Red Twilight: Demon of the Flowers
Chapter 4:Red Twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 4
Chapter 4 Marooned part 3
Tatsu and Ashley spend a few months building a log cabin. Ashley has all the knowledge needed to do this job. Combined with Tatsu's arcana the shell of the house takes shape in only a short few weeks. But the tools Ashley has on hand quickly ware out. They chip and crack. Ashley explains to Tatsu "well, I have to go out to town, get more supplies and to tell anyone important that I'm working on a house for a while and not to expect to hear from me for some time... I could get anything you want or need to help in town."
Tatsu needs little, his knowledge of nature is sufficient that he could live in the wilderness indefinitely. But the idea that he will need to care for others is something slightly different. There is one thing he can think of that would be helpful "if you can find a book on botany or herbology I could use one."
It could take Ashley a day to walk back and forth. Tatsu has grown to love Ashley in the time they have been together. Ashley seems to feel the same way. Ashley has offered to get a gift for Tatsu, Tatsu should do the same.
Tatsu goes for a walk in the woods. The ground is still soft, the river still was swollen. Tatsu catches a rabbit for a snack "A boar." The speaks to himself "I will bring home a boar for Ashley" As Tatsu is walking around a scent slides past his nose. It is a scent he has smelled many times in the past. A wolf, female, young and fruitful, but not too young.
The mother wolf finds some stones to skip across making her way to the side of the river Tatsu is prowling along. The scent of the mother and pup clouds Tatsu's mind. He growls to himself as he moves in close. He throws the rabbit to the mother wolf as a bribe.
The wolf mother is whispering to herself as she walks through the sand "two dogs walked by here a day or two ago, one male, one female, the female is one of the half-foxes from the bluffs, the male…" she stops dead in her tracks as the rabbit hits the ground before her.
Tatsu speaks up announcing himself "Another of my kind. I haven't seen another wolf for some time now."
The wolf mother looks down at the rabbit, her mouth waters, it is hard to turn your nose up at a free meal "most of the wolves around here live up on the mountain." She looks between the rabbit and the wolf male. "what is this?"
Tatsu stares at the wolf mother, his glowing yellow-green eyes slightly intimidating. "a gift."
The wolf mother nods, she lowers her head and sticks her tail up by accident as she starts to pull apart the snack. Tatsu takes the opportunity to walk around the wolf mother. He touches his nose to her puffy black lips; he tastes the air, he shutters fully aware the mother is holding a full clutch of six eggs. She is at the peak of her esterase. She and her pup must have been wandering around here for days trying to find their way back to their den.
Tatsu can't help himself; he steps forward standing over the wolf mother his aroused unit brushes up the wolf mother's labia. Shocked the wolf mother drops the rabbit and pushes her tail down training to cover herself "what are you doing?!" the wolf mother barks
Tatsu grunts happily as he prods against the mother's lips pushing them open "I am trying to be friendly."
The wolf growls upset; she looks over her shoulder, baring her fangs "Friendly? It looks to me like you are trying to mount me!"
Tatsu brings his paws up to the wolf's underbelly, he digs his claws slightly into her soft underside, his eyes burn as he lowers his head to whisper with her "I am." His head pierces her vaginal opening. The wolf mother yelps and tries to pull forward. Tatsu pulls up on her holding her still.
"Get down!" she barks "I… don't want… to breed… with someone, I have never met..." She complains, her complaints becoming weaker with each word as Tatsu starts humping her, the wolf mother's instincts taking over. She wants to be mad, but she can't be, she is becoming relaxed, joyful that someone has noticed her heat and is giving her what she needs.
Tatsu whispers in the wolf's ear. "you will."
The wolf mother's hot body starts to squeeze and pull up on Tatsu's unit. The wolf mother pants and yelps as she gives in to herself after only a few good thrusts. She nods with a soft wine "you are right, I do want to breed."
Tatsu nods as he picks up some speed enjoying the hot wolf's body "then I only have one thing to ask. Do you want me to be fast and rough? Or slow and soft?"
The wolf mother wines passionately "slowly please." She lowers her front end holding her back end up. Tatsu lays across the mothers back; he tries to move slow for her. Moving slowly is hard at the moment, the smell of wolf sex forcing Tatsu to twitch in the wolf mothers hole.
Tatsu forces himself to stop. He pulls out knowing that he is almost ready to knot up in her, and he wants to try to stay calm knowing there is a puppy in heat also somewhere nearby. Maybe if he is lucky, he will get the changes to play with both. He just needs to play his cards right.
