Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers
Chapter 2:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 2
Chapter 2 Marooned part 1
Realm: Phawks
Place: Rice Lake
Chrono Sphere: 20-04
The sky is alive; rain crashes furiously to the ground. Trees topple, lightning shatters the air, thunder shakes the ground. Two travelers from two worlds watch the storm only long enough to know it is a monsoon worthy of legends. Ashely had gone camping just this morning under clear skies and tamed weather. She is a lover of the wild, mostly for the quiet. She plans every three or so months to spend a week living off the land. She is young, and her skills as a hunter are not yet refined. But you don't need to trap and kill your food when there are places like Midnight Market where you can pick up all the oatmeal and sun-dried grapes one can eat for barely more than pocket change.
Ashley has been doing this ever since she was in her early teens. She had noticed when she was thirteen that her scent had a powerful effect on other foxes, and in exponentially greater one if she happened to be in estrus. So, she mapped out her heat cycles and made the arrangements to always be out of town when her heat hit.
In the seven years now, Ashley has done this she has seen the strange, and the unsettling out in the woods, but never has she seen rain so harshly that the rain burns one's skin and darkens one's vision. Her clothes are soaked through in moments, and her backpack saturates, her hunting coat offers her no protection from the vengeful storm. There is only one thing Ashley can think to do.
Maybe two summers ago Ashley had discovered a natural cave only a mile or so from her campsite. She must run. Reach the cave and hide out there until the storm passes. But little does the young fox know; she will hardly be alone tonight.
Even as the fox makes her way for cover lightning splinters a tree just outside her cone of sight, an ancient and powerful tree relinquishes itself to the power of heaven. Ember turns to ash, blackened wood peppers on the ground.
From beneath the ash, yellow-green eyes spawn. A wolf grate and white pulls itself from under cover of earth, the wolf is older and stronger than any would anticipate but brought low by a weary body. He has traveled far to get here; the wolf has run long and hard. What vile horror has the wolf left in his wake? Only the dead may know.
Philosophizing the wolf with the flower tattoo turns his eyes upwards. "it is done, the Rose burns, the road home lost to me forevermore. It seems no matter where I run; the rain falls squarely on my back. Do I chase the storm? Or do storms chase me?"
His eyes lower in hidden sadness "there is but one thing left I can do. I must find a new life, a new home, and let the past burn." A sweet sent slinks savory under the wolf's nose. Heart excited by the flowering aroma the wolf turns his head seeking the origin of the fragrances of his new desire.
Ashley climbs down into the sheltering cave; she is soaked through-and-through, her clothes vacuumed to her body by the rain her backpack heavy with water. Ashley sneezes and coughs clearing her throat of the mist she inhaled.
The fox discards her orange hunting coat and looks around in her bag. Her bedroll she throws to the side as it, as well as her change of clothes, has sponged up so much water as to be functionally useless, her lamp is in good working order, but the seal on her oilcan has failed, bringing it salvageability into question. The only things in her bag that appear undamaged by the whitewash rain are a hunting knife, a compass, a tinder-stone, and a zip locked bag of oatmeal.
Already in uncomfortable from ministration, compounded by the irritation of losing so much camping gear, Ashely tips her head back ready to scream. But instead, jumps in shock as a second voice enters the cave. "tell me you can speak. The last person I bumped into under these conditions could only communicate via pheromone…" the growling rocky voice of the wolf comes from slightly overhead at the cave's mouth.
It is dark, Ashley sees only the silhouette of the wolf, who under these conditions is almost indistinguishable from another fox. Ashley, cold, confused, and aggravated places one hand on her hunting knife in anticipation of a fight. "Who are you! What do you want!" her lip curls into a snarl, her nose wrinkles with nervous anger.
The wolf hops down to her level, "there is a long and a short version of that. I am a wolf from a distant land called Dis, trained as a warlock, blessed with the power of space manipulation by a cosmic wurm named Chaos. I am called Hetatsubachi-Una. Tatsu for short."
Ashley is confused by the reply "you will forgive me if I feel skeptical."
The wolf walks around Ashley; he sneakily slides his head under her tail giving her a quick sniff, the then slyly walks around in front of her "I would too."
Ashley goes back to work and trying to figure out how to salvage this adventure "Call me Ashley." In a fit of rage, Ashley throws one of her bottles of oil across the room complaining "no light, no heat, no dry clothes…"
Tatsu looks around; he gathers up a fist full of stones piling them up "I can amend one of those for you." His paw runs over the surface of the stone; the stones seem to turn to glass then yellow light flickers from within like a fire's glow.
Ashely watches in amazement; her eyes go wide as she sits down pulling her knees into her chest. "that is outstanding." She whispers to herself. Her eyes raise to look up at the man in the cave with her now that she has the light needed to examine him. Ashely falls partly backward catching herself in her hands as she notices the feral looking wolf sitting across from her.
Tatsu rolls his head stretching his neck to relax. "you have nothing to fear from me, I am too tired to be dangerous to anything bigger than a chicken."
"you are a wolf?" Ashley is shocked and amazed at all the oddities she has seen so far.
"and yet we seem to be getting along handsomely" Tatsu looks out of the cave, he closes his eyes feeling the air. He then turns his gaze back to his new friend "you are going to want to discard your clothes. The air is getting colder, and your fur will do a better job at protecting you then saggy cloth."
