This day, Yuji Peak, in the cave.

Zhou Qing sat on the cloud couch, breathing in and out, his demeanor was calm, no longer the urgency of the Hengnan Zhou family, but a sense of calmness and sophistication.

Opposite him, Huang Yulin was dressed in white, with dark patterns like cranes embroidered between his sleeves. With a slight shake, he looked like a crane dancing, lively and agile.

Even though they were underground and could not see the sun, there were lights flying in from time to time, hitting the hanging stalactites, hitting the jade tables and stone benches, and falling on the jade pendants worn by people, and the residual light reflected a bright light around them.

There were also ice flowers flying and blooming in the air.

After Zhou Qing was promoted to the induction level, his six senses became more acute. He found that Huang Yulin was not as restless as before. He knew what he was doing, so he sighed and said, "The Jingchen Dharma Assembly is over. Time flies."

"Yes." Huang Yulin was uneasy. He felt that the crystal-like light in the cave in front of him became dazzling. He responded, "We will go our separate ways soon."

"That's wrong." Zhou Qing sat steadily. Around him, crystal light shone and the auspicious color was clear. He smiled and said, "If you really enter the sect, it will be convenient to contact in the future."

"Sect." Huang Yulin muttered, raised his head, and said, "With Brother Zhou's ability, it is almost certain to enter the sect. As for me, it depends on luck."

He applied for Zhongxuanmen. Sects like this have different numbers of disciples accepted at each Jingchen Dharma Assembly. Some have more disciples accepted in one session, and some have fewer disciples accepted in one session. There is no fixed number. I don't know how many disciples the sect he applied for will accept in this session.

Zhou Qing was silent for a while. The major sects have their own standards for accepting disciples. Unless you are extremely outstanding, it is hard to say whether you will be accepted.

Huang Yulin looked up at the top of the cave. The stalactites hanging down looked bright, but they were uneven in size and thickness, just like the people born in the world, each with different opportunities. He took a breath, his expression became firm, and said in a firm tone: "Even if I can't be accepted by the sect at the Jingchen Dharma Assembly this time, I am not going to return to the family."

Zhou Qing looked across and frowned, a little surprised by Huang Yulin's decision.

At the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, if you are not accepted by the sect, you can contact the sect and apply to join after the Dharma Assembly.

Faced with such an application, most sects will definitely accept it with pleasure.

Because the children of various clans who can participate in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly are carefully selected by the aristocratic families and have extraordinary qualifications. What's more, the self-applicants don't need to be given special treatment, and don't need to use other resources, so why not?

But for the children of all ethnic groups who apply, to enter the sect in this way, not only do they have to start as outer disciples, which is much lower than the direct selection of the sect through the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, but also have less treatment, both open and hidden.

Such a path is rarely chosen by the children of all ethnic groups who failed in the Jingchen Dharma Assembly. After all, such a start is not as good as returning to the family for development.

"It seems that Huang Yulin has something to hide."

Zhou Qing's eyes were dim. Huang Yulin was so determined that he might have unknown difficulties in the Linwu Huang family.

Otherwise, why should he do this?

However, Zhou Qing didn't say much. He was born in a family, so he naturally knew the haze inside the family.

For the thousand-year-old families like the Hengnan Zhou family and the Linwu Huang family, the internal structure is more complicated, and there may be "strange things" that seem to be jaw-dropping every day.

However, most of the "strange things" in the eyes of outsiders are the operating rules of the family and the human relations of the family, "just because I am in this mountain".

At this moment, there was a slight sound. Zhou Qing and Huang Yulin looked at the sound at the same time, and saw a girl sitting cross-legged in a corner of the cave. The sect talisman hanging on her waist had jumped above her head, dropping one after another clear light, decorated with tiny spiritual texts, illuminating the other party's solemn appearance.

A ball of silver light burst out in Zhou Qing's eyes, and he immediately saw that in the light, there were countless clear air, like bamboo leaves, continuous and fragrant. In the clear air, there were pearl palaces and jade palaces, treasure pavilions and flying pavilions, and rows of women sitting inside, holding stars and holding power.

"Dou Mu Palace."

Zhou Qing saw it and immediately understood that this was the girl in the cave who was officially accepted by the Dou Mu Palace of Shangxuanmen.

As if sensing Zhou Qing's gaze, the girl bathed in the boundless clear light of the Doumu Palace sect talisman looked over, her long eyelashes trembling, shining with starlight, with a kind of coldness that permeated people's bones.


Zhou Qing retracted his gaze, and the girl in the clear light turned out to be Lin Miaomiao. Although she lost the battle of "law" with him, she was obviously talented and was accepted by the Doumu Palace.

