Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1080: Red-eye Demon Clan

Thus, not long after, the first person to notice something wrong and be attacked was a demon guard under Blue Wave’s command.

He only had time to scream out loud that there was a demon beast attack. Then, his entire head was swallowed up and chewed into fragments, becoming thick goo that dripped to the ground from the lips of a demon wolf. The air immediately filled with the rank smell of blood.

The camp was alerted. Blue Wave flushed red. This wasn’t from anger for his guard being killed, rather it was an embarrassment to him that one of his guards had been killed by a demon wolf so easily.

Especially in front of Feature!

“Kill it!”

It wasn’t rare for demon beasts to attack people in the abyss. It could only be said that this colleague of theirs was unlucky, so the other demon guards weren’t sad or worried.

After all, it was just a demon wolf.

“Yes, sir!” A demon guard shouted. He coldly sneered and moved forward, “You filthy beast, prepare to die!”

Black Armor had fallen out of favor with the young master recently. This was well known by everyone. If so, then once they returned to Adversity Peak City, the position of the young master’s guard leader would inevitably be filled by someone else.

No one wanted to miss out on such a good opportunity, so the guard who just volunteered had been quite active recently.

Black Armor was expressionless. He was loyal to his master’s family, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel angry or didn’t know how to use schemes and tricks. After all, it was impossible to rely on loyalty alone to survive this long and also obtain the trust of the City Lord to be assigned the position of guard leader.

Towards someone who wanted to replace him, and was even one of his subordinates…there was only an ice-cold light in his eyes.

Ordinary demon wolf?

Hoho, what a joke. Let’s see how you die.

“Ahh!” With a pitiful scream, the demon guard who stepped forward had his stomach torn open, blood and organs falling onto the ground.

“Save me! Save me!” The demon race possessed a potent vitality, so this demon guard didn’t die immediately. He crawled along the ground, using his fingers to drag himself away.

But soon, his pain came to an end. The demon wolf bit through his throat and swallowed his head whole.

This demon wolf seemed to be especially interested in the heads of the demon race.

“A brain-eating demon wolf, it’s a brain-eating demon wolf!” A demon guard shouted out loud, alarm and fear in his eyes.

Abyssal demon beasts mostly had no intelligence. They generally followed their instincts to eat up other demon beasts and demons to promote their own strength.

The more they ate, the more demon seed bloodlines would be mixed into their bodies. If they were lucky enough they would transform into Demon Beast Kings, and due to the suppression of the abyss’ will, their intelligence would be restored.

But besides that, there was also one situation that would allow a demon beast to maintain a certain degree of wisdom.

That was to eat brains.

The strength of the demon race came from the demon seed bloodline within their bodies. As for their souls, they were supported by a mysterious substance in their brains, continuously strengthening as they gained more power.

Swallowing the brain fluids of the demon race allowed a demon beast to temporarily rid themselves of their bloodline influence.

Of course, demon beasts themselves didn’t know this, so brain-eating demon beasts often only occurred due to a nexus of coincidences. They were scarce in number.

But without a doubt, brain-eating demon beasts possessed a strength far surpassing their kin. Because with intelligence, they could consciously avoid dangers as well as powerful enemies. They could just capture small and weak prey, slowly building up their strength.

And if brain-eating demon beasts wished to maintain clarity of thought, they would have to constantly swallow the brain fluids of demons.

This led to this current sight.

Black Armor stepped forward and said, “Sir, there is no need to worry. This is just a brain-eating demon wolf. At most it can compare with a Demon General. I will go and slay it, taking its head to dismiss sir’s worries!”

Blue Wave nodded, “Very good. You go.”

He wasn’t too aware of Black Armor’s strength. But since his big brother had dispatched him to accompany him, there surely wouldn’t be a problem with it.

And facts proved that Blue Wave’s confidence was correct. While Black Armor’s actions left him dissatisfied, his strength was tyrannical.

With a few simple exchanges, he probed the strength of this brain-eating demon beast. Then, he drew back his spear and pierced through it.

The brain-eating demon beast wildly struggled, but a lava-like strength roared into its body and crazily annihilated its vitality. Craziness, cruelty, and unwillingness flashed in its eyes before all of these emotions finally dissipated into a dark nothingness.

Black Armor gasped for breath. Although he hadn’t fought for long, he suffered some losses. It was the last spear strike that contained his full strength.

But all of this was worth it. After this matter, he might be able to restore some of his status in the young master’s heart. Even if he had to hand over his position of guard leader, he wouldn’t end up in too pitiful a situation.

But at this time, a million warning bells started ringing in his heart. Black Armor’s complexion changed and he stamped his feet down, retreating backwards without hesitation.

His reaction was quick but he was still a bit too slow. The brain-eating demon wolf that had been pierced through suddenly blew apart.

In this moment of crisis, Black Armor let out a deep roar and demonic energy erupted around him, forming a suit of battle armor.

This demonic energy armor was one of the skills of a Demon General. The reason Black Armor possessed his nickname was because the demonic energy armor he was able to condense possessed astonishing defensive capabilities.

But at this moment, when the brain-eating wolf blew apart, the blood fog it formed made him feel as if he fell into a vat of strong acid. A large section of his armor was instantly corroded away. The exposed flesh and blood turned blue and black and began to emit a foul odor.

