Refining Qi starts from repairing the panel

Chapter 100 Taixuan Holy Land, Chief True Tradition, Chu Zheng

The practice of Five Thunder Zhengfa is not going well. Chu Zheng's current five internal organs are somewhat unable to bear the Five Elements Yuan Qi.

A large amount of Yuan Qi poured in, and every time he took a breath, his heart burned like fire, his lungs felt like knives being cut, and his five internal organs suffered considerable trauma.

Although after the repair of the panel, the internal organs gradually became stronger, the pain in the internal organs penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Sweat poured out from Chu Zheng's forehead, and within a short time, puddles formed under his body.

The five-color spiritual energy circulated between his mouth and nose, poured into his Dantian, and then reached his internal organs, slowly tempering the energy of the five elements.

During the repairs one after another, Chu Zheng clearly noticed the changes in the spiritual energy of the surrounding world. Compared with the outside world, the fluctuations of the spiritual energy in the small world were more obvious, and the surrounding spiritual energy was gradually becoming thinner.

After entering the Jade Bone Realm, the energy required to repair the body has increased dramatically. There is only one spiritual vein in the small world, and it takes time to nurture the spiritual energy. After such tossing, some clues soon appeared.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed...

After constant repair and strengthening, Chu Zheng's five internal organs finally met the basic requirements for operating the five elements.

Chu Zheng slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air. The energy of the five elements in his body circulated, reaching his limbs and bones, and gathered yin and yang in the palms of both sides.

The left hand gathers Yin, which is as black as ink, and the right hand holds Yang, which is as bright as the scorching sun.

Chu Zheng took a deep breath, looked cautious, opened the passage in an instant, and came to a deserted island in the outside world, forming a seal with his hands.

In an instant, the two qi of yin and yang merged and evolved into two forms of chaos.


A ray of faint blue electric light suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a dazzling thunder.


The lightning swooped down like a giant dragon, carrying strong winds and sweeping over. The deserted island that spanned several miles was shaken violently, vegetation was uprooted, earth and rocks were flying, and dust smoke was rolled up thousands of feet high.

In an instant, the deserted island was torn apart, and large areas of land collapsed and fell into the rolling Nu River. After a while, the wreckage disappeared and was lost in the waves.

With one blow, the desert island in front of him had been directly sunk by Chu Zheng, and the blue electric light spread along the water to more than ten miles away.

For a moment, the water demon crossed the river, and a layer of white belly floated on the surface of the river.

Chu Zheng's face was pale, his fingertips could not stop trembling, and his body was almost hollowed out.

The panel was running, and his expression quickly returned to normal. He looked at the various fish and water monsters floating on the water, and fell into deep thought.

After barely activating a lightning technique, the energy in his body has been drained. Without the existence of the panel, it is really difficult to use it against the enemy.

This great magical power mainly uses his own power to attract the power of heaven and earth, and the world of Cangyun Realm did not borrow his power just now.

Chu Zheng couldn't figure out the reason for this, so he didn't think about it for the time being.

The power of the Five Thunder Zhengfa did not disappoint Chu Zheng. As long as the five internal organs are nourished and practiced diligently, this thunder method, as a trump card, is completely sufficient.

Chu Zheng let out a sigh of relief, and based on the principle of not wasting, began to clean up the various river fish on the river and a few water monsters that had fainted.

In the process of practicing this great magical power, he absorbed a lot of the demonic power of the five-shaped Yuan Shaping Dan, and his cultivation level has been further advanced. He is not far from the middle stage of the Jade Bone Realm.

Even, the cultivation level of Immortal Dao has also increased, and has undergone changes, and is about to reach the peak of Spiritual Spring Realm.

This can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

After a while, Chu Zheng finished cleaning up and turned back to the small world.

Today's small world is a bit cold, with only Song Lingqing, Song Yun, Bai Nian and Chu Zheng himself.

The rest of the people were left in the Song Mansion by Chu Zheng. Those great masters who were left behind by Geng Yiyang were basically old and had half of their bodies buried in the ground. It was really inconvenient to carry them around with them and have to take care of them.

Chu Zheng sent a message to the others, then transformed Yuan Qi, lit a ball of mortal fire, and began to process the ingredients.

It had been a long time since he had eaten. Seeing so much fresh food from the river, he suddenly had some cravings and there was no need to hold back.

Bai Nian was the closest to where Chu Zheng was, and was the first to arrive here. Looking at the water monsters and various river delicacies all over the ground, he stepped forward and grabbed a silverbait weighing at least a hundred kilograms, his eyes filled with wonder.

There are no big rivers around Phantom City, only mountain streams at most. He has never seen such a big fish in his life.

Chu Zheng took the time to glance at him and sighed secretly.

Bai Nian's talent in practicing martial arts can only be said to be poor, he has no immortal bones, and his martial arts training is also very slow.

Chu Zheng once thought about letting him try other methods, such as the "Tianhan Poetry Collection" that has been restored.

