Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers
Chapter 20:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 20
Chapter 20 Biting Wind part 4
The sun has set, the shadow of the Steel Rose stretched across the Savannah. Atop a fallen tree Hetatsubachi stands to watch the night roll by. Eyes narrow, gaze fixated on the future. His nose wiggles as he tastes the air. Has he slept? Can he sleep? That has yet to be seen.
The spotless young cheetah is uncomfortable in her sleep: the heat cycle is now close to reaching its peak, but Niya had yet to experience the feverish phase when she would be entirely focused on the mating. She lifted her lithe neck to observe the moon glowing over the savannah and think about her situation. The meeting with the young black panther cub has been unexpected but having raised few litters herself she found natural to adopt Cordell: it was a surprise to discover how the cub was probably growing up at a higher pace compared to cheetah cubs. But the most surprising meeting has been the one with the exotic canine named Hetatsubachi: she was aware of mysteries and weird races all around the world, but it was the first time she met someone who probably came from far far away.... undoubtedly a more charming and welcoming face than the beast they fought the other day
Tatsu had left the den before sun up. He returns in short order with some small game to share with his company. Nothing significant, more of a snack. Three fat rabbits. He drops the food on the ground; He nods his head acknowledging his host "Niya." He lowers his eyes to her
Niya at first is too distracted to notice the arrival of the canine, but as soon as her nostril catch the smell of fresh food, she turns her head. Without a word of gratitude, she snatched one of the rabbits and walks away with it under the shelter of a bush. Releasing a little grunt to acknowledge the presence of the alien canine before tearing apart the prey with a ravenous mood: her whole attention focused on gulping down quickly the tender innards while her lithe tail waved a bit.
Hetatsubachi follows the cat, his head slightly down, his lips curled only partly showing off his fangs, he watches her tail wag, he runs his tongue along his nose to stop himself from salivating as he can taste the cat's blood in the air, a momentary thirst for flesh creeping into his mind. Tatsu sets his share of the morning snack on the ground between them then flops down into a resting posture. He looks at his female feline friend eyes half shut in the midst of a fantasy. 'Could this be it, could this be the last time my family and I need to run? Could we find a life here?' in his mind Hetatsubachi tries to replace Ashely with the cat Niya. it is a pour substitute.
Cordell rolls over, his mouth opens and shut a few times biting at air as he forces himself awake. "Food?" He mumbles "you have food now?" He stands up and runs at Niya. The kitten jumps up gripping his mother by the shoulders and tries to roll her over playfully.
Niya patiently let the young one play with her, but she releases a sigh of patience seeing Cordall is stronger and thicker in bones and muscles compared to a cheetah cub, and his playing will soon become too much for the cheetah to bear. Still, she moves a paw covering part of the meat carried to her, allowing the cub to take some snacks from the already munched meat. "I have no idea what your kind could consider as a proper home, but the savannah is a vast world, and I guess there is space for everyone... your kind seems to care lots for the collective interest. While this appears to clash with our lonelier lives, we too behave per natural laws meant to protect the balance". While talking, Niya could guess how the exotic male was thinking of something else, and she wondered if it was her present scent.
Tatsu lays down, his eyes turn to the sky "I remember the ice-ocean. If ever I had been happy it was then." he turns to Niya. Tatsu smiles, he licks his nose as the cat's scent pulls at him. He tries to stay focused. "imagine a binary moon, a realm not so unlike this one, it travels five days in all directions. I have a memory of this place, from so long ago. It feels almost dreamlike. There were ten of us then. The oldest women in my tribe walked at the front of the group. We were going someplace. I don't remember where. The strongest of us walk at the back, his job is to see to it we are not followed. The young, myself included are packed tight in the middle of the crowd. I remember a smell. So strong, so powerful, the old women smells it also. She starts to run, we start to run. The smell of flowers in the wind a stark contrast to the salty ice we are surrounded by. The old women tells us 'at the end of the ocean of ice we will find paradise.' what is this paradise she speaks of? I dream of a land where beast stomp on the earth, covered in roses, food enough that no one will ever be hungry. we will find paradise and we will be rewarded for our efforts by a swarm of beautiful people." Tatsu closes his eyes tight, his nose curls up as he swallows his pain and lost "maybe this is where the old one was looking for. she would never find paradise." Hetatsubachi remembers his childhood
Cordell hugs Niya; he paws at her chest. he stops for a moment turning his eyes to the wolf "Aren't you a robot or something?"
