Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 65 - (65) More Rewards!

She was a bit dejected while saying that last line, but she knew it would still benefit Valhalla greatly. She handed the card over to Geth, waiting for his decision on what should be done with it.

"Hulk, I would love to give this to you, but I don't think that your build would allow it to be used to its full potential." Geth was a bit upset himself, none of their current party would find it useful.

Hulk responded while waving his hands. "I would have rejected it anyway. Our builds have already been messed up, it would be better in someone else's hands."

Geth gave the man a grateful look as he stored the card. He then looked towards the Boss chest.

It was quite ornate, a very large dark green chest with silver inlays and hinges. It was at least two feet in height and width and had a length of four feet.

He unlatched and threw the lid back, revealing an assortment of 10 items. 'Wow, I suppose Team Dungeons really aren't stingy.'

'Well, you've beaten a Slime and now a Goblin Team Dungeon. Creatures don't get much weaker than those so keep in mind that this is just minor loot.' Albus responded after hearing his thoughts.

Geth kept that in mind, he already thought that this chest was quite generous. He turned to the others.

"The brothers should be here in a moment. I propose that we each get a choice of one item and the rest goes to the Contribution System."

No one present had an issue with that. Geth laid out 9 items in a neat display while setting one to the side. It was a large circular tablet with a formation on it, it had a two-foot diameter and looked almost like the top of a coffee table.

There were 10 rectangular slots around the outer edges of the circle. A series of intricately drawn lines and Runes connected them all to a single rectangular slot at the center of the table.

"This item is not a part of the picking, it's something necessary for Valhalla as a whole." He showed everyone the round tablet before reading its description out loud.

"This is a transmutation table. If you can collect 10 of the same Skill Card, this is used to upgrade that card to the next rarity. It will destroy the original 10 ingredients, and cost a certain amount of Core experience."

Everyone's eyes widened, this was certainly a great asset for Valhalla. Geth admired the piece for a while longer before putting it to the side.

'I wonder what the Uncommon version of the Sight Skill is. Albus hinted earlier that Sight was the Common version of my Rare Inspection Skill.'

What would come after Inspection? He could already see tracks in the Mana, along with very cloudy and brief glimpses of history.

It would still take a bit longer for the brothers to get back, so he decided to go through his rewards. 'Albus, if you don't mind.'

:Congratulations User, for clearing a Team Dungeon. Please select a reward.

Note: User had the second-highest contribution. Options adjusted to match feats.

Option 1: 3 TP, 3 SP, Rare item suitable for Class

Option 2: 6 TP, 6 SP, 6 AP:

'Interesting, Zolis must have gotten first with how many Goblins she slaughtered. Albus, let's take Option 1.'

The familiar light appeared in front of Geth and a small crate appeared on the ground. He opened it up to find a pair of white boots giving off a faint blue glow.

:Boots of Light (Rare)- Gives wearer +15 Agility, +10 Defense, +10 Intelligence. A pair of boots crafted for magic users can help get to or get away from a battle quicker:

"Ah, very nice!" Speed was something he'd been lacking for a while now. 'Next, Albus.'

:Congratulations User, for defeating a Boss-type monster. Please select a reward.

Note: User had the highest contribution, and creature Level was higher than User. Options adjusted to match feats.

Option 1: 4 TP, 4 SP, 2 random pieces of Rare equipment.

Option 2: 8 TP, 8 SP, 8 AP:

'This time we're going with Option 2, Albus.' There was no way he could turn down the number of points offered and not regret it later. As long as they continued clearing Dungeons, there would be no shortage of gear for Valhalla.

Geth also looked over the experience gained for defeating the Chief. He had gotten 72% of the experience from his efforts. Then with the 9x bonus from Level difference he'd gained just over 100k experience.

Geth had instantly hit Level 27, putting himself slightly over Zolis again. She had also reached 27 from the fight, but not by much. Geth was already a quarter of the way to 28.

'It's not like she'll take long to pass me again.' He chuckled. She was certainly going to gripe about it later.

At that moment, Harris and Farris showed up. Hulk informed them of their deal for the loot, surprising the brothers who thought they would get nothing. A safe place to live had been enough for them.

Everyone lined up in the order that they had performed in the Dungeon. Zolis, Geth, Filthy, Hulk, Farris, and then Harris in last.

Zolis walked forward and picked the pair of Epic bracers, they heavily boosted her Defense and Strength, with a small amount of Intelligence as well. Geth's choice was a new Inventory Satchel that could store over 1000 pounds!

Filthy chose a pair of Rare boots that enhanced his Agility and Defense. Hulk swapped his shield out for a larger metal one that was Epic, massively increasing his Defense and slightly increasing his Strength.

Harris chose a Rare vest that added Agility and Strength, along with light Defense. Farris grabbed a Rare horned helmet that added more Defense along with some strength.

Everyone agreed unanimously that the rest should go towards the Contribution rewards.. Both brothers and Hulk had decided that no matter what Geth commanded, they would abide by his rules.

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