Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers
Chapter 27:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 27
Chapter 27 Fractured Memories part 6
Weeks pass. Things are peaceful. Since the night, I proclaimed aloud "I have seen the Mark" the mark has made very few appearances. No more nightmares, no more noises or monsters hiding in the dark that only I can see. But still, it is burned into my mind. I have cut the symbol into the palm of my left hand to make sure I never forget what it looks like.
The next time a strange note appeared in my bed the quotation it asked was more of in order depending on the way you look at it. This time the letter reads "Love me" no period, no question. Just a statement "Love me".
Things smooth over with Samur fast enough. She seems to understand that I was not trying to be off-putting with her, I am no lie, childishly unaware of the shape of a dog's body. Until Samur explained it, I didn't even understand that hyenas are not wolves. Looking at them head on they look pretty much alike after all. But no. Hyenas and wolves are related, but they are more like cosines then siblings, not any closer related then cats and dogs. Sounds like hyenas might also be cosines to skunks rabbits and even cats through some sideways logic and genetic gymnastics.
I spend days walking around the vineyard, I spend some time talking to a young girl, between the two of us we start to learn each-others languages. We have fun together. Wall Samur spends her days at work I spend more than a handful of them with this hyena child running through the fields and struggling to understand one-another. She is cute, she is funny, it would be nice to have a child like her. I still haven't figured out how to pronounce her name right to me it sounds like Isis.
Six weeks into my vacation. Still nothing else strange.
Late at night Samur shows up in my bedroom. I can taste her pheromones in the air. I have taken to sleeping in the nude and am more than surprised to see her open the door and waltz in. Samur's hair is a mess, her eyes glazed over with physical need. Samur drops her dress off her body and for the first time I see her body in its full glory.
Samur is covered head to toe in almost perfectly symmetrical white, tanned, and black spots. I see firsthand for the first time her naked breast, she has three sets of tits, all a glossy black, and then my eyes find her clitoris, five and a quarter inches long, the head of it oozing thick white jelly.
The shape of a hyena's vulva is like no other animal's that I know. The vulva of a hyena is attached to the end of their clitoris and comes out of the front of their pelvic girdle instead of off the bottom like with a cat or wolf (from what I understand). Samur climbs onto the bed, she crawls over me. Samur doesn't talk, she forces my muzzle into her mouth. One hand slides under the covers and Samur throws the blanket off of me. Samur's legs find my hips, she tickles my chest with one hand, her other hand grips her clit and starts tugging on it till it becomes stiffened.
Samur's honey drips from her clit onto my manhood, I can't believe how quickly the hot juice smearing arouses me. I grunt, my hands hind her rump squeezing it greedily. Instinctually I pull up on Samur's hips to try to find her lips treating her like a cat. Samur lays forward correcting me, one hand still on her swollen clitoris she wiggles her unit against mine till finely the head of my penis slides into the hole at the tip of her clit.
Samur squeals feeling the ruffe hooks on the underside of my foreskin. It takes a moment for both of us to get comfortable. Samur exhales slowly, her weight rest atop me, the jelly-sleeve that is her vulva wraps around me balling up around my testicles. After I am as deep in her as I can get Samur starts to raise then drop her hips. Her vulva loosens as she lowers her weight then tightens as she pulls back, this creates a strange vacuuming feeling, her tension quickly shifts from well-experienced partner to childishly tight. Even my first time I wasn't with a girl that can squeeze to firmly, and my first time I was 13, and so was my partner.
Samur is such an exotic feeling, there is nothing quite like a whet hyena sitting on top you. She keeps rested forward, kissing lustfully. Samur gets progressively faster in her thrusting, her body seals in moister, I can't help by start sweating after only a few short moments of her on my lap. I can't stop myself, after what couldn't be more than three or four minutes I find myself spraying into her sheath. Samur is not entirely satisfied she places her hand on my chest and even after I finish she keeps thrusting on me. It takes another fifteen minutes before she is happy and allows me to fall out of her shaft. I pass out.
The following few days Samur pays me a visit early in the morning to 'play' with me, she then goes to work, and at night we eat together and talk. Another few weeks' pass, Samur sees me back to the train station and doubles the pay she had already given me. I part ways with my friend, our relationship has gone farther than I had ever hoped. I will miss my friend. I can only hope we see each other again soon.
