After leaving the backyard, Zhou Qing identified the direction and turned east, walking along the bluestone road. Along the way, he could see shells inlaid on the wall, each of which contained pearls. The bright halo was sparse and entangled, mottled with hazy water vapor.

From time to time, shrimp soldiers and crab generals passed by. After seeing Zhou Qing, the black snake general, they also consciously retreated to one side, holding their breath and concentrating, not daring to move rashly.

Most of the aquatic people are not very intelligent and it is impossible for them to form secular and solemn rules, but their worship of power is more obvious.

After a while, he returned to his residence.

"Prepare hot water."

As soon as Zhou Qing came back, he sent the maid in the mansion to prepare hot water. After he finished bathing, he changed into a loose cotton coat and returned to the quiet room he had specially arranged.

The quiet room was not big, with only a large pearl and shell couch by the window, a bedside table in front of the couch, and a vase on the table. The flowers were tilted from the mouth of the vase, sparse and elegant and fragrant.

Zhou Qing sat down on the couch steadily, and then practiced the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu". Faintly, there was water vapor everywhere, accompanied by an inexplicable hissing sound, coming and going.

At this moment, the true qi was running in the veins in the body, like a dragon and a snake entering the water, indescribably lively and agile, growing bit by bit.

When the true qi in the veins grew to a certain extent, it slowly fell into the Danhai, making the deep Danhai look even deeper.

After an unknown period of time, Zhou Qing opened his eyes, he stood up, looked through the window, and looked at the water palace outside. He couldn't help but sigh that the real skill "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" of the Biyou Palace that he practiced was really unusual.

It is said that the mountain gate of the Biyou Palace was located above the East China Sea. All the disciples who practiced the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" in the sect would use the mystery of the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" true skill to lurk in the major dragon palaces and water palaces in the sea and practice like real aquatic creatures.

Only after the skill is perfected will they leave.

Of course, there are also unlucky ones. While lurking, their identities were discovered by the people of the water tribe, and they failed to lay eggs by borrowing chickens, but ended up in a mess. Some were even particularly unlucky and lost their lives.

The lurking and counter-lurking, assassination and counter-assassination, and various secret battles between the disciples of the Biyou Palace and the East Sea water tribe were also very exciting and talked about with relish.

Zhou Qing could not enter the East China Sea and practice real skills like the real disciples of the Biyou Palace, but when he chose the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu", he had an idea. After entering the Zhenyi Sect, he had a complete plan and decided to copy the gourd and seek the same effect.

That's why, after he was promoted to the Mingqi realm, he left the mountain gate of the Zhenyi Sect and came to Luanshi Bay, one of the tributaries of the Jing River with a relatively large water area in Tongbaizhou, and found an opportunity to kill a snake demon in the Luanshi Bay Water Mansion, and then used a trick of Li Dai Tao Jiang to sneak into the Water Mansion.

During this process, Zhou Qing finally understood why the disciples of the Biyou Palace were able to enter various dragon palaces in the East China Sea, deceive the world, and practice with the help of the power, which made the East China Sea aquatic creatures unable to defend themselves.

Because the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" was mysterious, when he killed the original snake demon and turned into a new snake demon and entered the water, when he was running, his own aura was like that of a real aquatic creature, deceiving the world and the sea, and it was easy.

Two months have passed since he sneaked in, and even the river god of the water palace did not see that he was no longer the original snake demon, but a young man who practiced the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" from the Zhenyi Sect.

Zhou Qing walked around the room and thought about his current situation.

Practicing the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" in the water palace of Luanshiwan is indeed much stronger than practicing on land, and the progress is amazing, but the water spirit consumed by this real skill of the Biyou Palace is very terrifying.

The spirit of the water palace gathered in Luanshiwan and even the many tributaries that merged into it is not small. But after all, it is under the jurisdiction of the river god of Luanshiwan, and it is unlikely for others to use it unscrupulously.

