Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 206 - (206) Character Sheets (Part 1)

---Character Sheets will be a two-part chapter, then we will return to regular releases. Thank you for your patience.---


Zolis: Level 55

Class: Champion

Exp: 583,917/1,300,000


HP- 2800 +750 (Rec. 4.5/Second)

MP- 3300 +400 (Rec. 2.78/Second)

Strength- 255 +335 +[70]

Agility- 127 +177 +[14]

Defense- 5 +190 +(25)

Wisdom- 15 +95 +(29)

Intelligence- 40 +228



1: Mana Sense, Common (Lvl 4)

User has formed a small Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills.

2: Enhanced Growth, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User's muscles and bones have been reinforced, allowing User to dish out damage without facing backlash.

Strength = +20% increase to User's base Attribute [40]

3: Carry Weight, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has lugged around massive amounts of weight for a long period. Reduces weight of equipped items and increases the amount of weight that can be stored in Inventory Items.

Scales off of Strength. Next reduction increase at 750 Strength. Max Reduction 50% Max capacity increase x10.

Weight Reduction = 33%

Increased Inventory capacity - x4 pound limit

4: Flex, Common (Lvl 4) 

Flex on your enemies. Allows User's damage to increase for every Level lower the target is.

25+ Levels lower = 120% Damage increase

10+ Levels lower = 70% Damage increase

5+ Levels lower = 40% Damage increase

1+ Levels lower = 30% Damage increase

5: Second Wind, Rare (Lvl 4)

When Mana hits 0, User recovers to maximum MP. Can only occur once in a set time period.

Limit- Once per 3 hours

6: Heavy Weapon Mastery [Intermediate], Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has learned more than the basics of wielding heavy weapons. While using heavy weapons, gains increased damage and reflexes.

Increased Damage = 20%

Increased Reflexes = 20%

7: Enhanced Focus, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

In battle, User gains excess focus. Mind becomes calm and decisions are easier to make under pressure.

8: Body Control, Rare (Lvl 0)

User has enhanced control over their own body. Increases both Strength and Agility by using minimal movements to increase damage and speed outputs. 

Strength = +15% base Attribute [30]

Agility = +15% base Attribute [14]

9: Extreme Discipline, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has spent countless hours practicing. Allows User to quickly increase Weapon Proficiency or focus on a single task for long periods. 

10: Conquerer, Rare (Lvl 3) 

User has an indomitable aura. With each kill, aura grows and oppresses non-Boss-Type creatures. Weakens their will and slows their reactions.

1 kill= .5% loss of Wisdom and Agility in opponents

Max Kill Stack = 16

11: Critical Chance, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has a chance of dealing double damage with a single strike.

Critical Chance = 10%

12: Mana Resonance, Undisclosed (MAX)

Unbreakable bond between Users. Can sense other Bond's locations or communicate within a certain distance. The stronger the bond, the greater the distance.

If one Bond dies, all suffer backlash.

Current Users: Geth, Zolis, Sindri

Bonus: +50% Experience when together

Bonus: +10% of top Attribute shared amongst Bonds. Sindri (+25 Def) Geth (+29 Wis)



1: Sight, Common (Lvl 4)

Cost (1 MP/sec) Ability to see the flow of Mana. The Mana is vague, User is somewhat capable of sensing changes in the Mana nearby.

2: Earthen Toss, Rare (Lvl 0)

Cost (125 MP) Forms a massive boulder that User can launch toward target. The higher the momentum, the higher the damage.

Damage at peak = 150 + (Int x 50%) [284]

Cooldown = 15 seconds

3: Devastating Flames, Epic (Lvl 0)

Cost (375 MP) User slams their weapon on the ground. A powerful torrent of flames flies out in the shape that User has chosen, be it a circle, cone, or concentrated line that can devastate an enemy. Can use as one deadly strike or five powerful strikes.

One Strike Damage = (Str x 150%) + (Int x 150%) [1392]

Five Strike Damage = (Str x 25%) + (Int x 25%) [182] per strike

Cooldown = 1 minute

4: Earthquake, Rare (Lvl 0)

Cost (200 MP) User bashes Weapon on the ground, sending out multiple shockwaves through the earth. Causes damage to enemies and pushes enemies and allies back.

