Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1065: Demon Dragon Clan Elder

The demon fox moved and leapt into the air. Demonic energy appeared, wrapping around it and forming a barrier. Then, its limbs began to move as it shot out of the city.

The 100,000 foot long demon dragon’s ice-cold and indifferent eyes were locked onto the abyssal titan. Cruelty and killing intent surged within them.

It had sensed the will transmitted from the Dragon Abyss Sword. This was why it broke through the void of the abyss, directly arriving at Great Deer City.

But it was still one step late. The 100,000 foot long demon dragon could smell the blood in the air, blood that belonged to the tribe of demon dragons.

It was young and was filled with impurities. It was clearly from some young fellow that managed to luckily activate their demon dragon bloodline and evolve into one.

As long as this fellow entered the ancestral lands of the demon dragons and borrowed the strength of the Dragon Pool to wash away its impurities, its bloodline would have become perfect.

These types of juniors that transformed themselves, evolving into a demon dragon, often had incredible talent. As long as they were given enough time, they could grow into outstanding members of the Demon Dragon Clan, contributing their effort and strength for the growth and prosperity of the tribe.

But now, this kid that had just developed a dragon body had fallen for some vicious scheme and had been eaten up by the abyssal titan in front.

As this thought appeared, its dragon eyes became increasingly cold. As a result, the temperature in the surrounding abyss world started to dramatically fall.

Kacha –

Kacha –

Qin Yu could hear a sound similar to ice freezing over in his ears. An extreme cold aura started to seep into his body through his pores.

Even with the powerful defensive abilities of an abyssal titan, he still felt his heartbeat about to stop beneath this corrosive chill, and his blood almost froze along with it.

This was the strength of a genuine powerhouse from the Demon Dragon Clan? It really was incomparably terrifying!

Following this, he should be smashed apart by it.

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed with fear. This was a normal response that any living being would develop when faced with the possibility of death.

Perhaps because of a powerful will, life’s mission, or belief, there were some beings capable of achieving a state where they were at peace with death.

But when death was about to approach, they would feel fear. This was an instinct of all living creatures who yearned to survive, and no one was an exception.

But soon the fear in Qin Yu’s eyes was covered with a berserk franticness.

Even if he was doomed to die here, it was impossible for him to sit down and resign himself to destruction.

He would not wait for death. No matter what point of time it was in his life, he would never do this.

The 100,000 foot demon dragon was terrifying, but if he went all-out he could still tear off a chunk of its flesh.

Even if he couldn’t tear off a chunk of its flesh, destroying some of its scales was also a good result.

In short, he wouldn’t be killed without that person paying a price.

The heart of the abyss beat vigorously within his chest. The terrifying strength of an abyssal titan shook his body.

Kacha –

Kacha –

The ice cold strength that was about to freeze Qin Yu started to crack apart and disintegrate.

The 100,000 foot demon dragon’s eyes flashed with surprise. It never imagined that Qin Yu would still have the courage to resist right now. But soon, that surprise turned into a cold sneer.

If someone could reverse a situation just because they had the courage to go all-out, then what was the use of strength? At most this would just require him to use some more effort.

The 100,000 foot demon dragon opened its jaws, revealing rows of fierce fangs. A dark blue light began to gather from deep in its throat.

Demon Dragon’s Breath!

To be exact, this was one of the strongest methods of the Demon Dragon Clan.

The reason that the abyssal demon dragon Qin Yu killed didn’t use its dragon’s breath against him was because it had vented its anger in the previous battle and damaged itself in the process, and it still hadn’t recovered.

Otherwise, it would have taken Qin Yu considerably more effort to kill it.

Qin Yu had been just a short moment away from burning out his abyssal titan bloodline and being unable to maintain his titan true body...thinking about it that way, the abyssal demon dragon had been wronged in its death, and it had even caused its own death in a way.

The deep blue light grew brighter and brighter, like a quietly burning fire beneath a layer of ice. Although it didn’t seem hot, it possessed the strength to destroy everything!

If this dragon’s breath truly arrived, then even with his abyssal titan true body state, he would still be turned into ashes in an instant. There would be nothing left of his mortal body.

But at this time, the 100,000 foot long demon dragon’s pupils shrank, as if it sensed some immense threat.

It turned its head and locked its eyes onto the direction of Great Deer City. In its line of sight, it could see a laughably weak white fox flying towards it, surrounded with demonic energy.

Such a little thing was not what made it feel threatened. But, the dangerous aura did come from its body.

Then, a white and delicate palm reached out and pushed away the long fur of the white fox. A woman said, “Old Fox, your fur is too long, you need to give it a good cut.”