Ashley is sly, and this sounds like mischief, she probes for an explanation "what makes you think that is a good idea?"
Tatsu lays down on his back; he wiggles about digging himself out a groove in the sand to rest in "Keep them on thin if you like. But most animals I have come in contact with don't seem to live very long once the temperature starts dropping."
There seems to be no malice in the answer, Ashley examines herself, the air is just cold enough that her clothes are starting to feel stiff. Disrobing may be a good idea after all. Ashley nods now believing that the wolf is looking out for her better interest. "maybe you have a point, A friend of mine had suffered a deathly fever after a storm like this … if you think it is the right move." The confidence in her voice giving out to shyness.
Tatsu watches Ashley with a repressed interest in the fox, her scent pulling at his bestial emotion "I would. You should stretch your clothes out on the ground after removing them; even humid air will pull moisture away from clothes."
Ashley pulls off her shirt and pants with some haste; unease creeps into her mind as she sees the wolf is watching her. She tries to sound stern as she points at him "panties are staying on."
Tatsu looks up at the stalactites overhead "no skin off my nose." He shrugs a hint of disappointment in his voice "Ashley, what is the delegation of this planet?"
Ashley lays down placing her hands behind her head as she tries to find a comfortable position to rest in "what?" is the only thing that comes to mind for her.
Tatsu's ears fold back "Maybe time-space manipulation isn't a thing on this world yet… that places me pretty far off the grid." Tatsu changes the subject as not to provoke a counter-interrogation "Tell me about yourself Ashley, who old are you?"
The cold bites at Ashley, she rolls onto her side pulling her arms across her breast "I just turned 20." She shivers.
Tatsu watches her; empathy draws him to notice her discomfort, He can handle the cold just fine, he has endured so much more. This girl, she looks like a child, and even if she is tough she is still in need of a protector "is that an adult in your community?"
She has an uneasy laugh "in my community sixteen is an adult, but some seem to think it is younger." Ashley knows that her body isn't generating heat fast enough to keep her temperature up. She needs something else, something to trap the heat. Tatsu is the best option, Ashley knows this, but she has already been accusatory and hostel, can she expect him to help her? Ashely rolls onto her back and pulls her feet up to her but laying with her knees up; she tries to offer an inviting glance hopping body language will replace the need for her to ask him over.
Tatsu can see what Ashley is trying to do. He cuts to the chase for her. He walks over placing his front paws on Ashley's shoulders and pushes her knees apart with his rear paws "squeeze my hips with your thighs and place your hand on the back of my head; I will be your blanket." He lowers his weight onto Ashley as she follows his instructions. "so long as your chest is protected the rest of your body will take care of itself."
Ashley is frightened; she starts to ramble, grasping at any conversation to keep herself calm "…I had no idea that there was a storm browning, I watch the sky, I had my radio on, it just…"
Calmingly, relaxed Tatsu lowers his head onto the side of Ashley's neck. He breathes deep and slow to get her to hear his breath. His voice becomes warm and aired; he whispers gently to Ashley "stay calm, stay in control. Everything is alright."
The heat of the wolf on Ashley's chest starts to become provocative. She slows her breathing to match his; she lowers her voice to a squeak "you are so nice." Ashley's instincts guide her to push her nose into Tatsu's chest.
Tatsu groans happily, feeling the same tugging on his nature, but he tries to keep his cool "the way I see it we need each other right now, I'm lost with no way home, and it looks to me like you are a house pet in need of someone with survival training..." Tatsu slides his paw under Ashley's head, as he does so his hips rock slightly, the tip of his head leaves it sheath pushing softly against her slit through her panties. Tatsu gasps silently noticing himself excite. Tatsu tries not to call attention to his indiscretion, but there is no real way to hide what happened.
Ashley notices the indiscretion, her lips part slightly, and she struggles not to yelp. With a hard swallow, she gains control of her emotions "fair is fair, you help me I help you. Once the storm stops, I will see if I can help you find your way home."
Tatsu shakes his head. "no, there is no way for me to go back. I have to move on." Tatsu slides his head down alongside Ashley's. his mouth opens slightly, and he lets loose a warm breath on her neck. Gently he moves ever-closer, his fangs brush down her jugular vein. He offers a mild pinch. Holding her by the side of the neck, he takes an extended slow breath tasting Ashley's hormone in the air. He growls happily.
Ashley's breath becomes slower, deeper, she is astonished, 'why am I so excitable right now?' She thinks to herself "Move on? Where to?" she asks an expected follow-up.
"to quote a philosopher I once knew 'wherever I may wander.' I came here by accident. I was in a conflict with another of my kind, retreat became the only course of action I could take so... I cast a spell as a distraction and opened a wild portal. I could be any time or place, and there is no way to backtrack as far as I know." Tatsu offers a few more, soft rolls of his hips sliding his unit up and down the fabric of Ashley's panties. He moves his head off to the other side of her neck pressing his nose firmly there too. A lusty growl rumbles in his chest.
Ashley looks surprised, not understanding the sound "everything ok." She looks to the wolf, rubbing her hands across the sides of his face.
