Redo: Grimoire System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 95 - (95) The Short Man


A long, drawn-out sigh came from a branch in the forest.

Filthy was staring off into the distance about half a mile behind him. He knew that Geth needed this guy... But he was so slow!

'It's no wonder he got his ass handed to him. He's barely improved since waking up!' Filthy thought.

The distance between the two dungeons was, at most, 150 miles. He hadn't even taken 5 hours to make it to them.

It irritated him that he was so close to Jen and the kids. It didn't matter. He hadn't had the time to stop.

When Filthy first learned about the size of the place, he had worried a bit about traveling and transportation. Now that he had over 100 points in Agility, he wasn't concerned with it.

He had estimated that he was running close to 35 miles an hour during his trip. It wasn't his top speed, either.

Looking at the two women and three men that were following him, he sighed again. Their Agility was all under 30. At a sprint, they could run just over 20 miles per hour.

They would have to spend the evening in the woods and continue their trek tomorrow. They should make it back to the Graveyard a bit after noon the following day.

As Filthy watched the small group slowly catching up, he noticed that something sounded off. He closed his eyes and activated his tracking Skill, which enhanced his senses.

He didn't hear anything, even after waiting for a full minute. He opened his eyes and continued to monitor the group, but he kept his Skill active.

Just as the group was nearing his tree, he heard the noise again. In the distance, Filthy detected a loud crashing sound.

His eyes darted off to one side, he signaled down to the small crowd to stay put. The man nodded and had the others climb into the lower branches.

Filthy darted off, a blur whose shape could only be seen briefly amongst the limbs. There were too many trees in the way for him to use his eyesight. 

He would have to get closer to find the creature causing the commotion. It wasn't curiosity. He just needed to make sure it wouldn't be a threat to his slow followers.

His ears perked up as he hopped to the next tree. A violent roar could be heard as the limb he stood on began to tremble.


Filthy would recognize that squealing pig sound anywhere, but this was different. The yell was much more harsh, sounding more like a bear than a pig.

It was close. Filthy jumped forward through the branches. After jumping a couple more trees, the cause of the commotion became clear. 

12 Level 27-31 creatures were surrounding a shorter man. Another 8 of their bodies were lying dead or unconscious on the ground.

They definitely weren't Goblins. These monsters hosted pale grey skin, hulking figures, and small tusks curving up from their lower lips. 

Their faces boasted tiny eyes and slits where their noses should be. Filthy also noticed that the creatures didn't have ears.

'I feel like I know that guy...' Filthy tried to recall the man.

He was a shorter guy with black hair and a scanty, tangled beard hung from his chin. His body was tanned and well-built. 

Muscles and veins bulged as the guy swung two spiked maces towards the encroaching beasts. Both made contact with one of the brutes as it was sent flying into a nearby tree.

The bark busted as the tree shook violently. Filthy, who happened to be in that very tree, struggled to keep his balance.

'What crazy Strength!' Filthy thought. 'He has to have twice the Strength of Zolis.'

He inspected the man more closely and saw that he only had about 40% of his health. In a normal situation, he wouldn't help, but he was sure he knew this guy from somewhere. 

He nocked an arrow and drew back the bloody bowstring. As Filthy pulled, a strange aura surrounded the projectile.

A low breath escaped his lips. The world around him went quiet as he concentrated on the monster furthest from him. 

After the last bit of breath was let out, Filthy released the string. A dark object whistled loudly through the air and struck his target, directly piercing into its neck.

'Hmm... That arrow should have easily pierced through its neck.' Filthy thought. 'These creatures must have a high Defense Attribute.'

While he was thinking, a small stream of dark Mana floated back and absorbed into the bones making up his bow. It was an effect he'd learned of while hunting.

The bow would absorb some Mana from each creature he killed. He wasn't sure what it did yet. Also, when he drew back, the arrow would be covered in a dark cloud, making it impossible to see at night.

Another of the grey monsters was knocked into the tree. This one tried to stand back up. 

Filthy dropped down with an arrow in each hand, using the momentum to drive them into the back of the beast's neck.

The already weakened creature dropped, leaving nine of them to contend with. The man noticed Filthy's arrival and quickly gestured for him to back up.

His eyebrow raised as he watched the man take another blow, but Filthy still jumped back up into the branches. It was only an instant after he positioned himself that his confusion faded.

Just as the man's HP dropped below 25%, he began to grow. His muscles bulged as he became a foot taller than the already 7' creatures around him.

His body began to spin quickly. Both maces extended out as his body turned into a small whirlwind!

As the weapons made contact, the beasts were flung back in every direction. The sound that drew Filthy to the area resounded again as all of the creatures began crashing into trees.

Filthy was amazed as the man shrunk back to his original size, his health suddenly back over half.

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