Feature revealed her face. She looked up at the 100,000 foot demon dragon and their eyes met. She smiled and waved her hand, “Hey big fellow, this is our first time meeting, hello!”

There was no way to describe the mood of the Demon Dragon Clan Elder Ao Fa. He couldn’t feel any aura coming from this woman’s body.

She was as small and weak as an ant. Let alone a breath, just a single glance could kill millions of her.

But for some unknown reason, when facing Feature, Elder Ao Fa felt a great sense of fear swell up from his heart.

He even felt a strange sensation, as if a sharp blade had been aimed between his eyebrows. If he dared to show any disrespect, he would be torn in half. A cold chill seeped into his heart.

Just who was this woman? Why did she give off such a terrifying feeling? It had to be known that as an Elder of the Demon Dragon Clan, Ao Fa’s skills and strength nearly reached the pinnacle of the abyss.

In his tribe, besides a few ancient demon dragons including the Patriarch, as well as some unfathomably talented kings, there was simply no one he feared.

Yet someone as formidable as him felt the threat of death when facing this woman who released no aura.

This was simply a joke!

But right now, Elder Ao Fa couldn’t laugh at all. He closed his mouth, reclaiming the dragon’s breath that was about to erupt. He looked at Feature earnestly and bowed his head in the courtesy of the Demon Dragon Clan. “Demon Dragon Clan Elder Ao Fa greets miss.”

Feature nodded. “Elder Ao Fa is a truly polite individual. I’m relieved.” She blinked her eyes and gestured at Qin Yu. “Let this kid go and then we’ll talk further. Don’t worry, this is a good thing for you.”

Elder Ao Fa hesitated for a moment before withdrawing the power that imprisoned Qin Yu.

Qin Yu immediately ended the titan true body state and flickered over to Feature’s side.

Giving Qin Yu a look that told him not to talk, Feature reached out a hand and said, “Elder Ao Fa, please return to my residence with me. However, it would be best if you change your current appearance first. It isn’t too convenient.”

Demonic energy flickered and the 100,000 foot long demon dragon disappeared. Elder Ao Fa took on the appearance of a middle-aged demon who looked around 40 years of age. He wore loose black robes and had a graceful bearing. “Very well. I also want to know what miss would like to discuss with me.”

Feature didn’t speak further. She patted the white fox and beckoned Qin Yu, “Let’s go.”

Thus, all of the demons in Great Deer City that were still conscious watched with panic-stricken wide eyes as a terrifying 100,000 foot demon dragon took human form and flew over.

They had no idea what happened, but without a doubt, if this terrifying demon dragon were to become angered, all it would need to do was reveal its true form and roll around a few times to turn the entire city into dust…naturally, they would all be crushed to death in the process.

Shadowless Demon confessed that he had seen many magnificent scenes in his life and had overcome numerous disasters. But right now his throat was as dry as straw and he couldn’t utter a single sound.

Although Elder Ao Fa had taken the appearance of a middle-aged demon and was diligently restraining his aura, he was still like a moving mountain in the senses of others. All they could do was crawl on the foot of the mountain as if they were common ants.

Feature leapt down from the white fox. She staggered, almost falling over before she was caught by Qin Yu. She patted his head and said, “It’s been too noisy outside the city so I haven’t had a good rest lately. Elder Ao Fa must have found this funny. Please, come in.”

Elder Ao Fa’s lips twitched. With his eyesight he naturally wouldn’t see things wrong. This woman’s strength was poor and she had indeed almost fallen over.

But it was such a sick and dispirited woman who could barely stand steady that had given off such a dangerous feeling.

And he didn’t dare to do anything at all. In their contact so far, she held the initiative.

This really was strange!

As these thoughts raced through Elder Ao Fa’s mind, he smiled and nodded, entering the courtyard behind Feature. He glanced around.

Fortunately, he didn’t sense anything wrong. It seemed that she really just wanted to have a chat with him.

Ao Fa’s eyes sparkled before he composed himself.

“Qin Yu, wait outside for a bit. I have some matters to discuss with Elder Ao Fa in private.”

Qin Yu looked at her and slowly nodded, “Okay.”

Creak –

The courtyard doors closed, isolating all senses.

Qin Yu drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Looking at the courtyard doors, his eyes flickered with uncertainty.

As he thought, Feature wasn’t as simple as her appearance suggested.

Even the solemn Demon Dragon Clan Elder was suppressed by her…just what was her origin?

Moreover, what was she planning to speak to Elder Ao Fa about?

Qin Yu didn’t think it was about harming him. But he didn’t like this feeling of not knowing anything.

Whatever. Feature could deal with the current situation as she wished. He would figure out a way to ask her about the details in the future. 

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