"the growl." He thinks for a moment. "it's nothing. You are ovulating, and that is titillating to my senses." He moves his head down to tickle his head to her cheeks.
Instinct starts to get the better of Ashley; she whimpers, her heart rate jumps "Yeaahh... I know that... It's why I came out here, to get away from the hordes of guys that want some... However, you're so nice, I won't force you to stop as long as you don't piss me off somehow…" the threat is ideal, she is to fired-up to want to stop anymore.
Tatsu brings his head up offering to take Ashley's muzzle in his. More of his unit rolls out of its sheath, before long seven inches of his cock had grown out and came to rest on Ashley's stomach. Ashly blushes. She grips the wolf by the back of the head and forces him to kiss her.
In the midst of a long string of kisses Tatsu speaks "so you came out here to hide and bumped into me?" Tatsu slides his tongue out licking the underside of Ashley's muzzle, then offer to slide it in her mouth. Enthused Ashley nods.
Their kiss is long and many times more passionate than either one would have expected. The powerful kiss inspires Ashley to become devilish, shaking from fevered desire she sticks her nose in Tatsu's ear whispering "Do you think I should take off my bra and panties too? They are wet and making me feel a little cold there."
A grin finds Tatsu's lips; his eyes roll up to meet Ashley's. Partly he pushes himself up to sit on her stomach, his eyes narrowed by a sense of want. He thinks for a second, the greedy notion of taking the fox by force creeps into thoughts but his more sophisticated demeanor keeps its hold. "I will not tell you what is right or wrong."
Ashley sits up, she pushes the wolf off her, she unclips her bra and throws it off to one side, she then turns her back on the wolf, she leans forward onto all fours flagging her tail. Ashely slides her fingertips under the straps of her panties slowly rolling them down. She is no less turned on then the wolf at this point; she needs love.
Tatsu moves in, as Ashley bend over to remove her bottoms he stretches his neck to touch his nose to her lips feeling her nether region. His breath is becoming choppy from exhilaration. Ashley blushes v brightly and holds back another soft moan. She has come to a conclusion 'I'm starting to like you wolf.'
Tatsu moves his head down pushing it to Ashley's thighs seeing if she would allow him to run his tongue down the length of her lips, he feels her crouch and tastes her skin. Tatsu presses his muzzle against Ashley; his mouth opens wide as he slides his tongue out to roll it up her reproductive parts. He takes a moment to examine Ashley's naked body sizing her up; then he offers the same scrutiny to her feminine bits taking in their shape. He breathes hot breath on to her sensitive bits awaiting Ashley's reply eagerly.
Ashely unable to stop a moan from escaping her lips. "Oh Tatsu, that felt nice... B-but do you like what you see? Smell? A-and taste?" she starts to act intimidated.
Tatsu pulls his head back, he is quivering from arousal. "your smell is intoxicating." He lowers his head taking a dozen long slow breaths trying to calm himself. His unsheathed unit wiggles slightly, a minute drop of his juice gathering at the tip of his head getting the scent of his lust in the air.
Ashley lets out a childish giggle from the tickling of Tatsu's whiskers on her nether region "you're adorable, Tatsu... i-is it that good?"
"if you are asking 'Am I finished' no, hardly. If you hold your tail flagged for me, I will happily mount you. But then again... we are in a precarious situation right now, aren't we?" Tatsu looks out to the raging storm a moment then offers his attention back to Ashley. "you came out here to avoid accidentally breeding with someone, it is freezing and it looks to me like some of your gear was damaged on the way here. I am low on mana. I didn't make it here unscathed either. But I could still look after you, find us some food..." he trails off mumbling for a few seconds.
"I wasn't expecting you to sniff and be done... I'd be pretty upset if you just did that. But I also see where you're coming from, saying we are in a bad situation and all is true, but wouldn't you agree it would help us both keep warm?" Ashley pauses for a moment and looks at the storm too, "What you say about me coming here to avoid breeding is only half true... I want to breed, I'd love to be a mommy, but I don't want to be the mate of some fuckboy on the streets... I want my mate to be nice, to help me and..." she freezes almost as if I lost my train of thought "You just said you're low on what now?"
Tatsu looks down at the glowing rocks. "Mana. Every time I cast a spell, it cost something. Be it energy, blood, or mass; it doesn't matter. I need to eat no less than 7lbs of raw meat a day to regenerate. It cost me 60% of my strength to open the door that brought me here." He looks back up from the rocks. A mischievous smile runs across his face. "you are right, sleeping together is a good way to share warmth. And a good way to become a mother if you fancy. I would be willing to bet we are chemically fertile." A silly sideways smile finds his face. Tatsu knows well that he and the fox are compatible, it is part of the dragon's blessing. No matter what world he is on he will be able to speak the language of the land, no matter the atmosphere he will adapt, and anywhere he goes people will find him beautiful no matter how alien he may look.
Ashley starts to talk fast and choppy "I'm also willing to bet we are... uh... Compatible. I mean why would you be so turned on by my scent if we were not? Hey, I can be pretty handy out in the wild here... I've been coming here for years whenever I go into heat... I'd gladly help you build up your... mana?"
with a have hearted sigh Tatsu lowers his eye "you are all too kind." His eyes closed as he inhales "if you are willing to protect me until I am healed. I will protect you as long as you wish me to." Nightmares invade Tatsu's mind for only a split second before he can force his focus. He smiles to hide the pain he is in "I'm willing to take this as far as you are."
