“Of course…it’s not true!” Feature patted his shoulder, speaking with the lofty aura of a big brother giving advice, “Brat, we will meet again. And I think it won’t be too far in the future. Of course, the premise is that you survive and manage to leave the abyss world…I did prepare so many things for you. If you were to be killed off by the abyssal demons, that really would be shameful!”

Qin Yu didn’t pay attention to the words near the end. He looked at her, catching hold of any tiny fluctuation of emotion.

She spoke naturally and truthfully, every word from her heart…in other words, they would meet again.

The death that Feature spoke of…should be described as vanishing instead…only then would it be a bit more accurate…

Qin Yu had already expected that she was an extremely formidable existence in the living world. What arrived here was nothing but a projection of her will.

Because this would explain everything about Feature. For instance, the reason she couldn’t use her strength to avoid being detected by the abyss’ will. For instance, how she rapidly grew into such a powerful demonic refining master. It was because she had eyes that could pierce through all and see the truth, and the Demon Dragon Elder Ao Fa’s awe was also testament to this.

This was just a projection. At most it was an existence similar to an avatar, yet she had so much power. Her true strength was likely beyond his imagination.

Why would someone so mystical and formidable die? Whether it was a projection or avatar that vanished, it was just a part of her strength.

The two would meet each other again. Feature would still be Feature, and the memories they shared would always exist.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s heart relaxed a little. But for some reason, he still felt enveloped by a strangely low air pressure, unable to summon the energy to do anything.

Perhaps it was because Feature had been accompanying him from the moment he woke up in the abyss. Without her presence, he wouldn’t be where he was today.

Once she left, he would definitely find it hard to adapt…maybe, just a little bit, he would miss this woman.

He took a deep breath and suppressed these random thoughts. He fell onto his back and said, “Don’t worry, I will certainly return alive…at that time, don’t even think of hiding from me…”

“I won’t hide, I won’t hide. But wanting to see this miss isn’t easy either. It will depend on whether or not you have the strength.” Feature smugly said. “My status in the living world isn’t ordinary. You will come to understand later just how thick of a thigh you’ve grabbed onto. As long as you don’t die, you can freely walk anywhere in the living world!”

Qin Yu said, “Then I’ll have to ask that big thigh to take care of me in the future!”

“It’s a small gift, just a word is enough!” Feature laughed a few times before falling silent again. She reached out and nudged Qin Yu, “You don’t have anything else to ask me?”

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said, “I don’t think I have anything else to ask. And I think that you wouldn’t tell me the things I really want to know.”

Feature curled her lips, “You’re perceptive for a fool sometimes. I was originally thinking of making you feel depressed again.” After a brief silence she continued, “There’s also that issue you keep thinking about, the one related to the Path of 10,000 Souls. Although I still haven’t found the answer yet, the Path of 10,000 Souls was constructed with the abyss’ Nightmare Clan as the foundation. To solve a riddle you need the riddler. Perhaps you can find the answer if you go in that direction.”

Qin Yu mm’d in acknowledgement.

Feature stretched out her body and fell backwards. “Old Fox does a good job as a steward. This couch is very soft.”

She turned a few times before sneaking into Qin Yu’s arms. “Don’t move and don’t let your mind wander around. I was just lying down uncomfortably and searching for something to hug. Just think of yourself as a block of stone or wood. In short, just stay still.”

Qin Yu nodded, “I am staying still.”

“I’m sleepy. I’m resting for a moment.” Feature closed her eyes as her breathing soon became even.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. Hesitation flashed in his eyes but he didn’t say anything in the end. He only lifted a hand to embrace her.

This careless, reckless, and gangster-like woman was still just a woman. She had a petite body that he could hold with one hand.

Feature humphed twice as if dissatisfied with Qin Yu’s actions. But this was it, and she didn’t ask him to take his hand off.

Soon, she fell asleep, as if she were having a dream. Qin Yu didn’t know what sort of dream she was having, but from how she chuckled from time to time, it should be a beautiful one.

Mm…she’s even drooling. This woman shouldn’t be thinking about various gourmet feasts even in her dreams too, right…?

Qin Yu revealed a helpless expression.

The cave opening slowly lit up. Feature seemed to have been exhausted. After she fell into a deep sleep she didn’t wake up.

Qin Yu just lay down, staring at the ceiling above. His heart was peaceful and his mind was blank.

He didn’t know what to think about, nor did he want to think about anything.

At some point, he could feel the woman in his arms lighten a little. Qin Yu’s heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly looked down. Feature was still sleeping in his arms, a smile on her face as she breathed.

But she seemed to be covered in a layer of mist, turning blurry. It was impossible to clearly see her.

