Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1030: Black and White

This was meaningless!

Especially because when Qin Yu faced Cangwu’s swallowing, he found that he had no ability to resist him.

He is a knife and I am fish meat. I haven’t been put on a cutting board, but I’ve been directly slashed and cut instead.

The feeling of helplessness and despair of course didn’t feel good.

But despair is despair. The intent to give up didn’t exist. As long as he didn’t die, he wouldn’t give up.

Perhaps a favorable turn would appear soon.

He crazily stimulated the strength of the city that had fused into him, reducing the speed of plundering as much as possible. But slowly, Qin Yu’s heart turned cold…he could use the city’s strength, but he couldn’t fully control it.

Because according to what he sensed, while the city’s strength couldn’t overcome the suppression of abyssal energy, it should be able to prevent him being harmed.

It shouldn’t be like right now where he fell into despair and could only wait for death to arrive.

Covered in the sun and moon force field, Qin Yu was confident in his senses. This wasn’t an illusion.

In other words, the city’s strength that had fused into his body was holding back. But why was it doing this?

If Qin Yu was swallowed by Cangwu, the city’s strength within his body would also belong to the will of the abyss. It would thoroughly vanish with this.

There was a problem!

There had to be a secret that Qin Yu didn’t know about. His thoughts raced and an idea popped into his mind – the strength of the Abyssal King that this abyssal being controlled was also incomplete.

This was a situation that he faced too. Was it a coincidence? Or perhaps this was the key behind it all!

Right now, as he was about to die, of course he wouldn’t believe that this was just a coincidence.

If this really was the key point…a chill rose from the depths of his heart. Qin Yu stiffened, as if he had fallen into a cave of ice.

He suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. If this was true, he feared it would be almost impossible to escape death today!

“Hahahaha! Qin Yu, you will perish here and become a part of my body! Now, give me all of your strength!”

Cangwu roared in excitement, burning heat blazing in his eyes. He opened his mouth and sucked in deeply. The white motes of light coming from Qin Yu suddenly increased in quantity.

But at this time a change occurred. Cangwu’s mouth was still open, but the swallowing strength had vanished from sight. The emotions of excitement, greed, madness, all of it froze on his face and his eyes widened with panic.

At this moment, he had lost control of the strength within his body. And the fluctuations of an ancient and brutal consciousness began to gradually revive.

“It seems we’ve had an accidental harvest.” A low and deep voice echoed through the void. A black sphere of light appeared.

Faintly, one could see a blurry face in this sphere of light. It was like a god hovering above the highest havens, cold and indifferent. Its eyes were now fixed tightly onto Qin Yu, unable to conceal the simmering heat there.

“You were too impatient. We should have waited.” Within the spatial fluctuations, a white sphere of light appeared, its voice calm and steady.

This voice…

Qin Yu’s heart shrank. He stared at the white sphere of light.

In it, a face appeared. It opened its eyes and welcomed Qin Yu’s stare. “You are more intelligent than I thought.”

Qin Yu moved his lips, but he discovered that he couldn’t make even a single sound. The city’s strength that had fused into his body had transformed into a terrifying imprisonment that thoroughly suppressed him.

As he thought, his guess had been correct. The city as well as the Abyssal King suppressed beneath the city had already reached some kind of agreement.

The black sphere of light coldly sneered, “Agreement? Of course there is no agreement, because I am him, and he is me.”

Qin Yu’s eyes widened.

The white sphere of light suddenly expanded, transforming into a phantom; it was the teacher who had already vanished. His expression was calm as he said, “Before, I told you that when the Abyssal King was struck down, the initial plan of the living world was to refine and absorb his source, replacing him and then entering the abyss so that an investigation into the enemy could be done. But in truth, not everyone failed. For instance, I could be considered a half-success.”

The black sphere of light flashed, turning into another teacher. Both of them were exactly the same, except this one wore pitch black robes.

“He became me, and I became him. But what a pity, we weren’t able to complete the fusion…this is because a very important medium was lacking. In order to avoid being discovered by others, we constructed the Path of 10,000 Souls and used this to conceal our secret while waiting for that medium to appear.”

The teacher pointed at Cangwu, “He is a nightmare who possesses a pure abyssal bloodline. Because of certain reasons we could not wait any longer, and so we chose to use him as the medium. Of course, he is only a part of the medium even if he is the most important part, and you are also a part of it.”

The black-robed teacher licked his lips, “But surprises always come quickly. Originally, the medium that you two compose together shouldn’t be considered perfect. Even if you manage to complete the fusion, there will still be numerous drawbacks. But now, a startling strength has appeared from your body.”

The white teacher said, “We don’t know what sort of existence that strength actually is, but as long as we capture it, we can truly combine.”