After getting home I take up a new hobby, I start writing. I find a magazine that specializes in suspense stories. I start sending in regular letters, short stories, and within 10 months I have a full manuscript ready to be reviewed.
I still find myself looking around, searching for the Mark. One day I see it. In my mailbox, a box about 18"/9"/12" it is from Samur, there it is on the top of the box painted in golden lipstick it seems. The phrase "I found the Mark." Written beneath it.
I open the box to find a hand full of things in it: A C.D., a VHS tape and player. A letter folded up and sealed with wax, a rubber stingray painted pink with crab claws and a monkey like tail glued to it, and a book entitled "Mind's Eye: the Darkest Depths." It is a modern looking book like the kind you have seen in gaming stores that explain the rules for complex tabletop games. I think I had seen it in Samur's dungeon, but unable to speak the Hyena tongue I would never have known.
I set the VHS player first and watch the tape. I fear I know what it is. Samur appears on the screen, she is in the dungeon the film quality is shockingly good. She is dressed in a loose-fitting white gown, obviously pregnant. Samur waves innocently with a broad smile. She picks up a peace of paper form the table in front of her. It is the contract.
Samur speaks "Lovecraft, I was playing with you. I feel the need to explain everything. First, the Mark: it is a holy symbol, yes, but a fake one, it is from the game 'Mind's Eye Theater,' the mirror with the Mark on it and the book in my library are both forgeries I made as part of a large-scale game I was setting up. But as the game was going on, I could see that I was hurting you, so I stopped. The ghostly voices, that was nothing more than an atmosphere tape playing over some loudspeakers, and the monster in the kitchen, that was a chew toy and some makeup nothing more. Also, the ghost in our bedroom was Vidal, we set some fans under your bed and a fog machine outside your window to give her a mysterious look. Griswold also had the grate idea to expose you to a neurotoxin, Succinylcholine, that should have paralyzed you and cussed minor hallucinations. "
"Lastly there is this." Samur unfolds the letter she is holding "I, Samur Ashcroft, am going to try to scare you, the undersigned, as part of a live theater event. You will be brought to a secluded location populated by actors hired by the above signed. Over the cores of this performance, we may choose to utilize: makeup, prosthetics, light manipulation, radio and camera equipment, costumes and mind-altering chemicals strictly within limits described by the surgeon general. We will shock and thrill you, but the other actors and I are all under order not to do any form of physical harm." She folds the letter up again setting it before her.
"the document was written in lemon-based ink, it was invisible until the paper was heated. You really were nice to me Lovecraft, and I hope you would be so kind as to come to see me again. Next time I will have an all-new game for us to play." Samur kisses her hand then blows on it, she waves and turns off the recording.
A game, was it a game? I think hard for a moment. Maybe I do want to go around one more time. I start writing a letter back to Samur, I want to make sure I have a blank notebook on hand. I can't wait to see what she comes up with for my next visit.
Hetatsubachi sits atop the train as it is pulling into the next station. He watches the birds fly, the lake flashing in the distance, the sun cresting the sky. The air is warm, the world is calm. This is a place Hetatsubachi would like to spend more time in but time is something that seems to be running out. The wolf jumps from the train and walks down a dirt road finding his way to a wine bottler. He looks up and down the rows of grapes. He sniffs at some of them. The smell is repulsive.
"How strange." Tatsu whispers to himself. "why would the people on this planet hunger for such a bitter fruit?"
A voice from the past comes to call. Loki, she has taken her elf shape, the loins maim, the spiked yellow hair, bright skin, and mismatched eyes "the people here live short lives, one of the greatest pleasures they have is exiting this world under their own terms." She is wrapped in a cloak woven out of owl feathers.
"Loki." Tastu walks over to his friend, his lips curled into a smile, his ears down demonstrating his calm. "tell me you aren't looking for me."
Loki lowers her head and widens her eyes in a sexual display "I would say I have found you." She kneels down to grab Tatsu by the sides of the face holding him. "how has your immortality been treating you?"
"I am still chasing fate it seems." He brings his head up to kiss Loki "have you seen Jessica the Weaver lately?"
The two share a short kiss, Loki pulls away with a disappointed sneer "then you are still on the hunt? It seems there is no talking you out of chasing your whale." She has a soft sigh then nods "it just so happens that I do know where Jessica is. I bumped into her when I was on Nimh, she was bunkered down at Dagger Pass." Loki rolls her eyes up thinking.