Tatsu shakes his head "I am a man, I was never anything else."
Cordell lifts his head thinking "But your sister?"
Tatsu relaxes "I thought I was clear about that; she was not my sister in birth, she was my sister in faith. we were members of a brotherhood; we called our fellow worshipers our brothers and sisters."
Cordell climbs onto Niya's back, he bites at her scruff playfully, if her tail were moved off to one side he would likely touch her nether reigns. "I don't think I understand that brotherhood thing." he looks at Niya "what is a brotherhood?"
There were many things the cheetah did not understand well concerning the alien wolf. And she could only reason on few specific points of his speech. "Well... if you and your kind are searching for a "paradise," I am not sure you are going to find it exactly on this land: life it's hard, and while there are many good things in life, they are earned and not simply gifted." She let the young black cub play with her, only partially aware of how his playing could turn quickly in something more mature. "Still I hope you can find what you search in this place and well..." she turned to lick the panther between her hears "Brotherhood usually imply male siblings are living together, as it happens for my kind, Cordell. But you're not a cheetah, so you will carry on a lonely life when the time comes for you to walk on your own path." Still, she was a bit uncertain of the meaning of Tatsu' words, probably he implied something more, but Niya guesses it was best not to bother the cub with information that could only lead to a string of never-ending questions. She instead tried to relax under his playful rough ways, and out of instinct, she found a more comfortable sitting position, with her tail moving off to one side.
Tatsu adds on to what Niya is saying "The term brotherhood has many possible meanings, the most common vinocular being exactly the one which you are referring there too, but the word Brotherhood can also be used to describe any organization of individuals held together by a singular philosophy or theology..." He is going to continue only then picking up on the idea that the two cats luckily don't have any concept of philosophy. "Never mind. I can tell you all about it another time."
Niya's tail brushes across Cordell's underside, her wet lips natural line up with his developing unit. Her tickling the kitten ever so innocently triggers him to unsheathe. Unaware of what is happening he still bites at his mother playing with her until his tiny unit slides up the length of her slit pushing her lips open. Cordell meows in surprise and steps away. He looks up and down at Niya and at his aroused unit not sure what he did. His first thought had been that he harmed her in some way and stood frozen waiting to see what the two adults have to say.
The young female cheetah looked toward the exotic canine with sleepy eyes, sure he enjoyed to talk much, and there was an abyss about his culture that she did not fully understand... nor she felt the need to understand it. At the moment some other issues troubled her mind, especially what her step-cub was attempting by instinct to do with her body. The heat status robust, and there was no blood-relation between her and Cordell to prevent her instinctive taboo to restrain from a mating. She shifted on her long legs, crouching in a better position when she felt the intruding penis of the young male poke and briefly penetrate her pussy. "Don't worry little one..." she said with a sweet yet warm voice, losing a bit of the motherly instinct and giving away some other lustful desires.
"We talked about it remember? How a male is supposed to mate with a female... there is no harm to be done on my side, darling..." she purrs a bit, wondering if this would encourage Cordell and how Tatsu was going to react at such display.
