Red sand dust

Chapter 753 Changes

He also carries the label of "ordinary". Maybe some of the outstanding qualities of his senior Fu Yi can bring benefits to Xi Yan. This is the main reason why Miss Saya agreed to list Fu Yi as the first candidate for the contractor.

Fortunately, the results don't seem bad, Fu Yi and Xi Yan's compatibility is quite consistent.

"Obviously I can be a good contractor for Xi Yan, but in the end I got the advantage of an outsider..."

"Be careful, Fuyi is not an outsider, but a fellow Sand Ninja!"

Miss Saya interrupted her sister Shanai rudely and scolded her sternly,

"If others hear your complaints, there will be misunderstandings..."


Shanai, who was mumbling, felt a little unhappy.

Ever since he learned that the "Cradle Garden" was successfully built, the idea of ​​contracting an "artificial elf" came to Shanai's mind.

But now, four consecutive "artificial elves" have not had their turn, and two of them are not even sand ninjas, which makes the second Miss Shanai feel a little unhappy.

"If everything goes well, I will let you be Xiyan's second contractor before the Chunin Examination..."

After comforting her sister Shanai a little, Miss Saya turned her attention to the audience outside.

"Daimaru is worrying about the arrangements for the Chuunin Exam. I guess I don't have time now. There are some things that require your intervention..."

"All right!"

Shana, who was used to being her sister's tool, naturally agreed.

As the organizer of the first and second exams, in order to avoid suspicion, Daimaru now tries his best not to have contact with candidates who may participate in the Joint Chuunin Examination to avoid suspicion of cheating and leaking questions.

In a secret underground laboratory in Sunagakure Village, Daimaru, who was thought to be busy with business, casually injected a syringe of nutrients into the exhausted Xianglin, and then checked Gaara's condition, but found nothing unexpected. Afterwards, the focus was on the humanoid figure in the giant petri dish.

After several major experiments, Daimaru has now separated most of the important organs and the circulatory system closely related to life from Gaara.

To be able to reach this point, the process was too complicated. Under Daimaru's heavy protection, he also encountered several major crises, but fortunately, he passed through them without any danger.

Now, the severed Gaara's body has exceeded half of his body weight. After being combined into a whole body, in order to ensure that the vitality is retained as much as possible, Daimaru wrapped it with Ukon. The body that is still missing is bound by Ukon's blood. Fusion and replacement, and using Bai Zetsu's possession to provide vitality.

As the plan to create a spare body for Gaara continued to deepen, the demand for the vitality and chakra provided by Xianglin became higher and higher, and Daimaru had to adopt alternative methods to relieve his pressure.

Ten minutes later, Xiang Rin, who had regained consciousness, was still slumped on the recliner, not wanting to move at all. Gaara struggled to walk to Daimaru and looked up at the humanoid organic matter wrapped in purple-black material.

"Is it the result of this period of time?"


If the loss of lifespan is not considered, Daimaru can already consider using cloned organs to make up for the missing parts.

Of course, in order to be foolproof, it is better to execute the plan step by step. Anyway, except for the joint chuunin exams, there are no major events that require Gaara to take risks.

"It seems to be going well, but..."

Gaara had an inexplicable expression on his face,

"It still feels strange to see such a big piece cut off from my body..."

If he hadn't known that he didn't have any missing organs, Gaara would have suspected that he had been deceived.

"If you don't mind facing your other self, I can also create a human puppet based on you..."


Gaara was shocked;

"Human puppet? I don't want to die yet..."

"The times are developing and technology is advancing. Although the human puppet technology perfected by the Red Sand Scorpion is amazing, there will be a day when it becomes outdated. Killing a powerful ninja and making a human puppet that cannot move without manipulation is still too much. loss……"

As long as a person is alive, there are more possibilities, but if he dies, he can only become the material for puppets, or the material for the forbidden technique, dirt reincarnation.

"You...have researched to this point?"

Gaara couldn't help but ask.

We had known before that Daimaru most likely had the ability to create human puppets, but because he had never explicitly admitted it, everyone pretended not to know.

Only now did the Kazekage Godaime know that if he wanted to do evil, Daimaru's ability might be more dangerous than the Red Sand Scorpion.

Shrugging his shoulders, Daimaru said calmly:

"No matter what the forbidden technique is, it is all people who use it! There is no good or evil in any ninjutsu, and it all depends on the nature of the ninja. I don't believe it. Some techniques are inherently contrary to normal ethics. If it is leaked, the order of the entire ninja world will be destroyed. They will all collapse! But..."

After a pause with a chuckle, Daimaru said with some regret:

"No matter how much we brag or self-paralyze, we have to face the fact that human beings have limits. Humanity, body, family, social interaction, etc. are all constraints that restrain us from falling into the 'inhuman' realm. However, if we do not Break this layer of shackles, and there will be no road ahead..."

Whether it is a humanoid demon who has lost his or her human heart, or an alien who possesses humanity but becomes a monster, it is impossible to return to normal human society.

Daimaru's words made Gaara's heart tremble.

Are jinchūriki considered human beings?

It should still be considered, but the average villagers are afraid of their powerful power and cannot resist, so they regard them as monsters.

Moreover, are humans who have been resurrected from the dead still considered human beings?

It should be considered, at least from the inside out, they are no different from normal people.

"You mean, you want to break through the 'concept' of human beings and move into a more powerful 'non-human' realm?"

"Not yet, not even such a plan!"

Daimaru sighed,

"It's not because of insisting on the 'pride of mankind' or unwillingness to become a monster, but because it is too dangerous. The human soul and body are a match made in heaven. The integration of the two will not cause any problems, but once If there is trouble on one side, it will affect the other side, such as: Red Sand Scorpion, Orochimaru and others..."

In fact, the Curse Seal, Sage Mode, and Jinchuuriki also count, but the impact is relatively small. At best, it affects the mentality. Unlike the Red Sand Scorpion, which becomes a puppet that has lost human emotions, Orochimaru's body becomes a white phosphorous snake.

"As a Suna Ninja, you are too bold to announce your intention to study forbidden arts in front of the Kazekage..."

"Out of fear of the unknown, I will not joke with my own life..."

Let's just try to survive and save our lives first. It's not Daimaru's turn to save the world yet.

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