion is made from the body of the Red Sand Scorpion, it is only a part of it. If you want to resurrect your grandson based on this, you need The amount of chakra cannot be supported by his old body.

"Sure enough, you have thought about resurrecting him..."

The genius who once had high hopes has become a rebellious nin who has pushed the village into the whirlpool of war.

Nowadays, Sunagakure Village has a new generation of leaders, and the seniors from the old era are gradually beginning to take a back seat.

Chiyo, who has protected the village for decades, has completed his mission, but his guilt for not protecting his family is always lingering.

The Red Sand Scorpion is dead, but for Chiyo who is still alive, the story is not over yet.

While the two siblings were chatting, a servant came to report the Kazekage Godaime's request for a meeting.

"It's finally here. I thought he really didn't care at all..."

Gaara and Daimaru's secret plan must have begun to be implemented. Until today, Gaara didn't even think about discussing it with Chiyo, but he was quite slow.

"Our new village chief is really an open-minded person!"

Ebizo echoed softly:

"Daimaru's persuasive ability is much stronger than I thought!"

It was really not an easy thing to get Gaara to agree to secretly build a backup body and risk his life for surgery.

Just when Gaara began to explore some unknown secrets, Daimaru was struggling with how to help Uchiha Sasuke practice Sage Mode.

The fine-tuned puppet armor was already very mature, but it was Koyamabuki's lack of strength that held him back.

Plans were made to build a puppet theater to make the "artificial elves" famous so that they could integrate into the ninja world as soon as possible. The plan to alleviate the rejection must be launched immediately, but this was not enough. Uchiha Sasuke did not have the patience to wait another year and a half.

If you want to get satisfactory results as quickly as possible, you must find another way.

First, Daimaru prepares a second contractor for Koyamabuki.

The core of the connection established between "artificial elves" and ninjas is the psychic contract, and this long-standing communication model across time and space is a relationship of equality and mutual assistance, and it is naturally possible to reach agreements with multiple contractors.

It's just that Xiaoshan Chui was too weak in the past, and the feedback infusion of multiple chakras and spiritual power might tear apart his nascent will, so he didn't execute it.

Just like Gamabunta of Mt. Myoboku, he signed a psychic contract with Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto at the same time, and summoned them at the same time. Whoever has the larger amount of chakra will listen to them.

As long as Koyamabuki is not possessed by Uchiha Sasuke and Kaoru who simultaneously cast psychic summons, there will be no danger.

Of course, some things need to be made clear in advance.

"You mean, I can help Uchiha Sasuke in his training as long as I sign a psychic contract with Yamabuki?"

"That's right, it's similar to what you did before, from replenishing vitality to treat injuries to replenishing chakra to assist in practice..."

Daimaru replied calmly,

"To put it in detail, you helped Koyamabuki become stronger, and Koyamabuki assisted Uchiha Sasuke in his training. It was an indirect help, and the results are almost the same..."

"I sign..."

The answer he agreed with without hesitation made Daimaru's prepared words useless. Instead, the well-prepared "Aka No Sand" uncle felt an inexplicable feeling of disappointment.

"Okay! Let me make it clear to you first. The danger may exist, but as long as you strictly abide by the agreement and follow my instructions, no one will be hurt. Instead, everyone can get what they need, and you can also improve your strength..."

"So good? I can become stronger too, that would be great!"

Originally, when Daimaru performed surgery on Gaara, she needed Kaoru to support a large amount of chakra and vitality. She was already somewhat powerless due to her lack of strength. If she could make herself stronger, that would solve the problem.

"As long as you are satisfied!"

Daimaru nodded. Such a "considerate" girl saved Daimaru a lot of words. It would be great if other people could be so easily persuaded.

Seeing Xiang Lin happily writing his name on the contract scroll, Daimaru also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do I need to do next?"

"Don't worry, I need you to establish a psychic contract with a precious piece of chakra! This thing is not given to you, but lent to you. When the agreement between us is completed, you must return it to me. During this period, you have Whatever you understand, what benefits you get, count them as your reward..."

Daimaru said, before the other party could react, he took out a ball of crimson chakra and handed it over.

"Cast King Kong Blockade and imprison it in your body!"

"Is this, tailed beast chakra?"

Xianglin was shocked. Having seen the power of the three tails, she felt an inexplicable fear towards such a powerful creature.

"Don't be afraid, it's just an arm, tie it up and suppress it with the power of your blood!"

"Will I become a jinchuriki?"

"How is it possible to become a jinchuriki so easily? At best, he is a ninja with tailed beast chakra in his body..."

Although there are not many ninjas who possess a small amount of tailed beast chakra due to the influence of tailed beasts, they are not one or two. Generally, they only increase the host's resistance and enhance the power of ninjutsu.

The ball in Daimaru's hand was a piece he casually cut off when he captured the fourth-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki.

It would be useless for Daimaru to keep it, and it would be too wasteful to cut it open for use. Most people couldn't afford it, so they had to temporarily let Xiang Rin borrow it to add to Daimaru's plan.

Xiang Lin, who was doubtful, wrapped the crimson chakra with a silver chain and took it into his body. His face immediately changed and he couldn't help but sit cross-legged on the ground. The four-tailed chakra had a strong sense of oppression and corrosiveness. Spreading throughout the body, a red flame-like energy enveloped Xianglin.

At the same time, Koyamabuki, who was receiving Xianglin's chakra and spiritual power in the "Cradle Garden", was also wrapped in a layer of red neon clothes, and the originally scattered power quickly solidified.

Daimaru, who was observing all this through his mental perception, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The ferocity of the tailed beast's chakra is simply not something that the "artificial spirit" that has not grown up can withstand. Even through the "transit filter" of Xianglin, a secondary contractor, the power of the tailed beast is mixed with the chakra and chakra of the Uzumaki family. The vitality was transferred to Koyamabuki, but it still had such destructive power.

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