This is the only Confucian and Taoist scripture found in the manuscript.

There is a second level of quality. If you read it a hundred times and have extraordinary talents, you can nurture the aura of greatness and ward off all evils.

But after pondering, Chu Zheng temporarily gave up the idea.

After all, in the Cangyun Realm, the only outcome for those who follow different ways is death.

Chu Zheng now has no confidence in his future path, so there is no need to drag another person into trouble.

He brought Bai Nian out from the Phantom City to find a way for him to survive, rather than letting him rush to death.

Song Yun and Song Lingqing arrived almost at the same time.


Song Yun first bowed and then looked at Song Lingqing with a calm expression. He saluted again and said hello:

"Second Miss."

He has not been close to Song Lingqing since he was a child, especially after Song Lingqing went to the Immortal Sect.

Song Lingqing's talent in martial arts was not high. She was also somewhat withdrawn when she was young, and she was somewhat alienated from Song Lingxue.

Before the Chu government entered the government, Song Lingqing rarely spoke.

Song Lingqing glanced at Song Yun, nodded slightly, looking a little cold, and sat down aside.

The word "uncle", for some reason, always sounds a bit harsh.

Song Yun practiced extremely diligently, and with the help of elixirs, he made significant progress in just a few days, and was about to enter the realm of a master.

He does have some extraordinary talents in martial arts.

Song Yun stepped forward consciously and began to help Chu Zheng pack the ingredients with quick movements.

Song Lingqing on the side looked a little hesitant. She had been hanging out in Juze for a long time and often heard rumors of water monsters eating people. At this moment, she inevitably felt a little conflicted.

"Water monsters eat people, and people eat monsters. It's nothing more than the cycle of heaven and earth. Don't think too much about it."

In the eyes of Qi practitioners, no matter human or demon, including oneself, they are just a part of the world.

Just like a monk absorbing spiritual energy into his body, on the level of heaven and earth, it is just a way of energy flow.

Chu Zheng saw what she was thinking, and without much scruple, he picked out a prawn nearly as long as his arm from the fire and swallowed it in two or two mouthfuls.

Such large river shrimps are extremely rare elsewhere, but they are not unusual in Juze.

The shrimp meat has a smooth and chewy texture, with a spiritual energy filling it.

These water demon meats contain a lot of spiritual energy, and long-term consumption will also have some benefits for cultivation.

Taking advantage of the break between eating, Chu Zheng pulled out the panel and took a glance.

[Name: Chu Zheng]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining: Early Stage of Jade Bone Realm, Immortal Path: Late Stage of Spiritual Spring Realm]

[Gongfa: Taixuan Divine Fire Sutra (eighth level), Great Zhou Tianqi General Outline (sixth level/incomplete), Tianxing Body Tempering Technique (fifth level)...]

[Supernatural powers: Five Thunder Methods (Level 6), Xuantian Seal 3rd Form (Level 5), Sky Condensation Technique (Level 6), Divination Technique (Level 2), Control of Objects (Level 2), Midas Turning Stone into Gold (Level 2) ), invisibility (second level)...]

[Restorer: Level 3 (170/1000)]

[Remaining number of repairs for the day: 0]

[Currently repairable: Part 2 of the General Outline of the Great Zhou Tianqi Movement (0/2000), Phantom Spirit Technique (0/7000)...]

The first chapter of the Great Zhou Tianqi General Outline was enough for Chu Zheng to use for a long time. All the repairs he had made in the past few days were used on the Nine Thunder Jade Talisman that he had previously bought from Zifang City.

[Nine Thunder Jade Talisman (Level 3/Incomplete): It is from the hand of a Talisman Master. It can seriously injure or even kill Level 3 creatures. It is directly broken before it can be used. It can be repaired (40/50)]

A third-level creature is equivalent to a monk in the Immortal Condensation Realm.

In other words, with this talisman, Chu Zheng can severely injure or even kill the masters of the Condensation Realm by surprise. It is perfect as a trump card for self-protection.

Chu Zheng currently lacks the means to protect himself, and a talisman like the Nine Thunder Jade Talisman is the most suitable thing.

Seeing Chu Zheng enjoying the meal, Song Lingqing took a tentative sip and her eyes suddenly brightened.

The moment she entered, she realized that this thing was good for her cultivation.

She carefully looked at Chu Zheng for a few times, then started eating with a little restraint.

Chu Zheng didn't eat much.

After peeling a dozen prawns, roasting two hundred-jin whitebait, and eating an old turtle half the size of a millstone, I stopped.

After all, there are some impurities in these things, and a brief taste is enough.

Song Lingqing's attention was always on Chu Zheng. Seeing him stop his movements, she put down half of the grilled fish in her hands with some reluctance, quietly wiped her hands, and sat up straight.

"Hundred Demons Club, have you ever heard of it?"

Before she could speak, Chu Zheng asked first.

He remembered the name Wu Taiyun said before, thoughtfully, and made some plans.