Black Armor’s complexion changed. Without hesitation, he raised his sword up and cut down, slicing off the discolored flesh. He was relieved when he saw red blood flowing out. But right afterwards, as he saw the blood fog scattering, the alert sounding in his heart only grew louder.

Something was off here.

Although a brain-eating demon wolf possessed wisdom, the toxicity of the blood fog produced from its on-death explosion actually surpassed the limits of its ability.

Was someone controlling this brain-eating demon wolf?

As this thought appeared, Black Armor’s heart shrank. A cold chill shot up his spine, making him feel as if he had fallen into an icy lake.

Demon beasts had no wisdom. Except for a small number, it was simply impossible to tame them.

And the brutal and incomparably cruel demon wolf was one of the most stubborn and unruly kinds. He had never heard of a demon clan that was able to control them.

But in this world, there were always exceptions.

There was one demon clan that was not tolerated within the abyss. They were not allowed to set foot in territories controlled by the demon race. They could only wander the wilderness of the abyss like stray dogs, living pathetic lives besides the demon beasts.

They were the Red-eye Demon Clan mentioned before. Because they had swallowed too many demon seed bloodlines, they finally lost control of their strength. They became controlled by the cruelty and savagery of their demon seed bloodline. They were terrifying existences that only knew slaughter and destruction.

Perhaps the abyss itself was the source of evil, so it hadn’t completely blocked the ability of the Red-eye Demon Clan to survive. Even if they were abandoned by the orthodox demon race and would be hunted down and exterminated if found.

The red-eye demons obtained the ability to coexist peacefully with the demon beasts. They could survive in the wilderness, and there were even some powerful red-eye demons that could use special methods to control and command demon beasts for their own use.

If this was true…

Black Armor drew in a deep breath and suppressed his rising fear. He quickly returned to Blue Wave’s side and said, “Sir, we must leave immediately!”

“Your subordinate Demon General’s strength is incredible. It really is a rare sight.” Feature said with a soft voice, revealing a hint of appreciation.

This caused Blue Wave to feel that he just restored his previous loss of face. As he was about to laugh and be humble about it, Black Armor rushed back to him and said that they needed to immediately leave.

The sudden interruption caused Blue Wave to feel as if his entire plan had been ruined. He subconsciously furrowed his eyebrows together and said, “Why?”

As he thought, even if this Black Armor was strong, he was completely unsuitable to use. He had no ability to judge the current situation at all.

Black Armor had a nervous sweat running down his forehead. He quickly said, “This brain-eating wolf’s behavior wasn’t normal. There is likely to be some hidden danger lurking around. Sir, I don’t have time to explain further. If we leave now we still might make it.”

Feature raised her eyebrows. She glanced at Black Armor, a bit of surprise on her face.

Although her previous compliment had been deliberate, it was true that this fellow’s strength was decent.

And now, it seemed he was alert enough and had reacted decisively. There was some value in cultivating him.

But when his actions fell into Blue Wave’s eyes, there was a different meaning to them. Blue Wave coldly replied, “Black Armor, just what are you trying to say?”

This fellow had just shown his strength. Did he want to take this opportunity to obtain more merits in exchange for his satisfaction?

At other times, he didn’t mind cooperating with his subordinates. As long as everything was under his control, these were trivial matters.

But now was not a good time!

If he turned and left now without even knowing what the reason was, he feared that the good impression he left in Feature’s heart would be torn to pieces.

“Hehe, I found you!” A low and gloomy voice resonated in the air. It shook space, spreading into everyone’s ears.

Black Armor’s complexion changed. He could feel a cold and blood-drenched taste from this voice that was impossible to forget.

It was them! It really was them!

If he had run away just now, then with his strength he might have been able to carry the young master away. But now it was too late.

Without time to answer Blue Wave’s shouted question, Black Armor turned around and stared into the depths of the forest. “We’re under enemy attack! Protect the young master!”

This was the sorrow of slaves in the abyss. Even if they were smart or strong, everything they were was in the hands of their master. They had no right to bargain.

And even if they fell into a dangerous situation, they could only choose to risk their lives and desperately fight…running away to save their lives was impossible!

Traces of wisp began to appear. They were dark gray in color, like claws and teeth weaving their way forward, reaping life wherever they went.

Wherever they crossed, the verdant forest withered away. The trees that absorbed demonic energy as nourishment to survive weren’t able to withstand the destructive power and were destroyed by the mist.

Bang –

Bang –

Loud explosions occurred and the earth shook. There were the sounds of trees breaking and crashing into the ground, gradually approaching from far away.

As if some colossal being was walking through the mist and constantly approaching the camp.

Blue Wave’s face turned blue. Without a doubt, the ways things were progressing proved that Black Armor’s judgment was correct. But it was because of this that his actions before seemed increasingly stupid and ignorant.

Would this cause Miss Feature to look at him differently?

He glanced around. She was looking into the mist, not even paying attention to him.

This sight caused Blue Wave to ball his hands together. A cloudy look appeared in his eyes.

That damned Black Armor!

Wrong? Of course he wasn’t wrong. So the only thing that could be wrong was Black Armor! It was he who didn’t do his job well!

The sound of laughter came from the mist. It was charming, carrying with it an enticing lilt, “Little brother, I said before that we would meet each other again soon.”

After a brief pause, the voice continued to say, “So now, I have come this far to honor my previous promise. Little brother, hurry and come out…”

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