Damage = (Str x 35%) + (Int x 35%) [325]

Number of Waves = 3

Cooldown = 2 minutes 30 seconds 

5: Long Dash, Uncommon

Cost (50 MP) User gains a massive boost of speed and leaps forward or backward a certain distance in one stride.

Distance = 15 yards

Cooldown = 30 seconds

6: Crushing Blow, Uncommon

Cost (25 MP) User slams down on target with heavy weapon. Adds additional crushing force and increases damage.

Damage Increase = (Str x 15%) [99]

Cooldown = 10 seconds

7: Vanquish, Rare

Cost (1000 MP) A Champion can use this Skill to draw on the power of heroes to slay their enemy. Multiplies damage of next strike.

Strike Damage = 400%

Cooldown = 1 hour


Sindri: Level 53

Class: Blood Knight

Exp: 117,110/1,000,000


HP- 9430 +2150 (Rec. 75.44/Second)

MP- 2765 +600 (Rec. 4.18/Second)

BB- 432

Strength- 30 +70 +(20)

Agility- 5 +62

Defense- 320 +560 +[63]

Wisdom- 35 +145 +(29)

Intelligence- 34 +143



1: Mana Sense, Common

User has formed a small Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills.

2: Dense Skin, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User's Skin structure is altered, making it more resistant to physical damage.

Defense = +25% increase to User's base Attribute [+63]

3: Replenishment, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has gained increased recovery rate.

HP Recovery- x4

4: Hard Body, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has become used to taking damage from piercing weapons. Gained resistance.

Pierce Resistance = 20%

Slash Resistance = 10%

5: Iron Fortress, Rare (Lvl 3)

User stands strong. If User stands in same position for two minutes without being pushed back, Defense increases.

Defense Increase = 27.5% [259]

6: Thorny Surface, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

When surrounded by enemies, User's Mana lashes out, damaging enemies around them.

Damage = (HP x 2%) per second [232]

7: External Bulwark, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has extremely high defensive qualities. reduction to physical damage taken.

Reduction = 15%

8: Defiant Soul, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User finds themself unable to give up in tough situations. User gains Strength the lower their HP falls.

Strength Gain = 4 points per 1% of HP missing

9: Sanctuary, Rare (Lvl 0)

While at rest, User gains a barrier that will protect them during their next battle. Builds up the longer User is at rest.

Shield HP = (HP x 10%) [116] per stack 

1 stack per hour of rest

Max 10 stacks

10: Blood Bar, Rare (Lvl 0)

As enemies die around User, their blood is absorbed to feed the Blood Bar. Blood Bar can be used to cast Blood Knight Skills or can be used as Mana to cast other Skills. When used on non-Blood Knight Skills, provides additional effects. Upgrading Blood Bar increases maximum capacity.

Maximum Capacity= 500 Blood

11: Mana Resonance, Undisclosed (MAX)

Unbreakable bond between Users. Can sense other Bond's locations or communicate within a certain distance. The stronger the bond, the greater the distance.

If one Bond dies, all suffer backlash.

Current Users: Geth, Zolis, Sindri

Bonus: +50% Experience when together

Bonus: +10% of top Attribute shared amongst Bonds. Geth (+29 Wis) Zolis (+20 Str)



1: Enrage, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

Cost (25 MP) User pisses off target and holds their aggro for a set amount of time.

Time = 1 minute

Cooldown = 2 minutes

2: Defensive Rally, Rare (Lvl 0)

Cost (100 MP) User recovers health and increases Defense temporarily.

Recovery= 20% Max HP [2316]

Defense Increase= 100% [943]

Cooldown= 12 Hours -(Wis x 50%) Minutes [10 hours 17 minutes]

3: Heavy Bash, Uncommon

Cost (40 MP) User slams their shield against opponent, making them stumble and pushing them back slightly.

Damage = 25 +(Str x 10%) [37]

Cooldown = 30 seconds

4: Shield Wall, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Cost (100 MP) User forms a wall of Mana between themselves and the enemy. Can provide a brief respite, or allow opportunities to escape.

Shield HP = 200 + (HP x 40%) [4832]

Shield Size = 3 yards High x 10 yards Wide

Cooldown = 5 minutes

5: Blood Eruption, Rare

Cost (200 Blood) User releases built-up life energy. Explodes outward in a sea of destruction. Doesn't differentiate between friend or foe.

