Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1075: Spring Breeze 13th Madame

The ones Mian Ya spoke of were two little children who seemed around three to five years of age. They were cute and delicate, with furry fox ears on their heads.

Right now, they had collars specially made by slave merchants on their necks. These collars imprisoned their demonic energy, preventing them from running away before they recognized their master.

Slaves who had the qualifications to wear collars were all high-grade goods. Usinig these precious collars on two little nine-tailed demon fox children seemed to be overdoing things.

“Everyone, I know that you are all confused about why I am treating them so seriously. But, we slave merchants only chase profits. If I didn’t hesitate to put slave collars on these two little things, there was naturally a reason for me to do so.”

The owner of this slave stall was a short and stout demon with thick golden chains hanging off his neck and black glasses covering his eyes. He wore black robes over his thick chest, and two sturdy fangs jutted out from between his lips. Looking at his short and curly hair that sprung upwards, it was clear that he had the wild boar bloodline flowing through his body.

Pigs did not represent honesty and stupidity. On the contrary, the wild boar bloodline was cruel, violent, and cunning. It was a middle rank demon seed bloodline and was considered quite powerful.

He pulled open his robes at the front, revealing an appearance of fat. But in fact his skin was thick and his defenses were as hard as stone. A terrifying scar crossed his belly. It looked like the flesh and blood there had been eroded by a formidable demonic energy attack. It was stitched together with some sort of silk thread right now, but the scar still lay on his stomach like a centipede, horrifying and alarming.

“This scar was given to me by this bastard boy. If it weren’t for the fact that my belly is thick, I would’ve been opened up by him.”

The complexions of the surrounding demons changed, but most of them had suspicious expressions.

These two nine-tailed demon fox children were just too young. Even if they possessed a formidable bloodline, it was hard to imagine that they could inflict such serious injuries on this obviously strong slave trader.

“Hehe, I, Strong Pig, have been in the slave trade for a hundred years and have never made a mistake in the quality of my goods. All of my customers are well aware of this. I also understand if you don’t believe me, so I will give an explanation.” He closed his robes. As if he had aggravated his injuries, he snarled with pain. Then he turned and glared at the boy with a bitter and annoyed expression.

“What do you hate me for? I wasn’t the one that extinguished your village! If you can’t sell well for me, I will have you understand what sort of price you must pay for harming me!” With a cold sneer, Strong Pig walked over and reached out for the boy.

The girl at his side grabbed tightly onto him. Her eyes were shut tight, with tears constantly streaking down.

“Little sister, let go, he won’t kill me.” The boy earnestly said, pushing the girl away.

Strong Pig grinned. “Of course. You are the biggest gold brick in my business right now. How could I kill you?”

Strong Pig picked the boy up and turned around, smiling, “Everyone, please take a good look. I will show you why these siblings are set at such a high price!”

As he spoke, he lifted a finger and touched the slave collar.

Bang –

A terrifying aura of viciousness and resentment broke free from the boy’s body. His pale face distorted and the desire for wanton destruction filled his eyes.

A red-eyed nine-tailed demon fox phantom that stood over several hundred feet tall appeared above the boy’s head. It roared out loud and bit down.

Strong Pig coldly snorted. He tightened his hand on the boy’s neck, simultaneously activating the power of the slave collar.

The nine-tailed demon fox phantom blew apart. The boy was deathly pale, his body drenched with sweat as he shivered.

“Demonic energy filling the body, a bloodline gathered!” A demon suddenly cried out loud from the surrounding crowd. He looked at the boy and then the girl, a burning heat in his eyes.

Shua –

The complexions of numerous demons changed as they heard this.

Strong Pig gave him a thumbs up and laughed, “Guest has good eyes. That’s right, after undergoing an expensive appraisal process, this is indeed the situation that this guest spoke of.”

He looked around at the crowd, smiling widely as he saw the heat blazing in their eyes. “Around half a month ago, there was a well-known slave hunting team that was out on a mission. Because I have agreed to keep their identity secret, I cannot give you their name. But in short, these damned villains had good luck and found a village where the Nine-tailed Demon Fox Clan was living in seclusion.

“Everyone knows that the Nine-tailed Demon Fox Clan was once an existence comparable with the royal families. Even if they have declined, whether it is the men or women of their tribe, they are still considered peak goods of the slave market. Each one sells for a sky high price.

“But these villains, perhaps their hands were stained with too much blood, but they were in the end abandoned by the will of the abyss. When they broke into the village, they encountered the desperate resistance of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox Clan. While I didn’t personally experience what happened there, from what I understand of them and what they narrated afterwards, there was always dread and horror in their eyes. It must have been an unusually terrifying encounter.”

Strong Pig loosened his grip and tossed the boy behind him. He pointed at the two children and said, “Finally, while the slave hunting team suffered heavy casualties, they killed off every nine-tailed demon fox in the village. Then they captured these two little things in a small temple at the center of the village.

