Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1048: Cooperation

The Merry Forest and Thousand Eye Temple came into conflict because of a batch of materials. It was said that the trouble which broke out was extremely serious. The steward of Thousand Eye Temple as well as the master of the Merry Forest both intervened in this matter. After a brief battle, both sides left on bad terms.

Afterwards, Thousand Eye Temple announced that they would have the Merry Forest pay a deep price for this.

The Merry Forest showed no weakness. They declared that they would brook no provocation and they would return any outside infringement ten times over.

As something that involved two giant influences within Great Deer City, this matter spread out far and wide, attracting countless eyes.

Of course, not everyone believed this was everything. But after a brief investigation, it seemed that this was all true. No one found any flaws in the story.

As a result, thanks to the active participation of Black Astral and Old Fox, Qin Yu’s existence there became extremely diluted, eventually becoming that of a passerby with no name.

This was naturally the result of the cooperation between the Merry Forest and Thousand Eye Temple. It was difficult to completely erase Qin Yu’s traces without being noticed by anyone.

Qin Yu had no idea that all of this was occurring behind the scenes, otherwise he would have definitely praised the two of them. This was because he didn’t want to attract even more attention towards Feature’s existence.

Playing a small and invisible role was good.

However, in truth, Qin Yu knew that after this matter it would be absolutely impossible to maintain his previous tranquil days.

There was just one thing he couldn’t figure out. Had the demons of Thousand Eye Temple and the Merry Forest really gone insane?

The mighty heaven ascending pill was actually regarded as a treasure. In Qin Yu’s opinion, this was far too suspect.

But whether or not Qin Yu could figure it out, there was only one explanation for it all…the fundamental reason for why these two groups of people came to visit and were so humble and respectful was the demon medicines he had sold!

Because of this, Feature reared back her head and laughed into the skies. She mocked Qin Yu, saying that with his low level taste, he simply couldn’t sense how amazing the demon medicines she produced actually were.

In short, winter insects couldn’t speak the language of summer. They were on two completely different channels.

With your level and ability, you are destined to only be the assistant of this future Abyss’ Number One demonic refining master.

Qin Yu snorted with contempt. Keep dreaming!

But soon another unexpected situation occurred, because Old Fox and Black Astral came to visit the next day.

Even though these two old demons spoke in vague circles, Qin Yu could make out the meaning behind their words – we want to cooperate!

Moreover, they seemed to recognize Qin Yu as the person who refined those demon medicines.

Feature’s look of smug satisfaction completely froze on her face. Qin Yu seemed to hear the sound of her heart breaking.

As the conversation progressed, Feature turned into a cold air generator. Her expression was so dark and gloomy that it seemed as if it would rain soon.

Even Old Fox and Black Astral couldn’t help but glance at her a few times. They had no idea why her emotions were fluctuating so much.

But seeing Qin Yu turn a blind eye to her, the two old demons cleverly didn’t show anything. Instead, they raised the importance of Feature by at least two levels.

This was obvious. When a host was greeting his guests, an ordinary young maid didn’t conceal her expressions and yet she wasn’t reprimanded at all. How could she be ordinary?

Of course, the most important reason was that Feature was sufficiently beautiful…yes, she was beautiful. Perhaps because they had a different sense of aesthetics, Feature only appeared ordinary in Qin Yu’s eyes. But in the eyes of the two old demons, she represented the peak of beauty.

When Old Fox and Black Astral first saw Feature, they were given a fright. They thought that an Abyss Walker really was invincible; they could have a royal family member as a maid!

They had never heard of something so brutal like this before!

But soon, they discovered that Feature didn’t exude any formidable aura. It was impossible for her to be a true royal.

But there was a possibility that Liu Huo had refined some demon medicine that was able to conceal the traces of her clan bloodline.

Similar medicines existed in the abyss. They were particularly loved by women from the higher abyssal races, so they were extremely valuable.

This confirmed their thoughts again. If Liu Huo was willing to use such expensive demon medicines on this ordinary maid, could she really just be a maid?

“We would like to thank Mister Liu Huo for the approval. We hope that we can happily cooperate in the future. Of course, to express our sincerity, no matter what issue or needs you have in the future, feel free to mention it. We will do our best to solve the problem.” Old Fox smiled, his eyes glistening.


Moreover, the entire process went much smoother than he imagined.

If he had easily achieved victory any other time, Old Fox would have become suspicious.

This was the necessary caution that one had to have in order to survive for a long time in the abyss.

But in the eyes of Old Fox, this matter involved an Abyss Walker who had lived for countless years already and was starting to hate and detest living so much that he was trying to stimulate his love for life once again.

For an existence this old whose personality had become distorted and even wanted to kill themselves, regardless of what they did it was normal.

Black Astral agreed.

So when the two old demons secretly left the courtyard, they glanced at each other and could see the excitement in the other’s eyes.

To achieve cooperation with an Abyss Walker…even with their status, they never could have imagined it was possible.

But they had succeeded without a doubt. As long as they managed things properly after this, they could obtain endless good fortune.

Black Astral licked his lips. His serene expression had flushed red and even his fingers were shivering.

