Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 114 - (114) Six Geths?

While this avatar was speaking to Albus, two of the avatars were having a stimulating conversation of their own. Both of Geth's 'selves' were hovering near the Mass Invocation Rune.

"What if we could light up these minor, greyed-out Runes? Do you think we would be able to turn the spell into Universal Invocation?" Geth asked himself.

The other avatar looked at him with wide eyes, "Are you crazy?! What if you do something wrong, and our entire mental sphere explodes?"

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just speculating!"

His other 'selves' were hard at work as well. Two were monitoring the Absorption and Recovery Talents hovering just outside the sphere.

The last avatar was floating around outside the sphere studying the different Talent Runes. Not a single Talent appeared in the mental sphere, which he found rather vexing.

'Every Talent is etched somewhere inside of the body. It's like the Mana carved tattoos out inside of us.

Can we do the same on the exterior of our skin? It may be something to experiment with later.'

And so time passed. Geth already had an insanely fast thought process due to his high Wisdom.

Time seemed to slow down with six of his 'selves' working together. This was definitely something that needed to become permanent.

Geth had all the avatars focus on creating a Formation similar to the one they were currently sitting in. Albus was looking at the Formation itself while Geth's consciousnesses were studying the Runes.

There were Runes of Amplification, Gathering, Agility, Wisdom, and Intelligence. Outside of those, many others weren't in his vocabulary.

As he and Albus were coming up with a miniature Formation, he felt a tug on his shoulder. One of his 'selves' dropped what he was doing and took control of his body. 

Geth looked over his shoulder and found Zolis looking at him with an odd gaze. She raised one of her eyebrows before her expression went back to normal.

"How long have I been sitting here?" He asked.

"It hasn't even been 5 minutes," Zolis responded. "Why are your eyes glowing?"

"Hmm, it feels like it's been at least an hour? What do you mean my eyes are glowing?"

"Your eyes have a slight blue glow around them," She said. "It's kind of hot."

Geth just shrugged. He was sure it had something to do with six of his 'selves' using Mana at once.

The other five were still working with Albus at the moment. He used this opportunity to inspect his body to see if there were any further changes.

Everything seemed normal, though there was an additional white hair in his beard. For as long as he could remember, there had only been one.

He always hoped that his hair would turn pure white like his grandpa's one day instead of grey like his dad's. Since everything was normal, he decided to get up and leave the Formation.

"Wait... You don't feel anything strange being in here?" Geth asked his wife.

Zolis stopped and closed her eyes for a few seconds before answering. "I feel like my thoughts are a lot clearer than usual. 

Also, before walking in here, I know I was excited about possibly spending some time with the kids.

Right now, I don't really feel that. It's almost like I'm lacking emotion."

Zolis turned her head slightly and looked at Geth, "Is this how you always feel?"

Geth really wasn't sure what she was going through. Nothing in his emotional state seemed to change.

"I guess. Let's go check out the Tower again. If I close my eyes, I may end up spending all day here."

Albus and Geth's avatars faded from his mental sphere as the two left the circle. He was pleased to find that one of his 'selves' was left after leaving the Formation.

Geth let his avatar do as it pleased while heading towards the Tower with Zolis. She held his hand and hummed while they were walking.

Most of the party was hanging around near the temple, but a few were waiting at the Tower. Alise, Blaze, Swole, and Pebbles were all standing at the entrance waiting for them.

Geth nodded at them before walking up to the door and placing his hand on the white Gem. The Gem began to shimmer as the group waited for the usual holographic screen to appear.

To everyone's surprise, no screen appeared. Instead, a projection of a tall man in a butler's uniform appeared before them!

The man looked exactly as a butler should. His curling white mustache was prominent below his pointed nose.

He used his gloved hand to push up on his spectacles as he observed the crowd before him. Before speaking, the man pulled off his cap and gave everyone a slight bow.

He revealed a perfectly combed head and two pointy ears upon removing the cap. His voice was almost musical as he spoke to them.

"Welcome to the Tower. My name is Larzen. You may call me Larz."

Geth gave a slight and awkward bow back to the projection before replying.

"My name is Geth. It's nice to make your acquaintance Larz," He spoke formally since he wasn't sure what to make of this yet.

"May I ask what you are doing here with this Tower? This is the first Dungeon that we've conquered that has had some type of Guardian."

Larz furled his brows as if the question was strange to him. He shut his eyes and pressed a finger to his temple as if he was trying to remember something.

After a few minutes, he began to speak, "I'm sorry, but I can't recall how I came to be here. I simply know that it is my duty to assist the Tower's new owners."

Geth marveled at the projection standing before him. It reminded him quite a bit of a Grimoire's individual personality.

'You aren't far off. I believe that the being standing before us is essentially the Tower's Grimoire..' Albus responded promptly.

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