Red Soviet Union

Chapter 880: Germanic people are proud

What made Günter-Lar even more unacceptable was that the chief designer of this aircraft design bureau was actually a woman! When the other party extended his hand, Günter-Lar was so surprised that he didn't reach out in time.

"It turned out to be the granddaughter of old Bud, no wonder she is so talented!" After hearing the other party's surname and Andre's introduction, Jingte-Lal was able to react.

"Welcome to the Bard Design Bureau." Monica said to Günter-Lar: "We Germans have designed many advanced fighter planes, and now, we have not declined, we have to prove to the world, We are one of the best people."

If you add one, the meaning is different. Monica is proud of being a German, and if she thinks that she is the best nation, other nations are inferior, that is Hitler's racial theory.

Günter-Lar's heart suddenly warmed, yes, the Germans are one of the best people in the world! Over the years, although our side has been suppressed, it has been growing tenaciously, creating one myth after another!

"It's a great honor for me to be the first West German to see our advanced German fighter aircraft," Günter-Lar said. "Can I see our actual aircraft?"

Monica shook her head: "Sorry for disappointing you. Up to now, the fighter planes we designed are still on the drawings."

on the drawing? Then come here by yourself, isn't it in vain? Originally, I thought I could see the fighter plane designed by the Germanic nation, but now, it is actually a design drawing? What's the use of that?

I'm afraid it is precisely because it is a design drawing, so I let myself come to visit, right? Otherwise, how could he possibly give himself this opportunity?

"Please look at the slides." While speaking, he came to the conference room, the lights dimmed, and the slides hit the screen. When he saw the 3D drawing of the designed plane, Günter-Lar was still excited. This way, It looks very similar to the American F-117!

It is by virtue of this shape that American planes have outstanding stealth capabilities, and even Europe itself has no radar to detect it. And now borrowing this design is actually a very good choice, but...

Looking at the design drawings and the detailed design drawings, Jingtral was interested in it, but I always felt that something was missing.

"This is our plan. This project has been in progress for about six years. We expect that the first prototype will be tested in about three years." Monica said.

"I'm sorry, please be blunt, this progress seems to be very slow, and the project has been on paper for six years. Is there something wrong with this?" Günter-Lar asked Monica. road.

For an outsider like him, such questioning is absolutely inappropriate, but he is indeed too curious.

Hearing his question, Monica's eyes dimmed: "This, involves a lot of secrets, we are inconvenient to say, but the plan is slow, mainly because this project is independently developed by us and requires a lot of funds. , and there are a lot of technologies that we cannot overcome.”

Independent research? Hearing this, Günter-Lar's eyebrows twitched a few times, and he suddenly wanted to understand something.

In fact, the Soviet Union has more advanced stealth technology! And East Germany, after all, is not a direct republic of the Soviet Union. Therefore, it is impossible for East Germany to obtain the most advanced equipment of the Soviet Union, such as aircraft. The Soviet Union has always refused to provide the most advanced Su-27. Although there are various excuses, but After all, East Germany was once Germany, the initiator of World War II!

The latest Soviet fighter jet announced at the Moscow Air Show might be the most advanced fighter jet of the Soviet Union! The Soviet Union does not need to be invisible, they are said to be developing the black technology of plasma stealth technology!

Don't doubt the strength of the Soviet Union. Since the Soviet Union can put laser weapons into outer space, why can't they fiddle with such things?

However, the plasma stealth technology is the most high-end, and it will definitely not be equipped with East Germany. Therefore, East Germany can be considered to have its own low-end machine plan, which is to follow the American way and use its appearance to stealth! It is a pity that this project is not an official project of the Soviet Union, so the funding and other aspects are definitely not in place.

All countries are the same, the United Kingdom, France and Germany and other countries jointly develop fighter jets, isn't it just to share the cost? Fighter of the Germanic nation! The Soviet government did not support this project at all!

If it weren't for the lack of funds, how could the project have been on paper for six years! At the same time, it also shows that East Germany's appearance and stealth are also very early!

Since there is a lack of funds here, and the project looks good, do you want to invest in West Germany to jointly develop and promote this Germanic fighter to the stage of real service?

This idea terrified Günter-Lar as well, and jointly developed a fighter jet with East Germany? This sounds like a really crazy idea!

"What technical difficulties are there? Is it the technology of stealth coating?" Günter-Lar suppressed his crazy idea and continued to ask Monica.

Monica shook her head: "In terms of stealth, we are not worried about After simulation, we can achieve the expected effect. The most troublesome thing for us is that we don't have a suitable engine. We plan to take off and land vertically, so, An engine with a very high thrust-to-weight ratio is required, and the existing engine cannot meet our needs, and we cannot design the engine ourselves.”

Without an engine, everything is cook without rice! Moreover, this kind of aircraft that looks extremely sci-fi also requires vertical take-off and landing capability, which requires even more powerful engines! Moreover, it also needs to be improved on the basis of the original engine! They don't have this ability.

However, it happens to be there! Now, the Tornado fighter aircraft jointly developed by the three countries is in full swing. This aircraft uses the only three-rotor engine in the world, and its performance is quite good!

What do you think, it is more appropriate to jointly develop it together! In particular, as a former soldier, Günter-Lar still has a dream of a great German in his heart! The Germans are proud, how can they not have their own fighter jets? Anyway, the Soviets are not interested in this project, and the United States is even less likely to sell stealth aircraft to Germany!

Looking at Günter Lal's expression, Andre knew that this old guy was really tempted, although today's itinerary has always been very strange. However, the visit of West Germany to the East German Air Force Base is more bizarre in itself?

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