With the prestigious Netherworld Station managing the event, Five Origin City’s grand auction finally opened up on that night.

Three main venues and seven branch venues would be used at the same time. There were thousands upon thousands of auction items that could be said to be truly priceless.

Several days ago, a large number of demons started to enter Five Origin City, and now its population reached the peak today.

The statistics were incomplete, because at least more than five million demons had gathered at Five Origin City for this auction.

The beast tide had just passed not too long ago, and the somewhat depressed Five Origin City became busy and bustling again. Come to think of it, the demons who had just survived a disastrous beast tide all needed a way to vent their joy of living.

In short, because the beast tide had erupted ahead of time, the auction was now more popular than expected. A direct consequence of this was that the streets leading to Netherworld Station were all crowded with people.

Fortunately, Five Origin City already seemed to be expecting this. As such, a massive number of demon guards were dispatched to maintain order.

The flow of people wasn’t completely overcrowded and stuck. They still moved forward at a slow and steady pace.

Old Fox and Black Astral stood in the front and back, blocking the turbulent flow of people to prevent anyone from colliding into Feature. But there were just far too many people, and because they didn’t want to expose their cultivation base, the two of them were left sweating as they worked hard.

Old Fox said, “Miss, with our infield tickets we can enjoy VIP treatment. As long as we identify ourselves, we can enter through the fast lane.”

Feature hesitated for a moment. She glanced at the mulling crowds of demons and asked, “With our current speed would we be late to the auction?”

Old Fox shook his head. “That won’t happen, we have plenty of time.”

Feature said, “Then let’s not take the fast lane. It’s good to get squeezed in there too.”

Old Fox forced a smile and announced that Miss Feature’s hobbies were truly out of the ordinary.

He and Black Astral glanced at each other and sensed the other’s thoughts. They immediately summoned a bit of demonic energy, quietly shoving away the surrounding demons.

There were some ignorant ones who stared straight at Feature, their eyes wide as they panted heavily. All of them ended up screaming and falling to the ground. Whether they lived or died, that would depend on their luck.

Of course, strictly speaking, Old Fox and Black Astral had saved their lives. Because if they really did try to touch her or anything, it wouldn’t be luck that determined their life and death. Rather, they would be immediately reduced to dust.

Qin Yu looked at the excited Feature and the strange feeling in his heart grew increasingly intense.

This woman clearly had a formidable background and immense strength. But why did she have an appearance like she had never seen such sights before?

He really couldn’t figure her out.

An hour later, they finally arrived at the entrance to Netherworld Station. Qin Yu looked at Old Fox in the back and Black Astral in front. On the way here, these two demons had broken the legs of at least 80 people if not a hundred.

As he thought, beautiful women were the source of all trouble.

Of course, whether she was the source of trouble or not, it didn’t matter to him as long as that trouble didn’t land on him. Moreover, these demons who had broken legs weren’t heroes either. It was impossible for him to sympathize with them.

So Qin Yu subconsciously thought about it before shifting his attention to the Netherworld Station in front of him.

At first glance, what he saw was an incomparably large sign of two characters that spelled out Netherworld. It was dark red and seemed to drip with blood.

The smell of blood and killing intent rushed towards him. It flooded the mind, making one feel fear and alarm.

Even if he didn’t know much about Netherworld Station’s reputation and strength, just looking at this sign would make one instinctively feel dread.

Qin Yu could vaguely feel a terrifying aura contained within these words.

Although he had no idea who wrote this, the one who did had to be one of the peak demons of the abyss.

The entire Netherworld Station building was huge. It was like a table that rose up from the ground, separated into layers with large and small windows opened up throughout. Bright lights shined out from the inside.

The dozens of entrances to the first layer were all opened up. Specialized teams of demons stood guard at the entrances, examining admission tickets.

The tickets in the infield were enough to be called VIPs. After Old Fox took out the admission tickets, the party was immediately received with courtesy.

Not only were they given priority to pass through, but a demon woman was arranged to lead them to their corresponding locations.

The seats in the infield were much more spacious, like booths. Feature and Qin Yu sat down while Black Astral, Old Fox, and Mian Ya stood to the side.

The eyes of the demon woman who led the way brightened. She said with increasing respect, “Honored guests, if you have need for any assistance during the auction, please feel free to ask. I will stay here to serve you.”

As she spoke she bowed and took a few steps back, standing to the side. Then, she took out an internal communication device and posted some information about these VIP guests so that they could be given more attention ahead of time.

To purchase five infield tickets at one time, it was possible that these people had spent some demon crystals to come here and experience the event for fun.

But with five tickets and only two people sitting and the three others standing to the side, this was entirely different.

Among other things, the price of the infield tickets of the auction had risen up as high as the sky. This in itself was a sort of symbol.

Yet three servants came along. It was clear that these people didn’t care much about such a small amount of money.

That meant these were absolute VIPs!

Feature had an excited expression. She constantly looked around, waiting for the auction to begin.

Qin Yu looked at the demon woman from Netherworld Station and then at Black Astral, Old Fox, and Mian Ya who were standing around conspicuously. He thought for a moment and said, “You three should also sit down.”

“Thank you, sir.” Old Fox’s eyes flashed as he somewhat guessed Qin Yu’s thoughts. After expressing his gratitude, he took a seat.