Tatsu growls as he stands behind the mother "stick your tail up." He orders "I want to lick you."
The wolf mother is lost in lust, she has already forgotten she was mad at this male for touching her in the first place. She holds her tail off to one side showing of her spade "Like this?" she asks. Tatsu nods, his head lowers and mouth opens. He takes her tear-shaped labia in his mouth and starts slowly tugging in her. His fangs grind up the wolf mother's genitals. The wolf mother can't help but spray her feminine juice into the male's muzzle. She gasps "Careful… I… I am sensitive." She starts laughing
Tatsu's broad tongue slides along the length of the wolf mother's slit. After some time, he folds his tongue in half and tries to push his tongue into her vaginal opening. He knows he can't but it is fun to try. His soft tongue parts her sticky folds. The wolf mother tips her head back barking, begging for attention. The wolf mother whispers to herself "I can't believe I am doing this."
One of Tatsu's paws grip the wolf mother by the hip, he pulls her back as he holds his nose to her opening, he nibbles at her lips as he growls in excitement, he starts rocking his own hips in the air. Tatsu desperately wants to be in the wolf mother again. The mother notices, she digs her claws into the ground. She wants it too.
After a few more seconds of licking the fruitful taste of the feminine feral juice cases Tatsu to shutter and twitch. He has an accidental spray in the air. The mother giggles smelling the drip. "you aren't having too much fun, are you?"
Tatsu pulls his head away to catch his breath "Can't help it; it has been a few days since I was last with a wolf."
The wolf mother holds her tail off to the side invitingly "don't use that accuses; everyone uses that one…"
Tatsu nods agreeing "yeah. But not every wolf has mated a half-fox."
The mother looks strangle interested by that statement "did… did it work? Can we… and they… have puppies together?"
Tatsu closes his eyes and bobs his head "It looks that way."
The wolf wiggles her back end to call Tatsu back to attention "I'm impressed you could even get close to her... anyways, hop back on and breed me too please."
Tatsu doesn't argue; he needs to feel the wolf mothers warmth again "As you wish my lady." He hops up on her back; he waits for a moment being much gentler and calmer now, he lets her wiggle and lines them up.
The mother can see what is happening, she licks her nose and complies. She lines him up by bucking her hips a few times, once he is in, she forces him in deep. The wolf mother is overexcited; she is dripping cream, her body suckling at the cock in her. The wolf mother seems disappointed in herself now; she is building up to fast. She is going to cum well before her partner, and that is just not polite.
Tatsu offers a deep thrust; he tickles around in her creamy honeypot. Tatus bites onto the back of the wolf mothers neck and tries to move at a measured pace "How many puppies do you usually have at a time?" he whispers.
The wolf yelps slightly, the male is trying to get her to talk to help her stay calm, 'smart male' she thinks "I don't know, this is only my second time being mounted. Last time I had six puppies."
Tatsu pushes he nose to her scruff; he takes a slow breath, he grunts and growls, he keeps up his rhythm as his paws start to rub her tits, he feels her six tiny firm nipples "such a nice a fertile mother you are."
The wolf mother moans talking under her breath "my baby girl would love you."
Tatsu holds deep in the wolf wiggling about tickling her womb "what was that?" he asks her to elaborate.
"I have a pup, she has been asking me for months 'when am I going to get to have puppies of my own.' I have no idea how to explain it to her. I told her once she 'is a woman' I will help her get some puppies. Low and behold here we are walking in the woods, washed downstream and this morning she pushes me awake. Her tail up showing off her drooling hole. 'look I am a woman today' she tells me…"
As the wolf mother is telling her story, Tatsu can't help but start moving faster. The idea of a girl going through her first time is such a taboo pleasure. He pushes in too deep, his bulb is past her labia if he swells now he will get tied up.
The mother looks back "I want to give you to my puppy." She explains.
Tatsu quickly pulls back barely able to pull his knot out as it is halfway swollen. He can't stop himself from giving her two hard squirts into her milky hole. Tatsu has to take a moment to catch his breath. He wanted to finish in the mother, but the daughter… she should be fun too. "lead the way." He requests falling out of the mother.
The mother needs to catch her breath before they go as well. Those two drops in her womb sloshing around easily gave her a partial orgasm. Once the wolf mother has found her breath, she points. "I left her hidden over there in the underbrush." She points upstream.