Tatsu loses his sophisticated demeanor, the look, the smell, it is too much to handle, he needs to satisfy his hunger. As Niya talks to the kitten, Tatsu walks over, he steps around behind the cheetah and slips a paw around her underbelly, "come here." he whispers pulling back and up on her stomach to make the cheetah mother stick her rear end up. With a slow breath, he breathes hot air down her neck as he stands over her. The paw on her stomach slips down slightly digging his claws lightly into her pelvis. As Tatsu hugs Niya she can feel him starting to excite, the wolf seems to know what he is doing he has lined up already no doubt once he is entirely up he will slide right in. His head moves off to one side as he lets his tongue fall out. He licks the side of her face.
Cordell, as he is watching, is hard, he brings a paw down to tickle himself "that was fun." he rubs himself up and down a few times as Tatsu is lining up with Niya about to get started. "Mama, can I rub you a few more times? I liked that one little push and want to do It some more." Niya can see the kitten has no real lasting power, his tickling himself is getting him to twitch already and a small drop of his kitty cream leeks out of him.
The female purrs slowly while the alien-looking canine moves toward her.
"Oh? Someone is aroused it seems, right?" she said, with a slightly taunting tone yet Niya does nothing to prevent or escape an incoming mating. She allowed the male to shift her body and lift her rear: their anatomy different, yet size difference was similar and could help with technical difficulties. Her long, lithe tail moved off to one side, leaving free space for the male behind her to find a proper position; meanwhile, Niya's attention has also shifted on her step-son. The young black feline aroused and affected by the heat status and instincts driving him while his mind was probably not up for the task.
"We talked about it once, remember?" She purred gently, stretching forward one paw and stroking the male feline on his soft underbelly. "The big wolf here seems quite intentioned to claim me, but my paws can show you what pleasure it is."
The wolf is a tease; he rubs himself up and down Niya, He slides his unit lustfully between her lips and her but. He takes the scruff of her neck in his mouth pulling on her softly. His paws dig into her underbelly holding her tight. His shaft pushes her lips apart, he slides it across her hole but doesn't slide himself in. He waits for her to do that, he wants her to take the next step and force herself on him.
The kitten has his head tipped back; he rests his paws on Niya's paw dogging her on. He rocks his hips up making her run her paw up and down his shaft. She has no trouble teasing out two healthy sized sprays of his kitten juice. He cries for attention. "I want more mama." He falls over, laying on his back, Cordell pulls up on Niya trying to get her to climb up and play on him.
The female cheetah released a soft purr of welcoming at the sensation of the male's cock bumping on her sensible flesh: yet it was soon merged with a feeling of unsatisfied need, almost a teasing without the proper penetration she needed. Her tail moved a bit on thrill and expression of desire while her back arched more lifting her rear to adjust their position and push back her loins to slid the erected cock of the male inside her warm wet pussy. The need to satisfy herself made her ignore the demand of the cub for a while, "One-second dear..." she said with purring voice until she perceived the wolf' cock finally penetrating her. After releasing a moan, she lowered her muzzle, admiring the grown length of the black panther. "I will attend you too..." she said, and her soft tongue started to caress the sheath of the cub.
Hetatsubachi leans over Niya gripping her, one paw on her stomach the other he rolls up her chest. The paw on her underside rubs up and down across her teats, the one on her chest moves around to grip her by the pectoral, he makes her turn her head so he can touch his tongue to her nose in a lusty display. He rolls his unit around in her. It is a strange shape, sharp at the tip, a bulb half way down then it narrows again. As the wolf rocks Niya back and forth, their wet skin making a sloppy sucking sound. Niya feels the wolf starting to grow a second time almost like the erection had was only half of one. Tatsu rolls slowly deeper approaching her cervical door, the wolf wants to invade her womb. He whispers with her "four kittens sounds like a good start to me."
Cordell breaths quickly. The thorns on his unit mushroom out as his body is trying to lock them together, but a mouth is not a pussy and he can't possibly lock up in her mouth. He rubs his paws down her mother's neck tickling her as she plays with him. Two more drops of his fertile oil drips from him. She knows she will be able to make him finish quickly like this. Cordell meows "slow down mom's," he requests.
