Red sand dust

Chapter 765 Simulation

The puppet itself is just a weapon and can be classified as a ninja tool.

With the ability of weapons to operate autonomously, their threat will increase several levels.

"This will be a fighting partner comparable to the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka family and the parasites of the Aburame family, and even more flexible and controllable!" 』

Whether they are ninja dogs or parasites, they are natural creatures. The Inuzuka family and the Aburame family just domesticated them for their own use, while puppets are made by people and can be customized according to needs, and their development directions are more diverse.

As the "Darkness of Konoha" who protects the village, he has a much deeper understanding of the meaning behind the "artificial elves" who appear to be harmless than ordinary Konoha ninjas.

Decades ago, the puppet master of Sunagakure Village first appeared in the Ninja World War, causing extremely heavy losses to the Konoha ninjas. If Tsunade had not led the medical team to contain the puppet poison and reduce our own The mortality rate, as well as the activity of Konoha White Fang, curbed the unbridled offensive of the puppet master. The first two ninja wars were really not necessarily winnable.

No matter they are allies, competitors or enemies, it is impossible to ignore the attention of the puppet troops of Sunagakure Village. Last year's air combat troops defeated the defense line of Iwagakure Village as soon as they took action. Even the cunning Onoki was unable to save the defeat, and the entire ninja had been defeated. The world was surprised.

The craze for flying ninjas controlling puppets has not yet subsided, and more mysterious intelligent puppets have already appeared on the scene.

Except for sand ninjas, outsiders don't have a deep understanding of the power of the legendary red sand scorpions and human puppets, but the two puppets right in front of them are already difficult to deal with.

"Strengthen surveillance of this new puppet!"

The order was quickly passed on, and the extremely efficient "Gen" ninja quickly assigned several capable generals to carry out the task. As for the direction, there was still some contact. The Kurama family had a lot of contact with the Suna Ninja, and they were not direct descendants of the Hokage. , it would be great if we could find some useful information on them.

Daimaru, who has been in Konoha Village for most of the time, has few acquaintances, and no one he wants to visit. He came to Konoha Village on a business trip and it was just a temporary assignment. If he didn't show up, no one would have guessed the "Red Sand Dust" that is always busy. "My lord will come all the way to Konoha Village.

A master like Daimaru can cause a large number of casualties once he takes action, so he needs to be treated with caution when entering other ninja villages.

Even though no one was watching at all times, Daimaru still noticed the vague sight in the dark.

"That's the bad thing about being in a foreign country. You have to pay attention to your image at all times. If you are not careful, it will cause misunderstanding!"

Walking on the bustling street, in the evening when the vision was getting darker, the neon lights of the roadside shops began to flash, and the neat street lights also turned on. Daimaru raised his head, and after sighing with emotion, he couldn't help but sigh to himself.

The flying ninjas that can be seen flying through the sky from time to time in Sunagakure Village are extremely rare in Konoha Village.

Without the foundation of airspace management, it is naturally impossible to make full use of its vast territory, large population, and strong overall capabilities.

Compared with Sunagakure Village, which makes full use of high-rise buildings and builds helipads and lifting devices, Konoha Village does not even have a decent airport. Large-scale transport puppets take off and land, and Sunagakure puppet masters have to build a helipad by themselves. This is too much. It's an embarrassment to the largest ninja village in the ninja world.

After wandering around for a while, he bought some small gifts, and then returned to the hotel to rest. Daimaru was waiting for a rest when his expression suddenly changed, and with a wave of his hand, a dark stream of light was caught in his hand.

Quietly feeling the news coming from the thing wrapped in chakra in his palm, Daimaru began to think of countermeasures.

The thing that was caught was the backhand of the nano-venomous insect that Daimaru left in Aburame Tori's body when he came to Konoha Village last time.

Daimaru has also learned a little bit about this bug that is smaller than some bacteria. This parasitic bug that mutates through chakra stimulation is not necessarily that powerful. Its frightening toxicity itself is not necessarily as bad as that of the sand ninja. The compound poison prepared by the puppet master is violent, but because of its characteristics of gradually superimposing as the concentration increases, once it reaches a certain amount, once it spreads, it can cause extremely terrifying range of damage. If the chakra supply is lost, excessive proliferation will occur. The nano poisonous insects cannot last long before they die in batches. It is a very effective weapon with no sequelae.

The spiritual host left by Daimaru in his body is scattered on every tiny nano poisonous insect, and it is really difficult to find it without careful inspection.

All this time, apart from natural diffusion, Daimaru has not taken the initiative to explore the secrets of the "root" organization, because except for Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, there is really nothing good that people care about.

The existence of a well-organized espionage and assassination organization and various internal control mechanisms leaves little room for people to take advantage of them. Unless they have information related to themselves, they will probably remain lurking until they die.

Today, something seems to have happened that triggered the early warning mechanism.

"Detecting information on "artificial elves" and monitoring the Kurama family? 』

After destroying the poisonous nano bugs in his palm, Daimaru burst into laughter.

If Orochimaru was still here, he might be able to research something, but now, everything he did was in vain.

As for monitoring the Kurama family, Daimaru is not too worried. If it is an unexpected surprise attack, calculated mentally or unintentionally, it may severely damage the Kurama clan members who are not good at taijutsu and ninjutsu. Once prepared, with Kurama Yakumo's terrifying illusion ability, The monitor can be manipulated with applause.

After delivering a message through the spiritual connection with Kashiwagi, Daimaru had some special ideas.

Soon after, Aburame, who had a premonition that a group of parasitic insects had escaped from control, took the root and sensed it. After finding nothing, she ignored it as a natural death.

The nano-venomous insects that were "intercepted" by Daimaru quickly multiplied under the nourishment of chakra and turned into a pitch-black humanoid shape. After several twists, they turned into the appearance of a white-haired young man wearing glasses.

Through the chakra simulation ability of the White Zetsu clone, the information obtained from Kabuto Yakushi was injected, and a vivid image of a multi-faceted spy appeared in the base of the "Root" organization.

"This is not enough!"

The new humanoid uttered a few vague words. Immediately, a pair of horns grew out of its head, its face was sharpened, snake-like eye shadows and facial lines emerged, and its tongue turned into forked filaments. A long snake tail sprouted from his abdomen, exactly like Kabuto Yakushi's immature Snake Senjutsu.

"Danzo Shimura should have some knowledge of the snake senjutsu in Ryūchi Cave. With this look, I should be able to deceive him!"

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