“Hehe!” The black teacher laughed. “The reason we spoke so much is because we hope you two can die understanding what is happening. To become a part of our long and great plan will be your lives’ greatest honor. Secondly, it is because we require time to make adjustments to our plan and determine your function. Now, everything is perfect.”

The white teacher nodded and looked at Qin Yu, “You will become the new main body of the medium. After stripping away this nightmare’s bloodline, we will forge a mortal body that is completely suitable for us to occupy.”

“Let’s begin! I’ve waited for far too long. I’m growing impatient!”

“Let’s start.”

The city’s strength suppressed within Qin Yu’s body suddenly revealed its fierce fangs. It was like a python that reawakened from hibernation and opened its bloodstained maw.

“Ah!!” Cangwu screamed in pain. Billowing abyssal energy gushed out from his body. It was like a burst dam, forming a mighty current that crazily flowed into Qin Yu.

Abyssal energy was originally the nemesis of all flesh and blood creatures. Once there was contact, an extremely horrifying corrosive effect would be produced.

Qin Yu’s exposed skin immediately turned black. Then, it started to rot away, turning into black goo that dripped to the ground.

At this time, the city’s strength within his body began to fuse with him on its own initiative. It was like a simple and effective neutralizing agent, perfectly offsetting the annihilating effect of the abyssal energy.

Finally, all that was left was a black and gold strength that wandered through Qin Yu’s body and gradually blended into him.

But the process wasn’t beautiful. Although the city’s strength countered the corrosive ability of the abyssal energy, it increased Qin Yu’s pain and suffering a hundred times over.

This feeling was like an abyssal being was being forcibly stuffed into his body. Each inch of his flesh and blood was going to be split open!

Screaming was an effective way for a person to vent pain. Although it couldn’t truly reduce the pain that one withstood, it made one feel better from a psychological standpoint.

But what a pity, Qin Yu couldn’t even make the slightest change of expression or even utter a single syllable. He could only allow his trembling body to contrast against his calm expression to create a horrifying image.

The white teacher looked at Qin Yu, “Your withstanding capacity is greater than I imagined. Under normal circumstances your mind should have collapsed by now. Perhaps you should give up. At least you will suffer less.”

The black teacher smiled. “This is humanity. They always have certain lowly and worthless thoughts, and believe that man can triumph over the heavens…but a human is just a human, how can they fight against the heavens? Today, you are doomed to offer your everything to us.”

Thump –

Thump –

Qin Yu’s two hearts wildly beat within his chest as if they would blow apart at any time. Black blood vessels appeared on his chest, weaving together and their tips piercing into the two hearts.

The violent heartbeats couldn’t cover up the swallowing sounds as the power of the two hearts was plundered. The black blood vessels grew at an alarming rate, soon forming a new heart.

This heart was black in color but a metallic sheen flashed on its surface. After some time, it started to beat.

Thump –

The third heartbeat spread out from Qin Yu’s chest. His eyes turned black, as if they'd been dyed in ink or tossed into the endless night.

Across from him, the screams of despair coming from Cangwu stopped. Then, his entire body shattered and he disappeared.

All of his abyssal energy and everything else he possessed had integrated into Qin Yu’s body.

The black teacher’s eyes widened with an almost drunk infatuation. “Perfect, it is even more perfect than I imagined. Having fused with the power of the abyss while also maintaining the body of a flesh and blood creature, we will become two gods walking through the world, finally reaching an unsurpassed boundary!”

“Begin the fusion.” The white teacher calmly said.

Hu –

Hu –

The two people stepped forward and their figures transformed into a white and black sphere of light that drilled into Qin Yu’s body.

Bang –

Burning flames burst out from inside his body. What was strange was that these flames used the center of Qin Yu’s eyebrows as a line, and the left side was pure white and the right side was pure black.

But this situation didn’t continue for too long. The opposing flames began to slowly spin around. With Qin Yu’s body as the base, they formed a vortex of flames.

But the white and black colors were still clearly distinct from each other. A clear demarcating line separated the two.

Qin Yu opened his eyes. His left eye was pure white and his right eye was as dark as the abyss.

“You are me, so why won’t you fuse?”

“That is a question I also want to ask you.”

One question, one answer, both of them bizarrely came from Qin Yu’s mouth. The air around him had almost congealed into essence.

An invisible pressure flooded every inch of space. It was like a towering mountain had arrived, suppressing everything!

Bang –

Without warning, the perfectly spinning black and white flames shook. Two fire dragons drilled out. One black and one white, they crazily battled each other, desperately trying to swallow the other.

You are me, and I am you.

But in truth, I can only be me, and you can only be you.

Even if the essence is the same, there is a different consciousness. No one is willing to fade away into nothingness.

So who will become the real leader in the end? That was something that had to be made clear.

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