The golden cheetah tries to focus her efforts on giving pleasure to her step-son: the young kit distinctly new to the joy of sex and probably never experienced orgasm before. "Don't worry dear. Let it go..." she said briefly, before resuming her licking and sucking of the young leopard's penis. The flavor not dissimilar to one of other male cheetahs she sucked before: and soon the salty taste of his cum splattered on her tongue. Despite her efforts to focus on the little kit, Niya could not ignore the waves of pleasure and dominance coming from the coupling with the exotic alien being: the cock penetrating her body was very dissimilar to anything she experienced before, yet it was comfortable and filling her with pleasure forcing her body do leak more and more juices. "Um... you're intended in fathering a litter, right?" she chuckled, teasing him and prompting him to proceed to invade her womb while stroking her long, lithe tail against his. When the muzzle of the canine moved closer to her, she could perceive the wave of hot breath coming from his jaws.
With a few more healthy pushes Tatsu's knot ties the two of them together. Tatsu pulls back, his bulb pulls on Niya's cervices demonstrating that he is stuck in her, Tatsu whisper with the lovely cat "I was going to pull out so we can have some more fun but looks like your heat was too much for me to take." he offers a minute of fast, passionate thrust, his voice turns to a crackling whimper as he replies to her statement "I want you to have kittens for me." he tries to resist the urge to spray, his breath is shacking, he wants to fill her womb with his puppy juice, but he wants to make sure she has had her fun also.
Cordell's rear paws pull up to Niya's neck; his front paws rest on her head. he can't hold himself back. The kitten has three more sprays into his mother's mouth. He roars to the best of his ability as he falls over onto his back and then rolls into a ball. The kitten is young and weak, but he will recover quickly. Niya could imagine that if she could get the wolf to keep humping her for 5-10 minutes after he cums Niya would have no trouble getting Cordell to go another round with her.
The young cheetah moaned lowly while feeling the swollen knot inflating inside her pussy and overstretching her vaginal walls. Juices drippes from the full cunt, while her body arched by instinct and her loins welcomed the thrusts with small motions to prompt the male's release.
" it.... fill my tummy with your alien offspring..." she said, briefly wondering what kind of cubs the canine could ever sire. The cheetah licked her lips, from the salty cum of the young leopard: he briefly admired his small black body, and while wondering about possibly mating with him also, all her desires and wishes for Tatsu to breed her at last.
The wet, sticky, cat tugging on Hetatsubatchi makes a low pitch whistling sound. He happily and rhythmically rolls around in her womb. Niya is easily wearing him out. Tatsu paws at Niya's undercarriage and muzzles at her neck wanting her to cum. Regardless as to if she does or not Tatsu can only hold back for three or four more minutes in her fertile hole. With three more throbs, he starts emptying his load into her body giving the cheetah a healthy amount of his love juice. He slumps forward winded his grip weakening.
Cordell sits up as the wolf is finishing up. He smiles looking his mother up and down; he waits for the two to finish.
Tatsu's eyes are heavy, his breathing slow. It takes almost five minutes for his knot to swell down and let them pull apart. Once untied Tatsu slides down laying on his stomach needing to recover from his orgasm.
Cordell waves Niya over walking around the hillside with her. "Niya," he whispers to her. using her given name maybe for the first time in his life "I love you." he lowers his head bashfully "is it ok for more than one man to love a girl?" he turns to face her licking one of his fangs as he observes the sway of her body.
The golden cheetah enjoys the orgasm of the mysterious male and waited patiently until his canine knot deflated. When the creature was resting, she had time to walk with her step-son Cordell: he was quite clearly affected by the whole affair he's been it. "It can happen, but it may also bring unpleasant things and make you fight and get hurt with other males... you're young, and you should instead focus to mate with different females. I will ever love you, little one... but you are no cheetah, and neither Tatsu is one. You are destined to hunt on high grass and carry on your prey on trees while I will run on the plains."