Across from him, Old Fox took a deep breath and suppressed his state of mind. He looked over and furrowed his eyebrows, “Old dog, although I can understand why you are excited, we both know how difficult this matter is. In fact, it is even more difficult than refining a life-changing demon medicine that can stimulate one’s bloodline. You have tried many times throughout the years, so I advise you not to speak so easily.”

Black Astral closed his eyes. After several breaths of time he opened them again, but was unable to completely hide his surging emotions. “Smelly fox, of course I understand what you’re saying. It’s just that I have tried so many times in these past years that I understand this might be my final opportunity.”

He paused and let out a deep breath, “The vast abyss is limitless, but peak demonic refining masters are unfathomably rare. If I miss out on this chance, I fear I won’t ever get a second one. So no matter what, I have to try…even if I am refused, I can give up and extinguish any thoughts I have, spending the last of my years in Great Deer City.”

Old Fox was silent for a long time. He gently sighed and said, “Then you should prepare a sufficiently rich gift. If you need my help, you can ask…after all, the reason you ended up in such a state is also partly because of me.”

Black Astral smiled. “No need. I have waited countless years for today and have completed the necessary preparations.” He looked at Old Fox and said, “You do not need to harbor any guilt towards me. During that year, you were not wrong. It was just that you and I had different standpoints.”

The carriage fell silent. After entering the Merry Forest, Old Fox got out secretly and left in another direction.

Black Astral stood with his hands crossed behind his back. Blacklight stood respectfully to the side, curiosity in his eyes. He had no idea where his master had gone and he had no idea why Old Fox had joined his master.

It had to be known that ever since he joined the Merry Forest, although there had been no conflict between his master and the steward of Thousand Eye Temple, their relationship wasn’t too good.

As for what relationship they had…he had no idea. In truth, he didn’t want to know either. Because for a subordinate, the best choice was to maintain a certain level of ignorance.

“Blacklight, I will be going into seclusion for a time. I will temporarily hand over the management of the Merry Forest to you.” As Black Astral spoke, abyssal energy surged around him and he vanished from sight.

Blacklight bowed, “Yes, master.”

Feature glared at Qin Yu. And she had maintained this action for a long time already. It made one worry that her eyes would fall out from her head if she were to remain in this position any longer.

Qin Yu originally didn’t want to deal with her. Of course, in his heart, he also had thoughts about laughing at her. But she had stayed glaring at him for far too long, so long that it had become uncomfortable. This was true for anyone, even if the one staring at you was a beautiful and seductive woman.

“They were the ones who personally determined that I refined the demon medicine. It has nothing to do with me, right?” Qin Yu rubbed his forehead as he spoke.

“Humph!” Feature sneered, unmoved by his words.

Qin Yu helplessly said, “You should know that while you can freely appear in front of the abyssal demons, that is because you are wearing the Pendant of Disguise. Being famous is useless to you and will only bring about unnecessary trouble. It is for the best if you leave these burdens to me, right?”


“What do you want?”

“The demon medicine I refine is all refined by me. But they think it is you. That is the greatest wound to my pride! Do you know that my ideal of being the Abyss’ Number One demonic refining master had just begun and then it was completely trampled over by you?”

Qin Yu had a black face. “Then there’s no need. I’ll find them and tell them that the Abyss’ Number One who refined the demon medicine is you. Feature, there is no need to be emotional. To me, this trip to the abyss is only a part of my life’s journey. We must return to the world of the living eventually, and after we leave, everything that happens here will become meaningless.”

Qin Yu took a deep breath and relaxed his tone, “For some insignificant fame, isn’t it not worth it?”

Feature bit her lips. “I don’t care…” She lowered her head and thought for a moment. Then, her eyes lit up. “You said that we will leave the abyss sooner or later, so everything that happens here is meaningless, right?”

Qin Yu nodded.

“Good! Then I want you to agree. Before leaving the abyss, you must publicly announce that the one who refined these demon medicines is I, Miss Feature, the strongest demonic refining master in the abyss! As for you, you are only my assistant, someone who played a tiny role in the refining process!”

Qin Yu said, “Alright.”

“You agree?”


“You can’t go back on your word!”

“Is there a need to?”

“You must promise!”

“Okay, I promise.”

Things had finally calmed down…

Looking at Feature’s back, Qin Yu couldn’t help but bitterly smile. He thought that sometimes women were truly incomprehensible.

He really had no idea why Feature would care so much about this.

Since he couldn’t figure it out, there was no need to waste his energy here. The answer would come eventually.

Strictly speaking, after Thousand Eye Temple and the Merry Forest started cooperating, there was basically no problem with security inside Great Deer City.

Although it was unknown what sort of forces could be produced when they joined together, if both sides were cooperating, they had to be on similar levels.

In other words, the strength of Thousand Eye Temple was no weaker than the Merry Forest. And the Merry Forest occupied a fifth of Great Deer City.

In simpler terms, in such a situation, even if the City Lord Mansion wanted to deal with Qin Yu they might not succeed.

The only thing to be careful about was Feature. As time passed, the scent she emitted would grow stronger.

The Pendant of Disguise was good, but it was unknown how long it could be used for. Perhaps it was time to start gathering materials that could conceal her aura even further.

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