The two walk together a short way. "over where the creak parts there is a hollowed-out cove in the rocks. That is where we slept yesterday." She continues.
The puppy looks much more like clean blooded, her fur is short and fluffy, it shimmers white, and her eyes are gray, she is more muscular than her mother, Tatsu looks to the mother "she is so small."
The mother explains "I am only ¾ths wolf, my grandmother came from the fox village, some half dog. My pups are two generations out; there is almost no dog left, she is all wolf as far as anyone cares."
The pup wags her tail looking up at Tatsu "did you bring him for me? Is he mine?" the pup runs around Tatsu looking at him from different angles.
"no time like the first time" Tatsu watches the pup looking him over, he brings his head down to sniff at the pup making sure one more time that she is ready. He can taste four eggs waiting in her body, it is a small amount, but the first time sometimes is, it is also still early, more could be coming still.
The mother nods in agreement to both statements.
The smell of mother and pup together is intoxicating. The puppy looks down noticing Tatsu is beginning to unsheathe, the pup knows just what to do, she brings her head down tucking it under Tatsu's body, she grabs his hourglass-shaped cock in her mouth and starts to run it along his shaft. Tatsu closes his eyes turning his head up as the puppy licks at him.
The pup sticks her ass end in the air, her head lines up with Tatsu's shaft, she swallows his unit. Tatsu starts thrusting into the pup, Tatsu brings one paw around the puppy's stomach, he lowers his head to touch his nose to her butt. Tatsu's tongue falls out of his mouth as he starts licking down her lips. The puppy giggles "is it nice back there?"
Tatsu pants as he is tasting the puppies juice "I am going to fill you and your mother with puppies."
The puppy holds her tail off to the side enticingly "do you promise?"
Tatsu growls, he had enough foreplay, he picks up the puppy with the paw gripping her underbelly, he turns the pup around. The puppy knows what she wants, she lowers her torso and looks over her shoulder at the wolf behind her waiting for him to take her.
The pup is small, it takes Tatsu a few tries to line himself up, but once in position he slides his spear point up her outer folds pushing the puppy open. The pup starts panting happily, already beginning to work towards climax without Tatsu even all the way in yet.
Tatsu looks to the wolf mother. "come over here." He requests. Tatsu pulls the wolf mother over making her stand over the puppy. Tatsu pushes into the puppy for a few seconds. The puppy wiggles about trying to find out how to excite a boy.
The pup has little endurance. She squawks and squeals shouting happily as Tatsu is only about halfway into her body, Tatsu is being nice. "I am going to be a mommy soon!" the puppy shouts.
Tatsu wants this fun to last, he pulls out of the pup and moves up, he slides up the puppies butt and pushes into the mother wolf. The mother wolf yelps, she looks back know understanding what Tatsu was setting up. "smart wolf." Tatsu lets the puppy calm down for a few moments as he pushes into the mother offering slow deep thrust.
Unfortunately, Tatsu got started with the wolf mother earlier and is feeling randy himself. The warm body of the experienced mother drives Tatsu to his midpoint quickly. After only a few dozen tugs from the wolf mother's vulva, Tatsu has two hard sprays. He wants to tie up on in the mother, but he forces himself to hold back. Tatsu pulls out and has another dribble on the puppy's butt, his oil running down her lips. The puppy pushes her hips up squealing wanting the wolf to slide back into her hole.
Tatsu complies. He slides down and shoves his unit back into the puppies' hot vulva. The puppy wiggles and pushes back forcing the wolf to hold up against her cervical door. The puppy looks up with a devilish grin "you better not pull out again."
The strangely aggressive puppy is exciting. Her inexperienced form is titillating. Tatsu hugs the puppy as he lowers his head and bites onto the neck of the mother. The three of them move about fast and hot. Oil leaking from the mother, the thrusting of Tatsu against her backside forcing her to climax quickly.
The puppy squeezes onto Tatsu, Tatsu holds still, his knot slowly forming inside the pup. Once his knot is in the puppy it is almost trivially easy for the pup to force Tatsu to finish in her. His oil empties into the pup's womb. The pup falls over exhausted. Tatsu hugs the two holding them as he calms himself.
Tatsu grins "I want to keep you both."
The mother looks up still panting trying to catch her breath after the event. "We need to find our way back home. Maybe I can come back soon and let you meet your puppies."
Once the girls have had their fun they walk away. Tatsu looks around thinking. "that is right, I was looking for a treat for Ashley." Tatsu finds a wild pig and brings it home. Ashley returns home a day later fresh carpenter tools in hand.
