Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 82 - (82) Unlikely Aid

The sixth bolt of lightning began to shoot out with the rest. It was almost to the point where there was a bolt for every party member. Geth was distressed at the fact that the Shaman still had more than 90% of its Mana pool.

'At this rate, lightning will fill the chamber before it runs out of Mana.' He sent out through Albus. 'Zolis, see if your earthquake or fire can disrupt it.'

'I can only use one or the other. I've already used up the extra Mana I get for the day.'

"Fuck" Geth mumbled under his breath. The fire might not make it past that creature's Mana field, but the Earthquake Skill would probably be the same. Maybe it can at least distract it, we only need a moment.

'Use Earthquake. I'll make another rush at it so that it can't strike you when you get in range. Last resort we all have to rush it at once... but not everyone will make it.'

He was very hesitant to add that last bit, but it needed to be said. He knew that if only one blast of lightning hit him, he could power through and reach the Shaman.

The only problem was, for that to happen the others would each have to tank a bolt themselves. Geth didn't think that Zolis, Alise, or Filthy would be able to take a hit head-on. At that range, the blasts were too fast to dodge.

He noticed that Hulk rushed in with him as both sprinted towards the Shaman. Zolis followed some five yards or so behind them.

Once they reached the ten-yard mark, three blasts of lightning shot towards both him and Hulk, he threw up a Barrier to tank two of them. The Barrier shattered as each of them took two blasts, slinging them both backward for a distance.

It still gave Zolis the time she needed to use her Skill. The earth began rumbling as it cracked and busted apart. Ripples shot out across the ground, debris following closely behind.

Everyone got ready to close in on the Boss as the waves of earth began closing in. Just as the ripples made it within five yards of the creature, they suddenly vanished. It was as if they were never there in the first place.


Geth knew that the Shaman was well within her range. The disruption in the Mana must have protected it from her ability.

'Alright, there is only one way left to disrupt it.' Geth sent out to the others. 'Filthy, Zolis, Alise... I'll be as fast as I can and get Barriers in front of you to tank the damage from the lightning.

You're the fastest, so it will be up to you to strike it before the wave hits. Don't take any unnecessary risks, my Barriers can only block two strikes at most.'


'Got it.'

'No problem.'

'Then we'll go as soon as we dodge the next wave.' Geth sent out.

Nine bolts of lightning shot out in all directions. Two towards him and Filthy, the rest spread towards the other party members. Geth had to tank one as he dodged the other. Filthy managed to dodge both.

As soon as the bolts dispersed, seven people rushed towards the Shaman at different paces. With only three seconds between each strike, even Filthy couldn't make it to the creature in time.

'One... Two... Three!'

Just before Geth counted the third second, he cast multiple Barriers, protecting the three lowest health members of the party. He and the other three tankier men each took the lightning head-on.

Ten bolts of lightning spread out, all three of his Barriers shattered. The Boss' additional lightning strikes were growing every cast instead of every 15 seconds now, it was something he hadn't accounted for.

He pushed through the pain and sprinted ahead with the three runners, making sure to stay in range for the next set of Barriers.

'One... Tw... Fuck!'

He quickly cast Barrier after Barrier as multiple strikes came down at himself and the three runners. The time between blasts had cut in half and the number of strikes had increased again.

All of his Barriers shattered instantly as a blast of lightning hit all three of the runners. He was struck with two bolts, pushing him back just enough where he couldn't reach the Boss by the next wave.

They were going to die, there was no way that they could get in range at this point. Geth looked around at his fallen party members as he continued to sprint forward.

Zolis, Filthy, and Alise were all convulsing on the ground, blood escaping from their noses and ears. As he ran he cast Restoration on all of them, hoping that it would be enough.

He was close to the Shaman now, but he expected to be blown back by twelve or more bolts of lightning. He braced himself for the impact while throwing a few Barriers in front of him.

Surprisingly.. even after three more seconds.. the blasts never came. He looked up to the boss and saw Blade standing behind it, completely stunned from the Boss' lightning field, his sword lightly jammed into its back.

Blade was staring at Geth and let out through tightly gritted teeth.

"What... Are you... Waiting for? Get this son of... A bitch!"

Geth didn't waste any time in dispersing his Barriers. He ran and tackled the 5' tall creature, rolling with it across the ground. Lightning kept jumping from its body in an attempt to numb him, but his resistance was too high for it.

He pinned the creature down and began pummeling it with both his free hand and his staff. He wouldn't give it a chance to use that large-scale spell again.

A weaker bolt of lightning shot into his ribs, pushing him back enough for the creature to scurry to its feet.. It jumped back, putting some distance between them while blast after blast of lightning shot from its staff.

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