Black Astral and Mian Ya also sat down.

“We have enough demon crystals, right?” Feature suddenly thought of a serious matter and hurriedly asked around.

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. You thought of that this late into the game? Could you be any more late?

Old Fox smiled, “Miss, rest assured that we have enough.”

Black Astral nodded, “If there isn’t enough, I also have some that will surely leave miss satisfied.”

The two had a light and carefree expression. This wasn’t intentionally, but because with their status, demon crystals were nothing but a number.

So what if they used them all up? As long as they could satisfy Miss Feature, everything was worth it.

Moreover, if they wanted demon crystals, it would take nothing but a flick of their fingers. It was just far too easy.

Feature’s smile brightened. “That’s wonderful! But don’t worry, I won’t just take your demon crystals. If you need them back in the future, just ask Qin Yu for payment.”

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. “Feature, don’t push things too far. Why should I pay the debts you owe?”

“Hum hum! Because I saved your life? Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for me then Ao Fa would have killed you. Do you think you would still be alive and kicking right now?”

Feature coldly sneered, “A life-saving graciousness can be repaid with just demon crystals, but you are still dissatisfied with that. Qin Yu, do you know what people mean when they say others have the heart of a wolf and the lungs of a dog?”

Qin Yu’s face darkened, completely helpless at what to do. He had thought that Feature would take this matter as a way to use and abuse him.

And now his premonitions had come true.

Old Fox hurriedly said, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. It’s just demon crystals. Sir and miss can have as many as you wish; there is no need to pay them back.”

Qin Yu shook his head. “One thing is different from another. Since they are to offset a life-saving graciousness, I will definitely return them.”

Feature smiled and clapped her hands in praise, “What bravery, what righteousness! I happen to like people who say such things. Then today, I apologize in advance if I spend too much.”

Qin Yu closed his eyes and leaned back against the soft and spacious chair, no longer looking at this smug woman.

Seeing him avoiding the battle, Feature became even prouder of herself. She felt that recently she had become increasingly fierce when facing Qin Yu and always gained the upper hand.

Could it be that he was intentionally letting her win?

No, no way. It was clearly her who was justified and irrefutable in her reasoning, thus he had no choice but to obediently bow his head.

Hehe, that’s right, it had to be this!

Blue Wave sat with his eyes closed in the auction hall of Netherworld Station, listening as a guard whispered to him.

Shua –

His eyes opened and flashed with light. “So you’re saying that Miss Feature is also at Netherworld Station right now?”

“Yes, sir.” The demon beside him respectfully said.

Blue Wave’s lips curved up in a smile and his eyes sparkled. “Fate, this is definitely fate. Perhaps this is the best arrangement that the abyss made for me.”

Black Armor lowered his head, his lips twitching. He didn’t think this was true…it had to be known that fate could be divided into many kinds. For instance, a tragic fate.

That Miss Feature clearly didn’t have a low status. Although the young master was the City Lord’s little brother and that could be considered a previous status, others might not care about it.

If he mishandled this then there was likely to be a disturbance…this thought percolated in his mind for a time, but he finally decided not to say anything.

The young master’s heart had been moved. To speak any further on this issue would be meaningless. He could only keep his mouth shut and hope there wasn’t an accident.

Blue Wave thought for a moment and waved a hand. The demon woman serving him immediately walked over and fell to her knees, “Sir, what orders do you have for me?”

“Come over. There is something I want you to help me with.”

The demon woman leaned forward without avoiding him. Her soft body clung to him as she exhaled into his ears, “Sir, please speak.”

Blue Wave’s lips curved up in a smile. It wasn’t that he hadn’t participated in Netherworld Station’s auctions before, and he knew some secret perks that others might not be aware of.

For instance, these demon women that were responsible for entertaining VIP guests. If a guest wanted, they could directly take them away for a round of fun.

As they rushed here, there was a time where he hadn’t been close to any women. Now that he had been hooked by that woman, his heart couldn’t help but fluctuate.

But now wasn’t the time to seek out carnal pleasures. Blue Wave stretched out a hand and traced the demon woman’s curves, pulling her close and whispering a few words into her ears.

The demon woman had an awkward expression, “This…”

Blue Wave’s fingers began to rub and move. He smiled and said, “Strictly speaking, this sort of thing doesn’t violate the rules of the Netherworld Station. I just want to know the position of a friend. As long as you can do this for me, I won’t mistreat you.”

The demon woman’s face blushed red. She hesitated and then nodded, “Then I must ask you to wait a moment.” When he took back his hand, she stood up and left.

Black Armor said, “Sir, the demon women of Netherworld Station have all cultivated sexual absorption cultivation methods. It is better not to have any relationship with them.”

Blue Wave faintly said, “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Although Black Armor was loyal, he was too rigid and cautious. It wasn’t the type of personality he liked. Once he returned to Adversity Peak City, he would have his brother switch him out for someone else.

Moments later, the demon woman returned. She walked over to Blue Wave’s side and whispered into his ears.

Blue Wave’s eyes brightened and he smiled, “Well done. This is for you.”

The demon woman received the beast leather belt and smiled in joy. After profusely thanking him, she coquettishly winked and walked away.

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