Qin Yu closed his eyes. His mind instantly established a connection with Nine Nether Pagoda.

And this connection was based on the connection between Qin Yu and the Nightmare Ancestral Land. Or, it could be called an additional attribute he gained after that connection had been strengthened to a certain degree.

In short, what he could do right now was interfere with the internal flow of power within Nine Nether Pagoda to a certain extent. If he had to say how strong this interference was, then if someone asked him to directly summon it and pulverize the three demons into a mass of gooey flesh and blood…sorry, but that was not possible.

But if he just wanted to stop these three black-robed demons from carrying Cloud Billow off, that wasn’t too hard.

As Qin Yu fell silent and closed his eyes, the light in Cloud Billow’s eyes slowly extinguished as it was swallowed by unwillingness and despair.

Perhaps this was the inevitable destiny of the old King’s lineage…

Once his status was made public, Cloud Billow couldn’t imagine the terrifying situation that would follow afterwards. Despair crashed into him like a tide, yet it was also like layers of spider webs that wrapped around his heart, making every breath difficult to take.

Hum –

A fluctuation came back from Nine Nether Pagoda. The three demons’ eyes lit up with happiness.

It was complete!

Their final shadow quickly faded. In another breath of time, they would leave Nine Nether Pagoda.

At that time, the ‘hunt’ that they had prepared for countless years and finally started today would end perfectly.

One strike to take his life!

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly opened his eyes. He grasped forward, his fingers curving as if he had caught something.

The three demons revealed mocking looks, ridiculing Qin Yu for his uselessness. But before these looks disappeared, their faces stiffened.

An imprisoning power transmitted around them, capturing their illusory bodies and interrupting the transmission that had already begun.

The counter-shock force formed by the failure of the transmission broke into their bodies. At the same time, they stuffily coughed as their faces paled.

Six eyes stared at Qin Yu, filled with stunned shock and disbelief.

This boy…this boy…how could he possibly interrupt the transmission!?

But this shock only lasted a short period of time. With a loud shout, one of the black-robed demons roared out, “Kill him!”

It was obvious that as long as Qin Yu lived, they could not take away Cloud Billow.

For those dispatched to fulfill such a crucial mission, the ability to kill decisively and without hesitation was the most basic requirement.

Without hesitating, one demon grabbed onto Cloud Billow as the other two roared and rushed at Qin Yu.

Demon Commanders!

Qin Yu’s heart sank. One black-robed demon hadn’t attacked yet, but they were clearly all powerhouses of the same level.

To dispatch three Demon Commanders at once and even harm Cloud Billow, this was not a normal faction.

He had interfered today and interrupted their plan. Even though the two sides had no connection and he had never seen them before, Qin Yu had undoubtedly gained a terrifying enemy from this point on.

But he had already interfered now. Let alone whether or not he regretted it, even if he did, he still had to grit his teeth and make these new enemies.

Rumble rumble –

In the blink of an eye, the two black-robed demons clashed with Qin Yu. Violent fluctuations of wild strength swept out in all directions.

Fighting one against two, Qin Yu was at a disadvantage. But as the two demons went all-out against him, they discovered they couldn’t kill him in a short period of time!

This boy was unexpectedly also at the Demon Commander level, and his strength was incomparably tyrannical!

Surprise and anger surged out from the bottom of their hearts. Everything had been going smoothly and they were just about to succeed, but then Qin Yu had popped out of nowhere!

Incredibly formidable self-defense systems had been implemented on the land Nine Nether Pagoda was built on. No matter who it was, anyone that dared to act recklessly in Nine Nether Pagoda would be ruthlessly suppressed.

For all their preparations, they only managed to gain an hour of time. Once they crossed this threshold, Nine Nether Pagoda’s strength would be restored.

At that time, they would no longer be able to escape!

“Old Three, put down Cloud Billow and kill this brat with us first!” A black-robed demon howled.

The demon who held Cloud Billow hesitated for a moment before he let go and joined the fray.

Three Demon Commanders and two Demon Commanders were separated by just one, but the strength they produced was on completely different levels.

And more importantly, these three Demon Commanders had a strength that was able to meld together. Qin Yu had sensed this when he was fighting against two, but now that he fought against three, this sort of melding became even smoother. The result was that the total strength they output rose drastically.

Qin Yu blocked left and dodged right. He seemed to be in a distressed situation, but he actually felt relieved inside. Since they had let go of Cloud Billow, he could fight without scruples!

With a thought, his eyes suddenly turned dark. They were pure and transparent without any other color at all. It was like a miniature version of the endless abyss, capable of drowning and swallowing all.

The three opposing demons were struck hard. Their bodies shook and most of the wild demonic energy around them was dispersed.

Qin Yu took this opportunity to attack. He raised a hand and slammed forward. Demonic energy flooded out like a tide, blasting the three away.

Blood flowed out from their noses and mouths. The three demons widened their eyes, panic in their voices as they screamed out, “Abyss Gazer!”

The three Demon Commander level demons seemed to have discovered something terrifying. It even surpassed their heavy losses.

Qin Yu could feel the fear and awe in their eyes, and even the despair there.

“Kill Cloud Billow!” A demon rushed away. The other two took a deep breath and blocked Qin Yu’s path.

