Feature glanced at Qin Yu’s back and looked down at herself. Because of the explosion, her dress was ripped up all over. She sneered. This was just a leather skin anyways, so he could look all he wanted. She didn't care, so what was he feeling so embarrassed about?

Hoho, what a false gentleman!

Casually tugging at her clothes and covering the exposed parts, Feature looked at the thing in her hand with enthusiasm. This was a jade-like ornament, round and about the size of a child’s palm. Its surface constantly flowed with colors and it was quite attractive.

“Qin Yu, Qin Yu, hurry and find something to string this up so I can wear it!”

When Qin Yu saw Feature shouting and running out of her room, his eyes twitched. He hadn’t noticed that this woman’s chest was so overly abundant.

But what was pleasing to the eye was only pleasing to the eye. When facing this incomparably mysterious woman whose status was unknown, he always felt a hint of dread in his heart.

Completely without reason, he was worried. Although Feature didn’t look as if she cared about it now, if he kept on looking, he felt that he would be in for a great deal of bad luck in the future.

“Cough! I’ll go and look for something. Wait in the courtyard and don’t walk around if you don’t need to!” Qin Yu hurriedly pushed open the door and left.

He returned moments later. He tossed something to Feature and said, “Go change your clothes first. I’ll help you string it up.”

Feature humphed twice, “Qin Yu, am I not attractive?”

“You are.”

“Then if I am, why do you want me to change clothes?”

“I fear death.”

Feature covered her mouth and laughed. “Brat, I’ve discovered that you are very discreet.” She rubbed her chin as if thinking of something. Then she nodded and said, “Although I don’t care about it too much, what you’ve said makes sense, so I’ll go and change clothes.”

A cold sweat covered Qin Yu’s forehead.

Why is there some truth in what I say? If I look at you a little bit more will I really die?

Shit, this is just like standing outside and being hit by a meteor all of a sudden. If I wasn’t alert I would really be killed by you!

With a dark face, Qin Yu used a string made of animal skin to hang the ornament. Then, after Feature changed clothes, he carefully sensed her.

Mm…her aura seemed to be a bit different…

But Qin Yu wasn’t a pure abyssal being, so he would have to reconfirm the effect of this thing.

“You’re right. Go, go, let’s take a walk through Great Deer City!” Feature said, excited.

Ever since entering the abyss, she had been stubbornly kept back by Qin Yu. She hadn’t truly looked at how the demons lived within the abyss world.

But what a pity, Qin Yu vetoed this proposition without hesitation. What nonsense, if this thing was truly effective then that was for the best. But if not…hoho, he had no plans of dying together with her.

Moreover, according to Qin Yu’s estimations, the highest likelihood was that he would die by himself. Feature absolutely wouldn’t die with him.

“Wait here. I will grab some abyssal demons and come back.” After suppressing Feature’s protests and leaving behind these words, Qin Yu left once more.

There was almost no sense of order in the current Great Deer City. As long as one didn’t cause too great of a commotion, there were few demons that would care. In addition, the demon races were naturally cruel and brutal. Countless conflicts occurred in the city every day and it was unknown how many corpses appeared.

Qin Yu easily captured four abyssal demons, each one from a different clan. One of them had a long nose. From their appearance, they should have the bloodline of an abyssal hound flowing within them. Their olfactory senses should be astonishing.

After waking up the four abyssal demons, Feature wore a veil and walked in front of them. Facts proved that the effects were excellent. The four abyssal demons didn’t discover anything and only howled and begged for mercy.

With the effects confirmed, he ended the lives of the four abyssal demons. As a stowaway from the world of flesh and blood, he had no qualms about killing abyssal beings. And each abyssal being he killed represented an unknown reward now.

Strictly speaking, Qin Yu had received similar rewards before. Prior to entering the Path of 10,000 Souls, the first abyssal being he slayed caused him to receive a gift from the world.

And that was only one. If a massive number were superimposed together, just what kind of harvest was that…? Qin Yu was anticipating what sort of reward this would be.

“As the first treasure I have refined in the abyss, it has the qualifications to have me personally name it…” Feature paced back and forth. She had changed into a popular purple dress that women of higher abyssal clans wore. It was tight-fitting and outlined her elegant curves.

Qin Yu thought of the scene before and suddenly felt his nose itch. He turned his eyes away and coughed.

Feature curled her lips. She looked at Qin Yu and said, “This pendant is made to cover up my aura, and it is a method of disguise. I will call it the Pendant of Disguise!”

Qin Yu was without expression. He thought that this name had nothing to do with him so he absolutely would not show any second-hand embarrassment. Otherwise, it would just be too shameful!

In fact, Qin Yu never imagined that Feature would wallow in the experience of being a demonic refining master, even unable to free herself from it.

Although he suggested to her that she should become the fiercest demonic refining master in the abyss, he laughed out loud in the depths of his heart.

But when Feature said that the work process of a demonic refining master would help her understand the abyss world better, Qin Yu hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Even if Qin Yu still didn’t understand what she meant by understanding the abyss world.

However, as long as she didn’t leave this courtyard then she wouldn’t be discovered by the abyssal demons. If so, it didn’t matter what she did.