Ashley shifts close to Tatsu and gives him a tight hug "with your powers and all, and me being pretty normal... What do you think our kid would be like? Not to mention you being feral and I'm not." The very thought invokes an exhilarated quiver. "anyone can be a wizard, it is just a matter of finding someone that can teach you. Arcana is just like any other art form..." his mind wonders, his attention drawn back to Ashley's warmth. He moves a paw onto her back moving gently down to her tail. his unit twitches in the air again calling attention to itself. The tiny drop of oil he had produced slowly streaming down its length wetting his inverted hourglass shaped cock.
Ashley offers Tatsu another kiss and nervously get on my hands and knees in front of him but doesn't lift her tail yet. " the whole you feral and me not, thing... Any clue what the kid will walk like? I wanna know because I want healthy, happy puppies."
"well..." he rolls his eyes up thinking "you are about 50/50 human feral yourself, I am 100% feral. So, if half the genome comes from you and the other half from me, that means that our kids would be 75/25 or so and would likely have elongated arms and an extra joint in the foot giving them the ability to shift between walking on all fours and upright at will..." Tatsu approaches Ashley from behind waiting to see what she does next.
Ashley pause to think for a moment..."I've never met anyone that I felt this way for... And knowing the kids will be just fine..." she gladly lifts her tail for him. Tastu stands over Ashly, his front paws find her underbelly, he rolls his hips touching the head of his penis to Ashley's lips then as he steps forward it slides down rubbing between her legs and up her stomach. He rocks back and forth for a few seconds as if not noticing he missed. His head lowers to the side of Ashley's he rolls back, and as he moves forward again, his unit slides between her vulva and butt. His sharp head parts her lips feeling just the inner folds.
Ashley gasp, suddenly noticing the strange shape and girth of her partner. She considers how difficult this would be if she wasn't already wet from their cuddling. Tatsu's head pokes Ashley's opening threating to slide in at any moment. He holds still breathing slow and deep into her ear awaiting the next moment. "this is your last moment to reconsider. If you tell me to stop now, I will, after that though... I don't know if I will be able to." He rolls side to side drawing little circles around her virginal opening. "you have bread in the past, right?"
"I want you to keep going... And no, this is my first time."
Tatsu can wait no longer; he offers a slow firm push seeing how much of his unit will fit in Ashly's hole. He takes a hard sniff seeing if he can detect how many eggs are waiting in Ashley's depths.
With another soft moan Ashley asks "w-what do you smell?"
Tatsu grunts, on a firm push, his slightly above average cock slipping just an inch into her womb. He holds still looking down at Ashly to see how she feels about him pushing in so hard. "you are very fruitful. It smells like you have two eggs in you already." He takes another breath as he is holding still "and will likely produce two more tomorrow." His nose buries itself in her shoulder nuzzling lovingly
Ashley is surprised by the wolf once more "y-you can smell all that!?" she giggles girlishly "I'm gonna be a mommy thanks to the wolf who saved my life... Wow, I think I owe you more than helping you build up strength, but let's talk about that after" she nervously rambles as her excitement builds.
Tatsu takes Ashley's muzzle in his; he searches for a comfortable pace to start humping her. He is eager, already his unit twitches and threatens to swell, after two or three minutes in the fox Tatsu brings his head up to Ashley's ear "can a put my knot in you? Or should I hold back?" he brings his paws up to her breast offering to squeeze as he is twitching, warning of his impending climax.
With a gasp and a bark, Ashley nods "i-if you think it'll fit, I'd love if you did."
Tatsu pushes up slightly harder, with the entirety of his unit in Ashley's hungry hole the bulb at the base of his cock inflates tying the two together. Tatsu yelps and a healthy squirt of his oil is released in Ashley's womb. Ferally, savagely, in the heat of lust Tatsu picks up speed enchanted by his fox friend.
Ashly moans and cries out with pleasure feeling the wolf seed getting sucked into her womb. Joking about their earlier talk, Tatsu whispers as his paws run down her body again he rolls his hands up and down her tummy needing at the tight skin; he whispers "I think I dripped some." He moans "I think we will know soon if this worked."
Panting, trying to catch her breath Ashly mumbles "f-fantastic... would y-you be able to smell that too?"
Tatsu nods as second drip rolls out of his body and into hers. "it takes 3-5 minutes for sperm to enter an egg. We will know in 10 or less." He struggles to speak as his final shot is building up force he growls, his eyes close. "I hope you cum soon; I can't resist much longer."
"Hmm, me?... cum?... I think I might have a little when you slipped your knot in... But I think I'd cum very quickly if you filled me a little more... I'm very full as is and it feels very nice" The pressure of wolf cum inside of Ashley is holding her right on the edge of climax, plus the idea of getting pregnant with such a dream of a mate certainly helps.
Tatsu only needs another few pushes before his unit throbs hard three more times, on the third a long squirt of puppy juice flies out of his unit, two more a second later. Ashley has a dozen little sprays of her own in return. Her body clenches holding the wolf in her waiting to calm after her climax "Oh... oh wow!" are the only words she can get out through her panting.
