Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 75 - (75) A Talk Among Men

He cast Corruption Aura as he sat and leaned his back against the Barrier. At the moment, he needed to calm down before speaking to the women.

"Hopefully, one of them managed to hear where these bastards went." He muttered to himself.

Every five seconds, the damage would tick on the Barrier. With his natural damage, plus the increase in his Intelligence, it would hit for 36 damage. He quickly calculated that it would take him close to an hour to destroy the Barrier that way.

*Sigh* 'I'll just go and grab Zolis once I've calmed down.'

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.


About 30 minutes earlier, miles away there was a group of about 20 men heading downriver. All of them were over Level 20 while three of them were Level 25.

"Damnit Blade, how much longer do we have to walk?"

"You are too impatient Thorn, it should be just another mile or two further south. The Team Dungeon should be much more generous than the Solo Dungeons we've found so far." Blade responded.

Thorn scoffed. He wouldn't have even joined up with Blade if it wasn't for the promise of women and treasures.

As they continued to walk, Thorn felt a burning sensation in his mind. He pulled his Dungeon Crystal from his Inventory Satchel. Thorn folded his eyebrows inward.

:Valhalla has declared War against Thorn. Party Valhalla, has entered Dungeon:

"Whatever, let them have our scraps." He soon chuckled heartily, there was much more to be had in this world. He couldn't let the loss of a few whores get to him.

"What's the matter?" Blade asked.

"Oh nothing, it just looks like we'll have a few cockroaches to crush in the future.

Not long after, the Dungeon Crystal shattered and turned to dust in his grasp.

Geth had already smashed the old crystal and watched as the new one reformed. No one teleported out as he had expected, there was just a bright light as the current Dungeon reset itself.

The dried blood that had once spattered the cabin was gone. Even the bodies of the dead Slimes were gone as the cores found their way into the Dungeon Inventory.

He was currently sitting inside of the Barracks. He'd already placed Hobgoblins and Mages into the Guardian Sanctuary.

Once that was taken care of, he used State Change to craft some sitting arrangements for the cabin. Of course, he made sure that there was enough for everyone present. Crafting details had become much easier since upgrading his Skill.

The party was sitting around waiting for the women to wake up. Hulk had explained the situation to them with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Geth made sure that the men were sitting further away from the women while Zolis was closer to them. He didn't want them waking up and being worried that they would be attacked again. Now he was glad that Zolis insisted on tagging along.

She had cried upon hearing what had happened, Geth was glad that she hadn't walked in on the scene. Zolis had him walk outside and craft a large stone bath and a couple of buckets to fill it with water. She told him that the women would want to wash as soon as they could.

He didn't refute her statement and did as she asked. At the bottom corner of the bath, he even made a tube with a removable cap so that dirty water could be drained between sessions.

The men were all facing away and conversing when the first woman awoke, they didn't want to appear lustful. The first one to wake up was the young brunette that Geth had healed first.

She woke quickly and looked around in fear, her arms habitually covering her chest and legs. First, she spotted the men facing away on the other side of the room. Just as she was looking around for a place to run, she saw Zolis sitting next to her with a sad smile.

The young girl was taken aback, she hadn't seen a healthy woman since she'd been drug into this place a week ago. Zolis slowly extended her hands, one holding a black cloak while the other holding a cup full of water.

Unsure of what to think, the young woman accepted the gifts timidly. Zolis sat next to her and spoke quietly, Geth couldn't hear what she was saying. He gestured to the rest of the men to head back out into the cave for now.

They each grabbed a chair and headed out through the backside of the cabin, sitting around the pond and listening to the stream of water in the center. Geth wondered where the water was coming from, he assumed that they somehow ventured under the river.

"Dungeons are strange." He commented to the others as they all stared at the water streaming from the ceiling.

"This whole world is strange," Harris responded.

Geth looked at him for a minute. "Is it? I mean, it's literally our world, just on a much larger scale. On top of that.... there's something extremely familiar about the Mana here." He had this strange feeling every time he saw some type of shape or figure in the blue wisps constantly floating past him.

Everyone else looked at him a bit strangely. None of them felt the same way.

"I don't know anything about this world. What I do know is that I'm going to hunt those bastards down no matter where they go." Farris said.

Hulk, Harris, and Filthy nodded. They were all itching for blood after the things they'd come across so far. Four pairs of eyes then turned towards Geth.

"Yes. We will hunt them down and slaughter them. I intend on taking the entire Local Region for Valhalla, and these types of actions are something we cannot allow." He responded.

The others smiled in approval as they continued to discuss amongst themselves.. A while later, Zolis came out of the Barracks area and summoned Geth to the cabin.

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