Refining Demons to Become a Taoist: Refining 108,000 Insects at the Beginning

Chapter 57: Real people play the mortal world, fabricating the lives of demons

Master Mingyun teased the luan bird behind him and walked slowly in the world.

His cultivation level is already at the peak of the Concentration Realm, and if he cannot leave the Guiyuan Realm, there are probably very few people in this world who can hurt him.

Moreover, Master Mingyun has no worries about his longevity for the time being, his path is bright, and his mentality is very relaxed.

Be carefree and at ease, playing in the world, just seeking a clear mind.

To Master Mingyun at this time, everything in the world is just smoke and clouds, as light as the wind, and only he truly exists!

He just wants to understand the true meaning, understand the mystery, unify all thoughts, and achieve the return to the original state!

Master Mingyun just followed his heart and arrived at the place where the Shui Yi Sect was.

Today's Shaoyimen has turned into a magic mountain.

There are poisonous smoke and obstacles everywhere, bugs are hiding in potholes, and most of the flowers and plants are pitch black, which doesn’t look good at first glance.

Master Mingyun walked over casually, and the poisonous smoke barrier receded automatically, and the hidden insects did not dare to make a sound.

The two colorful-feathered Luan birds behind him sprayed clouds and sky light from their mouths, refining the magic mountain.

In that mountain, there was a monk who was collecting poison barrier smoke and refining magic weapons.

Suddenly, the clouds and sky light descended, and the poisonous barrier dissipated. The monk was also affected by the cloud clouds and sky light, and his cultivation of the visualization realm was also refined and cleansed, and blood spurted from his mouth.

Master Mingyun waved his hand, and the monk was photographed in front of him.

"Who are you?" Master Mingyun asked.

The monk was terrified. The aura of the real person in front of him was unfathomable. The clouds and sky light emitted by the two Luan birds behind him killed half of his life and ruined his practice.

He hurriedly bowed down and said: "My name is Mo Yunzi, and I am just a casual cultivator. I was passing by here and saw the poison barrier on the mountain, so I collected some for use!"

Master Mingyun, with a thought in his mind and a flash of light in his eyes, used magical powers and secret methods to deduce.

"You idiot, there is some superficial karma between you and Yaoyi Men. No wonder you are here."

As he spoke, the origin of Mo Yunzi was clearly deduced by Master Mingyun.

To be honest, Mo Yunzi and Shaoyimen are indeed somewhat involved.

Mo Yunzi was originally just a mortal, but she came from an extraordinary background and was a powerful person in the world. She accidentally obtained a secret recipe and was able to refine an evil elixir to enter the Tao.

Before, Gao Yuzhu, who had joined the Shu Yimen, escaped from her engagement with Mo Yunzi.

The Gao family looked for a girl to refine the evil elixir, and finally gave it to Mo Yunzi.

With the help of evil elixir, Mo Yunzi embarked on the path of cultivation and became the ancestor of his family. After going through many hardships and consuming many resources, he achieved the state of visualization.

Master Mingyun figured out the origin of Mo Yunzi and said with a smile: "Since you entered Taoism with the evil pill, you are a demon."

"It just so happens that I need a demon to accompany my next story, so you can come!"

After saying that, Master Mingyun looked at Mo Yunzi.

"What you're doing is impossible!"

Mo Yunzi was born into a powerful person in the mortal world. After entering Taoism with the evil elixir, although his aura was obscure and impure, he was used to being pampered and had a good temperament.

After hearing what Master Mingyun said, Mo Yunzi suddenly felt bad.

He wanted to fly away, but was stopped by the two Luan birds.

The aura strength of those two Luan birds was much stronger than that of Mo Yunzi.

Mo Yunzi didn't even dare to touch the gushing clouds and skylight.

Mo Yunzi said tremblingly: "Master, you can do whatever you want from me, you just want to keep me alive!"

Master Mingyun smiled and said, "You know what's interesting!"

He stretched out his hand a little, and a ray of cloudy sky light twisted into pitch black and fell on Mo Yunzi.


Mo Yunzi screamed, the evil aura accumulated in her body after taking the evil pill could no longer be suppressed.

His body was twisted, and his bones made a crackling sound.

Demonic hands sprouted from the back, and in the palm of each hand was the face of a girl with her eyes closed.

There were nine evil hands in total, as heavy as a thousand stones, and they pressed Mo Yunzi to the ground, like a wild beast.

Mo Yunzi's face also changed, her eyes were dark, her mouth was torn to the base of her ears, white fangs sprouted from her mouth, and she let out a low growl.

"This is like a demon!"

Master Mingyun smiled with satisfaction when he saw that Mo Yunzi had completely transformed into a demon.

Then, Master Mingyun's eyebrows flashed, and a cloud of skylight fell on his hand.

He recited the incantation, and the clouds and sky light transformed into a pure purple cloud.

The purple cloud contained a magic formula fabricated by Master Mingyun, which was called "Purple Light Hua Luan Jue".

If it is cultivated by others, it can be refined into purple light cloud energy.

Once you have achieved the state of visualization, you can condense the purple light cloud into a purple light Luan bird.

Moreover, the deeper you practice the "Purple Light Hua Luan Jue", the harder it is to escape the control of Master Mingyun.

At that time, if the refined Purple Luan Bird wants to turn reality into reality and achieve the state of concentration, it will be guided by the magic formula to find Master Mingyun.

Only those who have mastered the "Purple Light Luan Jue" with the help of Master Mingyun can completely merge with the Purple Light Luan Bird and achieve the state of concentration.

That's how the Fairy in Caiyi achieved the Concentrating Spirit Realm.

But this time, Master Mingyun came up with an original idea and even came up with a storybook.

He threw out the "Purple Light Transformation Luan Jue" and said to the demon transformed by Mo Yunzi: "Just follow the cloud and see where it lands.

You are the demon in the storybook. You must continue to train the person who obtains the "Purple Light Hua Luan Jue" so that she can complete it as soon as possible. "

"When the Purple Light Luan Bird is refined, it will be time for you to get rid of your demon body."

"However, whether the interpretation of the story is exciting or not depends on how you control it as a demon!"

"The more exciting it is, the more benefits you will get. Do you understand?"

Mo Yunzi's body trembled. Although he had turned into a demon body, his intelligence was still there.

I didn't expect that this immortal-like real person would be so terrifying when playing games.

Mo Yunzi's heart was trembling, and he nodded. He didn't dare to delay and chased after the place where the "Purple Light Luan Art" fell.

Master Mingyun turned around and said to the two colorful phoenixes behind him:

"Caiyi is dead. You two should go and look after Mo Yunzi this time.

When the time comes, write the story he tells into a storybook. Whoever writes the most touching story will be the new Caiyi.

You can transform into a human form, achieve the state of concentration, and walk in the world to collect clouds for me."

The two colorful phoenixes were very surprised. Their long tails swayed and they made a crisp female voice, saying, "Thank you for your support, Master!"

The two colorful phoenixes received Master Mingyun's order and transformed into small kingfishers, hiding their breath and secretly following Mo Yunzi.

The "Purple Light Transformation Luan Jue" flew all the way and finally landed in a ruined temple in a village.

The children in the village were playing and running into the ruined temple.

Mo Yunzi fell from the sky and trampled the ruined temple into ruins.

In his dark eyes, there was a strange and evil light. He stared at the group of frightened children and opened his mouth!

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