Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1069: Strange Taste

Reality proved that no one was omnipotent. Even Feature, who was mysterious and had an unfathomable origin and was even a peerless genius as a demonic refining master, had cooking skills that simply couldn’t be flattered at all.

Qin Yu had no idea how much he had to steel himself before he could endure devastating his body by stuffing these things that couldn’t be called ‘food’ into his stomach.

After finishing this breakfast of hell difficulty level, he swore to himself that he would never allow Feature to walk into the kitchen again.

As for how he would persuade her to give up her dreams of becoming a top chef…a woman must live exquisitely, with grace and pose. Yes, he would use these words!

Mian Ya had a sympathetic expression and she suddenly realized something. The reason why Qin Yu was still alive and jumping around was because of the powerful abyssal titan bloodline in his body. If it were any other demon of common bloodline, they would have been tortured to death in minutes.

The town was small and there wasn’t anything particularly fun to do. After asking a few questions, Feature’s eyes lit up.

This was because she heard some exciting news. A few thousand miles away from this town in Five Origin City, a massive auction was going to be held. It was said that countless treasures would be sold there, many of them rare and scarce.

So after thinking over things for a minute, Feature waved her hand and made her decision. Their next destination would be Five Origin City.

With a goal in mind, she became impatient. She didn’t want to delay at all and urged everyone to set off.

The old innkeeper hurried over. He was out of breath and his face was still flushed red a little. He grabbed Old Fox’s hand and said that he had a happy chat with him, and would miss him leaving.

Old Fox smiled. He said that since he was eating from the rice bowl of others right now, of course he didn’t have so much free time. If possible, they would see each other again in the future.

The innkeeper sighed with emotion, saying that even though their Fox Clan had unparalleled wisdom, they were unfortunately ordinary in terms of cultivation and bloodline talent.

If a Demon King could be born within their tribe, the status of the entire Fox Clan would rise and they wouldn’t have to live while being subjugated by others.

Old Fox forced a smile and said that while his master was good, he couldn’t say these words in the future otherwise it would be difficult for him.

The innkeeper nodded. He nodded again and again, apologizing for his negligence.

Old Fox shook his head saying it was fine. His master was a generous person and wouldn’t blame him for something said unintentionally.

But in truth, Old Fox approved of the innkeeper’s words.

The Fox Clan’s demon seed bloodline could be considered ordinary at best. Because of their outstanding wisdom, they were barely a medium-level abyssal tribe.

But if a King was born within the Fox Clan, then the entire Demon Fox Clan would be guided towards an unprecedented peak.

And now, he was diligently working towards this goal…

As long as His Excellency Qin Yu was able to rush through the layers of tests and obtain the approval of the abyss’ will, he would become the only and supreme ruler of the entire endless abyss.

At that time, he would naturally obtain everything he wished for.

As Old Fox and the innkeeper were bidding farewell to each other, another group of guests had departed on their way first.

A giant carriage was drawn by three large and scaled dragon horses. Although there wasn’t a horn on their heads, indicating that their dragon bloodline was thin, dragon horses were still dragon horses. They were top quality examples of horse-type demon beasts and could easily travel 10,000 miles in a day.

The person inside the carriage being pulled by three dragon horses could be regarded as a distinguished person. In addition, there was the squad of guards that looked difficult to deal with. Even a fool could tell from these details that the person sitting in the carriage was a truly great individual.

Black Armor casually tossed out some demon crystals. The few inn servants who helped send them off revealed ecstatic expressions as they continuously bowed.

Although there shouldn’t be any dangers on this mission, the person in the carriage inevitably had an unusual status. If a problem occurred, all of them would suffer disaster.

Not daring to be careless, Black Armor swept his sharp eyes around. At this moment, he suddenly froze.

Not too far away, a lonely carriage and two ordinary horned horses were waiting peacefully on the roadside for their master to arrive.

Even though the weather had been growing dark and he wasn’t able to see it clearly, when Black Armor’s eyes fell on the carriage, his heart immediately contracted.

His intuition told him that the master of this carriage was the same people he met at the lakeside yesterday.

He immediately thought that these people had chased after them. But, he soon suppressed this thought.

If the other party wanted to make things difficult for them, they could have done something yesterday. There was no need to go through so much trouble.

Moreover, they had clearly stayed at this inn. Since there was no commotion, it proved that they didn’t care about what happened before.

Black Armor let out a breath, relaxing inwardly. In his opinion, this was a result that couldn’t be any better.

At the same time he sighed inwardly and praised himself. He really was a person with a deep background; his analytical skills were far superior to others’.

After all, the young sir in the carriage hadn’t covered his voice when he spoke. The other party must have noticed it.

As some guesses circulated in his heart, he kept looking at the seemingly ordinary carriage and discovered some unusual points about it.

For instance, its size was clearly much larger than ordinary armored carriages. The inside was surely comfortable. And it was impossible to see in through the windows from the outside. The crystal panels also shined with complex and beautiful patterns.

Black Armor had seen such window material before. They were a kind of precious demon crystal and they were incredibly expensive.

There were also the black carriage’s wheels. The ground was pushed down, indicating that the carriage was astonishingly heavy. It was likely that the interior had been altered long ago, and countless reinforcements had been added.