The sun has set, the shadow of the Steel Rose stretched across the Savannah. Atop a fallen tree Hetatsubachi stands to watch the night roll by. Eyes narrow, gaze fixated on the future. His nose wiggles as he tastes the air. Has he slept? Can he sleep? That has yet to be seen.
The spotless young cheetah is uncomfortable in her sleep: the heat cycle is now close to reaching its peak, but Niya had yet to experience the feverish phase when she would be entirely focused on the mating. She lifted her lithe neck to observe the moon glowing over the savannah and think about her situation. The meeting with the young black panther cub has been unexpected but having raised few litters herself she found natural to adopt Cordell: it was a surprise to discover how the cub was probably growing up at a higher pace compared to cheetah cubs. But the most surprising meeting has been the one with the exotic canine named Hetatsubachi: she was aware of mysteries and weird races all around the world, but it was the first time she met someone who probably came from far far away.... undoubtedly a more charming and welcoming face than the beast they fought the other day
Tatsu had left the den before sun up. He returns in short order with some small game to share with his company. Nothing significant, more of a snack. Three fat rabbits. He drops the food on the ground; He nods his head acknowledging his host "Niya." He lowers his eyes to her
Niya at first is too distracted to notice the arrival of the canine, but as soon as her nostril catch the smell of fresh food, she turns her head. Without a word of gratitude, she snatched one of the rabbits and walks away with it under the shelter of a bush. Releasing a little grunt to acknowledge the presence of the alien canine before tearing apart the prey with a ravenous mood: her whole attention focused on gulping down quickly the tender innards while her lithe tail waved a bit.
Hetatsubachi follows the cat, his head slightly down, his lips curled only partly showing off his fangs, he watches her tail wag, he runs his tongue along his nose to stop himself from salivating as he can taste the cat's blood in the air, a momentary thirst for flesh creeping into his mind. Tatsu sets his share of the morning snack on the ground between them then flops down into a resting posture. He looks at his female feline friend eyes half shut in the midst of a fantasy. 'Could this be it, could this be the last time my family and I need to run? Could we find a life here?' in his mind Hetatsubachi tries to replace Ashely with the cat Niya. it is a pour substitute.
Cordell rolls over, his mouth opens and shut a few times biting at air as he forces himself awake. "Food?" He mumbles "you have food now?" He stands up and runs at Niya. The kitten jumps up gripping his mother by the shoulders and tries to roll her over playfully.
Niya patiently let the young one play with her, but she releases a sigh of patience seeing Cordall is stronger and thicker in bones and muscles compared to a cheetah cub, and his playing will soon become too much for the cheetah to bear. Still, she moves a paw covering part of the meat carried to her, allowing the cub to take some snacks from the already munched meat. "I have no idea what your kind could consider as a proper home, but the savannah is a vast world, and I guess there is space for everyone... your kind seems to care lots for the collective interest. While this appears to clash with our lonelier lives, we too behave per natural laws meant to protect the balance". While talking, Niya could guess how the exotic male was thinking of something else, and she wondered if it was her present scent.
Tatsu lays down, his eyes turn to the sky "I remember the ice-ocean. If ever I had been happy it was then." he turns to Niya. Tatsu smiles, he licks his nose as the cat's scent pulls at him. He tries to stay focused. "imagine a binary moon, a realm not so unlike this one, it travels five days in all directions. I have a memory of this place, from so long ago. It feels almost dreamlike. There were ten of us then. The oldest women in my tribe walked at the front of the group. We were going someplace. I don't remember where. The strongest of us walk at the back, his job is to see to it we are not followed. The young, myself included are packed tight in the middle of the crowd. I remember a smell. So strong, so powerful, the old women smells it also. She starts to run, we start to run. The smell of flowers in the wind a stark contrast to the salty ice we are surrounded by. The old women tells us 'at the end of the ocean of ice we will find paradise.' what is this paradise she speaks of? I dream of a land where beast stomp on the earth, covered in roses, food enough that no one will ever be hungry. we will find paradise and we will be rewarded for our efforts by a swarm of beautiful people." Tatsu closes his eyes tight, his nose curls up as he swallows his pain and lost "maybe this is where the old one was looking for. she would never find paradise." Hetatsubachi remembers his childhood
Cordell hugs Niya; he paws at her chest. he stops for a moment turning his eyes to the wolf "Aren't you a robot or something?"