The strange phenomenon on Lin Miaomiao seemed to have opened the prelude to the sect's acceptance of disciples at the Jingchen Dharma Assembly. After three or five breaths, another light sound was heard, and its sound was like a bronze bell, with a heavy feeling in the clearness, shaking all around.

To the west of Lin Miaomiao, a young man wearing a bamboo crown who was chatting and laughing with someone in the middle of the stone pillar raised his head. Above his head, the sect talisman was suspended in the air, and thousands of silk ribbons were hanging down, surrounding an ancient Taoist temple behind the nine clouds.

The door of the Taoist temple was tightly closed, and only on the rusty copper ring, there were constantly fine and dense scriptures, which were magnificent but silent.

"Laojun Temple."

Zhou Qing recognized the characteristics of this sect and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Laojun Temple is one of the Zhongxuan sects, but this sect is extraordinary and has extremely profound and unfathomable foundations. Moreover, under the hard work of the past heads, now they have accumulated a lot of experience and are ready to attack Xuanmen.

Perhaps because I lived too short in my last life, in my memory, Laojun Guan did not ascend to the Xuanmen, but at that time, the sect was still prosperous.

Zhou Qing's thoughts turned and he lowered his eyelids to block the strange color in his eyes.

In my previous life, because I followed the path of becoming an official, I followed the path of enlightenment first, so I didn’t know many things about cultivation. But I still have a certain understanding of major events in the cultivation world. And such a big thing is a trend.

Knowing the trend, it is easy to follow the trend and take advantage of the "opportunity".

"Boom" While Zhou Qing was meditating, a series of qi machines rose in the cave. Laojun Guan, Lingyue Sect, Jinming Sect, Lingguan Sect, Doumu Palace, etc., as various sects successively announced the recruitment of disciples At the entrance, the entire underground cave is filled with auspicious clouds and golden lotuses. The atmosphere is magnificent and unparalleled.

However, among these different aspects, the different aspects of Doumu Palace are the thickest, with such large scope and bright colors that they completely overwhelm those of other sects.

There is not only a chasm-like gap between Zhongxuanmen and Shangxuanmen, but the gap is really not small. What's more, Doumu Palace ranks among the top among all Shangxuan Sects, and its momentum is even more majestic.

Zhou Qing's eyes flashed, and before he could make any other move, the sect talisman around his waist twirled, automatically rose up, and hung above his head. Then, twelve white rainbows hung down, holding up the orb, and then upward, blooming with light. Everywhere.

Twelve white rainbows penetrated the sky, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately suppressed other visions, and they were indistinguishable from the hundreds of feet of clear energy above the heads of the disciples who were accepted as disciples in Doumu Palace.

The true sect is also the Xuanmen.

Huang Yulin, who was not far away from Zhou Qing, looked at Zhou Qing, who was surrounded by a white rainbow, and nodded secretly. Not even halfway through the meeting, the opponent was confirmed by the Shinichi Sect. Judging from this result, it should be right.

"Both have a bright future."

Huang Yulin glanced at the cave, looking at the strange things in the sky, and then touched the motionless sect talisman on the jade belt around his waist with his hand, and his mood became heavy.

He had expected this result, but when it actually came and saw the success of his peers in the cave, he still felt sad.

Huang Yulin didn't talk to anyone else, nor did he bother Zhou Qing. He lowered his head and headed for the exit of the cave.

Zhou Qing had no time to care about others. The talisman of the Zhenyi Sect on his top door was truly opened at this time. Not only did a white rainbow penetrate the sky, but a wonderful connection with himself emerged spontaneously and steadily increased.

At this time, Zhou Qing realized that every sect talisman at the Jingchen Dharma Ceremony was a magic weapon carefully refined by the sect behind it.

It was just that in the past, they were sealed by their respective sects using their unique methods. Now that the Dharma Conference is over, the seals on the sect talismans in the hands of the disciples who have passed the assessment and are officially accepted into the sect have been opened.

From now on, the sect's talisman in Zhou Qing's hand will be the "True One Order".

"Shinichi Order."

Zhou Qing raised his head and looked at the hanging talisman. Its color had turned into a dark green, with cloud patterns engraved on the left and right, hiding into the appearance of Jingchen Mountain. His name was hidden in it, and it was a little brighter.

"Let's talk about it later."

As for the various functions of the True Order, Zhou Qing did not continue to explore. He had other things to do, so he changed his inner energy and penetrated into the True Order to communicate with each other. The next moment, a burst of true energy came, After wrapping him up, take him away.

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