Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 96: The Beginning of Taoism

"Everything is up to Uncle Six's arrangement."

The bay leaf next to Zhou Qing was haloing with light, and the sparse brightness spread out, reflecting the expression on his face. He looked unfazed, calm and confident.

"Yes." Zhou Chen stretched out his hand and took out a sleeve bag, which was embroidered with banners and feathers and the appearance of a warrior in yellow turban. He flicked it and sent it to Zhou Qing, saying: "What you need for practice. , I’ll come over this time and bring you a piece of it.”

Zhou Qing took it, and with a surge of energy, he opened it and saw that the sleeves were full of colors and ideas, and they were all high-quality products.

Once one is listed as a key training target in a wealthy family like the Luochuan Zhou family, the treatment is so good that it is admirable.

"Okay, let's do this for now." Master Zhou Chen said a few more words, waved his long sleeves, and lifted his body up into the sky with huge magic power. The cloud on the top of the door was as big as a car hood, decorated with seven treasures, and slowly left. Ascending to the Dragon Qi Mansion, only tiny shimmers of light remained, shining in the frosty sky, like countless jade leaves flying.

Now, whether Master Zhou Chen comes to Denglong Qi Mansion or leaves Denglong Qi Mansion, he usually flies into the clouds and covers the sky with jade light. He does this intentionally to let all interested people know how much the Luochuan Zhou family values ​​Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing looked at it for a while, stood up, returned to his quiet room, sat down on the cloud couch, hung a jewel on it, and hung down the bright light. He took out his sleeve, and when his thoughts came to him, he saw one piece of talent after another. The earthly treasures flew out and were listed on the treasure table in front of him.

"Tianyin flowers, curved umbrella beads, precious cold jade..."

Zhou Qing looked at the genius treasures on the treasure table and read out their names, his eyes flashing with brilliance. They were all needed to practice Taoism.

"Practice this Tao skill successfully first."

Zhou Qing's eyes reflected the light of several heavenly and earthly treasures. He took a deep breath, concentrated all his strength, and sent part of the dragon-changing Qi in his body that had been refined many times into the twenty opened spirits in the Tao body. In the orifice, it is continuously refined in accordance with the requirements of practicing Taoist Yin Erosion Cold Water.

Every time it is refined, the color of Hualong Zhenqi seems to be darker, colder, and heavier.

Changes occur through strange and special refinements again and again. Just waiting for a certain moment, there will be a thunder and the cocoon will turn into a butterfly!

It was too late to say, but it was soon. At this moment, after Hualong Zhenqi had undergone another round of spiritual orifice refinement, suddenly, on top of Hualong Zhenqi, wisp after wisp of inexplicable Qi came out, deep and deep. Simple, extremely cold to cold.

At first glance, it is completely different from the other Dragon Transformation Qi in the body, with a texture that is of a higher level.


Seeing this, Zhou Qing nodded secretly. As soon as he thought about it, this part of the dragon-transforming true energy went upwards, came out of the nose, and ran like water. In just one move, it rolled up the Tianyin flowers on the treasure table and swept them away. It sank into the depths.

Zhou Qing stretched out his hands and continued to play magic formulas, blooming like a lotus, inducing the qualitative transformation of the Dragon Transformation Qi floating in front of him to wrap around the Tianyin Flower, extracting the deepest Qi from the Tianyin Flower, and integrating it into the Transformation Flower. Long was really angry.

During this process, Zhou Qing's movements were slow and cautious, because not only did it have to be extracted, but after the extraction, it also had to be perfectly integrated into the Dragon Transformation Qi outside the body.

If something goes wrong, all previous efforts will be wasted.

After a while, there was only a snap sound, and the Tianyin Flower fell to the ground. Its brilliance disappeared and turned into gray, and all the deep energy inside had been extracted.


Zhou Qing took a deep breath and followed the same method. Next, he wrapped each of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures such as the Curved Umbrella Pearl with the Dragon Transformation Qi outside his body, extracted the Qi, and blended it into the Qi.

The whole process is not a big deal, but just like embroidery, it is full concentration and no mistakes are allowed.

Fortunately, Zhou Qing was born with two spirits and could take charge of this matter. Otherwise, he might not have been able to persist.

Yin Erosion Cold Water is an extremely powerful Taoist technique in "The Yuanhuang Dragon Transformation Picture". At that time, the disciples of Biyou Palace usually only started to practice this Taoist technique until they reached the perfection of entering the body or entering the realm of soul condensation. .

It is conceivable that the cultivation of Yin Eclipse Cold Water requires great efforts, and if you are not careful, you will give up halfway.

Time flies by, the sun rises and sets, Zhou Qing's surroundings are all gray and white, intertwined with large areas of shadow, which are the remnants of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures used to practice the cold water of Yin Erosion. In front of him, a mass of The dragon's true energy is rolling back and forth.

The skylight casts down from the large glass window, containing a kind of colorful light, but falling in this ball of dragon-transforming Qi, it is like entering the depths of the infinite water, being swallowed up silently and frozen.

Cold, extremely cold.

It can freeze sunlight and turn it into coldness.

"There's only one last step left."

Zhou Qing looked at the ball of Dragon Transformation Qi in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. He gathered his strength and suddenly struck out with one finger, hitting the ball of Dragon Transformation Qi.

The next moment, this ball of Dragon Transformation Qi was like a deflated rubber ball. It made a "chi" sound and shrank in size at a slow speed. At the same time, its color changed in the process.

In the end, the ball of Dragon Transformation Qi in front of me disappeared, replaced by three or five drops of water, hanging quietly in the room.

At first glance, the water droplets show a shocking deep blue, but if you look closely, you can see an unfathomable depth, and the color seems to change with people's attention. But no matter how it changed, as soon as the water droplets appeared, the temperature in the entire room dropped rapidly, and the surrounding area began to be covered with a layer of crystal frost.

Before it is activated, the water droplets are so powerful, which shows how powerful the newly refined Yin Erosion Cold Water is.

"It's done."

Zhou Qing sensed the resonance between the water drops in front of him and the true qi in his body, and his eyes flashed with a strange light. Now, he has entered the Taoist art of Yin Xie Han Shui.

If he could refine this Taoist art in the Luanshiwan Water Palace, even if there were only three or five drops of Yin Xie Han Shui in front of him, it would be easier to deal with the river god of Luanshiwan, and he wouldn't have to fight for so long.


Zhou Qing opened his mouth and swallowed the few drops of Yin Xie Han Shui that he had refined. He followed the meridians and moved forward in the Hualong true qi, and went straight to the depths of the Sanluo Dao body. He found an already opened spiritual orifice for each drop and put it in.

As soon as the Yin Xie Han Shui entered the orifice, in an instant, the spiritual orifice seemed to sound the sound of the glacier river water, and the amazing cold air burst out and kept rotating.

The Yin Xie Han Shui was hidden in the spiritual orifice, and it kept spinning all the time. Not only did it make the space of the spiritual orifice change imperceptibly for the better, but it also refined itself again like refining pills.

The Taoist art of Yin Xie Han Shui is not only used for fighting, it can also assist in the practice of martial arts.

One skill and one method complement each other.

The top martial arts in the Xuanmen orthodox school generally have such an effect.

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