Damage = 200 + (Highest Attribute x 150%) [1615]

Range = 5 yards

Cooldown = 30 seconds

6:Ice Manipulation [Intermediate], Rare (Lvl 0)-

Cost (40 MP/Second) Intermediate ice manipulation. Allows User to drastically chill a large area around them and slow enemies by cooling their own body.

Area Damage = 20+ (Int x 5%) [29] per second 

Slow Effect = Loss of 5+ (Wis x 10%) [26] Agility per second that enemy remains in range. Can stack up to 10 times.

Note: Effects have a set radius of 7 yards from User.


ImJustFilthy (Filthy): Level 53

Class: Ranger

Exp: 276,308/1,000,000


HP- 2280 +250 (Rec. 3.4/Second)

MP- 3765 +250 (Rec. 5.96/Second)

Strength- 65 +185

Agility- 235 +477 +[94]

Defense- 5 +165

Wisdom- 60 +238

Intelligence- 70 +165



1: Mana Sense, Common

User has formed a small Mana Pool. Allows User to access their Mental sphere to learn and use Skills.

2: Full Concealment, Rare (Lvl 1)

User is adept at concealing their presence. Can hide from all but the most aware individuals.

3: Critical Chance, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

User has a chance of dealing double damage with a single strike.

Critical Chance = 20%

4: Deadly Aim, Rare (Lvl 0)

User would struggle to miss if they tried. Allows User to instinctively know the proper trajectory and power needed to hit a distant target.

5: Eagle Eyes, Rare (Lvl 0)

User has the ability to see for a much greater distance than normal. Can clearly pick out a single blade of grass from 100 yards.

6: Fast Reload, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Speeds up User's time loading weapon by a certain percentage by doing away with wasted movements.

Reload Speed = 300%

7: Total Concentration, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User can directly focus on the task at hand while tuning everything else out. Can focus on single target even in a sea of a thousand enemies. Concentration also allows User to use up to two Skills at once.

8: Enhanced Reflexes, Rare (Lvl 2)

User's Reflexes are greatly enhanced.

Agility Increase = +40% base Attribute [94]

9: High Alert, Uncommon (Lvl 1)

User has an uncanny sense of awareness. Knows when they are spotted and has a general idea of the target direction.

10: Deadshot, Rare (Lvl 3)

User has proven their accuracy with a bow. Increased Critical Chance and Damage. Stacks.

Critical Chance = 40%

Critical Damage = 140% 



1: Temporal Shift, Epic (Lvl 3)

Cost (25 MP - 1000 MP) User has mastered the art of instant movement. Allows User to shift space and bring themselves closer to a target location within view. The further the target, the longer the cooldown and higher the cost.

Cooldown = 8 seconds - 44 hours

2: Power Shot, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Cost (5 MP/sec) User pulls back on bow. While holding, feeds the arrow with Mana, increasing damage output and adding a knockback effect.

Damage = 12 +(Str x 12%) [42] per second held

Maximum Hold Time = 30 seconds

Cooldown = 5 seconds per second held

3: Piercing Arrow, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

Cost (10 MP) User's arrows are imbued with a piercing power, making it easier for them to tear through armor or tough skin and causing bleed damage for 10 seconds. 

Piercing Power = +25%

Bleed = (Str x 5%) [13]

Cooldown = 10 seconds

4: Flickering Arrow, Rare (Lvl 0)

Cost (50 MP) User has learned to shift space. Arrow can shift to a new location within a specified area without losing momentum. 

Shift Distance = (Int x 10%) [24] yards

No Cooldown

5: Venomous Arrow, Uncommon (Lvl 2)

Cost (40 MP) Coats arrowhead in a corrosive liquid Mana. Once this substance touches flesh, eats away and stops HP Recovery. Causes damage over time. Effects persist for 10 seconds.

DoT = (Int x 25%) [59] per second

Cooldown = 30 seconds

6: Arrow Return, Uncommon (Lvl 3)

Cost (1 MP) User can shift arrow back into possession, allowing them to fire arrow with the same effect without having to wait until cooldown.

Distance = 260 yards

Cooldown = 10 seconds

7: Multi-Shot, Uncommon (Lvl 4)

Cost (10 MP/arrow) Allows user to fire multiple arrows at once with accuracy. Number of arrows increases with each level.