Realm: Phawks
Place: Rice Lake
Chrono Sphere: 20-04
The sky is alive; rain crashes furiously to the ground. Trees topple, lightning shatters the air, thunder shakes the ground. Two travelers from two worlds watch the storm only long enough to know it is a monsoon worthy of legends. Ashely had gone camping just this morning under clear skies and tamed weather. She is a lover of the wild, mostly for the quiet. She plans every three or so months to spend a week living off the land. She is young, and her skills as a hunter are not yet refined. But you don't need to trap and kill your food when there are places like Midnight Market where you can pick up all the oatmeal and sun-dried grapes one can eat for barely more than pocket change.
Ashley has been doing this ever since she was in her early teens. She had noticed when she was thirteen that her scent had a powerful effect on other foxes, and in exponentially greater one if she happened to be in estrus. So, she mapped out her heat cycles and made the arrangements to always be out of town when her heat hit.
In the seven years now, Ashley has done this she has seen the strange, and the unsettling out in the woods, but never has she seen rain so harshly that the rain burns one's skin and darkens one's vision. Her clothes are soaked through in moments, and her backpack saturates, her hunting coat offers her no protection from the vengeful storm. There is only one thing Ashley can think to do.
Maybe two summers ago Ashley had discovered a natural cave only a mile or so from her campsite. She must run. Reach the cave and hide out there until the storm passes. But little does the young fox know; she will hardly be alone tonight.
Even as the fox makes her way for cover lightning splinters a tree just outside her cone of sight, an ancient and powerful tree relinquishes itself to the power of heaven. Ember turns to ash, blackened wood peppers on the ground.
From beneath the ash, yellow-green eyes spawn. A wolf grate and white pulls itself from under cover of earth, the wolf is older and stronger than any would anticipate but brought low by a weary body. He has traveled far to get here; the wolf has run long and hard. What vile horror has the wolf left in his wake? Only the dead may know.
Philosophizing the wolf with the flower tattoo turns his eyes upwards. "it is done, the Rose burns, the road home lost to me forevermore. It seems no matter where I run; the rain falls squarely on my back. Do I chase the storm? Or do storms chase me?"
His eyes lower in hidden sadness "there is but one thing left I can do. I must find a new life, a new home, and let the past burn." A sweet sent slinks savory under the wolf's nose. Heart excited by the flowering aroma the wolf turns his head seeking the origin of the fragrances of his new desire.
Ashley climbs down into the sheltering cave; she is soaked through-and-through, her clothes vacuumed to her body by the rain her backpack heavy with water. Ashley sneezes and coughs clearing her throat of the mist she inhaled.
The fox discards her orange hunting coat and looks around in her bag. Her bedroll she throws to the side as it, as well as her change of clothes, has sponged up so much water as to be functionally useless, her lamp is in good working order, but the seal on her oilcan has failed, bringing it salvageability into question. The only things in her bag that appear undamaged by the whitewash rain are a hunting knife, a compass, a tinder-stone, and a zip locked bag of oatmeal.
Already in uncomfortable from ministration, compounded by the irritation of losing so much camping gear, Ashely tips her head back ready to scream. But instead, jumps in shock as a second voice enters the cave. "tell me you can speak. The last person I bumped into under these conditions could only communicate via pheromone…" the growling rocky voice of the wolf comes from slightly overhead at the cave's mouth.
It is dark, Ashley sees only the silhouette of the wolf, who under these conditions is almost indistinguishable from another fox. Ashley, cold, confused, and aggravated places one hand on her hunting knife in anticipation of a fight. "Who are you! What do you want!" her lip curls into a snarl, her nose wrinkles with nervous anger.
The wolf hops down to her level, "there is a long and a short version of that. I am a wolf from a distant land called Dis, trained as a warlock, blessed with the power of space manipulation by a cosmic wurm named Chaos. I am called Hetatsubachi-Una. Tatsu for short."
Ashley is confused by the reply "you will forgive me if I feel skeptical."
The wolf walks around Ashley; he sneakily slides his head under her tail giving her a quick sniff, the then slyly walks around in front of her "I would too."
Ashley goes back to work and trying to figure out how to salvage this adventure "Call me Ashley." In a fit of rage, Ashley throws one of her bottles of oil across the room complaining "no light, no heat, no dry clothes…"
Tatsu looks around; he gathers up a fist full of stones piling them up "I can amend one of those for you." His paw runs over the surface of the stone; the stones seem to turn to glass then yellow light flickers from within like a fire's glow.
Ashely watches in amazement; her eyes go wide as she sits down pulling her knees into her chest. "that is outstanding." She whispers to herself. Her eyes raise to look up at the man in the cave with her now that she has the light needed to examine him. Ashely falls partly backward catching herself in her hands as she notices the feral looking wolf sitting across from her.
Tatsu rolls his head stretching his neck to relax. "you have nothing to fear from me, I am too tired to be dangerous to anything bigger than a chicken."
"you are a wolf?" Ashley is shocked and amazed at all the oddities she has seen so far.
"and yet we seem to be getting along handsomely" Tatsu looks out of the cave, he closes his eyes feeling the air. He then turns his gaze back to his new friend "you are going to want to discard your clothes. The air is getting colder, and your fur will do a better job at protecting you then saggy cloth."