Tatsu and Ashley spend a few months building a log cabin. Ashley has all the knowledge needed to do this job. Combined with Tatsu's arcana the shell of the house takes shape in only a short few weeks. But the tools Ashley has on hand quickly ware out. They chip and crack. Ashley explains to Tatsu "well, I have to go out to town, get more supplies and to tell anyone important that I'm working on a house for a while and not to expect to hear from me for some time... I could get anything you want or need to help in town."
Tatsu needs little, his knowledge of nature is sufficient that he could live in the wilderness indefinitely. But the idea that he will need to care for others is something slightly different. There is one thing he can think of that would be helpful "if you can find a book on botany or herbology I could use one."
It could take Ashley a day to walk back and forth. Tatsu has grown to love Ashley in the time they have been together. Ashley seems to feel the same way. Ashley has offered to get a gift for Tatsu, Tatsu should do the same.
Tatsu goes for a walk in the woods. The ground is still soft, the river still was swollen. Tatsu catches a rabbit for a snack "A boar." The speaks to himself "I will bring home a boar for Ashley" As Tatsu is walking around a scent slides past his nose. It is a scent he has smelled many times in the past. A wolf, female, young and fruitful, but not too young.
The mother wolf finds some stones to skip across making her way to the side of the river Tatsu is prowling along. The scent of the mother and pup clouds Tatsu's mind. He growls to himself as he moves in close. He throws the rabbit to the mother wolf as a bribe.
The wolf mother is whispering to herself as she walks through the sand "two dogs walked by here a day or two ago, one male, one female, the female is one of the half-foxes from the bluffs, the male…" she stops dead in her tracks as the rabbit hits the ground before her.
Tatsu speaks up announcing himself "Another of my kind. I haven't seen another wolf for some time now."
The wolf mother looks down at the rabbit, her mouth waters, it is hard to turn your nose up at a free meal "most of the wolves around here live up on the mountain." She looks between the rabbit and the wolf male. "what is this?"
Tatsu stares at the wolf mother, his glowing yellow-green eyes slightly intimidating. "a gift."
The wolf mother nods, she lowers her head and sticks her tail up by accident as she starts to pull apart the snack. Tatsu takes the opportunity to walk around the wolf mother. He touches his nose to her puffy black lips; he tastes the air, he shutters fully aware the mother is holding a full clutch of six eggs. She is at the peak of her esterase. She and her pup must have been wandering around here for days trying to find their way back to their den.
Tatsu can't help himself; he steps forward standing over the wolf mother his aroused unit brushes up the wolf mother's labia. Shocked the wolf mother drops the rabbit and pushes her tail down training to cover herself "what are you doing?!" the wolf mother barks
Tatsu grunts happily as he prods against the mother's lips pushing them open "I am trying to be friendly."
The wolf growls upset; she looks over her shoulder, baring her fangs "Friendly? It looks to me like you are trying to mount me!"
Tatsu brings his paws up to the wolf's underbelly, he digs his claws slightly into her soft underside, his eyes burn as he lowers his head to whisper with her "I am." His head pierces her vaginal opening. The wolf mother yelps and tries to pull forward. Tatsu pulls up on her holding her still.
"Get down!" she barks "I… don't want… to breed… with someone, I have never met..." She complains, her complaints becoming weaker with each word as Tatsu starts humping her, the wolf mother's instincts taking over. She wants to be mad, but she can't be, she is becoming relaxed, joyful that someone has noticed her heat and is giving her what she needs.
Tatsu whispers in the wolf's ear. "you will."
The wolf mother's hot body starts to squeeze and pull up on Tatsu's unit. The wolf mother pants and yelps as she gives in to herself after only a few good thrusts. She nods with a soft wine "you are right, I do want to breed."
Tatsu nods as he picks up some speed enjoying the hot wolf's body "then I only have one thing to ask. Do you want me to be fast and rough? Or slow and soft?"
The wolf mother wines passionately "slowly please." She lowers her front end holding her back end up. Tatsu lays across the mothers back; he tries to move slow for her. Moving slowly is hard at the moment, the smell of wolf sex forcing Tatsu to twitch in the wolf mothers hole.
Tatsu forces himself to stop. He pulls out knowing that he is almost ready to knot up in her, and he wants to try to stay calm knowing there is a puppy in heat also somewhere nearby. Maybe if he is lucky, he will get the changes to play with both. He just needs to play his cards right.