Weeks pass. Things are peaceful. Since the night, I proclaimed aloud "I have seen the Mark" the mark has made very few appearances. No more nightmares, no more noises or monsters hiding in the dark that only I can see. But still, it is burned into my mind. I have cut the symbol into the palm of my left hand to make sure I never forget what it looks like.
The next time a strange note appeared in my bed the quotation it asked was more of in order depending on the way you look at it. This time the letter reads "Love me" no period, no question. Just a statement "Love me".
Things smooth over with Samur fast enough. She seems to understand that I was not trying to be off-putting with her, I am no lie, childishly unaware of the shape of a dog's body. Until Samur explained it, I didn't even understand that hyenas are not wolves. Looking at them head on they look pretty much alike after all. But no. Hyenas and wolves are related, but they are more like cosines then siblings, not any closer related then cats and dogs. Sounds like hyenas might also be cosines to skunks rabbits and even cats through some sideways logic and genetic gymnastics.
I spend days walking around the vineyard, I spend some time talking to a young girl, between the two of us we start to learn each-others languages. We have fun together. Wall Samur spends her days at work I spend more than a handful of them with this hyena child running through the fields and struggling to understand one-another. She is cute, she is funny, it would be nice to have a child like her. I still haven't figured out how to pronounce her name right to me it sounds like Isis.
Six weeks into my vacation. Still nothing else strange.
Late at night Samur shows up in my bedroom. I can taste her pheromones in the air. I have taken to sleeping in the nude and am more than surprised to see her open the door and waltz in. Samur's hair is a mess, her eyes glazed over with physical need. Samur drops her dress off her body and for the first time I see her body in its full glory.
Samur is covered head to toe in almost perfectly symmetrical white, tanned, and black spots. I see firsthand for the first time her naked breast, she has three sets of tits, all a glossy black, and then my eyes find her clitoris, five and a quarter inches long, the head of it oozing thick white jelly.
The shape of a hyena's vulva is like no other animal's that I know. The vulva of a hyena is attached to the end of their clitoris and comes out of the front of their pelvic girdle instead of off the bottom like with a cat or wolf (from what I understand). Samur climbs onto the bed, she crawls over me. Samur doesn't talk, she forces my muzzle into her mouth. One hand slides under the covers and Samur throws the blanket off of me. Samur's legs find my hips, she tickles my chest with one hand, her other hand grips her clit and starts tugging on it till it becomes stiffened.
Samur's honey drips from her clit onto my manhood, I can't believe how quickly the hot juice smearing arouses me. I grunt, my hands hind her rump squeezing it greedily. Instinctually I pull up on Samur's hips to try to find her lips treating her like a cat. Samur lays forward correcting me, one hand still on her swollen clitoris she wiggles her unit against mine till finely the head of my penis slides into the hole at the tip of her clit.
Samur squeals feeling the ruffe hooks on the underside of my foreskin. It takes a moment for both of us to get comfortable. Samur exhales slowly, her weight rest atop me, the jelly-sleeve that is her vulva wraps around me balling up around my testicles. After I am as deep in her as I can get Samur starts to raise then drop her hips. Her vulva loosens as she lowers her weight then tightens as she pulls back, this creates a strange vacuuming feeling, her tension quickly shifts from well-experienced partner to childishly tight. Even my first time I wasn't with a girl that can squeeze to firmly, and my first time I was 13, and so was my partner.
Samur is such an exotic feeling, there is nothing quite like a whet hyena sitting on top you. She keeps rested forward, kissing lustfully. Samur gets progressively faster in her thrusting, her body seals in moister, I can't help by start sweating after only a few short moments of her on my lap. I can't stop myself, after what couldn't be more than three or four minutes I find myself spraying into her sheath. Samur is not entirely satisfied she places her hand on my chest and even after I finish she keeps thrusting on me. It takes another fifteen minutes before she is happy and allows me to fall out of her shaft. I pass out.
The following few days Samur pays me a visit early in the morning to 'play' with me, she then goes to work, and at night we eat together and talk. Another few weeks' pass, Samur sees me back to the train station and doubles the pay she had already given me. I part ways with my friend, our relationship has gone farther than I had ever hoped. I will miss my friend. I can only hope we see each other again soon.