Ashley is sly, and this sounds like mischief, she probes for an explanation "what makes you think that is a good idea?"
Tatsu lays down on his back; he wiggles about digging himself out a groove in the sand to rest in "Keep them on thin if you like. But most animals I have come in contact with don't seem to live very long once the temperature starts dropping."
There seems to be no malice in the answer, Ashley examines herself, the air is just cold enough that her clothes are starting to feel stiff. Disrobing may be a good idea after all. Ashley nods now believing that the wolf is looking out for her better interest. "maybe you have a point, A friend of mine had suffered a deathly fever after a storm like this … if you think it is the right move." The confidence in her voice giving out to shyness.
Tatsu watches Ashley with a repressed interest in the fox, her scent pulling at his bestial emotion "I would. You should stretch your clothes out on the ground after removing them; even humid air will pull moisture away from clothes."
Ashley pulls off her shirt and pants with some haste; unease creeps into her mind as she sees the wolf is watching her. She tries to sound stern as she points at him "panties are staying on."
Tatsu looks up at the stalactites overhead "no skin off my nose." He shrugs a hint of disappointment in his voice "Ashley, what is the delegation of this planet?"
Ashley lays down placing her hands behind her head as she tries to find a comfortable position to rest in "what?" is the only thing that comes to mind for her.
Tatsu's ears fold back "Maybe time-space manipulation isn't a thing on this world yet… that places me pretty far off the grid." Tatsu changes the subject as not to provoke a counter-interrogation "Tell me about yourself Ashley, who old are you?"
The cold bites at Ashley, she rolls onto her side pulling her arms across her breast "I just turned 20." She shivers.
Tatsu watches her; empathy draws him to notice her discomfort, He can handle the cold just fine, he has endured so much more. This girl, she looks like a child, and even if she is tough she is still in need of a protector "is that an adult in your community?"
She has an uneasy laugh "in my community sixteen is an adult, but some seem to think it is younger." Ashley knows that her body isn't generating heat fast enough to keep her temperature up. She needs something else, something to trap the heat. Tatsu is the best option, Ashley knows this, but she has already been accusatory and hostel, can she expect him to help her? Ashely rolls onto her back and pulls her feet up to her but laying with her knees up; she tries to offer an inviting glance hopping body language will replace the need for her to ask him over.
Tatsu can see what Ashley is trying to do. He cuts to the chase for her. He walks over placing his front paws on Ashley's shoulders and pushes her knees apart with his rear paws "squeeze my hips with your thighs and place your hand on the back of my head; I will be your blanket." He lowers his weight onto Ashley as she follows his instructions. "so long as your chest is protected the rest of your body will take care of itself."
Ashley is frightened; she starts to ramble, grasping at any conversation to keep herself calm "…I had no idea that there was a storm browning, I watch the sky, I had my radio on, it just…"
Calmingly, relaxed Tatsu lowers his head onto the side of Ashley's neck. He breathes deep and slow to get her to hear his breath. His voice becomes warm and aired; he whispers gently to Ashley "stay calm, stay in control. Everything is alright."
The heat of the wolf on Ashley's chest starts to become provocative. She slows her breathing to match his; she lowers her voice to a squeak "you are so nice." Ashley's instincts guide her to push her nose into Tatsu's chest.
Tatsu groans happily, feeling the same tugging on his nature, but he tries to keep his cool "the way I see it we need each other right now, I'm lost with no way home, and it looks to me like you are a house pet in need of someone with survival training..." Tatsu slides his paw under Ashley's head, as he does so his hips rock slightly, the tip of his head leaves it sheath pushing softly against her slit through her panties. Tatsu gasps silently noticing himself excite. Tatsu tries not to call attention to his indiscretion, but there is no real way to hide what happened.
Ashley notices the indiscretion, her lips part slightly, and she struggles not to yelp. With a hard swallow, she gains control of her emotions "fair is fair, you help me I help you. Once the storm stops, I will see if I can help you find your way home."
Tatsu shakes his head. "no, there is no way for me to go back. I have to move on." Tatsu slides his head down alongside Ashley's. his mouth opens slightly, and he lets loose a warm breath on her neck. Gently he moves ever-closer, his fangs brush down her jugular vein. He offers a mild pinch. Holding her by the side of the neck, he takes an extended slow breath tasting Ashley's hormone in the air. He growls happily.
Ashley's breath becomes slower, deeper, she is astonished, 'why am I so excitable right now?' She thinks to herself "Move on? Where to?" she asks an expected follow-up.
"to quote a philosopher I once knew 'wherever I may wander.' I came here by accident. I was in a conflict with another of my kind, retreat became the only course of action I could take so... I cast a spell as a distraction and opened a wild portal. I could be any time or place, and there is no way to backtrack as far as I know." Tatsu offers a few more, soft rolls of his hips sliding his unit up and down the fabric of Ashley's panties. He moves his head off to the other side of her neck pressing his nose firmly there too. A lusty growl rumbles in his chest.
Ashley looks surprised, not understanding the sound "everything ok." She looks to the wolf, rubbing her hands across the sides of his face.