Tatsu shakes his head "I am a man, I was never anything else."
Cordell lifts his head thinking "But your sister?"
Tatsu relaxes "I thought I was clear about that; she was not my sister in birth, she was my sister in faith. we were members of a brotherhood; we called our fellow worshipers our brothers and sisters."
Cordell climbs onto Niya's back, he bites at her scruff playfully, if her tail were moved off to one side he would likely touch her nether reigns. "I don't think I understand that brotherhood thing." he looks at Niya "what is a brotherhood?"
There were many things the cheetah did not understand well concerning the alien wolf. And she could only reason on few specific points of his speech. "Well... if you and your kind are searching for a "paradise," I am not sure you are going to find it exactly on this land: life it's hard, and while there are many good things in life, they are earned and not simply gifted." She let the young black cub play with her, only partially aware of how his playing could turn quickly in something more mature. "Still I hope you can find what you search in this place and well..." she turned to lick the panther between her hears "Brotherhood usually imply male siblings are living together, as it happens for my kind, Cordell. But you're not a cheetah, so you will carry on a lonely life when the time comes for you to walk on your own path." Still, she was a bit uncertain of the meaning of Tatsu' words, probably he implied something more, but Niya guesses it was best not to bother the cub with information that could only lead to a string of never-ending questions. She instead tried to relax under his playful rough ways, and out of instinct, she found a more comfortable sitting position, with her tail moving off to one side.
Tatsu adds on to what Niya is saying "The term brotherhood has many possible meanings, the most common vinocular being exactly the one which you are referring there too, but the word Brotherhood can also be used to describe any organization of individuals held together by a singular philosophy or theology..." He is going to continue only then picking up on the idea that the two cats luckily don't have any concept of philosophy. "Never mind. I can tell you all about it another time."
Niya's tail brushes across Cordell's underside, her wet lips natural line up with his developing unit. Her tickling the kitten ever so innocently triggers him to unsheathe. Unaware of what is happening he still bites at his mother playing with her until his tiny unit slides up the length of her slit pushing her lips open. Cordell meows in surprise and steps away. He looks up and down at Niya and at his aroused unit not sure what he did. His first thought had been that he harmed her in some way and stood frozen waiting to see what the two adults have to say.
The young female cheetah looked toward the exotic canine with sleepy eyes, sure he enjoyed to talk much, and there was an abyss about his culture that she did not fully understand... nor she felt the need to understand it. At the moment some other issues troubled her mind, especially what her step-cub was attempting by instinct to do with her body. The heat status robust, and there was no blood-relation between her and Cordell to prevent her instinctive taboo to restrain from a mating. She shifted on her long legs, crouching in a better position when she felt the intruding penis of the young male poke and briefly penetrate her pussy. "Don't worry little one..." she said with a sweet yet warm voice, losing a bit of the motherly instinct and giving away some other lustful desires.
"We talked about it remember? How a male is supposed to mate with a female... there is no harm to be done on my side, darling..." she purrs a bit, wondering if this would encourage Cordell and how Tatsu was going to react at such display.
