But this world has just taken shape, and the rules of order are not perfect.

Although there is a breath of disaster, it is very weak.

Moreover, there are treasures and opportunities that have just evolved everywhere, and weak creatures can quickly improve their strength.

"What a pity!"

"These newly evolved creatures are like blank sheets of paper, acting entirely on instinct, and have no idea how to use their own power!"

"It seems that the Lotus Platform of Creation has deduced well. This world should be the place where I can comprehend the mystery!"

The five qi flowed through the branch in Chen Ming's hand, and he took a step forward and reached the mountain that supported the world.

Suddenly, twelve thick Dao Yuns soared into the sky and scattered all over the world, each turning into a creature with innate knowledge and strong strength.

The twelve creatures immediately gathered other creatures in the world and formed twelve powerful tribes.

However, there are also creatures in the world who accidentally absorbed the Dao Yun, and they are unwilling to attach themselves, forming their own Dao and occupying various places in the world.

"It's not the right time yet, wait a minute!"

"I don't know how Mu Tianxie and You Lian are doing, whether they have escaped the catastrophe of the creation of heaven!"

"I'm afraid they are in danger, and have been transformed into creatures of this world!"

"If I hadn't had the Creation Lotus Platform, I would have been killed, and only my broken thoughts would have been left, hiding in the Dao Yun and transformed into creatures of this world!"

Chen Ming's Yuanshen moved, urging the Creation Lotus Platform, and after a little deduction, he calculated the whereabouts of Mu Tianxie and You Lian.

But the two, as Chen Ming guessed, had already turned into creatures of this world.

And the Dao Yun on their bodies was damaged, and the creatures they turned into only had the strength of a beginner True Immortal, without their original memories.

"Don't wake them up yet, the time is not right yet!"

Chen Ming's eyes flashed, and he continued to deduce, searching on the high mountain that supported the heaven and earth.

Chen Ming wanted to steal the mystery of this world, but he had to find the core of this world first, that is, the carrier of the Heavenly Dao of this world!

Only by mastering the carrier of the Heavenly Dao in your hands can you avoid mistakes.

The direction of the evolution of the world can also be controlled by Chen Ming.

In the process of searching for the carrier of the Heavenly Dao, Chen Ming collected a lot of scattered Dao essences and treasures.

Although they are of no great use, they are better than nothing, so they are all collected.

Finally, after Chen Ming's unremitting search, he found a black stone in an inconspicuous corner on the top of the mountain.

The black stone is the carrier of the Heavenly Dao of this world.

If Chen Ming's divine consciousness had not probed into it, he would not have found it at all.

The black stone, in Chen Ming's hands, was stubborn and could not be refined at all.

Chen Ming could only use the skill of grinding water to continuously refine it.

As Chen Ming refined it, the black stone turned into the shape of a lotus seed, which was taken into Chen Ming's Yuanshen, and with the help of the light of the Creation Lotus Platform, it was continuously refined and immersed.

This refining took no time.

Until one day, Chen Ming woke up and was able to control the lotus seed and operate the rules of heaven and earth in this world.

"Although the method of controlling the rules of heaven and earth in this world is derived from the way of the immortals operating the Qingyun Small World, this is not comparable to the immortals!"

"I am afraid that if the Xuanxian comes to this world, I can only suppress their spiritual light in front of me!"

"Whether they can escape is still a question!"

Chen Ming stood up, and every move was without the slightest worldly air.

But every move seemed to be in line with the truth of heaven and earth.

He is the incarnation of the way of heaven in this world!

Chen Ming was about to leave the high mountain that supported the world, when suddenly three clear lights flew over.

When they arrived in front of Chen Ming, the three clear lights fell and manifested a strange creature.

Those three creatures also had the strength of true immortals and could sense Chen Ming's extraordinaryness.

Chen Ming saw the three creatures transformed from the clear light and laughed, saying, "Why don't you transform yet!"

After that, the three creatures transformed into human form, but they imitated Chen Ming and dressed like Taoist priests.

"It's your chance to meet me!"

Chen Ming saw that these three people were transformed from the remaining spirituality after the spirit of the transformation world fell, and they were blessed in this world!

Chen Ming thought that if he wanted to steal the mysterious way of this world, he couldn't just kill them blindly.

Instantly, he had an idea!

"There are Taoist ancestors in that world, I can't compare!"

"But in this seemingly true world, I also have the support of the lotus platform of creation!"

"Being a Taoist master is also feasible!"

Once Chen Ming had an idea, he couldn't stop it.

With a wave of the branch in his hand, the rules of heaven and earth flowed through his body, but it pried the lotus seeds transformed from the carrier of the heavenly way in his soul.

Chen Ming pointed out three rays of light and fell on the eyebrows of the three people.

"This is Yuanqing, Lingqing, and Taiqing, three methods of cultivating the Dao, which are just right for your nature!"

The three people were taught the Dharma by Chen Ming and immediately fell into the Dharma.

When they woke up, Chen Ming was gone.

The three people got the Dharma and seemed to understand the truth of heaven and earth. Although they didn't see Chen Ming, they bowed three times respectfully to Mingming and shouted, "Thank you for teaching me the Dharma!"

"I am Taiqing!"

"I am Yuanqing!"

"I am Lingqing!"

The three people each named themselves after the Dao of the Dharma they cultivated, and smiled at each other.

The Taoist Lingqing said: "The way of heaven is mysterious. I don't know when I can see the teacher again and hear the sound of the way!"

"I'm afraid it won't be too long!"

"There is a dispute under the mountain now. Let's practice in this mountain and wait for the opportunity!"

The Taoist Taiqing pinched the magic formula, and he didn't know what he realized, and said slowly.

Only the Taoist Yuanqing said with a serious face: "The leaders of the twelve tribes are all born with extraordinary magical powers. When can we occupy a place in this world!"

Although the three people have received the teachings of Chen Ming, they also have self-knowledge, but they have their own ideas, so let's not talk about it for now.

It is said that Chen Ming left the high mountain that supported the world and went straight into the void and passed through the dark.

To the ancient road of the void that connects this world.

"Just stay here and put on a good show!"

After that, Chen Ming stretched out his hand and pointed at the entrance of the ancient road of the starry sky, using the power of the way of heaven in this world to attract a piece of void.

Purple thunder appeared above his head, and in the void there was a burst of explosions, and the breath of earth, fire, wind and water came out.

Chen Ming raised his hand and the white bone jade bottle appeared.

Chen Ming chanted a spell, urging the "words follow the law" in it, and shouted: "Rise!"

The earth, fire, wind and water stabilized, and a towering Taoist palace appeared there!

There were four ancient characters "Xuanming Taoist Palace" written on the Taoist palace, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Chen Ming stepped into it and felt a little empty, as if something was missing.

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