Even though they were being pressed back, Geth had time to make small changes to the structure of his cone.

At first, the changes weren't evident, but the others began to notice a difference as time passed.

Rock and dirt turned to mud and slowly shifted around the mouth of the cave. The earth piled upon itself, forming two walls running back from the entrance.

Geth began to sweat as his Mana pool was decreasing. His project wouldn't be an issue if he weren't also focused on supporting Sindri.

In fact, he wasn't even the one casting directly. It was his other self manipulating the earth from inside his mental sphere.

This was something that suddenly struck him as possible when he'd woken up from the Weary Wolf's spell.

It primarily stemmed from the fact that the Direwolf Pup had managed to summon itself.

Geth was happy to find that it worked, but the Mana consumption increased to normal levels. It seemed that the cost reduction only worked when he cast through his physical body.

The mud continued to stack until the walls were three times as high as the tallest Direwolves.

'That's as much as I can do without recovering some Mana.'

Sweat trickled across his brow as he finished up the base structure. He'd left just enough Mana to cast another Protection on Sindri.

Blaze looked at Geth curiously while blasting away at those wolves in the depths.

'Just what is he planning? Is it just to make the tunnel longer?'

It would make sense. Making the tunnel longer would give them plenty of time at the slow rate they were being pushed back.

The walls were high, and Blaze could see that they were around eight feet thick. 

What confused him was that Geth hadn't really extended the tunnel that far, only around ten feet.

'Wait... Where did the earth come from that he used to craft this?'

Blaze glanced around on the ground and didn't see any signs of the soil having shifted.

His gaze gradually traveled up the walls towards the top of the cave. There, he saw a large chunk of the ceiling missing, exposing a good-sized section of the cave to sunlight.

'I-Is he setting up ramparts!?'

What the hell kind of person would think of doing this to clear a Dungeon? Blaze looked at his friend again, impressed with his foresightedness.

'So he designed the cone from the beginning with the intention of ranged fighters standing on top. This may be an easier Dungeon clear than any of us thought.'

He realized that he'd paused his attacks, and the new girl was getting pushed back again. Blaze quickly reconciled by throwing out a small barrage of Fireballs.

He would save his big spells for when it was his turn to power level to 50.


In the same clearing, a distance away from the Dungeon entrance.

"Fuck, I hope this works."

Felix had just used the last of his points to upgrade one of his support Skills. It was a simple Skill called Dispel.

It allowed him to dispel most weak damage over time or other magic effects that he'd come across in the past.

After upgrading the Skill to Lesser Dispel, it simply allowed him to work his magic on effects that were a bit stronger than before.

A light glow emanated from his hands as they hovered just over the archer's head. Felix was terrible with names.

His Mana drained rapidly as the light started to glow brighter. The look on the archer's face changed from one of pain to one of peace.

The man's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up a bit groggily.

"Ahhh, my head."

The man pressed his palms to his forehead and rapidly blinked his eyes. Once he'd gotten himself together, he looked at Felix, paled and sweating beside him.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" Filthy asked.

"Waking... You up... just tool a lot... out of me."

The man spoke through ragged breaths. Filthy could tell that the man was exhausted.

"I still... Have work to do." Felix gestured toward the other sleeping bodies and finished catching his breath.

"Go help the others. Tell Geth that it will take a half-hour to wake them all."

Filthy nodded and jogged off without asking any questions. Felix glanced at his Mana bar, which had dropped down to zero.

"What a powerful spell. I was barely able to break it."

He then looked to the Dungeon entrance, where the sounds of battle reverberated across the plain. 

'Just how did he manage to free himself so quickly?'



Geth turned his head back briefly and saw Filthy entering the walkway he'd created. A sigh of relief escaped him.

"Good to see you up. Are the others coming now?" He asked.

"Felix said to tell you that it would take him a half-hour to handle the spell's effects." Filthy replied.

"That long? Well, no matter. With you here, we can begin to do this properly."

Geth's eyes glowed softly as Mana poured out of him. The walls that he'd created shook as stairs formed on the outer perimeter.

"Phew... alright, Bane, Blaze, Filthy, head up top and start picking the health of the wolves close to the entrance. Stop when they fall below 1%."

The Skeleton and the two men nodded. The three of them jogged out of the tunnel, and he could soon see them up on the ramparts that he'd crafted.

Single target spells and arrows rained down in front of where Sindri was holding back the wolves. She would slash with her short sword every time she gained an opening.

Things quickly turned around as she started landing last hits on the incoming wolves. Her eyes shot up as she found that the wolves arriving before her usually had less than 600 health!

Sindri shifted her footing and began to push back! With it taking only two to three swings to finish the wolves, she was able to make up the ground they'd lost swiftly.

Peter continuously dragged the bodies away as she shoved them to the side. Geth nodded in satisfaction as he watched the proceedings.

"Not bad," He muttered and then turned towards the endless throng of Dirwolves before them.

"Even so, it's going to be a long week."

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