Tatsu loses his sophisticated demeanor, the look, the smell, it is too much to handle, he needs to satisfy his hunger. As Niya talks to the kitten, Tatsu walks over, he steps around behind the cheetah and slips a paw around her underbelly, "come here." he whispers pulling back and up on her stomach to make the cheetah mother stick her rear end up. With a slow breath, he breathes hot air down her neck as he stands over her. The paw on her stomach slips down slightly digging his claws lightly into her pelvis. As Tatsu hugs Niya she can feel him starting to excite, the wolf seems to know what he is doing he has lined up already no doubt once he is entirely up he will slide right in. His head moves off to one side as he lets his tongue fall out. He licks the side of her face.
Cordell, as he is watching, is hard, he brings a paw down to tickle himself "that was fun." he rubs himself up and down a few times as Tatsu is lining up with Niya about to get started. "Mama, can I rub you a few more times? I liked that one little push and want to do It some more." Niya can see the kitten has no real lasting power, his tickling himself is getting him to twitch already and a small drop of his kitty cream leeks out of him.
The female purrs slowly while the alien-looking canine moves toward her.
"Oh? Someone is aroused it seems, right?" she said, with a slightly taunting tone yet Niya does nothing to prevent or escape an incoming mating. She allowed the male to shift her body and lift her rear: their anatomy different, yet size difference was similar and could help with technical difficulties. Her long, lithe tail moved off to one side, leaving free space for the male behind her to find a proper position; meanwhile, Niya's attention has also shifted on her step-son. The young black feline aroused and affected by the heat status and instincts driving him while his mind was probably not up for the task.
"We talked about it once, remember?" She purred gently, stretching forward one paw and stroking the male feline on his soft underbelly. "The big wolf here seems quite intentioned to claim me, but my paws can show you what pleasure it is."
The wolf is a tease; he rubs himself up and down Niya, He slides his unit lustfully between her lips and her but. He takes the scruff of her neck in his mouth pulling on her softly. His paws dig into her underbelly holding her tight. His shaft pushes her lips apart, he slides it across her hole but doesn't slide himself in. He waits for her to do that, he wants her to take the next step and force herself on him.
The kitten has his head tipped back; he rests his paws on Niya's paw dogging her on. He rocks his hips up making her run her paw up and down his shaft. She has no trouble teasing out two healthy sized sprays of his kitten juice. He cries for attention. "I want more mama." He falls over, laying on his back, Cordell pulls up on Niya trying to get her to climb up and play on him.
The female cheetah released a soft purr of welcoming at the sensation of the male's cock bumping on her sensible flesh: yet it was soon merged with a feeling of unsatisfied need, almost a teasing without the proper penetration she needed. Her tail moved a bit on thrill and expression of desire while her back arched more lifting her rear to adjust their position and push back her loins to slid the erected cock of the male inside her warm wet pussy. The need to satisfy herself made her ignore the demand of the cub for a while, "One-second dear..." she said with purring voice until she perceived the wolf' cock finally penetrating her. After releasing a moan, she lowered her muzzle, admiring the grown length of the black panther. "I will attend you too..." she said, and her soft tongue started to caress the sheath of the cub.
Hetatsubachi leans over Niya gripping her, one paw on her stomach the other he rolls up her chest. The paw on her underside rubs up and down across her teats, the one on her chest moves around to grip her by the pectoral, he makes her turn her head so he can touch his tongue to her nose in a lusty display. He rolls his unit around in her. It is a strange shape, sharp at the tip, a bulb half way down then it narrows again. As the wolf rocks Niya back and forth, their wet skin making a sloppy sucking sound. Niya feels the wolf starting to grow a second time almost like the erection had was only half of one. Tatsu rolls slowly deeper approaching her cervical door, the wolf wants to invade her womb. He whispers with her "four kittens sounds like a good start to me."
Cordell breaths quickly. The thorns on his unit mushroom out as his body is trying to lock them together, but a mouth is not a pussy and he can't possibly lock up in her mouth. He rubs his paws down her mother's neck tickling her as she plays with him. Two more drops of his fertile oil drips from him. She knows she will be able to make him finish quickly like this. Cordell meows "slow down mom's," he requests.
