Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 142 - (142) Halfway There

"Albus, I would like to put two Levels in Protector's Aura," Geth declared. He didn't have enough Points to upgrade it, but he could get close.

25 points dropped as Protector's Aura was Leveled to 4.


Protector's Aura (Lvl 4)-

Grants all party members within a specific range bonus Attributes. Increase is determined by User's base Attributes.

Wisdom Increase- 20% of User's Wisdom

Defense increase- 20% of User's Defense


'It will be exponentially more noticeable than before.' 

Not only were Geth's Attributes higher, the percentage granted increased as well. The increase of over 250 Mana and 200 HP for his party members was substantial.

"All right, let's move on to your Skills." Albus swiped the Talents out of the air and dropped the Skill list in front of him.

Geth looked over the Skills before making a decision. He had an internal debate on how many points he wanted to save for when the Tower's Skill Shop was open.

He eventually settled on three Skills that he would upgrade for now. The rest of his Points would be saved for an offense Skill or two.

"Albus, what would be the total cost of upgrading Tenacity, Restoration, and Corruption Aura?" 

He then took notice that he had begun to rely on his friend more and more. There wasn't a reason he shouldn't be doing such simple math independently.

"It would take thirty-five points to bring them all to the next Rarity."

"Cheaper than what I thought it would be. Let's get started, then." Geth responded. He watched the images before him swirl until they laid out his first choice.


Tenacity has reached its stage of Evolution. Skill will be upgraded from Common to Uncommon. Please select which path you would like to follow;

Option 1- Determination

The cost and effects of Tenacity remain the same.

Cost- 75 MP/ Second

When exhausted, Mana replaces User's stamina.

Cost- 5 MP/ Second

Option 2- Perseverance

The cost of Tenacity is significantly reduced. Effects remain the same.

Cost- 50 MP/ Second


"That's not exactly what I was expecting." Geth looked over the slight changes.

"Albus, let's take Determination."

Albus nodded. The projected words faded away and were replaced.


Restoration has reached its stage of Evolution. Skill will be upgraded from Uncommon to Rare. Please select which path you would like to follow;

Option 1- Mass Restoration

Casting affects all members in party instead of single target. There is no longer a temporary Shield on initial cast. Healing per tick is slightly increased from Restoration.

Cost (250 MP)

Healing = 10+ (Int x 50%) + (Caster's HP x 5%)

Duration = 30+ (Wisdom x 60%) in seconds. Healing occurs on the initial cast and once every 3 seconds for the duration.

Option 2- Rejuvenation

Casting remains single target. Shield on initial cast significantly strengthened. 

If target is heavily injured, puts target in stasis until wounds are completely healed. Can regrow freshly severed limbs.

Cost (500 MP)

Healing = 10+ (Int x 100%) + (Caster's HP x 10%)

Shield = 100 + (Caster's HP x 15%) shield lasts for the spell's duration, or until shattered.

Duration = 30+ (Wisdom x 50%) in seconds. Healing occurs on the initial cast and once every 3 seconds for the duration.


"Do the choices always have to be this difficult, Albus?" Geth let out a sigh as he asked.

Albus shrugged, "All spells start at a specific point, and they can evolve in multiple ways. 

A Common Skill will have sixteen potential Legendary Skills into which they can evolve." Albus waved his hand and made an upside-down chart that showed the development of Skills.

"So my former assumption was correct. I don't need to acquire Rare Skills. It would be best to learn Common or Uncommon Skills and develop them to suit me."

Geth felt slightly regretful that he'd picked up Mass Blessing as a Skill that was already in the Rare state. 

"You shouldn't feel that way." Albus cut into his thoughts.

"There are still some Skills that have a higher starting point than others. Your Mass Invocation is one of them.

There are only four Legendary versions of the Skill, Mass Blessing, only two of which will be available to you in the future." Albus concluded.

"Well, there isn't anything that I can do about it. I would like to take Mass Restoration."

Another screen quickly replaced the one in front of him.


Corruption Aura has reached its stage of Evolution. Skill will be upgraded from Uncommon to Rare. Please select which path you would like to follow;

Option 1- Corrosive Aura

Similar effects to Corruption Aura. Range of Aura and Damage are significantly increased. 

Damage = 100+ (Int x 50%)

Range = 10+ (Wis x 10%) in feet.

Option 2- Corruption Blast

Skill is no longer in the form of an Aura. A small ball of corruption shoots toward target location.

On impact, projectile spreads into an effect slightly stronger than corruption Aura. Damage significantly increased, Size increased.

Damage = 100+ (Int x 50%)

Range = 5+ (Wis x 5%) in feet.


"Hmm?" Geth looked at his options.

"These are both great options again. Albus, is it possible to learn multiple versions of the same spell?"

Albus smiled at him, "Yes, it is. But this only works for Class-specific spells."

He continued, "Any healing spell, you could re-learn its base form and then Level it up as you did initially. You won't have this option until the first Skill becomes Legendary."

"So I wouldn't be able to get both of these eventually. Then I'll go with option 2. I need something for long-range situations."

Albus nodded, and the words disappeared. Geth felt a flood of new information as multiple of the floating Runes and Formations began to warp.

He found that the changes didn't affect him as much as before. Usually, he would feel some sort of pain or discomfort. Now, it almost felt natural.

"You have grown," Albus stated. "Your mind is too powerful for such things to trouble you. And you are only halfway there."

Geth glanced over at the old man before turning to watch the changes in his mental sphere.. He was curious what Albus meant, but he would ask him later.

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