Tatsu growls as he stands behind the mother "stick your tail up." He orders "I want to lick you."
The wolf mother is lost in lust, she has already forgotten she was mad at this male for touching her in the first place. She holds her tail off to one side showing of her spade "Like this?" she asks. Tatsu nods, his head lowers and mouth opens. He takes her tear-shaped labia in his mouth and starts slowly tugging in her. His fangs grind up the wolf mother's genitals. The wolf mother can't help but spray her feminine juice into the male's muzzle. She gasps "Careful… I… I am sensitive." She starts laughing
Tatsu's broad tongue slides along the length of the wolf mother's slit. After some time, he folds his tongue in half and tries to push his tongue into her vaginal opening. He knows he can't but it is fun to try. His soft tongue parts her sticky folds. The wolf mother tips her head back barking, begging for attention. The wolf mother whispers to herself "I can't believe I am doing this."
One of Tatsu's paws grip the wolf mother by the hip, he pulls her back as he holds his nose to her opening, he nibbles at her lips as he growls in excitement, he starts rocking his own hips in the air. Tatsu desperately wants to be in the wolf mother again. The mother notices, she digs her claws into the ground. She wants it too.
After a few more seconds of licking the fruitful taste of the feminine feral juice cases Tatsu to shutter and twitch. He has an accidental spray in the air. The mother giggles smelling the drip. "you aren't having too much fun, are you?"
Tatsu pulls his head away to catch his breath "Can't help it; it has been a few days since I was last with a wolf."
The wolf mother holds her tail off to the side invitingly "don't use that accuses; everyone uses that one…"
Tatsu nods agreeing "yeah. But not every wolf has mated a half-fox."
The mother looks strangle interested by that statement "did… did it work? Can we… and they… have puppies together?"
Tatsu closes his eyes and bobs his head "It looks that way."
The wolf wiggles her back end to call Tatsu back to attention "I'm impressed you could even get close to her... anyways, hop back on and breed me too please."
Tatsu doesn't argue; he needs to feel the wolf mothers warmth again "As you wish my lady." He hops up on her back; he waits for a moment being much gentler and calmer now, he lets her wiggle and lines them up.
The mother can see what is happening, she licks her nose and complies. She lines him up by bucking her hips a few times, once he is in, she forces him in deep. The wolf mother is overexcited; she is dripping cream, her body suckling at the cock in her. The wolf mother seems disappointed in herself now; she is building up to fast. She is going to cum well before her partner, and that is just not polite.
Tatsu offers a deep thrust; he tickles around in her creamy honeypot. Tatus bites onto the back of the wolf mothers neck and tries to move at a measured pace "How many puppies do you usually have at a time?" he whispers.
The wolf yelps slightly, the male is trying to get her to talk to help her stay calm, 'smart male' she thinks "I don't know, this is only my second time being mounted. Last time I had six puppies."
Tatsu pushes he nose to her scruff; he takes a slow breath, he grunts and growls, he keeps up his rhythm as his paws start to rub her tits, he feels her six tiny firm nipples "such a nice a fertile mother you are."
The wolf mother moans talking under her breath "my baby girl would love you."
Tatsu holds deep in the wolf wiggling about tickling her womb "what was that?" he asks her to elaborate.
"I have a pup, she has been asking me for months 'when am I going to get to have puppies of my own.' I have no idea how to explain it to her. I told her once she 'is a woman' I will help her get some puppies. Low and behold here we are walking in the woods, washed downstream and this morning she pushes me awake. Her tail up showing off her drooling hole. 'look I am a woman today' she tells me…"
As the wolf mother is telling her story, Tatsu can't help but start moving faster. The idea of a girl going through her first time is such a taboo pleasure. He pushes in too deep, his bulb is past her labia if he swells now he will get tied up.
The mother looks back "I want to give you to my puppy." She explains.
Tatsu quickly pulls back barely able to pull his knot out as it is halfway swollen. He can't stop himself from giving her two hard squirts into her milky hole. Tatsu has to take a moment to catch his breath. He wanted to finish in the mother, but the daughter… she should be fun too. "lead the way." He requests falling out of the mother.
The mother needs to catch her breath before they go as well. Those two drops in her womb sloshing around easily gave her a partial orgasm. Once the wolf mother has found her breath, she points. "I left her hidden over there in the underbrush." She points upstream.
The two walk together a short way. "over where the creak parts there is a hollowed-out cove in the rocks. That is where we slept yesterday." She continues.