“As night arrived, the slave hunting team that had already suffered heavy losses welcomed in true terror. These two little things nearly killed off the rest of the team. But in the end, they weren’t able to withstand the powerful strength within their bodies and they fell unconscious. That is the only reason they were captured. As for this wound I have, I received it when I was putting the slave collar on him. I was not careful for an instant and was clawed by him.”

Strong Pig drew in a deep breath, “Now, I have explained their origin and conditions. You should all know the value of these two little things, right? With their current bloodline talent, they are inconceivably strong. As long as they grow up they are already assured to become Demon Generals. If they are handled properly and raised with care, they can even impact the Demon Commander realm.

“To speak the truth, I had thoughts of keeping them for myself. But I eventually gave up on this attractive idea. While a Demon General level slave is something I can still control, if it is a Demon Commander…not to mention whether there will be a backlash in the future, just the logic of a person’s possessions arousing the envy of others is enough to have me running away with my tail between my legs. Thinking about it, the remnants of the slave hunting team who sold these two to me also had similar thoughts.”

He lifted a hand and raised two fingers. “To purchase them, I spent a great deal of money. The two slave collars and the wound I received, all of this is included I the cost. So, the final price is 20 million demon crystals. Moreover, I want to make sure this is crystal clear. It is 20 million for each one, both for 40 million!”

Whoosh –

Even on the main stage of the auction hall, 40 million demon crystals was considered a high bid. And in the slave market that was based on small profits and quick turnover, this was simply shocking.

Many demons widened their eyes as if they were watching a madman. But, they stood in place, completely motionless.

This price wasn’t too exaggerated.

A Demon General level slave would sell for around 3-5 million demon crystals on the slave market. It was said before that a common Demon General had around a million demon crystals worth of money.

But wealth and life weren’t equal. If one offered 5 million demon crystals to a Demon General to die, they wouldn’t accept that offer.

But if one spent demon crystals and bought a Demon General level slave, they could do whatever they wanted to them…so this price was considered relatively reasonable.

The two nine-tailed demon fox children might be small and weak, but they had ridiculous growth potential.

Just a moment ago when the boy’s slave collar was released and his aura burst out for an instant, everyone had been able to determine he really did have the potential to break into the Demon Commander realm.

And a Demon Commander level slave…that was priceless!

They rarely appeared on the slave market. And even if they did show up, they would be forcibly bought.

It had to be known that Demon Commanders were below one and above 10,000. Besides the Abyssal Demon Kings, they stood at the peak of the abyss. They represented endless wealth, power, and influence!

20 million demon crystals to buy a slave that had a chance to become a Demon Commander in the future…this was a gamble, but if they succeeded in the gamble, the harvest would be ten times and even a hundred times greater.

Almost the entire slave auction field fell deathly silent. Many demons had an uncertain look in their eyes.

Even if they bought one, that was still 20 million demon crystals. This was not an easy decision to make.

Mian Ya had a tense expression. She occasionally glanced up at Qin Yu but didn’t dare to say anything. 40 million demon crystals surpassed her limit. Only Qin Yu could purchase them.

“40 million demon crystals, I’ll take both of them!” A charming voice rang out in everyone’s ears and the quiet scene immediately blew up.

Someone really made a bid!

Mian Ya’s eyes widened, her complexion paling.

Strong Pig pointed a finger. “Wonderful! This guest has bid 40 million, is anyone willing to place a higher bid? Our slave market’s rules are to have a fixed price, but if anyone else is interested, they can quote a higher bid and compete!”

The crowd separated to both sides. A demon woman with an enchanting figure sashayed forward. Her large eyes fell onto Strong Pig and she smiled, “Oh, I also want to know which big brother is willing to make a move and snatch these two little things away from me.”

She glanced around the crowd. The demons who saw her all changed their expressions.

“13th Madame!”

“It’s actually that woman!”

“This is troublesome!”

Many demons frowned, silently feeling regret. If they knew about this earlier then they would have made a bid before her.

It wouldn’t be like now, where this woman would take away the entire pot.

As for competing with her…

They would consider it over. Were they tired of living? Why would they go and seek their own death?

This was Spring Breeze 13th Madame!

In Five Origin City, there was a Spring Breeze Embroidery Shop. While the proprietress was beautiful, business was ordinary.

But after many years, the embroidery shop was still there. There were no signs of business slowing down.

The reason why this embroidery shop was famous was not because they were still here even with their mediocre business, but because they were still safe after a great storm passed through them.

No one knew how the storm of the past began, and no one knew how the matter was finally resolved. However, 13 families in the east side of the city had been defeated and not even a single branch bloodline had been able to escape. This was the reason for 13th Madame’s infamous reputation.

The reason she was called Spring Breeze 13th Madame was that she was the owner of an embroidery shop and also an existence in Five Origin City that could not be provoked.

No one knew how vicious and sinister she was, but the 13 great families that had been entirely killed off were the best proof of this.

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