The Merry Forest had a notorious reputation. Besides demons that had no other path left to them or demons that were already fierce and sinister, almost no one was willing to live there.

This also led to the fact that there were many combat personnel in the Merry Forest, but most of them weren’t productive at all. Simply put, besides a rare few, most of them were poor.

If the Merry Forest only relied on the miserable and poor people within their territory to obtain demon crystals and materials from, then not to mention having to distribute and provide resources to all the subordinates, the entirety of the Merry Forest would have broken down and collapsed long ago.

So they actually had numerous businesses outside of the Merry Forest. If one added them up all together, they brought in a considerable amount of wealth.

Flying Pigeon was a hybrid abyssal demon of the black crow clan and the demon pigeon clan. His bloodline wasn’t strong and his strength was only average. But, he had inherited the black-bellied cunningness and craftiness of the black crow clan as well as the calm wisdom of the demon pigeon clan. With that in addition to his hard work, he finally managed to get the attention of Blacklight and was appointed as a manager of seven or eight small shops scattered throughout Great Deer City.

Recently, due to the eruption of the beast tide, the price of materials in the city had soared. Flying Pigeon needed to patrol the shops every day, raising prices by the necessary amount required to maximize profits.

After careful calculation, even though he was mentally prepared, the profit figures of this shop made his heart beat faster. His smile almost reached his ears.

No matter what the reason was, a high income was his merit. Lord Blacklight was fair in how he handled things so he was sure to be rewarded.

As he was happy, his heart began to heat up. In addition, he had hooked up with the shopkeeper of this store not too long ago. She was a demon from the black swan clan who had an enchanting voice.

As for how Flying Pigeon knew this woman had a charming voice, that was another intense and vivid story. There wasn’t much else to say about it.

In short, Flying Pigeon’s interest was piqued. He called the shopkeeper over and after glancing around the room, asked her to lie against the window with her back turned to him.

As Flying Pigeon was about to carry his spear into battle, his eyes looked through the slightly opened curtains to see someone standing outside the shop.

He froze in place and his hard spear immediately wilted. His crotch turned cold as if he had transformed into a wooden puppet.

While he had only watched from afar, Flying Pigeon had a profound impression of this face. He would never forget what happened to Miss Firefly, that infamously ruthless and beautiful villainess of the Merry Forest who had fallen into distress. She had ended up crawling on the ground, eating dirt while she laughed and cried like a lunatic.

As for Lord Blacklight who he had always idolized, his face had drained of all color. He didn’t even dare to speak out loud. This was the first time that Flying Pigeon had ever seen Lord Blacklight like that.

Afterwards, he heard that the master personally took action and that was the only reason that person left. Otherwise, it was unknown how things would have ended up.

How could Flying Pigeon forget such a person? In fact, he desperately branded that image in his mind. He wanted to ensure that if he ever encountered that person in the future, he wouldn’t do anything that was worthy of death.

Being careful and considerate was of course a good quality. But, Flying Pigeon never thought that he would see him here. And right now, that man was standing outside the shop he managed, looking up at him with a thoughtful expression.

What did he want?

As Flying Pigeon’s mind was shaking, Qin Yu looked up and their eyes met in midair. Flying Pigeon’s knees weakened and he almost fell to the ground. His ears buzzed and his vision flashed black.

It’s over, it’s all over. He’s discovered me – what do I do?

On ordinary days, Flying Pigeon believed that he was wise and intelligent. But now his brain seemed to be filled with syrup and he felt as if he had been thrown into an ice pond and was constantly sinking deeper.

“Brother Flying, Brother Flying, what are you doing?” The black swan demon slowly turned around when the expected storm didn’t arrive. Shocked by what she saw, she picked up her skirt and grabbed onto him, steadying him.

“Ahh…ah…I’m fine…” Flying Pigeon suddenly regained his composure. Then, he leapt three feet in the air as if his buttocks had caught on fire before rushing out.

Flying Pigeon squeezed through the crowd, startling numerous demons. Then, after making it out of the shop, he stopped far away and respectfully bowed to Qin Yu, gasping as he said, “I had no idea your lord was visiting. Please forgive me for not welcoming you.”

His heart beat rapidly. Flying Pigeon felt as if he was dancing on the edge of a knife.

Throughout the vast Great Deer City, there were over 20 million stores. This entire street belonged to the Merry Forest.

Qin Yu just happened to appear here. Could that be a coincidence?

Flying Pigeon didn’t dare to guess what Qin Yu’s goal was. But if he saw him and pretended he didn’t see anything, he feared his little life would soon be ended.