"the growl." He thinks for a moment. "it's nothing. You are ovulating, and that is titillating to my senses." He moves his head down to tickle his head to her cheeks.
Instinct starts to get the better of Ashley; she whimpers, her heart rate jumps "Yeaahh... I know that... It's why I came out here, to get away from the hordes of guys that want some... However, you're so nice, I won't force you to stop as long as you don't piss me off somehow…" the threat is ideal, she is to fired-up to want to stop anymore.
Tatsu brings his head up offering to take Ashley's muzzle in his. More of his unit rolls out of its sheath, before long seven inches of his cock had grown out and came to rest on Ashley's stomach. Ashly blushes. She grips the wolf by the back of the head and forces him to kiss her.
In the midst of a long string of kisses Tatsu speaks "so you came out here to hide and bumped into me?" Tatsu slides his tongue out licking the underside of Ashley's muzzle, then offer to slide it in her mouth. Enthused Ashley nods.
Their kiss is long and many times more passionate than either one would have expected. The powerful kiss inspires Ashley to become devilish, shaking from fevered desire she sticks her nose in Tatsu's ear whispering "Do you think I should take off my bra and panties too? They are wet and making me feel a little cold there."
A grin finds Tatsu's lips; his eyes roll up to meet Ashley's. Partly he pushes himself up to sit on her stomach, his eyes narrowed by a sense of want. He thinks for a second, the greedy notion of taking the fox by force creeps into thoughts but his more sophisticated demeanor keeps its hold. "I will not tell you what is right or wrong."
Ashley sits up, she pushes the wolf off her, she unclips her bra and throws it off to one side, she then turns her back on the wolf, she leans forward onto all fours flagging her tail. Ashely slides her fingertips under the straps of her panties slowly rolling them down. She is no less turned on then the wolf at this point; she needs love.
Tatsu moves in, as Ashley bend over to remove her bottoms he stretches his neck to touch his nose to her lips feeling her nether region. His breath is becoming choppy from exhilaration. Ashley blushes v brightly and holds back another soft moan. She has come to a conclusion 'I'm starting to like you wolf.'
Tatsu moves his head down pushing it to Ashley's thighs seeing if she would allow him to run his tongue down the length of her lips, he feels her crouch and tastes her skin. Tatsu presses his muzzle against Ashley; his mouth opens wide as he slides his tongue out to roll it up her reproductive parts. He takes a moment to examine Ashley's naked body sizing her up; then he offers the same scrutiny to her feminine bits taking in their shape. He breathes hot breath on to her sensitive bits awaiting Ashley's reply eagerly.
Ashely unable to stop a moan from escaping her lips. "Oh Tatsu, that felt nice... B-but do you like what you see? Smell? A-and taste?" she starts to act intimidated.
Tatsu pulls his head back, he is quivering from arousal. "your smell is intoxicating." He lowers his head taking a dozen long slow breaths trying to calm himself. His unsheathed unit wiggles slightly, a minute drop of his juice gathering at the tip of his head getting the scent of his lust in the air.
Ashley lets out a childish giggle from the tickling of Tatsu's whiskers on her nether region "you're adorable, Tatsu... i-is it that good?"
"if you are asking 'Am I finished' no, hardly. If you hold your tail flagged for me, I will happily mount you. But then again... we are in a precarious situation right now, aren't we?" Tatsu looks out to the raging storm a moment then offers his attention back to Ashley. "you came out here to avoid accidentally breeding with someone, it is freezing and it looks to me like some of your gear was damaged on the way here. I am low on mana. I didn't make it here unscathed either. But I could still look after you, find us some food..." he trails off mumbling for a few seconds.
"I wasn't expecting you to sniff and be done... I'd be pretty upset if you just did that. But I also see where you're coming from, saying we are in a bad situation and all is true, but wouldn't you agree it would help us both keep warm?" Ashley pauses for a moment and looks at the storm too, "What you say about me coming here to avoid breeding is only half true... I want to breed, I'd love to be a mommy, but I don't want to be the mate of some fuckboy on the streets... I want my mate to be nice, to help me and..." she freezes almost as if I lost my train of thought "You just said you're low on what now?"
Tatsu looks down at the glowing rocks. "Mana. Every time I cast a spell, it cost something. Be it energy, blood, or mass; it doesn't matter. I need to eat no less than 7lbs of raw meat a day to regenerate. It cost me 60% of my strength to open the door that brought me here." He looks back up from the rocks. A mischievous smile runs across his face. "you are right, sleeping together is a good way to share warmth. And a good way to become a mother if you fancy. I would be willing to bet we are chemically fertile." A silly sideways smile finds his face. Tatsu knows well that he and the fox are compatible, it is part of the dragon's blessing. No matter what world he is on he will be able to speak the language of the land, no matter the atmosphere he will adapt, and anywhere he goes people will find him beautiful no matter how alien he may look.
Ashley starts to talk fast and choppy "I'm also willing to bet we are... uh... Compatible. I mean why would you be so turned on by my scent if we were not? Hey, I can be pretty handy out in the wild here... I've been coming here for years whenever I go into heat... I'd gladly help you build up your... mana?"
with a have hearted sigh Tatsu lowers his eye "you are all too kind." His eyes closed as he inhales "if you are willing to protect me until I am healed. I will protect you as long as you wish me to." Nightmares invade Tatsu's mind for only a split second before he can force his focus. He smiles to hide the pain he is in "I'm willing to take this as far as you are."