If you want to practice "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" happily, you have to think about it.

The best thing is to pull down the river god of Luanshiwan and really take the position. In that case, as the new generation of "River God", not only can the water spirit of Luanshiwan be used at will, but also can be used to the maximum extent.

Zhou Qing thought of the undercurrents in the water palace recently, and his eyes became deep.

"General Black Snake."

At this time, someone outside reported, "Lord River God has called a meeting and wants you to attend."

"I'll be there soon."

Zhou Qing stood up, put on armor outside, and strode out of his mansion after tidying up.

Two quarters of an hour later, Zhou Qing arrived. He saw a flying bridge in front of the main hall of the water palace, like a startled rainbow, one end plunged into the water, dizzy with five colors, and the other end was slightly raised, floating in the air, and fist-sized notes kept falling, colliding with each other, converging into a very beautiful music.

In front of the door stood a team of shrimp soldiers, wearing long swords that almost dragged to the ground.

The main door was wide open, with a plaque on it, with the three words "River God Temple" in golden letters, and the font was composed of thousands of tiny fish-like characters, arranged and combined together, golden and dazzling.

When the team of shrimp soldiers saw Zhou Qing coming, they pressed their hands on the handles of their swords and shouted loudly: "General Black Snake."

Zhou Qing nodded, stepped over a dozen steps and entered the hall.

Entering inside, the hall was full of the sound of bells and chimes, and then a treasure lamp was hung high, containing a night-shining pearl, and the glow spread on the tiled floor, reflecting an amber color.

In the center was a light blue high platform with a coral throne on it. Behind the throne, a fan-shaped halo spread out, and the ripples on the top swayed, reflecting the vast rocky bay, with many streams slowly merging into it, and the water surface slowly rising.

Under the stage, there was a wide jade case. The generals of the Water Palace who came early had already taken their seats. Most of them were wearing heavy armor, but there were occasionally a few who had human heads and fish bodies, with ferocious faces, looking terrifying and scary.

The people who came were all powerful figures in the Water Palace, and some were even small gods in the streams of Luanshi Bay. The water tribe did not value etiquette to begin with, and when they gathered together, they laughed loudly, drank and had fun.

Zhou Qing glanced around, found his seat and sat down in front. As soon as he sat down, an extremely cold and icy aura naturally spread, and a light blue cold color was everywhere, and even frost floated up.

Soon, people who were close to Zhou Qing, whether they were wearing heavy armor or half-human and half-demon, immediately felt the chill from Zhou Qing's internal energy. They subconsciously shut up and quieted down, looking at Zhou Qing with fear in their eyes.

Looking down from above, the area far from Zhou Qing is still talking and laughing, while the area close to Zhou Qing seems to be filled with heavy pressure that seems to be real, making the surroundings silent.

In the hall, there is a force of ice and fire, with clear longitude and latitude.

Of course, the range of the "ice" force is obviously much smaller than that of the "fire". But even so, it is very strange.

Zhou Qing sat still, his pupils turned, and he saw the strangeness in the hall, his eyes were deep.

The "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" of Biyou Palace is indeed unique. On land, it is as introverted and deep as the general Taoist spells. But once entering the water and disguising as a water creature, once the power and realm are improved, it is really like the awakening of the real water creature bloodline, and it is impossible to conceal the breath on the body, and it is wantonly publicized.

The more powerful the water tribe is, especially the ones who have cultivated successfully and have considerable power, the more they can sense the icy force that seems to come from the suppression of Zhou who has cultivated the "Yuanhuang Hualongtu" to the Mingqi level, and they will subconsciously be terrified.


At this moment, the bell rang, the sound of the jade chime was loud, the light in the hall was dazzling, and a demon soldier with a loud voice shouted, "Lord River God is here!"

Hearing this, the demon generals in the hall stopped talking and stood up from behind the jade table. Zhou Qing also stood up and looked up.

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