Don’t worry about the reason and just bow your head and admit defeat. This was a person who could play with Miss Firefly in the palm of his hands and who made Lord Blacklight feel dread and terror. Besides the master, who else dared to be disrespectful towards him?

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He had no impression of this person speaking to him.

Flying Pigeon sensed the mood. He knew that this great person wouldn’t remember someone like him who played such a minor role. “Several days ago, my lord entered the Merry Forest. I was accompanying Lord Blacklight at the time and saw you from afar.”

Qin Yu looked at Flying Pigeon’s pale complexion and his thoughts turned. He could approximately guess what he was thinking.

“You’re from the Merry Forest?” That’s fortunate. If his luck was good, then perhaps he could save himself a good deal of trouble this time around.

Qin Yu lightly coughed and said, “I came here today to purchase some materials.” He took out a demon crystal card. “This is a list. Do you have the items listed here?”

Flying Pigeon received the card with both hands and searched through it with his divine sense. He immediately shivered, more sure of his own thoughts.

This person had really come here to find them!

The only good news was that there seemed to be some wiggle room. All he had to do was hand over what he wanted.

With a pale face and sweat dripping down his forehead, Flying Pigeon said in a shaking voice, “We do have these items. My lord, please come in and wait. I will prepare everything for you as soon as possible.”

Qin Yu’s eyes brightened. The demon crystal card he took out was the ‘big list’ that Feature had given to him after lengthy consideration. There were so many items listed, including many of considerable value, that just glancing at it gave him a headache.

Compared to the ‘little list’ that he originally came to purchase this time, the difference in the materials listed was as great as the heavens and earth.

They even had all of this?

Hoho, it seemed that he had underestimated the Merry Forest’s financial resources!

Extorting others was an action that would offend people regardless of who they were. Since he was going to offend someone, he might as well do it to the extreme.

After this, Feature would have enough materials to mess around with her new hobby for a long time. This was an important point.

Qin Yu didn’t want to be constantly tossed around by her.

As for whether there would be a grudge…hoho, Liu Huo was already dead. Once he switched to a new identity, good luck finding him!

Qin Yu nodded and followed behind Flying Pigeon, walking into the room. Then, as everyone watched him in awe, he was brought into a quiet room where two rabbit girls waited on him.

The true decision makers of this shop all came from the Merry Forest. This was not a secret. In fact, it was because of this that people rarely tried to bully them.

For this reason, the two rabbit girls were proud because they always served someone from the Merry Forest.

But today, they truly experienced what people meant when they said that there was always a higher mountain. The ordinarily powerful and prestigious Brother Flying had become as obsequious as a grandson. His waist was bent so low that it looked as if he would snap in half.

To have Brother Flying, someone who came from the Merry Forest and had considerable status, act so humbly, just what was this person’s identity? Just imagining it left them breathless!

Qin Yu drank tea and ate a few cakes made from unknown ingredients. Perhaps it was because his current state was that of an abyssal demon, but he thought they tasted quite good.

As for Flying Pigeon who had left with the excuse of preparing things, Qin Yu knew that he had to be busy contacting the Merry Forest. Still, he didn’t stop him.

The ‘big list’ that Feature had given him had many materials of astonishing value. Moreover, there were a great number of items listed. It definitely wasn’t something that a small shop like this could collect on its own.

If he wanted to obtain what he wanted, he would need a nod from the Merry Forest’s Demon Commander. Thus, he let Flying Pigeon send a message.

As for whether or not that Demon Commander would agree, Qin Yu believed there was a 50/50 chance. Although he was extorting them, it was also the Merry Forest that owed him first.

Additionally, he had let Firefly and Blacklight live. No matter who the Demon Commander was, he had to give him some face.

And in any case, if the two of them truly fought, it was unknown who would emerge victorious in the end.

After thinking about it a few times, Qin Yu felt it was unlikely that the Merry Forest would turn against him. At most, they would give him a discount on the items he wanted.

Even if he obtained just 10% of the items on the ‘big list’, that would still be a great gain.

In fact, Qin Yu’s guess was correct. When Flying Pigeon left the room, he didn’t even have the time to wipe the sweat from his face before he contacted Lord Blacklight.

But nothing happened after that. After the news was sent out, it was like a pebble in the sea, without any reaction.

What is the situation? Should we give him what he wants or flip the tables? For better or worse you should give me a response.

Or, had this store and everyone within it already been abandoned?

If this was true, Flying Pigeon felt that no matter what happened, there was no way he would survive past this day!

Of course, it was impossible for there to be no response.

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