After getting home I take up a new hobby, I start writing. I find a magazine that specializes in suspense stories. I start sending in regular letters, short stories, and within 10 months I have a full manuscript ready to be reviewed.
I still find myself looking around, searching for the Mark. One day I see it. In my mailbox, a box about 18"/9"/12" it is from Samur, there it is on the top of the box painted in golden lipstick it seems. The phrase "I found the Mark." Written beneath it.
I open the box to find a hand full of things in it: A C.D., a VHS tape and player. A letter folded up and sealed with wax, a rubber stingray painted pink with crab claws and a monkey like tail glued to it, and a book entitled "Mind's Eye: the Darkest Depths." It is a modern looking book like the kind you have seen in gaming stores that explain the rules for complex tabletop games. I think I had seen it in Samur's dungeon, but unable to speak the Hyena tongue I would never have known.
I set the VHS player first and watch the tape. I fear I know what it is. Samur appears on the screen, she is in the dungeon the film quality is shockingly good. She is dressed in a loose-fitting white gown, obviously pregnant. Samur waves innocently with a broad smile. She picks up a peace of paper form the table in front of her. It is the contract.
Samur speaks "Lovecraft, I was playing with you. I feel the need to explain everything. First, the Mark: it is a holy symbol, yes, but a fake one, it is from the game 'Mind's Eye Theater,' the mirror with the Mark on it and the book in my library are both forgeries I made as part of a large-scale game I was setting up. But as the game was going on, I could see that I was hurting you, so I stopped. The ghostly voices, that was nothing more than an atmosphere tape playing over some loudspeakers, and the monster in the kitchen, that was a chew toy and some makeup nothing more. Also, the ghost in our bedroom was Vidal, we set some fans under your bed and a fog machine outside your window to give her a mysterious look. Griswold also had the grate idea to expose you to a neurotoxin, Succinylcholine, that should have paralyzed you and cussed minor hallucinations. "
"Lastly there is this." Samur unfolds the letter she is holding "I, Samur Ashcroft, am going to try to scare you, the undersigned, as part of a live theater event. You will be brought to a secluded location populated by actors hired by the above signed. Over the cores of this performance, we may choose to utilize: makeup, prosthetics, light manipulation, radio and camera equipment, costumes and mind-altering chemicals strictly within limits described by the surgeon general. We will shock and thrill you, but the other actors and I are all under order not to do any form of physical harm." She folds the letter up again setting it before her.
"the document was written in lemon-based ink, it was invisible until the paper was heated. You really were nice to me Lovecraft, and I hope you would be so kind as to come to see me again. Next time I will have an all-new game for us to play." Samur kisses her hand then blows on it, she waves and turns off the recording.
A game, was it a game? I think hard for a moment. Maybe I do want to go around one more time. I start writing a letter back to Samur, I want to make sure I have a blank notebook on hand. I can't wait to see what she comes up with for my next visit.
Hetatsubachi sits atop the train as it is pulling into the next station. He watches the birds fly, the lake flashing in the distance, the sun cresting the sky. The air is warm, the world is calm. This is a place Hetatsubachi would like to spend more time in but time is something that seems to be running out. The wolf jumps from the train and walks down a dirt road finding his way to a wine bottler. He looks up and down the rows of grapes. He sniffs at some of them. The smell is repulsive.
"How strange." Tatsu whispers to himself. "why would the people on this planet hunger for such a bitter fruit?"
A voice from the past comes to call. Loki, she has taken her elf shape, the loins maim, the spiked yellow hair, bright skin, and mismatched eyes "the people here live short lives, one of the greatest pleasures they have is exiting this world under their own terms." She is wrapped in a cloak woven out of owl feathers.
"Loki." Tastu walks over to his friend, his lips curled into a smile, his ears down demonstrating his calm. "tell me you aren't looking for me."
Loki lowers her head and widens her eyes in a sexual display "I would say I have found you." She kneels down to grab Tatsu by the sides of the face holding him. "how has your immortality been treating you?"
"I am still chasing fate it seems." He brings his head up to kiss Loki "have you seen Jessica the Weaver lately?"
The two share a short kiss, Loki pulls away with a disappointed sneer "then you are still on the hunt? It seems there is no talking you out of chasing your whale." She has a soft sigh then nods "it just so happens that I do know where Jessica is. I bumped into her when I was on Nimh, she was bunkered down at Dagger Pass." Loki rolls her eyes up thinking.
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