Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1051: Hunting Mission Failure

In the courtyard that was being tightly protected by the Merry Forest and Thousand Eye Temple, Qin Yu sat on the side of the bed and looked at the pale and unconscious Feature. There was a strange look in his eyes.

He had inadvertently discovered her when she had fainted in her room. But a day had passed since then and she still hadn’t woken up.

The only good news was that her aura was still stable, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to sit still.

But why did Feature suddenly fall unconscious? Qin Yu couldn’t figure it out. During this period of time, he had carefully inspected the arrangements he left behind and confirmed that no one had tampered with them.

In other words, her unconsciousness had nothing to do with the outside world. It should be because of her body.

Maybe because it was like this, Qin Yu was even more worried about her. Feature was incomparably mysterious and things were definitely not as simple as they seemed on the surface. If there was a problem with her, he feared it was a serious situation.

They hadn’t been together for long, and Qin Yu couldn’t be said to have a particularly high regard for her.

But for better or worse, there was some friendship. If possible, he certainly didn’t want to see anything happen to her.

Of course, a person couldn’t be too hypocritical. They had to face their own heart.

What Qin Yu truly cared about was how to undo the shackles of the Path of 10,000 Souls.

At this moment, lying down in bed, Feature batted her long eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes.

She saw Qin Yu. Then, as if not worrying too much about her condition, she stretched her waist and said, “How long have I been asleep?”

Black lines appeared on Qin Yu’s forehead. He roared in his heart: Do you think I am a fool? If people sleep, will they fall unconscious on the ground and sleep for over a day!?

“From when I discovered you had fainted, a day has passed.”

Feature’s eyes flew open. “I actually slept for such a long time. What a waste. How could I spend so much time of my golden era dreaming?”

She stood up from bed and got down. “I’ve had another inspiration and need to begin experimenting. Perhaps I can refine an even fiercer demon medicine…mm, what do you think the name should be? Qin Yu, what do you think about the super mighty invincibility pill?”

After his lips twitched for a time, he put on a stern face and said, “Let’s set aside the naming of your demon medicines for now. You need to clarify what happened to you.”

“I’m doing well and there’s nothing wrong with me. Stop daydreaming, otherwise I might think you have developed thoughts you shouldn’t have.” Feature blinked her eyes, as if she were thinking that this brat Qin Yu had already caught the fox’s tail and there was even some satisfaction on his face.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He could sense Feature’s incomparably steadfast manner in this matter. She really wasn’t going to say anything.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his worried state of mind. “Feature, if you have any problems, you can tell me. I might be able to provide some help. Good, you just woke up so go and rest. I will be returning to my room first.”

After watching Qin Yu leave and the doors close, Feature returned to her bed and lay down. The ruddiness of her face immediately disappeared, replaced by a pale complexion.

“Brat, at least you still have a conscience. You aren’t taking full advantage of me and still have two or three points of concern…but, you cannot help me with this problem.”

She closed her eyes and calmly rested. Sometime later she pushed open her room’s doors, all of her energy restored.

She stood in the middle of the courtyard and shouted out loud, “Qin Yu! Qin Yu! I’ve figured out what to do. This time we can refine an extremely fierce demon medicine!”

This woman was stubbornly attached to her title as the Abyss’ Number One Demonic Refining Master.

But this time, the demon medicine she wanted to refine really didn’t seem ordinary. It had a strict requirement for the output of demon energy needed.

Qin Yu was hugged onto tightly, but there was no distraction in his mind. All of his thoughts were occupied and tiny beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But even like this he wasn’t able to fully satisfy Feature’s request. She glared at him several times, taunting that he was nice to look at but utterly useless otherwise.

Qin Yu was so angry that he clenched his teeth. Was this the appropriate time to use these words? She had no idea just how awesome he was!

As Qin Yu was being patiently directed by Feature to refine demon medicine, something important happened in Great Deer City – the demon beast hunting mission had failed!

The City Lord Mansion, Thousand Eye Temple, and Three Lives Pavilion had joined together to dispatch a squad of ten Demon Generals. But, only a single person from Thousand Eye Temple managed to escape alive. Even so, he had suffered irreversible injuries and died after leaving behind a few words.

And the news that this Demon General brought back was like a bucket of cold water being poured onto the heads of these three bosses. Even with their status, they felt as if their blood would freeze in their bodies.

Out of the ten Demon Generals that worked together, the three that came from Thousand Eye Temple also had the mighty invincibility pills given them by Old Fox before they left.

This was a luxurious lineup. Even a Demon Commander level demon beast would have no way to fight back. They could only obediently stand there as their head was cut off.

The reason that the squad ended up with such a miserable fate was because in the masses of demon beasts outside of Great Deer City, there was more than just one Demon Commander level demon beast hidden there. There were a total of three!

And what left everyone frightened the most was that according to what the Demon General said before he died, these three Demon Commanders didn’t have a low intelligence. They had intentionally laid a trap, having the assassination squad enter before encircling them and killing them.

If it weren’t for the mighty invincibility pill given to him by Old Fox, this Demon General wouldn’t have been able to flee and all of them would have been wiped out. Naturally, Great Deer City also wouldn’t know what was occurring within the beast tide.

Before, it was mentioned that in the abyss, whether it was an abyssal demon or demon beast, their formidable strength was based upon the foundation of their demon bloodline.