Arrow Count = 6

Cooldown = 15 seconds

8: Critical Strike, Rare (Lvl 2)

Cost (75 MP) Guaruntees a critical strike on next hit. Upgrading reduces cooldown time.

Cooldown = 4 minutes 20 seconds


Blazemancer (Blaze): Level 53

Class: Rune Caster

Exp: 56,428/1,000,000


HP- 1860 (Rec. 2.66/Second)

MP- 9175 +4350 (Rec. 35.68/Second)

Strength- 5 +35

Agility- 5 +180

Defense- 5 +128

Wisdom- 168 +215 +[63]

Intelligence- 240 +420 +[42]



1: Formation Comprehension, Rare (Lvl 4)-

Runes will become easier to connect into small Formations. The higher Level the Talent, the more complex the Formations you can safely craft.

Skill Cost Reduction= 20%

2: Mana Force, Rare (Lvl 3)

User's mind has been compressed, density of Mana increased. User's power is increased.

Wisdom= +32.5%% increase to User's base Attribute [63]

Intelligence= +17.5% increase to User's base Attribute [42]

3: Mana Absorption, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has created an Absorption Formation inside of mental sphere. Weakens sphere, but heavily increases Mana Recovery.

Mana Recovery- x4

4: Inventory, Common (Lvl 2)

Allows User to have their own internal storage separate from storage items.

Current Weight = 50 pounds

5: Elemental Aptitude, Rare (Lvl 0)

User has shown great aptitude in elemental casting. Allows User to learn more than one element.

Current limit: 2

6: Cloth Armor Mastery [Basic], Common (Lvl 0)

User has increased Defense and Agility while wearing all cloth armor.

Current Bonus = 0

7: Wand Mastery [Basic], Common (Lvl 3)

Increases spell damage while using a wand.

Current Bonus = 7.5% increased damage

8: Mind Defense, Uncommon (Lvl 0)

User has an increased mental fortitude. Extra defense toward mental attacks.

Resistance = 10%

9: Rune Casting, Rare (Lvl 3)

User can cast spells directly through using Runes. Amplifies spell's effects.

Amplification = 20%

10: Merlin's Mischief, Undisclosed (MAX)

User has learned more than the basics of Rune and Formation creation. Can alter patterns in the Mana to slightly distort an enemy's Formation or Rune while they are casting.



1: Massive Fireball, Rare (Lvl 3)

Cost (100 - 1000 MP) User can cast a normal Fireball, or feed up to ten times more Mana into spell to increase size, initial damage, and explosion radius. Does not affect burn damage over time.

Damage = 25 +(Int x 50%) [376] - 250 +(Int x 500%) [3760]

DoT = 25 +(Int x 10%) [95] per second for 30 seconds

Explosion Radius = 5 yards - 50 yards

Cooldown = 0 seconds - 300 seconds

2: Wandering Eye, Rare (Lvl 2)

Cost (25 MP/Eye) Summons multiple floating eyes that can monitor the area and can be observed from mental sphere. Number of eyes that can be formed based on Intelligence. Distance eyes can fly from caster based on Wisdom. Eyes last until dispelled or destroyed.

Number of Eyes = 1 + (Int x 5%) [35]

Distance from Caster = 10 + (Wis x 50%)[233] yards

Cooldown = 1 hour

3: Rune Cast, Rare (Lvl 4)

User can store pre-crafted Runes in mental sphere. No cost, cooldown, or time buildup is needed to cast. User expends Mana when creating and storing the spell initially. Spells are weaker than normal cast.

Number of storable spells based on Intelligence.  Nullification of reduction on spell's effects based on Wisdom.

Slots Available = 1 +(Int x 2.5%) [19]

Reduction = 100% - (Wis x 10%) [55.4%] reduction

4: Ice Shroud, Epic (Lvl 3)

Cost (2000 MP) User creates a sheet of ice that floods over a large area. Can both heavily damage and slow a large number of enemies. Size of shroud and slow effects based on Wisdom. Damage caused based on Intelligence.

Damage = 300 + (Int x 300%) [2406]

Area Covered = 10 +(Wis x 150%) [679] yards

Slow Effects = 10 +(Wis x 50%) [233] points taken from enemy Agility. If Agility falls below 0, enemy is frozen solid for duration.

Time = 5 minutes

Cooldown = 8 hours

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