This blurriness gave her an incomparable sense of beauty…

At this moment, Qin Yu kind of understood the mental impact the abyssal demon race felt when they saw Feature.

Because she really was beautiful right now!

The increasingly beautiful Feature became more and more weightless with time. She was like a shadow, without any substance at all.

Her entire figure grew increasingly pale. She was like a picture of a lady, gradually vanishing from a piece of paper until only a shallow impression was left behind.

Just as Qin Yu thought she would directly vanish in her sleep, Feature suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at Qin Yu and smiled.

There was no way for him to describe this smile. It seemed to contain all the joy and happiness in this world. It directly swallowed up Qin Yu’s mind, causing his thoughts to become empty.

As he was still in a daze from this smile, Feature vanished from sight. Just like how she suddenly arrived at Qin Yu’s side, she suddenly left today.

Drops of cool liquid fell to the ground and shattered. Qin Yu raised his hand and touched his face, and he discovered that he had been crying.

He hadn’t cried for a long, long time…this was really a long lost emotion…

But why did he cry? Feature had vanished, but she didn’t really die. There would be a day when they saw each other again.

Yes, that was it!

Perhaps he could only blame this woman. Why did she smile so beautifully at the end and trick him into crying? Fortunately, no one saw it. He would keep this a secret and ensure no one found out about it.

Otherwise, he could already see the smug smile and winking expression Feature would have when they met again.


He could not allow her to be so smug!

He wiped his tears and looked at the cave’s entrance. After collecting himself, he gathered the things that Feature left behind and stepped out.

Although he didn’t ask much on this day, Qin Yu believed that Feature had prepared everything before she vanished.

So the Abyssal Demon Dragon Elder Ao Fa wouldn’t become a threat to him…he would even be a great boost to him.

Elder Ao Fa was standing outside the cave. When he saw Qin Yu, his eyes rippled for a moment before he calmed himself back down.

He lightly said, “My agreement with Miss Feature officially becomes effective starting now. Remember what I said before. No matter what the situation is, you have the right to summon me once.”

As his voice fell, Elder Ao Fa glanced at the cave once more before turning and leaving. Demonic energy flickered and he disappeared from sight.

Feature had left.

Qin Yu said this to Old Fox, Black Astral, Shadowless Demon, Mian Ya, and the others. Seeing that he wasn’t in high spirits and clearly had no intention of explaining this matter, the abyssals were shocked but didn’t press him for any answers.

Indeed, Qin Yu wasn’t speaking the truth. The first reason was that he didn’t want to recall too many memories about how Feature ‘vanished’.

The second reason was that he wanted to maintain an aura of pressure and awe against these people. Even if he had to make certain decisions in the future, he could be a little less worried.

It was always better to save up for a rainy day. In addition with the things Feature left behind, there was almost no chance for Old Fox, Black Astral, and the others to betray him.

But it was always better to be safe than sorry.

Because Qin Yu knew that Feature’s existence was the core that kept this group stable.

When she suddenly vanished, while Old Fox, Black Astral, and the others didn’t say anything, they clearly had their own thoughts. It wasn’t good for this kind of situation to last too long.

If he wanted the group to stabilize, he had to establish his core position in it as soon as possible, filling in the hole left by Feature.

The pots and jars she left behind were the best method to do so.

Perhaps because she came too late or because her talent was lacking, Feature didn’t leave behind any arrangements for Mian Ya.

Qin Yu thought about it and took out a bottle of demon medicine to give her. According to the information Feature wrote down, this demon medicine could strengthen one’s demon bloodline, even repairing their bloodline injuries.

Mian Ya was pleasantly surprised as she held onto the two nine-tailed demon fox children with her hands. She obviously had no plans to use this demon medicine for herself.

When she left with the two children, Qin Yu glanced around the cave. Black Astral, Old Fox, and Shadowless Demon were respectfully standing to the side. While they had calm expressions, it was difficult for them to hide their restlessness.

“Feature left behind some arrangements for you three before she left.” With a flick of his sleeves, demonic energy flashed and the three jars appeared.

“There is information written atop each one. You can take yours away separately and choose a safe place to use it. As for the effect…that can only depend on your luck.”

The breathing of the three old demons quickened and a burning heat flashed in their eyes. They bowed, “Thank you Miss Feature, thank you Your Excellency Qin Yu!”

Each one picked up their own jar. They held them tightly against their chests, their hearts rapidly beating.

Qin Yu saw this awe from the corner of his eyes. He waved his hand, “Go. I will wait here for five days…however, there is something I must remind you of. In the abyss, there is no harvest without reason. The more you wish to obtain, the greater the price you must pay. So, consider all of this carefully first.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.” The three old demons paused, a thoughtful expression on their faces as if thinking of something.

After bowing, the three turned and walked away.



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