Ashley shifts close to Tatsu and gives him a tight hug "with your powers and all, and me being pretty normal... What do you think our kid would be like? Not to mention you being feral and I'm not." The very thought invokes an exhilarated quiver. "anyone can be a wizard, it is just a matter of finding someone that can teach you. Arcana is just like any other art form..." his mind wonders, his attention drawn back to Ashley's warmth. He moves a paw onto her back moving gently down to her tail. his unit twitches in the air again calling attention to itself. The tiny drop of oil he had produced slowly streaming down its length wetting his inverted hourglass shaped cock.
Ashley offers Tatsu another kiss and nervously get on my hands and knees in front of him but doesn't lift her tail yet. " the whole you feral and me not, thing... Any clue what the kid will walk like? I wanna know because I want healthy, happy puppies."
"well..." he rolls his eyes up thinking "you are about 50/50 human feral yourself, I am 100% feral. So, if half the genome comes from you and the other half from me, that means that our kids would be 75/25 or so and would likely have elongated arms and an extra joint in the foot giving them the ability to shift between walking on all fours and upright at will..." Tatsu approaches Ashley from behind waiting to see what she does next.
Ashley pause to think for a moment..."I've never met anyone that I felt this way for... And knowing the kids will be just fine..." she gladly lifts her tail for him. Tastu stands over Ashly, his front paws find her underbelly, he rolls his hips touching the head of his penis to Ashley's lips then as he steps forward it slides down rubbing between her legs and up her stomach. He rocks back and forth for a few seconds as if not noticing he missed. His head lowers to the side of Ashley's he rolls back, and as he moves forward again, his unit slides between her vulva and butt. His sharp head parts her lips feeling just the inner folds.
Ashley gasp, suddenly noticing the strange shape and girth of her partner. She considers how difficult this would be if she wasn't already wet from their cuddling. Tatsu's head pokes Ashley's opening threating to slide in at any moment. He holds still breathing slow and deep into her ear awaiting the next moment. "this is your last moment to reconsider. If you tell me to stop now, I will, after that though... I don't know if I will be able to." He rolls side to side drawing little circles around her virginal opening. "you have bread in the past, right?"
"I want you to keep going... And no, this is my first time."
Tatsu can wait no longer; he offers a slow firm push seeing how much of his unit will fit in Ashly's hole. He takes a hard sniff seeing if he can detect how many eggs are waiting in Ashley's depths.
With another soft moan Ashley asks "w-what do you smell?"
Tatsu grunts, on a firm push, his slightly above average cock slipping just an inch into her womb. He holds still looking down at Ashly to see how she feels about him pushing in so hard. "you are very fruitful. It smells like you have two eggs in you already." He takes another breath as he is holding still "and will likely produce two more tomorrow." His nose buries itself in her shoulder nuzzling lovingly
Ashley is surprised by the wolf once more "y-you can smell all that!?" she giggles girlishly "I'm gonna be a mommy thanks to the wolf who saved my life... Wow, I think I owe you more than helping you build up strength, but let's talk about that after" she nervously rambles as her excitement builds.
Tatsu takes Ashley's muzzle in his; he searches for a comfortable pace to start humping her. He is eager, already his unit twitches and threatens to swell, after two or three minutes in the fox Tatsu brings his head up to Ashley's ear "can a put my knot in you? Or should I hold back?" he brings his paws up to her breast offering to squeeze as he is twitching, warning of his impending climax.
With a gasp and a bark, Ashley nods "i-if you think it'll fit, I'd love if you did."
Tatsu pushes up slightly harder, with the entirety of his unit in Ashley's hungry hole the bulb at the base of his cock inflates tying the two together. Tatsu yelps and a healthy squirt of his oil is released in Ashley's womb. Ferally, savagely, in the heat of lust Tatsu picks up speed enchanted by his fox friend.
Ashly moans and cries out with pleasure feeling the wolf seed getting sucked into her womb. Joking about their earlier talk, Tatsu whispers as his paws run down her body again he rolls his hands up and down her tummy needing at the tight skin; he whispers "I think I dripped some." He moans "I think we will know soon if this worked."
Panting, trying to catch her breath Ashly mumbles "f-fantastic... would y-you be able to smell that too?"
Tatsu nods as second drip rolls out of his body and into hers. "it takes 3-5 minutes for sperm to enter an egg. We will know in 10 or less." He struggles to speak as his final shot is building up force he growls, his eyes close. "I hope you cum soon; I can't resist much longer."
"Hmm, me?... cum?... I think I might have a little when you slipped your knot in... But I think I'd cum very quickly if you filled me a little more... I'm very full as is and it feels very nice" The pressure of wolf cum inside of Ashley is holding her right on the edge of climax, plus the idea of getting pregnant with such a dream of a mate certainly helps.
Tatsu only needs another few pushes before his unit throbs hard three more times, on the third a long squirt of puppy juice flies out of his unit, two more a second later. Ashley has a dozen little sprays of her own in return. Her body clenches holding the wolf in her waiting to calm after her climax "Oh... oh wow!" are the only words she can get out through her panting.
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