But the wild and violent atmosphere around them had vanished. All that was left was solemnity and fear.

As if just by blocking Qin Yu’s path, they had determined what would happen to them.

Carrying away Cloud Billow had become an impossible mission.

If so, they could only draw back and kill him here.

Qin Yu took a step and howled forward. The two Demon Commanders froze before they were sent soaring backwards.

He had no idea what an Abyss Gazer was, but it was undoubtedly an ability he obtained from the Nightmare Clan bloodline. It seemed to have an extra bonus terrifying damage attribute against them.

Two Demon Commanders weren’t even able to resist. They were directly overwhelmed!

Hearing his two companions’ pained grunts, the demon rushing at Cloud Billow revealed a manic look.

He cried out loud and raised a hand. A dark green light howled out, shooting at Cloud Billow!

Pa –

The dark green light tore through flesh and blood. Then, like a mass of liquid it was absorbed.

Cloud Billow’s eyes widened as she looked at Qin Yu in front of her. Their faces were very close, close enough that they could hear each other breathe.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and pushed Cloud Billow away. Then, he turned around and punched out. The last black-robed demon flew away, crashing into the stone wall and falling to the ground as he vomited blood.

The mission failed!

The three black-robed demons revealed eyes filled with pain. But against Qin Yu, they had no hope.

With a muffled sound, their bodies quickly blackened and started rotting away. Puddles of oil and putrid mucus formed on the ground, sizzling as it melted the floor.

In the blink of an eye, they had instantly vanished. All that remained was a corroded pit in the ground, proof of what just happened here.

The three black-robed demons had died and the imprisonment within Cloud Billow’s body loosened. He grabbed onto Qin Yu and anxiously said, “You’ve been poisoned, don’t use any more demonic energy. I will find a way to save you!”

He had smelled that dark green liquid. There was no way he would mistake it. It was venom extracted from a self-severing soul snake.

In terms of toxicity, even if a Demon Commander were touched by it they would die without a doubt. But Qin Yu blocked it for him without hesitation…

Qin Yu shook his shoulder and flung off Cloud Billow’s hand. He walked away, “My body is special and I don’t fear poisons. If you really want to thank me, don’t tell anyone what happened here today.”

His figure flickered and he vanished from sight.

Changes occurred at Nine Nether Pagoda; Cloud Billow from the old King’s lineage had been attacked, and several hundred nightmare clansmen had been severely wounded…a series of explosive news traveled out. It was like turbulent undercurrents beneath the water, sweeping out in all directions!

The entirety of Adversity Peak City was put on lockdown. The city guards that had disappeared for a long time suddenly rushed through the streets, patrolling back and forth with sharpened eyes.

The ten Clan Elders of the Nightmare Clan summoned leaders from the three great factions to Adversity Peak City. No one knew the specifics of what they spoke about, but the constant three-way conflict immediately fell silent.

It was certainly impossible for things to end easily like this. Because Cloud Billow was attacked, the old King’s lineage would never give up.

The more important reason was this incident involved the ancestral land, and it even occurred inside Nine Nether Pagoda. The audacity of this act surpassed the Nightmare Clan’s bottom line.

Although things seemed calmed on the surface, the investigative agencies beneath the Clan Elder Assembly had already started moving.

It was said that a man leaves behind his name wherever he stays, just as a goose utters a cry wherever it flies. Since this unknown faction had made a move, it was impossible for there to be no traces!

The bloodline restriction spell within Cloud Billow’s body had been undone. Even so, he suffered severe injuries due to its corrosive properties.

Right now he lay on bed, his face incomparably white, without any trace of blood.

The door was pushed open from outside. Cloud Boundless walked in with a gloomy expression. When he saw Cloud Billow lying on the bed, he took a deep breath and bitterly smiled, “I was too negligent this time.”

He already knew about the spies amongst the guards and had made corresponding arrangements. Even if the other party made a move, it wouldn’t harm Cloud Billow at all.

In fact, he could grasp their weakness and use it as a bargaining chip to counterattack and improve his chances of winning.

Cloud Boundless was full of confidence in his own arrangements.

But, he never imagined they would directly strike within Nine Nether Pagoda.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Cloud Billow. Otherwise he would become the sinner of the old King’s lineage.

As he thought about the series of changes that would have occured after Cloud Billow was captured, even Cloud Boundless felt his heart turn cold.

Cloud Billow asked, “Has the clan found any evidence?”

Cloud Boundless shook his head, his complexion growing uglier. “Since they dared to make a move, they must have cleaned their hands. While we have found some minor traces so far, even if we dig deep we will find at most some chess pieces they are willing to throw away.”

This result was within Cloud Billow’s expectations. After a brief silence he slowly said, “Since that’s the case, Clan Elder should use this opportunity to find compensation from other aspects.”

Even if everyone knew that the manipulator behind all of this was within a very small and narrow number of choices, it couldn’t be pursued without evidence.

Just like Cloud Boundless said, they would at most wipe away some chess pieces the other party had prepared beforehand. It wouldn’t harm their roots at all.

It was better to retreat and then advance. It was true that Cloud Billow had suffered an assassination attempt and the old King’s lineage nearly lost their future successor.

Therefore, it was normal to get some compensation. The Clan Elder Assembly wouldn’t be too stingy.


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