The golden cheetah tries to focus her efforts on giving pleasure to her step-son: the young kit distinctly new to the joy of sex and probably never experienced orgasm before. "Don't worry dear. Let it go..." she said briefly, before resuming her licking and sucking of the young leopard's penis. The flavor not dissimilar to one of other male cheetahs she sucked before: and soon the salty taste of his cum splattered on her tongue. Despite her efforts to focus on the little kit, Niya could not ignore the waves of pleasure and dominance coming from the coupling with the exotic alien being: the cock penetrating her body was very dissimilar to anything she experienced before, yet it was comfortable and filling her with pleasure forcing her body do leak more and more juices. "Um... you're intended in fathering a litter, right?" she chuckled, teasing him and prompting him to proceed to invade her womb while stroking her long, lithe tail against his. When the muzzle of the canine moved closer to her, she could perceive the wave of hot breath coming from his jaws.
With a few more healthy pushes Tatsu's knot ties the two of them together. Tatsu pulls back, his bulb pulls on Niya's cervices demonstrating that he is stuck in her, Tatsu whisper with the lovely cat "I was going to pull out so we can have some more fun but looks like your heat was too much for me to take." he offers a minute of fast, passionate thrust, his voice turns to a crackling whimper as he replies to her statement "I want you to have kittens for me." he tries to resist the urge to spray, his breath is shacking, he wants to fill her womb with his puppy juice, but he wants to make sure she has had her fun also.
Cordell's rear paws pull up to Niya's neck; his front paws rest on her head. he can't hold himself back. The kitten has three more sprays into his mother's mouth. He roars to the best of his ability as he falls over onto his back and then rolls into a ball. The kitten is young and weak, but he will recover quickly. Niya could imagine that if she could get the wolf to keep humping her for 5-10 minutes after he cums Niya would have no trouble getting Cordell to go another round with her.
The young cheetah moaned lowly while feeling the swollen knot inflating inside her pussy and overstretching her vaginal walls. Juices drippes from the full cunt, while her body arched by instinct and her loins welcomed the thrusts with small motions to prompt the male's release.
" it.... fill my tummy with your alien offspring..." she said, briefly wondering what kind of cubs the canine could ever sire. The cheetah licked her lips, from the salty cum of the young leopard: he briefly admired his small black body, and while wondering about possibly mating with him also, all her desires and wishes for Tatsu to breed her at last.
The wet, sticky, cat tugging on Hetatsubatchi makes a low pitch whistling sound. He happily and rhythmically rolls around in her womb. Niya is easily wearing him out. Tatsu paws at Niya's undercarriage and muzzles at her neck wanting her to cum. Regardless as to if she does or not Tatsu can only hold back for three or four more minutes in her fertile hole. With three more throbs, he starts emptying his load into her body giving the cheetah a healthy amount of his love juice. He slumps forward winded his grip weakening.
Cordell sits up as the wolf is finishing up. He smiles looking his mother up and down; he waits for the two to finish.
Tatsu's eyes are heavy, his breathing slow. It takes almost five minutes for his knot to swell down and let them pull apart. Once untied Tatsu slides down laying on his stomach needing to recover from his orgasm.
Cordell waves Niya over walking around the hillside with her. "Niya," he whispers to her. using her given name maybe for the first time in his life "I love you." he lowers his head bashfully "is it ok for more than one man to love a girl?" he turns to face her licking one of his fangs as he observes the sway of her body.
The golden cheetah enjoys the orgasm of the mysterious male and waited patiently until his canine knot deflated. When the creature was resting, she had time to walk with her step-son Cordell: he was quite clearly affected by the whole affair he's been it. "It can happen, but it may also bring unpleasant things and make you fight and get hurt with other males... you're young, and you should instead focus to mate with different females. I will ever love you, little one... but you are no cheetah, and neither Tatsu is one. You are destined to hunt on high grass and carry on your prey on trees while I will run on the plains."
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