And Qin Yu also had some other calculations in his heart. Regardless of whether she succeeded in obtaining the title of strongest demonic refining master in the abyss, all of this showed that Feature had some talent in this aspect.

If that was the case, she might be able to refine even stronger things that could conceal her aura. This was something that Qin Yu would love to see.

So whatever she wanted to do, she could feel free to do so.

But soon, the speed at which matters progressed proved that Qin Yu underestimated Feature’s enthusiasm and that he had also put himself in a wrong position.

A bystander? Hoho, he was too naïve!

“Before, I told you that I cannot use my strength when I enter the abyss. And in this demonic refining master occupation, there are certain times when one needs the assistance of abyssal energy to continue.”

“Don’t look at me that way. The success of the Pendant of Disguise is only an exception and doesn’t represent anything. In short, you must be my assistant. When I need you, you need to complete certain steps in the refinement for me.

“Of course, you can also refuse. But I want to remind you of something. If I am not in a good mood I will become excited, and when I am excited the intensity of aura my body releases will increase. At that time, it may attract the abyssal demons. Don’t say I didn’t warn you beforehand!”

Qin Yu had a darkened expression. He wanted to shout out loud that no one would believe her! This woman was bad and her reasoning was simply ridiculous!

Even though he knew that at least 80% of her words were likely nonsense, Qin Yu didn’t dare to gamble on it. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Feature needed his help and asylum, since this was related to the Path of 10,000 Souls, he was inevitably put in a passive position.

Without much hesitation, the first assistant of the future strongest demonic refining master of the abyss officially took office.

Feature had a face of smug satisfaction, her smile so wide that her eyes were nearly hidden. “These abyssal jade slips were left behind by Liu Huo. They list essential conditions for how to become a true demonic refining master. I’ve already looked through them and you meet all the necessary requirements. What you need to do now is to understand what a demonic refining master is and familiarize yourself with the scope of their work and other matters.

“You don’t need to be proficient in everything. Just remember to do as I say. So you can take your time to look through these things. Right now, what is more important is that I need you to help me find some materials…mm, let me think about it…what type of item should my second work be.”

The next day, a dark-faced Qin Yu manifested as Liu Huo again. He quickly closed the courtyard doors and left.

Even though only one day had passed, there were clearly many more abyssal demons in Great Deer City. The city was flooded with restlessness.

Qin Yu soon witnessed demons clashing seven or eight times. The most brutal one was where both sides spat out truefire, directly revealing their true demon bodies. They bit and clawed at each other, their intestines spilling onto the ground and dragging out long lines of blood.

He couldn’t help but admire the strong vitality of the abyssal demon race. Even after receiving such severe injuries they completely disregarded them and continued to fight.

He swept his eyes around. When he heard the sounds of Great Deer City’s demon guards arriving at the scene, he quickly turned and left to avoid any unnecessary troubles.

Sometime later, Thousand Eye Temple came into sight.

As the largest chain-like organization in the abyss, they were known as a place where all abyssal tribes had a branch division stationed.

Whether this was true or false didn’t matter. But what Qin Yu knew was that they were considerably strong. During the last transaction, while the expenditures were high, they had managed to collect everything he needed by the agreed time.

Oh, to be accurate, they were things Feature needed.

But no matter who needed what, they were a powerful partner. Even if they showed a trace of ill intent, they hadn’t acted on it. And in Qin Yu’s mind, it was better than wasting more time looking for some other organization to help.

So when Feature needed new materials, Qin Yu chose the Thousand Eye Temple.

Just like last time, Qin Yu’s arrival caused the blue-tailed demon standing at the entrance to shout out loud, “An honored guest has arrived!”

Without accident, a massive number of surprised looks turned to him, many of them shining with dark intentions.

Today, there were more demons in Thousand Eye Temple than there were yesterday. All sorts of discussions and negotiations were mixed together, the sound loud and confusing.

The fox woman he met before soon appeared in front of him. She bowed and said, “Mister Liu Huo has come again today. May I ask what you need?”

When she spoke, there was some bitterness in her eyes.

As expected, she was part of the fox race that was known for being affectionate and skilled at manipulating the hearts of others. With just one glance she showed her skills.

Qin Yu said, “I’ve come to make a transaction. I hope Thousand Eye Temple can help me.”

The fox woman smiled. “There are too many people here. Mister, please follow me.”

Qin Yu waved his hand dismissively. “It’s just a small transaction. There’s no need to go through that much trouble.”

The fox woman shook her head, “Mister is an honored guest of my Thousand Eye Temple. No matter where you are, you will receive the highest level of welcome. If you don’t agree, I will be punished. Although you may have no interest in my body, I ask that you please feel some compassion for me.”

This fox woman’s acting skills were indeed exquisite. Qin Yu could feel the eyes of the abyssal demons around him changing. He thought that if he declined again, someone would surely leap out to protect her.

Hoho, the abyssal demons were truly impulsive idiots!

Qin Yu cursed inwardly and said, “Please lead the way.”

In his current situation, it was best to avoid trouble if he could.


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