The puppy looks much more like clean blooded, her fur is short and fluffy, it shimmers white, and her eyes are gray, she is more muscular than her mother, Tatsu looks to the mother "she is so small."
The mother explains "I am only ¾ths wolf, my grandmother came from the fox village, some half dog. My pups are two generations out; there is almost no dog left, she is all wolf as far as anyone cares."
The pup wags her tail looking up at Tatsu "did you bring him for me? Is he mine?" the pup runs around Tatsu looking at him from different angles.
"no time like the first time" Tatsu watches the pup looking him over, he brings his head down to sniff at the pup making sure one more time that she is ready. He can taste four eggs waiting in her body, it is a small amount, but the first time sometimes is, it is also still early, more could be coming still.
The mother nods in agreement to both statements.
The smell of mother and pup together is intoxicating. The puppy looks down noticing Tatsu is beginning to unsheathe, the pup knows just what to do, she brings her head down tucking it under Tatsu's body, she grabs his hourglass-shaped cock in her mouth and starts to run it along his shaft. Tatsu closes his eyes turning his head up as the puppy licks at him.
The pup sticks her ass end in the air, her head lines up with Tatsu's shaft, she swallows his unit. Tatsu starts thrusting into the pup, Tatsu brings one paw around the puppy's stomach, he lowers his head to touch his nose to her butt. Tatsu's tongue falls out of his mouth as he starts licking down her lips. The puppy giggles "is it nice back there?"
Tatsu pants as he is tasting the puppies juice "I am going to fill you and your mother with puppies."
The puppy holds her tail off to the side enticingly "do you promise?"
Tatsu growls, he had enough foreplay, he picks up the puppy with the paw gripping her underbelly, he turns the pup around. The puppy knows what she wants, she lowers her torso and looks over her shoulder at the wolf behind her waiting for him to take her.
The pup is small, it takes Tatsu a few tries to line himself up, but once in position he slides his spear point up her outer folds pushing the puppy open. The pup starts panting happily, already beginning to work towards climax without Tatsu even all the way in yet.
Tatsu looks to the wolf mother. "come over here." He requests. Tatsu pulls the wolf mother over making her stand over the puppy. Tatsu pushes into the puppy for a few seconds. The puppy wiggles about trying to find out how to excite a boy.
The pup has little endurance. She squawks and squeals shouting happily as Tatsu is only about halfway into her body, Tatsu is being nice. "I am going to be a mommy soon!" the puppy shouts.
Tatsu wants this fun to last, he pulls out of the pup and moves up, he slides up the puppies butt and pushes into the mother wolf. The mother wolf yelps, she looks back know understanding what Tatsu was setting up. "smart wolf." Tatsu lets the puppy calm down for a few moments as he pushes into the mother offering slow deep thrust.
Unfortunately, Tatsu got started with the wolf mother earlier and is feeling randy himself. The warm body of the experienced mother drives Tatsu to his midpoint quickly. After only a few dozen tugs from the wolf mother's vulva, Tatsu has two hard sprays. He wants to tie up on in the mother, but he forces himself to hold back. Tatsu pulls out and has another dribble on the puppy's butt, his oil running down her lips. The puppy pushes her hips up squealing wanting the wolf to slide back into her hole.
Tatsu complies. He slides down and shoves his unit back into the puppies' hot vulva. The puppy wiggles and pushes back forcing the wolf to hold up against her cervical door. The puppy looks up with a devilish grin "you better not pull out again."
The strangely aggressive puppy is exciting. Her inexperienced form is titillating. Tatsu hugs the puppy as he lowers his head and bites onto the neck of the mother. The three of them move about fast and hot. Oil leaking from the mother, the thrusting of Tatsu against her backside forcing her to climax quickly.
The puppy squeezes onto Tatsu, Tatsu holds still, his knot slowly forming inside the pup. Once his knot is in the puppy it is almost trivially easy for the pup to force Tatsu to finish in her. His oil empties into the pup's womb. The pup falls over exhausted. Tatsu hugs the two holding them as he calms himself.
Tatsu grins "I want to keep you both."
The mother looks up still panting trying to catch her breath after the event. "We need to find our way back home. Maybe I can come back soon and let you meet your puppies."
Once the girls have had their fun they walk away. Tatsu looks around thinking. "that is right, I was looking for a treat for Ashley." Tatsu finds a wild pig and brings it home. Ashley returns home a day later fresh carpenter tools in hand.
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