The carriage was this heavy and yet two ordinary horned horses were enough to draw it. Then either the carriage was using a demonic array formation to power itself, or these two horned horses weren’t common.

Thinking about it, the latter possibility was more likely. Their dragon horses were here and their auras should suppress other horse-type demon beasts.

However, these two horned horses…no, it should be three, because he also had to count the one in the back that seemed completely ordinary. Their background was obviously formidable and they had fierce guards, yet they chose to remain so low-key. There had to be another story behind all of this.

Black Armor took a deep breath and turned his gaze, suppressing his tumbling thoughts. It was best to keep out of the business of others. While these people hadn’t revealed any hostility towards them, with what happened at the lakeside their relationship couldn’t be considered harmonious. It was better to leave early and avoid any unnecessary trouble.

“Are the preparations complete?” Black Armor shouted out loud. After confirming with some others, he walked over to the carriage and respectfully said, “Sir, we may leave now.”

“Did you see that carriage over there?” A young man’s voice rang out.

Black Armor’s complexion changed and he braced himself, “Yes.”

“You and I both think the same thing. It seems it really is them.” The young man lowered his voice for a time. Then, he knocked on the carriage door and said, “Let’s hurry along.”

Black Armor let out a breath and immediately ordered the troop to leave. He thought that even though the City Lord’s young brother was arrogant and willful at times, he wasn’t completely brainless.

When the troop left the town, they began to speed up. Because according to their schedule, they had to arrive at Five Origin City before nightfall.

Sometime later, the armored carriage that had Feature, Qin Yu, and Mian Ya inside, started to make its way out of the town gates.

Black Astral drove the carriage and Old Fox rode a horned horse. He carried two wild chickens that the innkeeper had given him before he left.

This was a type of black and red-feathered chicken that had absorbed abyssal energy. Its flavor was top class and it was one of the foods that the Fox Clan loved the most.

Thinking about how Miss Feature loved food and drink, Old Fox was thinking about how to use these two chickens to prepare a grand meal.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! We have to go to Five Origin City to attend the auction! Haha, I want to buy, buy, buy, and use demon crystal to crush their minds!”

Feature shoved open the windows and leaned halfway out, shouting into the wind.

Black Astral’s emotionless face revealed a smile. He swung his arms and struck the whip, “Miss, please sit tight. We will be leaving now.”

“Black Astral, hurry up a little. I want to have a dinner in Five Origin City!” Feature returned to her seat and Mian Ya closed the window for her,

The two horned horses pulling the carriage suddenly whinnied out loud and increased their speed. A massive amount of abyssal energy gathered beneath their hoofs, unexpectedly taking the shape of a dragon. One could even hear the roars of dragons in their ears as the entire carriage was picked up in the clouds.

Whoosh –

The black iron carriage accelerated, howling into the distance like a shadow.

Old Fox patted the horned horse he was riding. “You should go faster too. Don’t be cast off by them.”

The horned horse called out in response. Its hooves moved as it chased after the carriage.

Thanks to Mian Ya, Feature had another hobby. That was reading.

It wasn’t encyclopedias that narrated the history of the abyss, classics, or anything like that.

Casually glancing at the cover, one could see various gaudy and fanciful illustrations as well as overly exaggerated excerpts, such as, “Ah, my beloved, I will follow you to the ends of the abyss.” Or, “Why? Why do you do this to me? My love for you can fill the entire abyss!” And so forth.

Of course, phrases like, “I will accompany you to see the rain falling in the abyss, to experience the ups and downs and life, all the sweet and sour and spicy experiences until we laugh out loud and burst into tears.” were even more common.

Qin Yu curled his lips and sneered inwardly. Feature actually liked reading these things and was even fascinated by them. Hoho, how weak and naïve!

But it didn’t matter whether she was naïve or not. All that mattered was that she continued reading and didn’t drag him into playing chess.

Qin Yu closed his eyes and moved into a more comfortable posture. He thought that going on a trip where they went if they wanted to go and stopped if they wanted to stop was also wonderful.

He could enjoy this but wouldn’t lose himself in it. Because he knew that the reason they obtained such a peaceful time was because Feature had done something.

This woman, she had become even more insane these past two days. He simply couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.

Hu –

Without thinking about it, this was now the seventh day. At the time of the agreed date, he would find out what secrets Feature was concealing.

As for whether or not she would be shameless and lie about it…hoho, Qin Yu guaranteed that if she dared to do this, he would never let it go!

The level of fiction novels in the abyss was clearly extremely good. On the way to Five Origin City, Feature simply didn’t look up.

Occasionally she rubbed her teary eyes, and sometimes she buried her head, hiding her blushing cheeks.

It was only when the carriage began to slow down and Black Astral called out loud that she reluctantly put the book down.

Qin Yu glanced at the cover. What he saw was a man wearing unusually revealing clothes. His skin was delicate and fair and his naked exposure was lethally blinding. His lips and eyes were curved up in a gentle and delicate aura.

He couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows together. What was going on with the women of these times? They were unexpectedly partial to this type of man.

Effeminate…homoerotic…whatever, they all shared a similar meaning. Qin Yu didn’t have the perfect word to describe it.

In short, it was the type of novel that caused goosebumps to rise up all over his body when he saw it.

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