"I've heard of it."

Song Lingqing thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Its strength is stronger than that of the Phantom Spirit Sect. It raises hundreds of demons in its sect. There once was a transformed demon king. The monks have average methods, but the demon beasts they raise have extremely extraordinary combat power. Rumor has it that they are related to the Northern Territory. .”

"Northern Territory..."

Chu Zheng rubbed his fingertips and fell into deep thought. The Northern Territory was a paradise for monsters. Before the Immortal Alliance arrived in Cangyun Realm, there were often wars between humans and monsters, and there were deep grudges.

As for why the Immortal Alliance did not completely eradicate the demon clan in the Cangyun Realm, it is only because there are not only human monks in the Immortal Alliance.

Demon immortals are also immortals, and even among the immortal alliance, there is an immortal king of the demon clan.

The arrival of the Immortal Alliance cannot directly erase the original hatred. Being associated with the demon clan is still despised by the Cangyun monks.

Some clues can be seen from the fact that Taixuangui was a holy land and was forced to close the mountain gate to hide from the world.

And all the Immortal Alliance can do is to divide the areas and govern them, and try to keep the two tribes from interfering with each other.

Chu Zheng took out the Hidden Dragon List, looked through it up and down, and his eyes were focused.

[Hidden Dragon List No. 3567: Hundred Demons Association, Chou Shi, Bone Age 73, Early Stage of Entering the Taoist Realm, Bo Yao: Spirit Shadow Lion, Late Stage of Entering the Taoist Realm. 】

As a sect that is a monster, the spiritual beasts it raises can also be considered as its own combat power. Otherwise, Qiu Shi would not even be able to squeeze into the top five thousand on the Hidden Dragon Ranking with his early cultivation level.

While breathing, Chu Zheng had already made a decision, stood up and opened the space channel.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Chu Zheng take out the Hidden Dragon List, Song Lingqing felt something was wrong. She was slightly shocked when she saw his movements.

"Go find someone."

Chu Zheng said casually and stepped into the space passage.

The moment he walked out of the passage, the Heavenly Divination Technique was activated and he quickly captured a trace of Qi.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far.

Stepping into the Jade Bones, Chu Zheng's speed was far beyond what he had been able to do before. Even if he could only use half of his power to fly through the clouds and ride on the mist, he could cover more than 100,000 miles in one day and night, but it was still easy. What's more, he didn't have to worry about consumption.



It is more than 200,000 miles away from the southwest of Juze Country.

The moon is high.

In the wild forest, a man and a lion were lying in the wilderness.

The figure looked to be in his twenties, extremely young, and dressed in green clothes.

The lion lying behind him had hair rippling like water and exuding a jade-like luster.

Suddenly, the Jade Lion stood up, and a low voice escaped from his throat.

The monk in green who was sitting cross-legged in front of it slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

In the middle of the silver moon, stood a figure in black robes.

"I heard that the Hundred Demons want my head."

Chu Zheng looked down at the man and the lion below. He did not rush to take action, but showed his true appearance and asked:

"Do you want my head?"

After seeing Zheng's face clearly, Qiu Shi's eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed slightly, he was a little impatient, and whispered:

"Eat him."


The shadow lion lying behind him roared, and with the sound of wind and thunder, it opened its bloody mouth and headed straight towards Chu Zheng.

"Evil beast!"

Cold lightning shot out of Chu Zheng's eyes, and he shouted loudly, which shook the surrounding areas, implying the power of thunder.

The shadow lion trembled, stopped its forward momentum, paused, shook its huge head, its mane danced slightly, and there was a trace of hesitation in the beast's eyes.

Qi practitioners refine their bodies with the two qi of yin and yang, and the breath will naturally become purer, as will the qi in the body.

Those with advanced cultivation can subdue auspicious beasts and attract plant elves with just their breath without taking any action.

The spiritual sense of monsters is naturally sharp, and the spirit shadow lion has noticed the huge sense of threat coming from Chu Zheng, as well as the slightest hint of kindness.

Looking at the movements of the shadow lion, a smile flashed in Chu Zheng's eyes, and he slowly stretched out his hand:


The spirit shadow lion hesitated for a moment, then turned around and glanced at Qiu Shi.

"Asshole, do you know who is the master?!"

Qiu Shi's expression changed drastically, and he felt something bad in his heart. He shouted and urged: "Eat him!"

The spirit shadow lion looked left and right, but finally chose to squat down aside and made no further movements.


Chu Zheng withdrew his gaze and stood high above the nine heavens. The divine flames behind him were overwhelming, dyeing the hundreds of miles of night sky red, and his voice was heard far away:

"My name is Chu Zheng, the current chief true inheritor of Taixuan Holy Land."

Taixuan Holy Land has not recruited disciples for ten thousand years. Chu Zheng thought that now that he has the complete copy of Taixuan Shenhuo Sutra, he will not have any problems as a true disciple.

As for Fu Quanliang, he can only be regarded as the second child.

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