Demon beasts born in the abyss were corroded by abyssal energy and didn’t have much wisdom to begin with. Moreover, as they fell to their instinctual desires to grow stronger, demon beasts wildly slaughtered each other, swallowing other demon beasts and taking in their bloodlines to increase their strength.

But doing this caused their demon bloodline to become even more chaotic and mixed up. This resulted in the entirety of their self-awareness being swallowed up too.

Basically, besides a few especially formidable demon beasts as an exception, as demon beasts grew stronger and stronger, their intelligence would drop lower and lower until eventually, they often just followed their instincts when moving around.

If a demon beast could reach the Demon Commander level and still retain a certain degree of intelligence…this meant that the three Demon Commanders lurking in the beast tide outside of Great Deer City inevitably had a formidable demon bloodline that allowed them to swallow and suppress other bloodlines and not suffer from a backlash.

This kind of demon beast had a strong bloodline and considerable intelligence. In terms of how terrifying they were, they were at least ten times worse than other demon beasts at their level.

And the most terrifying point was that three intelligence-retaining Demon Commander level demon beasts had appeared outside of Great Deer City at the same time. This couldn’t be a coincidence.

It could basically be determined that there had to be something inside Great Deer City that attracted them, thus leading to today’s situation.

As time passed, the three Demon Commander level demon beasts would endlessly summon more and more demon beasts, causing the beast tide outside to grow increasingly stronger over time.

According to this new information, it was only a matter of time until the beast tide broke through Great Deer City.

This conclusion caused City Lord Blackpool, Old Fox, and Yin Hanxin to fall into a long silence. As time passed, their complexions grew increasingly ugly.

If they couldn’t kill those three Demon Commander level demon beasts, the beast tide would grow stronger until it eventually overcame Great Deer City.

But even an ordinary Demon Commander level demon beast required at least two Demon Commanders joining forces to cut it down, much less one with intelligence and a powerful bloodline.

With Great Deer City’s strength, they couldn’t accomplish this. So now things had reached a dead end.

As for requesting reinforcements…the beast tide was sweeping through the abyss and everyone was doing their best to protect themselves. Even if they had strength to spare, they would only watch from the side.

After all, in this cold and brutal abyss world, good people didn’t exist…perhaps there were some a long time ago, but they had all died by now.

City Lord Blackpool let out a deep breath and interrupted the silence. With a solemn expression, he slowly said, “You two should prepare. Once the city is breached, we need to minimize the losses as much as we can.”

Yin Hanxin’s cheeks twitched. “City Lord, you are going to give up just like that?”

City Lord Blackpool glanced at him, “And what other choice do I have?” He stood up and slowly left. His back was tall and straight, but seemed as if it was in its twilight.

“No! I won’t give up! Since the beast tide outside is attracted to Great Deer City because of something here, I will dig it out!” Yin Hanxin clenched his jaws tightly. “I will not allow my Three Lives Pavilion branch division to be destroyed here!”

Old Fox remained silent. Countless thoughts collided in his mind, but only one became increasingly clear – whether the beast tide changes outside the city were related to Liu Huo or not, he was the only one with the ability to pull Great Deer City out from the jaws of doom!

“Go to the Merry Forest!” Old Fox said after he stepped into his carriage.

The one driving him was an old worker of Thousand Eye Temple and also his most trusted confidant.

Something happened, something had absolutely happened! Just from this sentence, the driver could hear the heavy emotions in Old Fox’s voice.

And most importantly, Old Fox had him directly drive straight to the Merry Forest. This had never happened before.

The driver drove as fast as he could while maintaining steadiness.

Blacklight saw Old Fox after he had been invited in. He suddenly stood up and said, “Why is Old Fox here?” The master was in seclusion and couldn’t leave. If this old thing wanted to cause trouble, no one could stop him.

“Tell Black Astral to immediately stop seclusion. If he doesn’t come out, the Merry Forest will meet its end!”

Blacklight’s complexion changed. If it were anyone else saying this he would have scolded them and chased them out. What sort of place was the Merry Forest and what status did it have? Even the City Lord Mansion tacitly agreed that this region was controlled by the master.

Three Lives Pavilion was fierce? Of course they were fierce. But after that battle in the past, didn’t they also choose to give in?

Who had the ability to cause the Merry Forest to meet its end? At the very least, Blacklight couldn’t figure out who!

But with Old Fox’s status, he clearly wouldn’t joke about something like this. Had something really happened that threatened the Merry Forest? But how come he hadn’t received any news about it?

“This…” Blacklight carefully said.

Old Fox’s eyes widened and he cursed out loud, “You stupid piece of shit, hurry up and pass on the message before you anger me!” His robes fluttered in the wind. A terrifying aura broke free from his body as astonishing fluctuations of strength burst out from him.

Whether it was Thousand Eye Temple or Three Lives Pavilion, if someone could become a steward of a branch division they had to have enough strength to maintain their status.

Old Fox and Yin Hanxin weren’t Demon Commanders, but they had rare and potent treasures in their hands that allowed them to erupt with strength comparable to one.

It was because of this that Black Astral and Yin Hanxin fought in the past. And it was the reason why the four great powers of Great Deer City stood on equal footing.

Old Fox’s anger was not something Blacklight could resist. He was pushed to the ground, a shocked expression on this face.

In his senses, the aura that Old Fox erupted with was no weaker than the master’s.

Wasn’t it said that he and Yin Hanxin could only contend with a Demon Commander by relying on secret treasures? Why was he so strong!?

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