He sat on the mat, slowly finishing his practice. There seemed to be a colorful haze in his body, with precious energy rising, dazzling and dazzling, and strands of inexplicable light falling down, stained with an indescribable luster, interweaving into a net.

Looking more carefully, on the spotless ground, there were three-color halos that were suddenly large and small, more than thousands, tangible but intangible, shining all around, jumping up one after another, rushing into Zhou Qing's body, and then falling inside, silent.

After a while, all the three-color halos on the ground dissipated, leaving nothing behind. At the same time, the haze on Zhou Qing's body also slowly converged and returned to normal.

Zhou Qing jumped up from the mat, came to the window, stretched out his hand, and pushed the window open.

Unconsciously, it was snowing outside, the cold was blowing in the face, the white was in the eyes, the cold air rushed over, and it was rustling.

Time passed so quickly, winter is coming.

However, no matter how cold it was outside, it couldn't stop the heat in his heart.


Zhou Qing exhaled white air towards the window, and a smile naturally appeared on his face when he thought of his recent practice.

Since he came back, he has been practicing in seclusion one after another, looking for immortal bones, washing bone marrow, strengthening qi and blood, and consolidating the foundation.

The whole process has a little ripple, which does not affect the overall situation and progresses steadily.

Until today, although the marrow washing has not been completed, the immortal bones have come out, the foundation is deep, and the foundation of the physical body is very strong, which few people can compare with.

From now on, it is a water grinding work, constantly washing the marrow, constantly moving the bones, becoming more and more profound, and constantly improving.

Zhou Qing has practiced the "Watching the Moon and Shaking the Scales" marrow washing method in "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" to perfection. For the next step of marrow washing, there is no need to practice in seclusion, but can be practiced while walking or lying down, moving or being still.

At this moment, there was a slight sound outside. Zhou Qing looked over and saw a golden light suddenly appear in the courtyard. After a moment, the thread and the belt were pulled, and thousands of broken lights gathered together and turned into a flying letter.

As soon as the flying letter arrived, it followed the aura and came to the window, and then stopped three feet away from Zhou Qing. Around it, the flames were bright and illuminated the surroundings.

"The flying letter from Qingyun Garden."

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up, and he took the flying letter in the air with a wave of his hand. He opened it and smiled even more.

On the flying letter, it was a letter from Qingyun Garden, and it was actually written by Qingyun Jushi. Qingyun Garden had already done the preparations for him and opened up the joints. He only needed to check the foundation of the children who were taking the exam.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Zhou Qing put away the flying letter, left his mansion, and went directly to Qingyun Garden.

"Please follow me."

The servant guarding the gate had been instructed. When he saw Zhou Qing, he immediately led him inside and came to a place.

A few strange rocks surrounded an octagonal copper pavilion. There was a precious bead hanging above it. Once the sunlight shone over, it would be collected by the bead and then turned into strands of gold, like a bead curtain, hanging down upside down.

The steps were painted with golden color, like a golden avenue.

Zhou Qing stepped on the steps and went inside. When he looked up, he saw Zhou Xian sitting on the cloud couch, and the butler was serving on one side.

The two people, Qingyun Layman looked calm, and the butler was smiling.

"Hello, Layman."

Zhou Qing stepped forward and greeted him, feeling relieved.


Zhou Xian looked at the young man who came in, standing quietly, with a clear and quiet look, and there seemed to be colors sinking around his body, sparsely, containing the color of gold and jade, and at a glance there was a kind of clarity and flawlessness, and he couldn't help but secretly marvel.

This Zhou Qing is really a bit weird.

The last time I saw him, he had just entered the marrow cleansing, he was full of vigor and had a strong foundation, but now I see him again, he actually looks deep and deep, with an unfathomable foundation.

In this short period of time, Zhou Qing may have cleansed the marrow in his body to an extremely amazing degree, and the power of the immortal bone found in his body has also been integrated into his flesh, blood, tendons and bones, which has made him have a qualitative change.

There are only a handful of young people in the Hengnan Zhou clan who have such a deep foundation and are as good as gold and jade inside and out.

Zhou Xian's eyes flashed with a strange color. On the one hand, Zhou Qing can lay such a foundation. On the one hand, he must have done a deep job in cleaning the marrow. After all, the more thorough the marrow cleansing, the more it can strengthen the blood and bones. On the other hand, it is more important to guide the power of the immortal bone and temper the body after discovering the immortal bone.

Every time a part of the immortal bone is found in the body, the body can be tempered once. The more immortal bones there are, the more times the tempering is done, and the deeper the foundation is.

Seeing Zhou Qing's deep foundation, he must have a lot of immortal bones in his body.

Zhou Xian thought about it and was a little curious.

In fact, before a cultivator enters the third realm of the Tao, his immortal bones are "hidden" and unknown to others. After the marrow is washed, the immortal bones are like a dusty pearl that has wiped off the dust on the surface, shining brightly and no longer hidden.

With Zhou Xian's realm, if he really wants to use his means to check, he can see how many immortal bones Zhou Qing has in his body.

However, it is not a very friendly behavior to check a person's immortal bones so blatantly. Zhou Xian relied on his status and did not do it even if he was curious.

The butler stood up at this time and said, "Master Qing, the clan's big exam has been arranged. This is the schedule. You can choose a day to go to Lingyun Hall for inspection."

Zhou Qing saw the butler standing in the light, his face was a little haggard, and knew that he had really put a lot of effort in planning the big exam recently.

Although he urged him to hurry, he did not expect that the other party would do it so quickly.

Zhou Qing's sleeves were embroidered with tiny sparks. He raised them at this moment, reflecting the sincerity on his face, and said, "Thank you, butler."

The housekeeper looked at his master, then at Zhou Qing, and asked, "When will Young Master Qing take the exam?"

Zhou Qing took the bamboo slips handed over by the housekeeper, glanced at it, and said with a golden arc in his pupils, "Then choose seven days later".

According to the clan's rules, if the clan's children reach the age of sixteen, the family will take the initiative to arrange the exam. The time and other things are all set by the family. You can just participate when the time comes.

And if the clan's children are less than sixteen years old and want to participate in the clan's exam in advance, after the preparations are completed, the clan will give a timetable and let you choose one of the days.

Seven days later is the earliest time he can choose.

Seeing that his master didn't say anything, the housekeeper decisively agreed and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it."

Hearing this time, Zhou Xian's heart moved.

The time set by Zhou Qing is the day when the major sects announce the direct promotion quota at the Jingchen Dharma Assembly.

Did Zhou Qing choose this day intentionally or unintentionally?

Zhou Xian was unsure. He thought of the news he had heard recently, and his eyes turned to Zhou Qing, saying, "There are still seven days left. You should prepare. By then, it may be more lively."

Zhou Qing was a little surprised to hear this. Looking at the smile on the face of Qingyun Layman, besides Zhou Luoyun who might appear, there might be other people who would pay attention to his exam?

This shouldn't be the case. He was preparing to exert his strength during the exam, or even after the exam. How come he attracted a lot of attention before the exam?

Is there something that he doesn't know about?

Zhou Xian looked down and observed Zhou Qing's changes.

By now, many interested people in the Hengnan Zhou clan knew that Zhou Chen, the head of the Zhenyi Sect who came to attend the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, mentioned Zhou Qing, and they all had their own ideas in their hearts.

I just don't know if Zhou Chen contacted Zhou Qing directly?

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